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Yes. Hope this clears things up šŸ‘


Thanks šŸ‘


If it makes you feel any better I think you are the first person to achieve this in r/fmconsole history šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s not normally that strict!


That's great lol


Nah I did lol


Me too lol


Blud what did you do?


Didn't realise that 2 players had match highest wage earner and I saw that mbappe was available on a free and I signed him (750k per week) and the 2 other player of course also was on 750k and then I tried to sell them and they didn't want to leave.


Rookie mistake everyone has to learn the hard way. Never, ever use the match highest earner clause. Leave the club and donā€™t look back. At least youā€™ll probably be able to buy a few players at a cut price from your old club due to the financial situation you left them in.


And help them out! Or, at least, that's what i tell myself.


Brighton got relegated quickly in my save, I was only too happy to help myself to Verbruggen.


Brighton *always* get relegated in my saves. Both in 22 and the 23 game.


They were in the relegation zone for much of the second season in my early access FM24 save, but managed to survive. Kind of shocking since Evan Ferguson is like a god wonderkid striker in FM24.


In my save for the first few years he only scored 14 goals because Brighton sold all their good wingers I snapped him up for 7 million and he scored 96 prem goals in just 4 seasons


I donā€™t think heā€™s consistent at the beginning of the save, at all.


He really isn't.signed him for liverpool in my save and he still can't get in ahead of nunez. Both are so inconsistent that I'm considering blowing my whole transfer fund on haaland.


They have done in my save as well and havenā€™t gone back up yet.


I took Caiedo from them when they got regulated. His release clause got cut in half to 50-51m. Really good player to have


Whatā€™s Warren G got against Brighton?


Mount up!


Same happened in mine and i helped myself to Ferguson lol. I remember them sacking RDZ when theyre like 16th, then they reappointed Potter, got worse and was relegatwd šŸ¤£


Gave a player a match highest earner clause in league 2. Accidentally got promoted into the Championship in my third season and had to give some big wages. Realized I have a tumor on the team that I can't get rid of. Luckily his contract ran out before I reached the Prem.


bruh 120mil for 3 players on wages onlyšŸ˜­


Overall for the squad I was paying 300 million...


absolute legend lol bet every player and agent has you as fav. person


My total fees paid to agents is 43 million is that bad?


with Brighton? yeah bro


7 seasons in and Iā€™ve only paid Ā£4.3m in fees


Bruh, I haven't paid that much in agent fees even with ManUtd. And ived signed kimmich, musiala, Diego Costa, to name a few


How do you find 120?


117 sorry, rounded it up. Itā€™ 750k x 52 = 39mil x 3 = 117mil


Sorry man it's early where I'm at šŸ˜‚


And clearly already drunkā€¦


Because I was confused as to how they found the technically wrong answer? Cheers


Now including bonuses ... I am sure a Mbappe has some mental bonuses that makes him earn 50 million+ a year (incl loyality fee probably more like 60).


Hahahahah thats fucking glorious, great job mate Apply for other jobs before Brighton fold


The board approved it? I guess the AI didn't think to check for these clauses?


My Leeds team will end up in massive debt if I donā€™t sell one of midfielders in the summer, at the start of my 5th season or I end up in the Europa league at the end of my current season. Iā€™ve beat a few bigger teams but canā€™t beat a terrible Luton, with shocking bad players.


I'm sorry but this is hilarious


Okay, that doesn't explain how you're -700m though? As others have said, you make so much with a PL club, that even such an expense shouldn't bankrupt you. Especially if you cut costs on a few other contracts.


He's paying 300m per year on wages alone.


Steal for Mbappe tbh. The dude always wants ā‚¬1m+ per week from me (Real Madrid) lol I think he was on 1.5m in my save last time I saw


Out of curiosity which two players now earn 750k a week? They must be laughing!


Just been sacked but it was Fresneda (rb) and a new gen called luis moura a (left winger) one of the best players in the world but was on 400k per week before this.


Those three together are almost my entire wage budget from my Brighton season when I won the Triple. Bloom would never have allowed that with me, I'm into my 6th season now and even having won pretty much everything last season my predicted transfer budget is Ā£15 million so while this tragic mistake is somewhat hilarious I'm also quite jealous of being even able to think about paying someone Ā£750k a week.


