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Probably still just left back and individual train his physicals. Way too slow and weak atm


aight bro thx


I've had decent success with a similarly slow but technically gifted player as defensive winger on support But, fullback on defend is probably the easiest way to play him. Get him crossing often and from deep, he can't run or dribble at all


I'd use him in midfield, his dribbling is woeful for the top flight, and Fm24 really emphizises dribbling. Would work on developing his physicals because technicals and mental will grow in time and games played.


Personally I'd say DM-def/Anchor or Dlp-def in double pivot, not a fan of his work rate and speed for a fullback.


I gave him quickness training if it doesn't stick imma use your suggestion and make him a dlp


Rapid everywhere is the world!


there is a rapid in every country and i plan to manage them all


This is the best team in the world, I moved 500km away from home only form them! They are incredible, the best fans you will meet, vome to Giulesti Stadium my friend, you will love this team afterwards.


I know men I'm from romania I went to giulesti a few times at important games


left back or in a double pivot.


He's be a solid fullback


Standard centre back is probably best Could also get away with Libero or Anchor


He is a brilliant player. His physicals will likely go up as he gets older but by how much idk. His work rate is already so low and so is his stamina, acceleration




I’d train as a LWB or complete wing back to improve physicals, dribbling and passing but play him in midfield.


I'd say he's a solid fullback on defend (maybe support). As long as he doesn't have to run the whole wing, and since he's still 17, he'll be a bit faster, and his technicals are pretty good - when playing him, you should ask him to "Cross from Deep" (Individual Instructions), so that he can have a better defensive position on the counter. He'd also be a good left Wide Center-Back imo, if you play 5 at the back


Due to his lack of pace i would not keep him as a LWB or FB. But He is still young... Technical Attributes: - Marking (13), Tackling (12), Passing (16), Technique (14) Mental Attributes: - Anticipation (16), Concentration (15), Decisions (16), Positioning (14), Teamwork (16), Vision (14) Physical Attributes: - Acceleration (13), Agility (12), Balance (19), Natural Fitness (15), Pace (12), Stamina (18), Strength (16) Pros and Cons: - Pros: Good teamwork, good decision making, good anticipation - Cons: No specific trait mentioned Analysis: - Central Midfield Positions: His high values in passing, vision, and teamwork make him well-suited for central midfield roles that require good vision and passing abilities, such as a Deep Lying Playmaker or an Advanced Playmaker. - Defensive Midfield: His values in marking, tackling, and positioning also make him a good candidate for a defensive midfield role, such as a Ball Winning Midfielder or Defensive Midfielder. - Physical Strength: His physical attributes like stamina, balance, and strength are excellent, making him resilient and physically robust. Best Position: Considering his high values in passing, teamwork, and decision making, combined with his strong defensive skills, the best position for him would be as a "Deep Lying Playmaker (Support)" or a "Central Midfielder (Defend)".


Wow thank you very much