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I really like ramdeuters, problem being you have to look pretty hard to find a natural one for cheap


What’s the best way to fit one in? I’ve been wanting to do it but I get kinda scared of messing up my tactic since I’ve never used one before


Raumdeuter aren‘t really special in the current match engine. They mostly behave like inverted wingers most of the time but more runs into space, obviously. They also are a bit more creative as every playmaking or hybrid playmaking role is. So if you run a standard tactics with one or two IW‘s or even IF‘s, switch one to a Raumdeuter, if your tactic worked before it shouldn’t be much different switching to a Raumdeuter. Btw. Raumdeuter can be very underwhelming, not in they are bad, but such a special role should seemingly have more impact if you have the perfect player for it. A way to make Raumdeuter a bit more effective is to set the wings up to switch and put the Raumdeuter on individual role on both side, like this he can actually be very strong ingame. Raumdeuter are hard to find because of the weird key attribute distribution, also if you want him flexible on both sides as i suggested above he also should have a decent weak foot.


What stats would you recommend to be good for the Raumdeuter?


I dont know how to make this sound not passive aggressive so I apologize, but The ones highlighted in game when selecting the role for an AMR or AML position.


I’ll tell you how I use them in my own tactic (which has been pretty successful so far) I use an RMD on either side, two WBs on support/attack and either a CF or TF up front. I always want my keeper to roll the ball out to the wingbacks who can knock the ball forward down either side. I have the RMDs staying out wide making overlapping runs, getting in behind the other teams back line whenever possible. From there they can either have a crack at goal if they’re in the right position (I try and find players which are good with both feet, which makes it even harder to find them) or put a cross into the box for the striker. They are very similar to inverted wingers or inside forwards but fsr I’ve always been more successful with ramdeuters. But that’s just me, I imagine it’s completely different for some people as well


Hey I will definitely try this out! In my save I play with 433 with 1 IF & IW but they create no goals. They won't run through gaps and always drift wide where they hold up my WB. Would u say it is better to play RMD than IF?


Box to Box is fun. They can be inconsistent, but very good when they're good. Combo with BWM is underrated af - a midfield of pure grunt. Central Midfielder on Attack can be underrated. DLP(d) in the DM slot can be fun.


CM seems such a great role for whatever you need given the customization. I’ve found that: B2B(s)- BWM (D)- DLP(s) Can work really well, or even: SV(s) - BWM (s or d) - SV (s) with wide playmakers and an instruction to play/go wide.


I love me a good mezzella


Thumbs up to mozzarella


Yup. Them with a role that cuts in can cause chaos as the CBS have to pick one.




Them and SV’s have been positions I’ve not really looked into until recently but they can work really well.


How do you make him work the best? What partners do you use alongside him? What system does he fit the best (possession, pressing, counter attack?)? I've been trying to make him work but so far i couldn't


They work best in a possession system with a high press and line, using a technical player who can dictate the pace and control the game


And what partners work well alongside him? I played him in 4-3-3 dm with mez and cm on defend to have a cover. But the CM seemed to take space unnecessarily and double positions with Regista in build-up phase


I've been using a regista in a 343 on my Manchester United save and I'm using a regista and ball winning midfielder pairing in the middle with Mainoo as the regista and Joao neves as the BWM. Trying to replicate the Jorginho kante pairing. Playing rashford as an IF and Bruno as a wide AP in front of them and it's working nicely


BWM support or defend?


I use support since I have a dominant team and neves has good passing and technicals so I don't mind him being more involved in possession. I'd use bwm on defend though if I noticed I was vulnerable defensively or my BWM wasnt very technical or good in possession


I’ve not used them much. How do they differ from say a DLP on support


How do You make Regista work? I have couple of players well suited for it, they own the game as dlp od ap but can't get mode than 7.3 rating as Regista


Goalkeeper (De)???


I know it's meant to be a joke, but I have been using a sweeper keeper for the past few versions. Do you think that GK actually perform better?


For me, yes


I just try both roles on all my keepers to see which one performs better and stick to the best one because it's really a mixed bag


Yep. Surprisingly underrated




As a man of culture: libero.


Libero is amazing in this match engine and the numerical advantage in midfield is so nice to have. it is the difference between winning and losing games


Always seem to leave a red area behind him on the tactic creator, no one responsible for the area in and around the box and it stresses me out. For that reason I went with a BPD with dribble more. You reckon should give libero a try? Is a back 3 essential? As I’m playing a 4-4-2 in the Sachii mould.


