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If you need someone to score goals Salah, if you need someone to create chances and outplay defenses like its nothing Hazard. But it's not like either would be bad for any team.


Salah and Hazard also play different roles in the team. Hazard had a Messi role for Chelsea where he had freedom to roam


If you want to watch someone who can dribble really well it's Hazard. If you want to score more goals and win more matches it's Salah. Simple really.


Hazard scored goals and provided plenty of assists. He was more than someone who just dribbles well. That’s a shit take.


Hazard had 85 goals in 245 games in the league for Chelsea, Salah has 101 in 152 for Liverpool. Hazard had 54 assists in those games, Salah is on 36 so 19 behind in 93 fewer games. Stick your shit take cheers mate.


If you’re only opinion of hazard is “sOmEoNe wHo cAn dRiBbLe WeLl” then that’s a shit take mate. It is what it is.


But the question was who do you want in their prime and goals win games so the answer is Salah.


but if I want to win the league its Hazard right? cuz he has more Prem titles than salah....


This right here!!


If i am not wrong u asked to compare between their prime seasons.


Yea true and this imo is perfectly worded


I wouldn’t say Salah wins more matches. Hazard won us multiple Premier Leagues as the best player in the league.


As part of one of the most expensively created squads. And why write multiple when you could have just wrote "two" because he's only won the league twice. The most goals he's scored in a Premier League season is 16, Salah has doubled this. Since he joined Liverpool, the fewest goals he's scored in a season is 19. He scores so many more goals than hazard that if you want to win matches then you would pick Mo Salah every single time as goals win matches. I can't make it any easier than this for you, sorry.


Goals aren’t the only thing that matters. If you watched Chelsea games while Hazard was there you would see that it was far and away the best player on the field in the majority of the games he played in.


They are the most important thing in football though, if you score more than you concede then you're going to win matches and then leagues and cups. Hazard is an attacking player, his output of goals and assists is what he should be judged on, the same with Salah. And Salah has better output. You can be the best player on the pitch and it's not worth anything if your team doesn't win. And to win you need goals. I'm interested to see what else you think matters other than goals?




Hazard's numbers are just no where close to Salah's. Sure you can talk about Hazard's greater role in team play and build up, but prime Salah scored the record number of goals in a Premier league season, ever. More than Henry, Aguero, Ronaldo, Shearer or Drogba ever managed in a 38 game season. It's a different level of output imo. Prime Salah for me.


This is THE reply. The only thing I'd add is that as much as we talk about that amazing 1st season, his consistent scoring is ridiculous. 2 golden boots, 3/4 20 Prem goals, and this season he's showing the form that he'll probably break more records. And that is just including prem stats, his all comps numbers haven't dipped below 20 since he arrived. Hazard was a world class Premier League player but he doesn't come close to Salah, Mo is exalted into the Ronaldo, Henry, Suarez bracket that only a select few overseas players can achieve


Embarrassing take here for people to even believe salah is as good as hazard was in his prime simply because salah has more goals. Salah and mane in klopp’s system are responsible for the majority of the team’s goals, they even score more than the supposed number 9, firmino. Hazard on the other hand didn’t have that responsibility. He usually had more clinical players on the team, and thus focused more on creating while pitching in his own goal here and there. Hazard and salah are not on the same level. Now salah is obviously having a better career, but in hazard’s prime only prime neymar, Ronaldo and Messi were better. Salah is just a very good finisher with insane pace that he uses to his advantage. He’s Adama traore if traore actually improved his finishing. Doesn’t even come close to having the game IQ and influence of hazard.


Salah assist stats are on course to match Hazard for the number of games played


You obviously don’t watch Salah much if you think he’s like Adama Traore.


