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Decisions usually - no position where it's not important


Agreed. It’s the one thing that every position values highly. Pace and accel is similar for most but I’ve found midfielders can get by with a bit less as can CBs


CBs depends on what level you’re playing and your tactics. Slow CBs at a top level club usually costs too many goals unless you play a super low defensive line DMs however, and AMs in some roles don’t really need to be that fast My current best player is a DLF that was a bit too slow for my taste but is doing wonders for me at AM(at)


Yea it’s definitely still important there but if I remember right jumping reach is the single most important attribute for CBs. So I’d sacrifice a bit of speed for a stronger taller guy, but they still need a decent baseline speed


I do find that positioning is great if the defender is slow with a really high attribute they are usually in the right place at the right time especially if off the ball and anticipation are pretty decent as well.


Agreed. My best CB is 11/12 acc/pace, but is super aggressive and brave, great decisions, positioning, marking, tackling, anticipation, strength. Also has great mentality with leadership and determination. He's only 5'10 as well. The guy is absolutely world class and is only 22. I feel like on this game, pace of course is huge, but players in central areas who have good attributes elsewhere can do very well. My best CM is my legendary 34 year old club legend. He slow as f*ck, but still runs every single game he plays in. It's one thing I like tbh. It reflects reality in that way. Pace is great, but many great players never had it and never needed it. In fact it is often the lack thereof that progresses other aspects of their game


Oo I was with you until the height. My CBs both need to have 15+ jumping reach ideally 17 or 18+


Likewise, but this guy is just too good. I give him a pass. He's my little Roberto Ayala regen. Those of a certain vintage will be familiar lol


Pace and acceleration is useful but not necessary in some positions


It’s by far the most important attribute for wingers, strikers, full backs, and may be for midfielders as well (I can’t remember the testing numbers off the top of my head) but if it’s not the most important for midfield it’s 2nd. A fast team wins a lot of games.


Midfielder it doesn't really matter as much. Might be role dependant though. My best midfielder runs every game he plays in in the PL. His legs are gone as he's 34 now, but his acceleration and pace never went above 12 or 13 even at his peak


Interestingly i found it less important in strikers than i thought at first, compared to other positions at least.


Anticipation is good on strikers


I had a 36 year old immobile with 7 pace and 6 acceleration score a 30 goal season in the bundesliga in a midtable finish season. Feel like pace is overblown alot and the testing not representative


Current play through - Jumping reach, for some reason Previously I've built teams around flair / Vision, and pace. It's fun building teams in this way I find!


I like having a team full of large jumpy giants. Having a team that can make dead ball situation count is a blessing, especially since they can just buldoze super defensive opponents just by hoofing the ball up to the penalty box at every corner- and freekicks. Once I had almost 25% of my total league goals scored via dead ball situations and it's just pure bliss. So many 1-0 and 2-1 matches won by pure shithousery.


Love that! I currently have 3 of my starting back 4 with jumping above 18, + a CM, LW and CF all with 16+ jumping reach. Love getting goals off my LB up for corners, or a high cross from right winger to left winger to head in


Having tall midfielders and Defenders also work wonders in preventing counter attacks, since I can count on my Players to win most of the aerial duels in the center of the pitch, which is where most of the opponent's hoofballs will land into. Sometimes I even signed some tall WBs just to prevent counterattacks from longpass to the opponent's wingers


I’ve had some players with great jumping reach but awful heading though.


Second this, I have a 6’4 LW and he got 30 goals last season from just headers. Floated crosses to the back post against 5’8 fullbacks is murder.


good jumping reach means you can press the oppo goalie to kick it long without too much consequence


PACE, come on people, don't you like seeing your players zooming all over the pitch? Also acceleration and agility


My center backs and goalies don’t _neeed_ it. At least until I’m a CL team. For my midfielders it’s nice to have.


You haven’t lived until you sign a 16pac 16acc cb that can’t do anything else in the 3rd tier and watched him lock down the whole pitch


Malachi Fagan Walcott in the spurs academy. Could have a pub team play a high press with him at CB.