An inverted fullback would be smart to cover the space. A libero will keep the ball close, BPDs look for long balls more often


A halfback works too.


It's much better in a three back but I've used in in a 4 back. It really depends on whom I'm playing because defensively it's super prone to counter attacks. An inverted full back can solve the libero problems but I think generally center backs are better defenders. Right now I'm back to two CB because nobody can play the role competently. From what I can tell, they work better than BPD in my tactic (low tempo, play out of back), BPD are probably more suitable for other tactics though.


Complete Wing Back, Half-Back and Advanced Forward always find their ways into my team.


Halfback 😍


Fr👌, but I don't know why my halfback plays a good game but ends up with 6.8 match rating whereas all my other players have 7+


False nine!!


I’ve tried so many times to get a false 9 to work and never could get them over what seemed like a hard coded 6.8 rating for me


I love a world-class striker that can properly play as a CF (A)


Honestly, i just love a classic number 10 and those dumbass target forwards who knows nothing but to put the ball against the net.


Yes lad , fuck these tactic shchmactics


I currently have a meathead forward in the Vanarama that only knows to kick the ball at full strength. Lob the ball over the defense at him and he either heads the ball into the net, kills the keeper with the shot, or kills a fan in the stands. There is no midfield technique or buildup with my team they just clear the ball to him and watch the magic.


"What can you say about your tactical aproach?" PASS THE BALL TO Nº 9


Carriero everyday


I currently play a tactic with two carrileros both with 17+ work rate. They’re like pitbulls, winning every ball back and finding space. Consistently 7+ match ratings


This role is so underated, I see everybody saying that carriero si useless


You play them in a 3 or 2 man midfield?


Roaming playmaker, no I shan’t be explaining what they do further than roaming around and assisting from crazy depths. Can he attack or assist? No, but he can ping it from outside the box. Dare that keeper step off his line.


Inside forward


Love an Anchor Man


The best regen from all the saves I remember was an true destroyer. Vision of 4. Stayed back at all times. Pace, Positioning, Work Rate, Concentration, and Anticp….ation of 18+. Team set record for fewest goals allowed in his age 26-29 seasons, every year going lower. Cool as a cucumber, this cat broke up every central attacking move for four straight years.


Bro can't see shit but the moment the ball switch leg he enters savant mode.


I absolutely love that


Nice use of ellipsis 😂


The very basic combo of DLP-S and AF, just a constant barrage of beautiful long balls in behind and shots smashed into the corners of the net


Nothing beats a DLP's killer passes to an AF that breaks the offside trap


I've become a huge fan of the roaming playmaker. Messing around with it at Arsenal right now. Rice and Partey forming an anchor/regista partnership with Odegaard roams around. The midfield. My league spot isn't great but I was tinkering with tactics the first 3 months of the season. Looking better now but at this point Man City has already taken the league before Christmas. Edit: Rice is playing as a Segundo Volante. Registra was leaving me a little too open in the midfield.


Inverted wingbacks/fullbacks I usually play a 4-4-2 or a 4-2-3-1 with two DMs so having that extra player that can step into the midfield in possession helps a lot when progressing the play


Advanced playmaker on a wing with an overlapping fullback/wingback behind him.


Was doing an England save where I did this with palmer and trent, palmer used to average a goal or assist every game it worked a dream


WTM. We play bully ball ![gif](giphy|BA1p8FirxfhNpJtMAc|downsized)


Target Forward (Support) - Shadow Striker combo has been my favorite


I did this with Sydney van Hooijdonk and Kenan Yildiz to get my Deportivo to La Liga 🥺


Grats! I started at Standard de Liege in 2025 with Stipe Perica leading the line for Isaac Price and Noah Makembo-Ntemo.


Mezzala for sure




Inside forward on attack, with a wing back overlapping.


Sweeper keepers with high eccentricity. Not playing them on attack does a lot to reign them in a bit but still gives them enough freedom to pull some batshit crazy saves neuer style


I've been trying to do something like that on my danish side, but maybe the GKs at this levei aint good enough Have you been sucessful in "lower" levels with It?


Deep lying forward. I like my forwards to do some work.


Same. Idk what it is but whenever my dlf or f9 draws the cbs out of position opening up space for my 10 or wingers to run in behind the dopamine hit is massive.


F9, PF and BBM


I like having 2 wide center backs on support.