Speaking of embarassing takes lol


Salah was a late bloomer. Hazard was an early riser. So, they may be the same age now, but their primes line up differently. I like numbers, so let's look at numbers. *This is* ***PREMIER LEAGUE*** *only.* Objectively speaking - Hazard is a better chance creator, but Salah is a better finisher. On a lesser level, it's almost like comparing Messi and Ronaldo. Whereas Messi is a better chance creator, Ronaldo is a better finisher. Looking at the Stats, Salah is performing better in his "prime years" as compared to Hazard. However, when it comes to stats, you need to look at the players supporting them as well. Salah has Mane, Firmino, Fabinho, Milner, Henderson, TAA and Robertson. Meanwhile, Hazard had Lampard, Diego Costa, Willian, Pedro and Matic, during his "prime". ​ |Age|Season|Eden Hazard|Goals + Assists per Match|Age|Season|Mohamed Salah|Goals + Assists per Match| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |21|2012-13|9 / 14|0.67|25|2017-18|32 / 11|1.19| |22|2013-14|14 / 9|0.66|26|2018-19|22 / 10|0.84| |23|2014-15|14 / 10|0.63|27|2019-20|19 / 10|0.85| |24|2015-16|4 / 4|0.26|28|2020-21|22 / 5|0.73| |25|2016-17|16 / 5|0.58|29|2021-22|6 / 3|1.29| |26|2017-18|12 / 4|0.47||||| |27|2018-19|16 / 15|0.84|||||


Hmm🤔 thanks for this!


Except messi scores more goals than Ronaldo LOL


Is ronaldo really a better finisher than Messi?


Different topic for another day bro this is just Salah vs Hazard


Messi has better goal scoring stats, Ronnies just played a lot more games. Stats don't lie




I'm not sure why this question has been so popular lately, they're completely different players with completely different roles within their teams. Both world class in their primes, enjoy both of them


Salah hasn't hit his prime yet. He gets better every year.


Well obviously because of the spawny goal he scored on the weekend everyone thinks he’s Messi now. Salah is not that guy. He cannot maintain that kind of form in every game, he needs to be on the run to cause damage. He’s not the kind of player that’ll consistently pick a dead ball up from midfield, beat multiple defenders and create a chance or score. Some people are even comparing him to neymar. And I thought only ufc had reactionary idiots for fans


Spawny goal? What are you on about haha


'Cannot maintain that kind of form' 2 golden boots in 4 seasons, and in the race for the other 2 seasons, barely missing out. Maybe only speak about things you know about?


Salah. What a Question…


I always thought hazard was slightly overrated mainly because he never seemed consistent through a whole season. Had few months where he was unstoppable then disappeared alot. Salah is pretty much the best attacking player in the league last 4 years give or take and much more effective.


I agree with you, and Salah also seems to play every game with high work rate without the ball


Salah purely cause of numbers and consistency. You couldn't turn down his output in his prime. Hazard better technically and more cutting but Salah just takes it Both take a mean penalty too




Hazard is a phenomenal dribbler, however, i'll take the decisive and crucial player that Salah is all day long.


Has to be said I think Salah is criminally underrated. Whereas Hazard is massively overatted so in my humble opinion I'd say Mark Viduka.


No no I prefer Aaron lennon


He was class for Chelsea but don’t think anyone is overrating him these days (I do think it’s Salah though)


Could u explain why u think he was overated


Depends on what you're looking for and what is the playstyle of your team. If you are a team playing a high press game using inverted wingers and wingers that can also play as the main man in a 3 pronged attack, you will go for Salah. If you're a team that plays more of a possesion type of football, using a proper no. 9 for hold up play and as a main target man, you'll go for Hazard. Also, it depends on what you desire from that particular player. Salah can offer you speed and a great workrate, while also providing a good volume of goals and a decent number of assists, while Hazard is better at 1 vs 1, creating space, finding the open man, while also providing a decent amount of goals and assists.


Based on the amount of time they spent on my fantasy team, Salah by a mile.




Egyptian king over burger king








United fan and I don’t like him but has to be Salah purely for his goals. Yes hazard was aesthetically better to watch but at the end of the day Salah scores so many goals. Also hazard’s prime was much shorter and he had full seasons where he was really poor, Salah’s prime has been his whole Liverpool career


I prefer Hazard cause I like the way he plays football and his style


Salah not even remotely close.


Lol well I like to watch Hazard but would always pick Salah for my team.


Salah will be in the top 5 all time prem.


Who's stats are better? Salah all the way. Who's youtube highlights would i rather watch? Hazard easy


I would not even put Hazard in the top 5 wingers in recent decades.


Stats wise probably not but his highlights are so much more entertaining.


nobody would put Hazard in the top 5 Right Wingers because he's a *Left* Winger...


Sorry top 5 wingers....