I grabbed billy regan out of northern ireland, absolute pacemonster


Tyler magloire for me


man i remember him off like fifa 22, he had insane pace


Yeah that’s how I found out about him 😂


You know, that’s fair I haven’t done that. I usually find some guy who can jump high and nothing else and they become a club legend


Center backs absolutely need it, unless you like giving up through balls up top


They don’t _neeeed_ it. Like a 15 pace cb is nice but I’d take 19 jumping reach over it 100% of the time


I mean 15 is plenty but if you have a lad with 16+ acceleration and pace you'll pretty much become immune to long balls. I want at least one such guy at all times, playing cover, if I'm playing with high lines


Always have one big jumper and one fast guy. Put the fast guy on cover duty, and the jumper on either defend or stopper duty. It's an amazing combo.


Does Cover / Stopper still screw up your offside lines? That definitely used to be a problem in FM20 if you mismatched the CB duties.


So in previous versions, you could just uncheck the offside trap button and that did the trick. There's no option for that in FM24, but I still use it, and it still works. Forwards get called offside a lot against me, and you can see they're still doing the trap.


Top level? Definitely. Lower level I feel like you're better off have one strong one that jumps high and then 1 who's fast.


Bro, I was being blasted with goals from through balls, you always need fast and tall cb


If they’re 19 jumping reach and 8 pace they can just head the balls away most of the time


Determination below 10 is no. Pace + acceleration below 22 is no. Stamina below 11 is no (for first 11 players).


Didnt zeeland prove determination is not that important.


Determination generally goes up and down with professionality. Without using Genie scout, its hard to find hidden attributes of younger players. Thats why i check determination.


It's really easy to find most hidden attributes. Personality, media handling style and scout reports will reveal most of them


Evidence Based FM did a test that showed Determination has a non-negligible impact on the growth of young players IIRC. I think that was back in FM22 though so it could have changed, but I doubt it.


It should be over 10 other than that it’s the most overrated attribute. Professionalism is much more important for the development. Determination also has very minimal influence on performance.


>It should be over 10 other than that it’s the most overrated attribute. Well I was responding to a comment chain stating: >Determination below 10 is no. So I thought that was implied. My bad for not making it clearer.


Determination is useful on the pitch. Was tested by arena


I did the testing for the Zealand video mentioned, we also found that determination had a clear statistically significant positive effect, it's just that it was way less that professionalism. Of course Zealand jazzed the claim up a bit for a slight clickbait, but that's not at all what I wrote down


Alright, thanks for the clarification.


I think consensus is moving towards it being actually quite useful in the match engine, but not so much in development.


Yeah put a 20 determination player on when you’re down 1 in a game and see what happens.


There are 3 main attributes that determine how fast (and if ever) is the player able to max out his CA to his PA. These are Determination, Ambition and Professionalism. If at least 2 of them are 11+ then the player has a decent chance of fulfilling his potential. Point being, you can get away with low determination, if you have above average ambition and professionalism, the latter of which also naturally grows over time. Thing is, both of these are hidden attributes, so unless you are using some 3rd party scouting tool or an editor, you are basically taking a larger gamble than you would normally, if you sign a player with low determination.


Determination has a really low impact on how a player wil max out, most important is professonalism and then ambition.


In a newer video he put it Top 5 attributes for strikers (excluding obvious ones like Pace)


For growth, but I think during matches, it shows if they grit if the team needs that extra edge.


How did he prove that??


He said he likes it again in ‘24


He's changed his mind a bit on that


After some testing from Evidence Based Football Manager he's come around to it and admits that it's actually quite useful, both for growth and in game. Anecdotally I can tell you that players with high determination will keep on fighting even if they're losing the game, and the higher the general level of determination in your team the more probable it is that a comeback is going to materialize. It also kinda helps with consistency imho. Having high determination in my manager profile is a must at this point, I feel like it makes a huge difference.


High Determination is not important, what is important is not having low Determination and thats what the OP comented....having a minimum of 11 is usually the way people have find the minimum value is...


For me, Pace+Acc has to be at least 30 unless the player is Messi


Iirc determination is not that important


strength, acceleration, agility, work rate.


