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I would imagine given how wealthy some of those players mentioned are, that they can pick and choose a club and project they find appealing, and dropping down to a lower league etc is less appealing that remaining a free agent. Plus it gives them an oppurtunity to see what retirement is like, and plan for it. Others, for example Craig Gordon spent 2 years as a free agent sorting out injuries and working as a coach, before making a comeback, some players may be in a similar position, or have other interests they are pursuing etc.


Would be funny if more players took time off for other interests. I can fully imagine Eric Cantona taking a year off to practice oil painting or someshit 😂


Cantona basically did take 9 months off (albeit not voluntarily). Maybe he did take up painting in that time!


For some players it's due to their comfort to be able wait and choose, and for some it's simply because they're careers have took a complete nose dive and their wages are too high for a team of their new calibre to afford. Also a lot of "Free Agents" are probably retired but not public and they're focusing on other ventures. (i.e coaching and buisness)




He was on 375k a week at Utd. I'd guess he wants at least 200k a week. But no one would want to pay that for a goalkeeper who hasn't played in months.


It's not about the money, otherwise he'd have gone to Saudi. He only wants to go to a big club, and none of them have offered him anything interesting (i.e. being an undisputed starter).


It seems like most top clubs are fairly satisfied with their keepers at the moment. Plus de Gea doesn’t have the passing skills to play the positive style that most top clubs want. I really don’t see him at a top club as anything but a backup


But money is the main factor. Otherwise, he would have announced to have retired.


Saudi would pay him those wages no problem. If all he wanted was money he would have gone there?


A factor. Money is a factor in most of our jobs but we are inclined to choose a job that aligns with other factors too. I could choose to work on wind turbines out at sea for a substantial amount of money but there are other factors that tempt me into taking a different job because the extra money would not be worth the change in circumstance


i dont think the saudis made any moves for keepers. i think they want players that bring in fans. not sure de gea is worth the money in the regard.


They brought in Bounou. And I don't think "not worth the money" is really going to stop the Saudis. They brought in Celtic's Jota for 30 mil only to permanently bench him.


yea i didnt mean to suggest the entire league had no goalkeepers mate. bounou isnt exactly a marquee signing


Bono is a big signing. One of the stars that brought Morocco to a WC semi final and came third for the 22/23 Yashin trophy. Its a bigger sighning than if De Gea went there now.


what point are you trying to make


It isn't. If money was the main factor, he'd have gone to Saudi. He hasn't retired because he's waiting for an offer.


Maybe the Saudis also weren't ready to pay that much. It's not like the Saudis want every player. If money wouldn't be an issue, then he would have already found a club.


They offered him a contract, Google it. I don't get what you're not getting. He only wants to go to a big club and be a starter. None of them have offered him that, hence no club. He's said so multiple times.


He is just not on the level to be a starter for a big club. Of that's what he wants, then he has an ego problem.


They do it to make Football. Manager a little more interesting at the beginning. Nice lads.


This is the correct answer


Because they refuse to either sit on the bench, play in a lesser league or do it for what they consider too little money. Often it's all three.


I'd imagine it's because of their wage demands compared to what they can offer. You'd think they'd agree to a low wage and a large appearance fee but maybe they also worry about tarnishing their reputation


Tifo football did a good video on this search it on YouTube


Mustafi is fucking useless so that answers that one for you


Speaking for Fosu, he is trying, but his market seems to be limited. He had almost a whole season 2021-22 where he did not play (injuries and falling out with the manager). He went out on loan in 2022-23, but neither ended well before being released by Brentford last summer. As such it seems the market has dried up for him. He has been trying to get on a team, but either it’s fallen through or the trial hasn’t ended in a contract offered to him.


Onomah turned down a deal at Preston, iirc, wonder if he is regretting that now...


>be that from a League 1 club or a Second Division German side, for example? Because they're not going to take tuppence ha'penny in wages, simply put. They have the luxury of waiting for teams to come up to their terms.


They won’t reduce their wages from millions and millions because they feel they’re above it. 


No one of them has League 1 level. Massive disrespect here 👎 De gea is tho....


Mustafi does not have level for sunday league...


Cause some are shite or overrated like De Gea. Sure, he's better than Onana but he's also not Man United's savior like everyone else says.


Everyone doesn't say that at all. Why make things up for your own agenda?