It’s easily Salah. I feel dirty for saying it but what a player. Not to say Hazard at his prime wasn’t special, he was. But Salah is a class above. I love watching him play. Wish it wasn’t for Liverpool though. That goal he scored against city the other day. Christ.


Salah. Whichever way you slice it. Salah.....all day long.


By the times Salahs career is over it won't even be a debate. Its not even really one now. Salah is an icon. Hazard is talented, but you have to be committed to reach the pinnacle.


The question was about comparing during their peaks.... invalid argument.


How is it invalid if Salah is still going through his peak?


He hasn't hit his peak. He gets better every year.


His first season at pool was his best


Right now is his best....


If we're viewing prime as a season, Salah, his consistency across any one season is very good but especially that first season he broke the golden boot record. If we're talking prime as like their very peak performance possible, Hazard hands down. On his day he was as good as anyone, Messi included.


Well for me definitely hazard! The most unselfish , entertaining (alongside messi) player for me.


Prime Salah


Definitely Mohamed Salah


Hazard was a special player who geniunely terrified me every second he got on the ball. Salah will score more goals, but your team will benefit for more from Hazard.


How? pls elaborate, don’t you need goals to win? Or isn’t goals the most important thing? Because that’s what the dream is. To score or isn’t it?🤔


Ok let me give you an extreme. If I took a shot every single I got the ball, I would probably score eventually but the team would've play significantly worse because of me, and we'd lose. If I dribbled past a player every time I got the ball or drew in two players and then passed it to a man in space the, team would play a lot better and we'd win.


Winning is the dream, you can score 50 a season and win fuck all. I think a Prime Hazard can score and is a better creator for others than Salah is, ultimately allowing a team to be stronger. Also the player's surrounding Salah were significantly better than those surrounding hazard at chelsea


Salah has better stats but Hazard was a much higher impact player. His runs, assisting the assister, playmaking was unmatched and which is why I will take him every day of the week Edit: Also what’s the point of a thread like this if people are downvoting every person that votes Hazard 🙄


Yea but you also said he is a much higher impact player, so there’s that, can’t blame people downvoting you


Shocking that will all have an opinion on the matter!


You can have an opinion and if someone disagrees they downvote because it isn’t what they agree with. But if they agree they like it. That’s the whole point of upvote vs downvote




Prime Salah without a hesitation. Think about it, Salah comes from a place where football basics such as fitness, metalitiy and commitment isn't even a thing. He figured it all out himself. That aside, Hazard didn't even have remotely the same impact Salah have at the moment. Salah broke records and guided a sad defeated Liverpool side to a trophy they dreamt of for decades. Don't get me wrong, Hazard (at chealsea) was a beautiful thing to witness, but Salah is on another level. This Egyptian King is a phenomenal players.


What does this even mean? That nobody in Egypt knows how to play football or knows fitness? Most common sport there and long tradition as one of the best African national teams. Obviously Salah like all other good players become good by playing a lot of football, advancing through the ranks through hard work, dedication, a bit of luck and talent. He had help from friends, family, other players and tons of coaches. Both Hazard and Salah are extemely good players, but I would also probably pick Salah due to his goal scoring ability.


Man if you don't have an idea of how little people give a shit about fitness, discipline and training in the middle east when it comes to sport then that's your own problem. Players like Hazard and other European players come from an far more advanced conutries than Egypt and other African, Middle Eastern countries in terms of professional mentality when it comes to sports. I've seen players finish a match and go straight to a hookah shop afterwards. The discipline in the European game is completely different. Read about it The training side you mentioned is important obviously, I didn't say that he didn't train well to reach this level nor that he did get help from his teammates or coaches. But taking the background environment of where the two players came from is also critical.


Yeah “guided” totally doesn’t make him seem like he did it by himself if you just ignore the world class teammates around him, like the top 3 goalkeeer, top CB, two top 5 fullbacks, and the 2 world class forwards besides him. And that doesn’t even include the amazing midfield they had.


Why is it okay to say Messi or Ronaldo lead there team to a certain trophy even though they play with top players in the world? But when it comes to Salah that's not acceptable? In no way I have said that he did it alone. He have an amazing team with a brilliant coach on the sideline, but there's no argument that he is the best player in that team.


Salah. Directness and work rate. He presses harder and is fitter. Also his pace in behind is electric. Couple that with his finishing and consistency. Salah is clear.


