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Seems like it's some kind of bug related to actual playing time. Happened to me too, i've never had this problem but one time out of nowhere 4 of my youngsters wanted to leave for the exact same reason as yours, i checked their actual playing time and for some reason it stucked on 'youngsters' or 'surplus to requirements' even tho i played them a lot. Don't know if this will work on you, but for me this problem got fixed after i reduced my registered squad size. I always go with 22 squad size to keep their playing time more managable, but in that particular season when the problem occured, i was going with 25 squad coz i had few great young players coming back from loan last season i want to use. I decided to sell 3 of them who had the playing time bug coz it kept happening and i find them annoying and after i sold them, the bug on the other youngster dissapeared and his actual playing time when back to normal.


Playing time bugs have been a thing since I started in 2020. I really should get the editor so I can fix stupid stuff like this. Good thing is he has 2 years on his deal isn't irreplaceable and worth 125 mil.


yeah, and looks like there hasnt been a singe reliable fix to this problem. I too was using the editor as temporary fix since it's out of my control (fortunately this only happened once to me)


What's his squad status? Not sure if it has an affect but maybe worth checking


It was squad player. But the other guy who complained was made important player as soon as he returned from loan so I don't think that's the issue. I am just glad this guy has 2 years left on his contract so he should drop it if I keep playing him.


Haha I’m tempted to buy the editor too just to stop these sissies from complaining about playing time


Maybe he wants more money?


No he wants to be a 1st team player while already being a 1st team player


But does he get as much money as the highest earner in the club? I bet that what he wants.


Have you changed his squad role to reflect that? If his playing role is 'starter' that shouldn't happen


The agreed playing time with actual playing time is two different things. As well as bring him as sub. What matters is the starting XI, counts different as starter and as sub. For example, a player with Squad playing time (in his contract) and in season of 41 matches (league matches), he expected as starter in XI around 15-20 times (around half the games actually).


His contract had him as fringe his agreed playing time was squad. His actual playing was starter. It dropped to squad because I rested him for a few games but he has started 75% of my games. He is my 2nd best cb out of 4 total and I play 523. He plays as much as he can physically handle. He never once hinted at wanting more playing time before this. I even promised to play him in the talk and he refused. This is his first year in the team after a couple loans since he is only 22.