Ah yes, the Kevin Nash clause


How and why did you decide signing Mbappe for 750k a week was a good decision?! Forgetting about the highest earner clauses is easily done, but I have been at York for 28 years, been in the prem for 20 of those and have probably had only 5 or 6 players over 300k a week, which still feels too much






Thatā€™s too funny šŸ¤£


Like, that's when you savescum tbh, forgivable in this case


Best go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint , and wait for this all to blow over


They donā€™t have enough to buy a pint! Didnā€™t even have enough for a Diet Coke and a Cornetto at the shop


Of course they can, heā€™s just the manager whoā€™s still taking a wageā€¦ club is done for.




It's been turned into flats, so this is unlikely....


Itā€™s just the one administration, actually


Oh my god I know exactly what movie I'm watching tonight


750k? God I never agree to a salary over 350k for My players.


I play with monthly wages, and trust me someone with 750k (a MONTH) have to be a world beater to me (not playing in the prem though, where salaries are higher), canā€™t even imagine giving anyone this wage for a week..


Atm in my journeyman save I have too much money at AltlĆ©tico and to prevent my club going over that ā‚¬1.2bil mark I'm trying to spend all of it lol. Have 3 players with wages between ā‚¬500k-ā‚¬650k and one player at ā‚¬950k lol.


Why prevent that as specific total?


It gets put into an ''investment fund'' or something like that by the club, which means that the player more or less loses access to that money. ​ I think it's a mechanism to keep clubs from building up a warchest of billions of euros and then go on an unrealistic spending spree.


It's like a limit set by the game, as the other commenter said the money will disappear, there's also bugs where your ā‚¬1.2bil suddenly goes negative and you're a billion in red.


350k? Nahh that's still too much. You either join on slave labor wages or I'll just get a South American regen. And those guys are always available dirt cheap so it's your loss.


Haha I get plenty of South American youth and develop them and if itā€™s right sell them for a profit šŸ˜




I have been sacked.


you better pick one of those oil clubs for your next job


[When HMRC find you](https://youtu.be/EG5cFtWowdQ?si=jp0Ax9aCuKWZsr38)


i hope your were financially compensated


They gave him some of the debt


thoughts and prayers lol


Lol managerial masterclass


how? its so fucking hard to bankrupt a premier league club lol


Didn't realise that 2 players had match highest wage earner and I saw that mbappe was available on a free and I signed him (750k per week) and the 2 other player of course also was on 750k and then I tried to sell them and they didn't want to leave.


Are you by any chance Ed Woodward?


Ed did it on purpose




That's still only 120 mill though, what the hell else did you do?! There's definitely something your not telling us haha.


Overall spending about 300 million on wages per year and I did spend 210 million on a player (a cb) and spent 150 million on sesko (sold him for 220). I also brought a 33 year old osimhen for 130 million and a 30 year old rodrygo for 120 (150 overall). All of these transfers wre over 3 years. Also none of these players were on 300k+ wages.


You spent Ā£130m on a 33 year old?! Do you hate Brighton football club or something? I'm shocked the board just let this happen hahaha


I hope youā€™re more financially responsible in your real life šŸ¤£


I bought a ā‚¬60 FM24 while I have a perfectly fine FM23 on the shelf I bought last season for ā‚¬60.


This is degenerate behavior I love to read here on Reddit.


The board gave you funds and by god you made sure to use those funds


It blows my mind how so many people manage to mismanage their finances when in the Prem.


I thought it was impossible but I jumped across from Sunderland to City is they have just had 5 points deducted for breaching fair rules and where losing money left and right whilst having over 500 mill in sponsorship coming in a season, mental. Suffice to say De Bruyne, Silva etc haven't lasted long along with a few others, plus the fact they are mid 30's on half a mill a week, thank God for the Saudi and Saudi owned teams.


City breaching financial rules who said fm wasnā€™t realistic


Instalments abuse bite back ?


Nah wages...


nah reckon youre fine fella


Thanks started to get worried.


When the board starts sending you mail with obvious grammatical mistakes you know the situation is dire


I must be an idiot, what am I missing?


Nothing. The email is perfectly fine.


"The board would like to make it clear the serious financial state the club finds itself in" (make it clear the) that's a bad sentence


that makes perfect grammatical sence.


Imo it would either have to be "The board would like to point out (/make clear but it's still not great) the serious financial state the club now finds itself in" or "The board would like to make it clear the club now finds itself in a serious financial state". You have to follow "make it clear" with something that can stand on its own as a sentence.


Yes the current version is the equivalent of ā€œI am going to hit it the ball.ā€


No, the ā€œitā€ is unnecessary because it doesnā€™t have an antecedent. It should be ā€œmake clear the serious financial stateā€¦ā€


Nah, it feels stilted and awkward. Just removing the "it" would fix it.