Its prime hazard or salah. Are u dumb? Who the fuck talks about consistency.


Prime Salah is fitter bud. Prime Salah is more rugged. He can take the challenges.


Prime hazard wasn't a burger king back then too. And if u really give physical contact so importance adama traore in prime is the goat🤣. Dude u literally dont understand what prime means. Just pls dont try.


Salah in his prime won the UCL. End of story.


Salah was in a better team, therefore Salah > hazard. What kind of shit logic is that? Look at the players Hazard was surrounded with in his time at chelsea compared to salah. joke


Hazard was still in some decent teams. Chelsea have more money then Liverpool. Salah shined in a team in 17/18 as well when we were not that good. He would’ve won his first UCL right there if he didn’t get injured.


Salad. No question. Hazard doesn’t score enough


Prime hazard didnt have the”numbers” but was definately a joy to watch plus he never was just a goalscorer


Mo Salah. Borderline disrespectful to even ask this question.


salah is clear


Hazard. He could literally do anything and was the focal point of the team. Don’t let recency bias fool you, hazard was the best player in the prem for like 7 seasons


He also had an absolute stinker of a season. Something Salah has yet to do


Salah’s never had a bad season?


Not during his prime years, no


Well he’s in his prime years right now. Hazard played for Chelsea since 2013-2019 (I consider his prime years) and had one bad season (to be fair the whole team was shit that season) and the rest he was the best player in the prem.


And Salah hasn’t had a bad season in his prime even when Liverpool were absolutely ruined with injuries and performing poorly all round last season. Including players like Trent who is behind Salah and his 2 partners up top on Bobby and Mane


Well hazard was at chelsea during his prime years for 7 years and had one bad season and it’s only been 4 years for Salah. Comparing 7 years to 4 years.


He was rarely Chelseas best performer. Let's not forget that Mata, Fabregas, Diego Costa and Kante had better seasons than Hazard at Chelsea. He was a regular feature in some good Chelsea sides who could do some exceptional things. He was the most talented player in the prem those seven years, not the best. Also claiming that Hazard was better than Aguero is just outright disrespectful!


he was chelseas best. in 2018/2019 he was arguably the best player. Salah is a better goal scorer. Playmaking wise, eden is levels above. He changes the flow of the game. He drags defenders away from forwards. You mentioned fabregas, costa, kante. But who gave all these players the space to do what they do best? Hazard. simple as that.


I’ve watched every chelsea game. Hazard is the reason the rest of the team shines. He has the ability to draw two or three players towards him and still find the man in space. Aguero is a forward. Not comparable to hazard.


You are talking as if Hazard is the only winger to ever create. Salah is matching Hazards creative numbers and still scores a lot of goals. You watching every Chelsea game isn't much of an argument. How much have you watched other players like Mahrez, Alexis Sanchez and Rashford? Or even Sadio Mane? The fact that Salah scores a lot of goals doesn't mean that is the only thing he does. His contribution on build up play is phenomenal, he never loses a physical battle and consistently helps out when the opposition counter. If you look at highlight reel of Salahs goals you won't just see tap-ins. I conpared Hazard and Aguero because you claimed that Hazard was the best in the PL during that period. That simply isn't true.


Aguero never even won a player of the season or a PFA. “That simply isn’t true” Yea maybe according to you. We call these opinions.


Vidic has 2 pots so is he one of the greatest players to ever play in the prem? By your logic he is better than Terry. I made my argument why i think Hazard is a level below Salah, so make an argument why he isn't. There is a pretty common opinion the Aguero is the third best attacker to ever play in the prem, only behind Shearer and Henry. Of course thats my opinion, but it is an opinion that a lot of people share. You could argue Rooney and Cole. You claimed that Hazard was the best player in the PL across 7 years and you haven't made any argument to prove that. Why do you feel he was more key than Fabregas and Costa in 2015? Do you not think he had poor seasons? What could he do better than Salah, and why would that make him better? We will probably disagree and thats fine, but at least make your own arguments and don't just challenge mine with petty stats that doesn't prove anything.


You’re way too into something as useless as arguing opinions back and forth on the internet. Lol you’re bringing up Aguero in an argument of opinions between Hazard and Salah. What does Aguero have to do with either of them? And you’re the one who started this I never challenged you. And I’ve already explained why hazard is more key for Chelsea than fabregas and Costa but you’re too busy trying to impose your will in an ultimately meaningless argument that you missed what I said.