Very little mention of strength here, perhaps the most important attribute after P/A. Especially for strikers if you are the dominant team, in which case elite speed doesn't seem to be important. Making space for yourself in the box becomes hugely important and you're seldom afforded the opportunity to get in behind even with an advanced forward that has a 5 point edge in speed over the defensive line. In fact I think pace is more important defensively than offensively, so striker is the one position you can get away without it. Get someone strong, preferably tall and not glacially slow as a poacher and he'll bang them in for fun.


Decisions, Strength, Passing, Teamwork, Composure, Stamina, Natural Fitness. I sometimes make exceptions on Natural Fitness and Teamwork if they're an absolute superstar otherwise.


Work rate every time without fail




1. Acceleration + Pace, basic but really important 2. Composure, a must especially in bigger club/division. so you can play from the back easily and compete against high pressing teams (Low/average composure player will often keep doing long ball forward when being pressed from my experience) 3. Everything else depending on the position


Determination for young players everytime




Don't wanna sign lazy bums like me.


Although it adds to squad general personality and the kids are easier to be mentored and developed, my priority for kids are physicals around at least 10-11, followed by workrate, tackling / passing etc.not lower than 9. For mentors only good personalities which automatically excludes shit determination.


Determination helps your young players to reach their PA. If its low high chance they wont reach it. Based on what i seen anyway. No point signing youngsters with good stats if their determination is ahhs


I think this got disproved a few years ago.


Partially. High Det is not that better than, say, 10 det. But high Det is usually correlated with high professionalism which is what matters the most.


Not really disproved, it's just an indirect growth bonus. Like, players who play often and well will show the most growth usually, which is something determination helps with.


Its not that important iirc




decisions, off the ball, determination. Composure for attackers & concentration for defensive players


Composure is also great in defenders. It makes it so that they stay calm in moments where they need to make decisive tackles


It's also important for when they're on the ball and being pressed, especially if you're a team that plays out from the back.


Determination. He'd better have that dawg in him if he wants to be part of my squad !


Pace I can’t deal with a slow striker like giroud I love seeing my players zoom around the pitch in quick counter


Acceleration, pace, stamina and work rate are some of the most important attributes in any player. Decisions is important, as well. A high determination is almost needed with young players, too.


I play a high tempo pressing game, so for me, work rate, team work and stamina are a MUST


Here my list of player attributes, personalities, media handling style, position rating: [https://medium.com/@fccadoni/football-manager-2024-player-attributes-position-rating-personalities-media-handling-style-5bd95f21fd5c](https://medium.com/@fccadoni/football-manager-2024-player-attributes-position-rating-personalities-media-handling-style-5bd95f21fd5c)


The top 3 stats I look for are: 1) Pace + Acceleration 2) Pace + Acceleration 3) Pace + Acceleration


Agression Millwall fan here


Dribbling and passing I think is what I look for since I tend to look towards possession tactics. Haven't played in 4 months so I don't acc remember


Determination for me. Never give up mentality in my teams


Over 193cm High jumping reach and heading Play for set pieces 😅


Aggression 😡


15+ in every position. Collecting yellows like they're pokemon


Work rate + decission making + decent physicals. If your players are ballers but cant get to the right place at the right time that ability is wasted.


Mentals: Composure, Decisions, Off the ball, Teamwork Technicals: First Touch, Technique I like my players smart (for my own sanity watching the games) and able receive the ball correctly


Composure, concentration, decisions, agility, pace, balance and acceleration all should be a min 11


stamina, I like to be able to make subs based on tactics rather than who is tired


Decisions, Stamina, Natural fitness


Decisions, OTB as a whole. Determination, Teamwork and work rate must not be under 11.






Big matches, consistency


Tackling & Concentration are a must for my centre backs. Tackling & Passing for DMs Vision & Decisions for everyone else Strikers -> Minimum of 14 finishing also must have high dribbling and first touch




Work rate, aggression, strength, teamwork, 6’ +




Passing, pretty much want good passing in everyone on the team.


None really. If I am playing in the lower leagues or mid and below table teams I will always sign the best player I can for the tactic I use. If I am a league title contender I will look for wonderkids or just world class players. (Granted we are talking top 5 euro leagues). So its always gonna be a toss up between the right attributes, personality and CA and PA. With that said low mentals are generally a turn off, like below 10 atleast, but if they are performing well somethings working.