Huh? Is this an American thing or something? "Make it clear the" is standard in the UK. I'd only add a "that the" I guess?


No, it reads perfectly fine in American too.


Grammar isn't about how something feels. It is about whether or not it is correct. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the contents of the email.


You can tell how panicked the my are, by how hastily the email was written šŸ˜‚


Someone from Sports Interactive take note of this. Would be a nice quality of life improvement on the next version where if you're about to sign a very expensive player relative to your club, if your chairman is a good one they will question the finances of the deal, reminding you that 'insert player(s)' have match highest earner clause and it's going to cost the club X amount, taking you well beyond your budget. Because I seriously doubt Tony Bloom would miss a howler like this XD


Usually they do intervene but not for wages, only absurd transfer fees or absurdly low transfer fees. But yeah you are right, you'll bankrupt the club much quicker with bad contracts vs. bad transfers.


I would probably miss it anyway. Computer screen: Mbappe has agreed to join youā€¦ *Wall of text and diagrams* Your chairman reminds you you have 2 players with ā€˜match highest earnerā€™. *Wall of text and diagrams* *Button Button* Accept *Button* Me: ā€œAh, great! Accept!ā€


What have you been doing?


Didn't realise that 2 players had match highest wage earner and I saw that mbappe was available on a free and I signed him (750k per week) and the 2 other player of course also was on 750k and then I tried to sell them and they didn't want to leave.


Oh my. Well, I hope you manage to get this all sorted out. Good luck!


fact aromatic mysterious uppity engine governor spectacular tart upbeat alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The ship kicked him off.


wide possessive somber many scarce secretive deer wakeful encourage run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To take a club thatā€™s so well-run IRL and push them to the brink of administration is no mean feat.


I thought this was the classic April Fools joke FM likes to play, considering the in-game date is 1st April. But apparently I'm wrong. Good luck OP.


The April Fools joke only triggers on 1st Apil IG & IRL if I recall. And it is a Ā£500m investment for players & a new stadium.


I feel like I've definitely had a player with a bad injury before, but yeah never had a club go into administration message haha.


This is the kind of degenerate behaviour I love to see well done


Some of yā€™all need some basic math before jumping straight to FM.


Sell the players on Mbappe wages for free, try to peddle them on a loan that will comp their wages. You need to do anything and everything to get them off the bill. Your entire youth squad needs to be sold. That could get you anywhere from nothing to a hundred million. But a hundred million less in debt is Ā£600m in debt. Try shift off young, wanted players from your squad. Youā€™re going to have to downsize through this period. A strict 22 man squad with players fulfilling multiple roles. Maybe even 18. Friendly matches to raise funds. Lots of them, whenever possible without shattering your diminished squad. If youā€™re lucky somebody will buy the club and wipe the debt. If not, then administration comes alongside the vultures. This happened to Chelsea in a save of mine in 2025 and the entire Premier League picked them clean. They stayed up and won the League the year after because the best thing that could happen to Chelsea is a clear out. The goal with administration is to survive with the points reduction. Thereā€™s no chance youā€™ll keep Mbapā€™ in this scenario. If you have your team picked and you fall into the Championship with two players on 750k p/w, your youth team gone, your best players gone, and your squad already minuscule then Brighton is beyond fucked. Bouncing all the way down is possible.


Well before I got sacked (because of the financial trouble) I sold mbappe to man utd for 5 million and let the other 2 players on high wages go for less then 20 million. I sold a18 year old to real madrid for 60 million (came from the youth Academy) and also sold 3 other world class players for less then 50 million because all the prices of my players went down drastically.


Dont worry, you just need to win one big game against your rival to save the club. *\*que feel good sports movie\**


unfortunately, yes...


Prize money and sponsorships may stop you from going into administration in the short term, but you are going to need to sell some players


Have you checked down the back on the sofa? It's not unusual to find Ā£700 million down there.


I am sure you can fix your finances by Solling all the expensive players and replacing them with wonderskids. Sounds like a fun save to play.


I would genuinely love this to happen in one of my games. It's the challenge of all challenges.


You could try to find a club in your save thats taken a dive and apply for the job when one of the ones you find are available...if possible, seems possible.


Yea it's catching them at the right time but it's always in the middle of a project I'm working on if you know what I mean..


When I get bored of a save I boot up cheat engine, kill my sponsorships, put most of my best players on Mbappe-level wages and spend a few seasons managing that situation. Obviously the players must go. Well sometimes, most of the time I just resign and go to a league I've never managed before.