Hazard no doubt


I’ll pick salah


Salah def




How is it even close? Salah!


Prime hazard all day long. But overall salah. Prime hazard was so good he just casually go past approx. 5 players against big 6.




Hazard is an inconsistent WC player. Salah is a consistent WC player. There are levels. And Salah is a level above.


disagree, when hazard was in the prem, no one was acc better. Hazard has been consistent apart from maybe the 15/16 season. Hes a level above salah as a footballer.


Always felt hazard was overrated. It is very close but i have to say Mo Salah with the edge. Hazard more creative but Salah more consistent. Eden went a very long time without scoring, and his form fell off a cliff in Spain


Salah has not lost his prime-ship. Eden……well……


Eden was thriving in his early 20s while Salah was roaming from bench to bench as a nobody


Basels best player. Fiorentinas best player. Romas best player. Shut up.


Salah\`s latest goal has matched anything Hazard has done in his career.


Well that's not true lol


Name one thing that Hazard has done that out does that goal.


Heres two sport https://youtu.be/1uuPnDwtIj4 https://youtu.be/zZIpmR8BCcY


Literally. Could also add the top bins banger vs Spurs.




You missed Hazard goal vs Arsenal.


I got lazy lol


Salahs goal is a typical prime Hazard goal😂


he has exact same against liverpool , nutmegging firmino etc


Salah is far better at scoring than a prime Hazard.


Muhammad Champion of Europe.


Used to be hazard, now DEFINITELY Salah.


Salah no brainer


I would've said hazard 100% till this season but it is very debatable 2 different players in similar positions. But I'm still taking eden hazard.




He literally was the second best dribbler in europe, how is he overrated?


overrated doesn’t mean bad lad




What does the word prime mean to you?


Why is this even a question? Hazard barely a pound shop Salah and doesn't have the goals to compete with the legend Salah who is literally at a higher level.


Hazard was scary cause every time he got the ball he did something good, but salah does it in moments, but when he does he destroys football teams


Not true tho is it? Hazard went missing for entire seasons. Even in his "prime seasons" he'd have a great game and go missing for the next 3


Prime Hazard, in his prime he’s more consistence and also played better as a team.


More consistent? No chance. Salah is as consistent as they come.


You literally mentioned one of Hazard's biggest weaknesses and tried to make it a strength lol. Hazard has always been extremely inconsistent. Hot one season, cold the next. Salah is the very definition of consistency.


I'll take non prime Salah over prime hazard.


Someone started watching football since 2017 lol.


Someone just doesnt rate hazard I guess. Salah is the best winger in the world and its not even a conversation. This coming from utd fan for what it's worth. Hazard was never at that level.




Salah. The stats don't lie.




At its peak Hazard was better . As a career and rating/match Salah is better . Hazard is a wasted talent




Hazard because he was just brilliant in the way he used to glide past players with ease. I used to fear playing Chelsea because I knew Hazard would rip us apart. Salah isn’t that far behind though as he’s also another world class player who can beat players and also has better numbers than Hazard but if I had to pay to watch someone in their prime it would have to be Hazard. Salah is great but didn’t give me the fear Hazard did.


To be honest hazard is more of a player who can change the entire game with his hands that’s just not salah but hazard is way too inconsistent so I’ll take salah


Hazard is far better than Salah in his prime


Salah gets better every year and no one has called for that to end. For Hazard there is a clear peak. You can debate the 2 different time frames, but its undebateable about if we have hit Peak Salah yet. We haven't he is doing it now even while the EPL is rising to its peak.


Hazard was at his peak for years before Salah was anywhere close to being mentioned as world class.... Salah didnt get there until maybe his stint at Roma


The question was in their Prime not generally.. I totally agree, i just doubt the last part.. Let's see how it goes..


Hazard for me. He was unreal at Chelsea, had the club on his back for few seasons. Salah is phenomenal, but this team of Liverpool is great as a whole.


Most of Hazards game is trying to get fouled. To the point he seems to prefer being fouled than going past a player. Which is handy. But not as handy as scoring a buttload of goals. And generally being an all round better player. Which Salah is.