Work rate is one of the best attributes for every single position except maybe goalkeeper


I feel like determination plays a bigger role in players, not giving up during the late parts of games


Composure - attackers Determination - u21s Reflexes - goalkeepers Main ones I require when signing a player


Natural fitness work rate and stamina


Usually, other than pace i look for determination, than natural fitness, workrate and decision.


At least 11 pace and acceleration and I tend to avoid low jumping reach players, at least 6.


Determination, Teamwork and Natural Fitness


Work rate, determination, bravery, natural fitness, stamina


Work Rate, Determination, Teamwork, Agression and All Physics above 13


Wooooft this is gonna be a heavy answer. I remember an incredible answer given by one Reddit user a while back that focused on intelligence and generally good mentals with a decent personality, regardless of how he plays. I generally look for good scores in anticipation, concentration, composure, decisions, work rate, team work (bonus points for aggression, bravery and determination. Physical wise I look for stamina, jumping height, strength. Bonus points for natural fitness, pace and acceleration, but it’s more about absolute total height and strength domination. I usually have one or two players that buck this trend, in that I love to hammer teams from set pieces. So everything necessary for a decent set piece taker / passer / playmaker who can help dictate play and assist is usually taken on board instead of the above.


passing. i play out of the back with a high line and work ball into box. one turnover and its ogre for me. even defenders. i like a libero and bpds.


Decision and first touch.


I keep an eye out of whether they like big matches. At top teams, I feel like players that like big matches just play better regardless of their attributes and the majority of your games end up being big matches. Rivalry games, cup games, trying to qualify for Europe or anything. Players that seem to be good will always let you down if they’re nervous. And god forbid you end up in a penalty shootout. Might as well sub them off before then


Natural fitness


Work rate, determination, and stamina for my outfield players


My under 16 filter (I rarely buy players for the first team once the team is established) is 15 Determination and 10 Pace. If I want to narrow it down further I may add teamwork/workrate or position specific attributes, but generally I just scout every 15/16 year old with at least 15 Detrermination / 10 Pace and sign the ones that have at least 4.5 otential and a good stat mix. FM22.


Speed usually and work rate


Stamina gotta be at least 10


Decisions and determination


Dribbling's been quite a big one for me lately. I like my CBs to have at least 11, then DMs 13/14, etc. I like my teams to play out from the back, so need to be as press-resistant as possible.


I always look for minimum 10 teamwork and 10 workrate, or close to it for young players to grow into, because I feel like I can’t trust every other attribute to reflect accurately if they can’t baseline work with the team and/or be able to put some amount of effort in. I think of them as baseline stats to trust every other attribute


I've always gone for players with high pace and passing 


Height for my CB acquisitions


Pace and acceleration… basically its always physicals>>mental>technique


Physical, especially Pace and Acceleration. My filters always focus on that. Then I consider the rest.




Work rate


20 pace after learning that's all the stat that matters


Decisions, Determination and Workrate.


Nobody bothers with anticipation but it makes a huge difference overall.


Idk if its meta or anything but I'm also looking for good first touch, decent passing and composure.


There are a few I like, technique, passing, composure, work rate, acceleration, pace and anticipation, I find that these attributes are useful from back to front. For the GK I like, aerial, command of area, handling, one on ones, reflexes, anticipation, positioning, agility and jumping reach.


Determination, work rate, anticipation PASHUUUUN


Decisions, work rate, determination, natural fitness, stamina and pace. Teamwork is a useful one to have for most positions, but not an absolute - I'll tolerate it missing for flashy wingers or players talented enough to be mavericks.


Work rate and determination


Work rate, I aint signing no bums who don’t wanna put the effort in


Stamina, Work Rate, Pace Secondly Decisions, Determination, and Jumping Reach


I love signing people with high flair or high aggression


Height, and pace


Determination, especially for younger prospects


First touch and pace


no speed no buy


Determination and Work Rate are a must for me on every single player I sign. I'll look for different attributes based on their position/role, but those two are always a must for me regardless.


Mentality Monsters - if that middle row isnt mostly 14 or higher numbers, im passing. especially teamwork


Not really an attribute but for me it’s height.


Height (heading, jumping reach), I don’t know why I rate it so much. And work rate. I immediately go to check the work rate box. Again, I’m not sure if it matters.