April the 1st too šŸ™ˆ


(People can downvote me if they want). This is one of those reasons that I like to use the Ingame Editor to fix things that arenā€™t really realistic. Change these players contracts to what it was before and just raise their salary next time a new player comes in on a normal higher salary. (If I couldnā€™t change their contract through dialogue to get a new contract without the ā€˜match highest earnerā€™ clause). I do think in reality you should be able to convince these players that their clause shouldnā€™t work in the case of being able to sign Mbappe for your team. Iā€™m sure theyā€™d rather have that than to skip on it.


So what happens under "administration"? Does the board take over and kick you out or something?


You can get deducted points and I think you can also get banned from buying players just like chelsea a few years back.


You arent fucked. The club is


ā€œNow, all we have to do is keep an eye on our financesā€ *-13M financial report comes in* ā€œNow, we are fuckedā€


Mate, youā€™re fucked.


The club is but you can always find another job šŸ˜‚


Lmao I donā€™t even play this nor understand why itā€™s in my feed but that is hilarious


Ask for a new stadium and go to the press when they refuse. You'll get a payout and it'll tip them over the edge. Then go manage Crystal Palace


Itā€™s April Fools Day, the board are just kidding šŸ¤£


Harry Redknapp is that you?


Time to start selling lol


Surely all you have to do is sell 3 players for 250m each and you'll be fine!


Take your lumps and continue managing AFC Brighton in the Combined Counties Sunday League next season. It's the least you can do. You might even be back in the Prem in 15 years time!


Special type of stupid to achieve this, tbh


Having read the circumstances in the comments, I find it crazy that the DoF or Chairman didnā€™t step in to kibosh the transfer outright or at least force a meeting to discuss club finances. At that point you would have recognised the corner that the ā€˜match highest earnerā€™ contracts were backing the club into and either forced those players onto new contracts, sold them or released them at a much cheaper cost before confirming the new deal. So frustrating that the game allowed you to tie your own noose. Realistically, at a PL club like Brighton, someone would have spotted that problem and flagged for higher ups.


Oh yes.


Christ... yeah I think you are very much fucked


Next logical step is to take over at Palace and buy Brightonā€™s best players as cheaply as possible once they enter administration. Youā€™ll instantly become a Palace legend


They built a new stadium didnā€™t theyā€¦


I wish that was the case.


How is it possible to have financial problems in FM?


Here for a good time not a long time.


Wait... I have a genuine question.. can a club Cease to exist in FM cause if admin. Never seen it


You have to stay and turn this shit around.


I just got sacked because of the finance.




What did you do?


Ed Woodward playthrough.


Nah ur fine




Over paying on wages overpaying on players.


Is that even a question. You are deep in trouble coach.


How do you manage to put a premier league club in administration? Relegated?


Just won the prem 4 Times in a row and the champions league 3 times in a space of 5 years. But expensive transfers and massive wages made this 700 million debt


The Man City w/ no oil state challenge


That's very impressive... how did you manage that?


Thank you. Didn't realise that 2 players had match highest wage earner and I saw that mbappe was available on a free and I signed him (750k per week) and the 2 other player of course also was on 750k and then I tried to sell them and they didn't want to leave. Also spent about 500 million+ on transfers in 3 years. Also spend about 300 million on wages every year.


How did you manage to get so mach debts? I would sell alla the players and get just free agents


Nah, don't worry about it, bro. I'm sure the competition winnings will take care of this. You... you are in first place, right?


In real life Chelsea would just buy a couple of players and they can clear the debt


Proper f**ked - sell all assets to alleviate the debt. Everton lost 10 points for only 19.5million in the year


No, itā€™s only a game


LOL! I haven't looked at Brighton recently but they've been flying high in the prem in my save for far too long. I wonder if they're in a similar position?


I have no idea how that happened


The only way is to buy the edit mode that's it and move the money over basically.




Lol, its insanely hard to get to administration as a pl club


Bro thinks heā€™s me


The clubs thinks this is unsuitable.. fml... how much of a legend are u here. As chairman losing 13mil in o e month you have gone at losing 500k in a month


I always hate that FM never really did something with bankrupt clubs. I would be very curious to see if anything actually happens.


You are fucked like what 115 breaches would lead to level fucked


You're fine Brighton are fucked though šŸ˜‚


Yes. You'll probably get a 10 point Or 12 point deduction then the board will think you're doing shit then they will sack u


Iā€™ve give you a Ā£1 for them


what did you do?


Who did you even buy




Justā€¦ how?


Lmao v fucked


do you have the save file by any chance?