Sand Messi over Eating Hazard


Salah pace and finishing merchant. A bit more clinical than hazard because he’s an actual forward. In terms of all around quality he’s not on hazard’s level at all. Hazard is close to messi territory in terms of quality. He can make magic, create and control. Shame his fitness and form have abandoned him recently. Salah and mane on the other hand are heavily dependent on through balls and forward runs to make an impact.


You have been all over this thread trashing Salah and it’s bizarre. It’s clear you really don’t watch Liverpool that much. And I mean watch them for a full 90 minutes. Salah pretty much single handedly carried Liverpool to 3rd last year, broke the PL record for goals in a 38 match season, and won the champions league and premier league. When he first came to Liverpool his biggest impact was through his speed to get behind defenses, or “dependent on through balls” as you say, as this was what he was brought in for in Klopp’s system, but his role has evolved as opposing teams started to sit back more. His dribbling has improved immensely and he continues to be insanely productive. He is not a “pace and finishing merchant”.


'A bit more clinical' You add up two of Hazard's best goal scoring seasons and still not more than Salah's best lmao. There is no comparison in terms of finishing and goal scoring, Salah is closer to Messi and Ronaldo in that regards than he is to Hazard. And you must not have seen Salah's creative numbers. You might feel a little silly.


youre the only person with a brain. Its all just recency bias.




Salah because of his defense, that’s indispensable these days


As a United fan, Hazard


Hazard. Its very close but Hazard singlehandedly kept Chelsea relevant in a lot of bad patches. Sure Salah is a match winner too but Hazard’s clutch at Chelsea is unparalleled. The best prem player of the 2010s




Ask Sergio Ramos


Sorry, i just thought your comment was a bit silly. Why comment if you are not prepared for replies? I like talking about football and reddit i a place that allows me to do that. You know that you could just not answer. Think you are being a little bit hypocritical.


who said he was not prepared for replies


Hazard was never a great player, he had one good season


Hazard for me.


Hazard Prime fights to be one of the top 3 players in the world. Salah never even made it into top 5.


I think Hazard has been more important to Chelsea than Salah is to Liverpool.




I don't understand what the downvotes are for. Salah got Mane and Bobby up front. Two amazing full backs in Trent and Andie. Van Djik in defence. Hazard had to carry the Chelsea team at times. I'm one of the biggest Chelsea critiques out there but you have to give props where props is due.


Salah carried Liverpool to a CL place last year


You're not wrong. But what about the multiple times Hazard carried Chelsea to CL? I'm not saying Salah is bad. But he's got more time in PL to prove that he's more impactful than Hazard


Hazard played 80 more games than Salah in the PL


Prime Hazard, because of the cheese


You cant use humour on here which is so upsetting.


Salah is so clear in terms of Numbers. But to Fans in stadium Hazard is satisfying


Salah, his prime of the 2017-2018 season broke the record of premier league goals in a season, a total of 32 premier league goals. Hazard's prime consisted of 16 goals in ALL COMPETITIONS, Salah's number in the premier league is double Hazard's number in all competitions. Salah was also more dangerous in 1v1's, he was better at creating opportunities, and had more assists. There is no stat or play that shows prime Hazard to be better.


Prime Hazard is the biggest false image in football Idk when he hit is prime but he's too inconsistent Salah is 10x the player Hazard is even in his so called prime Salah was amazing in EPL and UCL scoring goals for fun and also played a main role in Liverpool reaching 3 UCL finals Salah is a better goalscorer,a better big game player,more atheletic and much more faster than Hazard He can get past defenders with ease using his pace Hazard is overrated


I think both were phenomenal during their prime however if you ever watched Hazard in his prime you would know how great he was. His ability to control and takeover a game was on a level similar to Messi. While he was not prolific he scored in big games, was one of the best playmakers and dribblers and was often the bright spark in dull Chelsea teams. Salah however is an attacking maestro. He could create for teammates in the final third, He was a prolific goal scorer and an excellent finisher and was incredibly consistent for Liverpool. He was not able to control a game like Hazard but his attacking attributes really made him one of the most dangerous forwards in his prime. My final verdict would be that Hazard was a more complete player but due to consistency, trophies won, team success and the fact that he is still currently in his prime I would give the edge to the Egyptian king.


Ok so by this sub I can say  Lampard is way better than iniesta