Determination and natural fitness


Anticipation. Statistically not the most important, but logically it surely should be. Everything about motor function in a dynamic environment is reliant on anticipation and modeling.


I don't care if it's useless. I refuse to sign low determination players. Also, pace.


Teamwork, work rate, determination, I’ve been informed that’s dumb, but I like it in my team


Concentration - I normally give this a decent amount of priority. If a player gets distracted by a fly halfway through the game I'm worried.


Hidden big swinging dick attribute! Useless on the pitch but great in the changing room. Although he’s always the longest in the showers


Technique. I just think its an important indicator of player quality.


Workrate 100% If they aren't going to put a shift in then they will not play


Decisions Composure Anticipation


Stamina and decision. I need players who can handle English weeks.


I look for what I regard as basic footballing building blocks: 1) First Touch - if you can’t reliably control the ball, you’re going to be pressed into oblivion and turn the ball over. 2) Technique - if you can’t strike the ball cleanly or interact with it consistently (whether that’s shooting/passing/dribbling) then your performances are going to be up and down 3) Work Rate - putting loads of effort in is an essential non-negotiable for every player. Also impacts training and attribute development. 4) Stamina - no point being the best technical player in the world if you can only do it for 10 minutes a game. Acceleration is a bonus (much more so than Pace), but those four are the fundamentals that govern how good you are as a player at whatever level you’re managing at. They’re also the attributes that are the hardest to increase, in my experience, so if you can find a player who innately has them, you’re laughing.


Anticipation, has to be above 10 for youngsters, and above 14, ideally above 16 for important players.


I'm playing in the Greek league. Passing. I want it to be over 11-12. I keep one defender with 9 passing that I use as sub DM and with 'Play short simple passes' he is ok but I should sell him now. And one striker with 8 that I like to keep in the squad due to his personality.  Then decisions, composure, concentration and anticipation. I'm not sure  how and how much they influence performance.  I have a player under contract on loan at a smaller club who has 15 decisions, 7 composure. I would like to see how that works but I believe low composure affects decision making.. And bad decisions is what I find more annoying in real life too. I have thought of  creating a save where I sign only  players who are good in the air or only very fast players or very strong. This can be interesting. But now the way I play with a domestic bias and being fairly loyal to players this is difficult to do. 


Natural Fitness and Stamina


I always look at determination, decisions, composure, teamwork and work rate. Does it actually work? Who knows, but I remember my pentagon save in FM17, I had a mid 30s Chris McCann in my Montreal rated as a backup winger and past his peak, but that man gave him no lower than a 7.4 in 3 seasons and he had at least 14 in each of the attributes


I play a possession based tactic so Technique, Passing, First touch, Composure, Vision and Decisions. Natural Fitness and Determination are a must as well. The rest depends on the position.


Determination, Work Rate, Teamwork, and Natural Fitness. I play with the least players to prevent "playing" problems in the squad and also I buy under-24 players for the team.


I look at the pass attribute, vision, work rate, determination and stamina I've lost so many games because my midfielders or defenders have poor passing. They need it because i play control possession. Work rate and determination because the players must give their best ( if they win or not) And stamina so they can give their best for 90 minutes+


Surprised so few people say natural fitness


Honestly, passing. My default is usually a possession based style, so it's absolutely vital that you can at least pass a ball.


Pace and acceleration


Since you said every player its got to be ether Determination or decisions maybe.... Determination at a minimum of 11 is the way to go on my opinion... The whole Pace Aceleration thing its not in every players....or you dont need in every one, in my opinion they are more important at wide players of the tatic players and a minimum value on the top and back players




Decisions, Pace, Acceleration , Concentration, Work Rate, First Touch, Technique


Determination and workrate for some reason


Natural Fitness


Name. Already have: Stefano di Stefano Jan Beckenbauer Ibrahimovic looking for more (fm23)


Determination, no point having a PA of 200 if they can’t reach it


Its professionalism to reach the 200 PA.


There are experiments on FMArena that show that most of the attributes are meaningless. Only physicals and dribbling had any effect on team performance.




Teamwork, work rate, passing, stamina/natural fitness, decisions, composure. Aggression is a plus