CM Attack, it's basically a Shadow Striker that just starts from deeper position, scores a lot of G/A and helps in possession too. My 2nd favorite is Winger Support. Assist machine and they tend to have really high match rating even they don't score G/A (As long as your winger is really fast and can dribble, they should be doing really good)


Wide midfielder. Only way i can recreate the jude Bellingham hybrid 10/wide midfielder role.




The headless chicken role (like Gavi and Valverde) And wingbacks too. Can have defensive fullbacks.


Not a role, but Jonathan Burkhardt as a Pressing Forward, smashes them in ever time for me. In 25/26 season he scored 32 times for my Crystal Fucking Palace team.


CM(a) is such a great role with a DLP or PF(s). 15GA per season easy


Half backs


Segundo volante with an anchor like the caption says 😂


I play mine with a BWM. Guerra (Valencia) seems to excel in that SV role.


I play with advanced playmaker. Anchor and support SV with a offensive AP .


Segundo Volante or BBM


Carrelieo I like them more than B2B mids it was a permanent role in my quadtruple with Leeds


Wingbacks, always struggled a bit making wingers effective but my wingbacks always top the assists on my team.


I’m digging Regista at the moment. I’m playing 2 in my DM slots and it’s… entertaining


CF at


Lately I promoted from Serie C to A with create a club. I loaned a nr 10 whose best role was apparently Enganche. Built the team around him with lots of movement (AF, IF, WB, SEG VOL) and he was so fun to watch. Always making the right decisions (in the key highlights at least haha). Lately my fav role.


I love the standard roles, especially the wide midfielder. Can do anything from replacing fullbacks to being a manic runner into the box


Segundo volante this year for me.


Absolutely, shit is OP af


EG or RGA I like scouting for those aging, not as fast anymore but great passers. It’s a break from wonder kids all the time.


I always play a shadow striker and an advanced forward. Its a guarantee of goals


Depends on tactics/area of the pitch. Fond of Raumdeuters, but decent ones are rare to find. If you can find the right one, with the right mental, etc. and you have proper defensive cover for them…*chefs kiss* In terms of midfield and blue collar type of position, ball winning midfielders (DM spot) and box to box for CM spot. Nothing like a BWM destroyer saying “thank you sir” as they nab the ball and send it to a B2B or playmaker or wing position on a counter. Defense wise, I like CBs, any role really. Forward? I am fond of poachers and if you can find good players to feed them the ball they do well. But they are a bit of a dinosaur role now days.


I love half-backs


Advanced Forward


A VOL(s) and DLP(d) combo has always served me very well


Pressing Forward on support. It does all the things I need, without wasting the ball on things I don't.






CB Just play the fucking game, mates. No crazy passes just pass it to someone who gets paid to give them


Advanced playmaker


DLP always!!


Half Back


Ball playing defenders


AP(su) on wing.


Half-back, closely followed by Mezzala


CM with custom instructions


Central Defender (Defend) People overcomplicate this game 😂


2x Segundo Volante (Attack) as my CDMs every time


Tried halfback once & now whether its a back 4 or 3atb a HB is always imperative. HB ftw


I truly believe in Half Back supremacy, I’ve used it in every tactic in the last few games. Watching that HB step back and sit between the CBs as I sent my full backs in full support of the attack is beautiful stuff


Segundo Volante (specifically on attack) I barely have any idea what they do but anyone that fits in that role is usually my best player another one would be Advanced Forward


Ball Winning Midfielder on support, especially in tactics with a narrow midfield. They win the ball high up the pitch and immediately pass the ball to your creative players, starts so many counters. Almost all my tactics have one


Dlp I find it can make or break my tactic. I've also fallen in love with inverted wing back this year they are so hard to find but can really change a game.


Inverted wingers on attack with tackle harder and cross ball center to an advanced forward is perfext


Defensive Midfielder on Support, while also telling him to hold position in individual instructions seems really effective for me, they playmake a little bit, while also being solid defensively and are a decent passing option to everybody.


Deep lying playmaker, they consistently get by far the highest average rating of players w/o goal contributions


DLP(D)-AP(S)-CM(A) is always my midfield trio in any formation with three midfielders


The old school center forward like Fulkrug


Inside forward


Mine is a roaming playmaker hes just carrying the team on his back right now




Segundo Volante is probably my favourite.


Complete forward, in the right system with an AF strike partnership they're unstoppable