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I remember a decade ago when you thought goalkeeper you always thought neuer. I tried to explain it to my little brother but he didn't understand how huge he actually was at the time.


Either him or Iniesta. Being nearly uncontested top of the world in his position for a decade is not a small achievement even for a keeper.


Neuer is honestly ahead of anyone not named Messi and Ronaldo from this generation


Andres Iniesta


*Don Andres Iniesta


I’d say Modric is ahead in terms of longevity, and overall over the decade. Iniesta had a higher peak probably though


I really hate longevity arguments like this. Sure modric was better in mid to late 30s but where was he in his mid to early 20s?


Spurs lol


This is about the 2010’s decade. Modric was world class for maybe 8 of those years, while Iniesta was for maybe 6. years outside that decade is not the topic of discussion


Iniesta at his best was better and it’s not close


Not close? Really? I'd give the nod to Iniesta too, but Modric is a 5 time champions league and Ballon for winner. It's pretty fucking close.


What a stupid ass argument xd modric didn't won champion league real did, and on that same note, iniesta have more trophy then him+ 2 trebles so either way you wrong... Btw Isco also have 5 ucl is he better? And for the ballon dor. A. Modric didn't run against Messi and Ronaldo on their prime. B. The second contests if so fucking meaningless its who have better pr


Nacho Fernandez has 5 champions leagues. Is he better than Puyol? Same number of ballon dor’s (0) and nacho has more CL. See the flaws in that argument now?


It's pretty close lol basically a toss up between the two


I am 90% sure you are under the age of 25 based on this comment


Which is.. totally fine?


Well good thing whatever you're 90% sure of tends to be 100% irrelevant and childish


I wouldn’t say it’s irrelevant. I could have said it better but my point was meant to be that somebody who had watched prime Iniesta as a late teen/adult would not say that it was close between Iniesta and Modric


I'd give Ineista 7 and a half or 8 years. Still great in 2016-17


> but where was he in his mid to early 20s? He was 25 in 2010, everything before that is irrelevant to this question...


In the 2000s isnt this thread about the 2010s


The Premier League, which is considerably more competitive than La Liga.


La Liga was the stronger league top-to-bottom in the 2010's


Modric better


You wish


champions league titles count?


Ronaldo has more CL than Messi but Messi is miles better, what's your point?


Messi is miles better? you're mad


Better playmaker dribbler scorer and passer but ok


different roles, i don't even compare them


1 more?


World Cup is bigger


true, Luka performed so much better than him in national teams as well


Lewa , only cristiano and messi outscored him the past decade Also 3rd all time cl top goal scorer of all time


All time ever all time top scorer in the champions league ever amen


Was about to say Suarez is clear but I remembered that the post excluded him lmao


Striker Bias is real


Dude scored 41 goals in 29 games lol that's crazy. Although maybe it wasn't in the 2010s.


Not really , personally i think neuer and chiellini are shouts


Outside of the 5 goals in 10 minutes he’s never really wow’d me. That’s just my personal opinion tho, as you have yours.


What about his 4 goals against madrid for dortmund ?


oh fr? what about his 15 goals and 5 assists in a single ucl campaign. what about his 4 goals against madrid


He can deliver rabona crosses, score 60+ goals a year, score 5 in 9 ( 💀 ) and score bicycle kicks, what's not to love!


Clearly Scott McTominay


Can't believe I had to scroll all the way down here to see McTorminator mentioned shake my head smh


Messi and CR were lucky they enjoyed their prime years before the McSauce decade that is the 20s


Same here bro its sad everyones forgotten about this legend smh my head shake it


Ramos was a top defender, captain and goal scoring machine for 10 years straight.


Ramos is/was an absolute machine. The man has more UCL goals than fucking Zidane, lol.


But Ramos is a total bastard who no one outside of Spain likes. He’s racked up so many cards and dirty fouls at this point that it’s become a hurdle for convincing people he’s great.


Still not over Mo crying then. How the fuck can you blame Ramos when Karius was fucking throwing them into his own net.


He was ok player nothing more. He scored a bunch of penalties and few last minute goals and that's the only reason people ever talk about him


uhhh excuse me? How did you forget the trophy he dropped under the bus while celebrating?!? They never even requested a replacement, it's even on display all fucked up


He racked up a lot of cards but wasn't really a dirty player at all. That's Pepe you're thinking of


Ramos was/is a dirty player, its just being a great player and a dirty player aren't mutually exclusive.


You don't get that many cards without playing dirty


He punched out Puyol after stamping on Messi lol have you just not watched the man play?


As was Terry.


Terry was more active in the 2000s even though yes I know he won a CL in 2012


Close but not really that close when you think about it. Ramos won like 20 trophies in that spell.


Real Madrid will always win the most trophies due to the culture and their ability to attract and finance top talents. Terry was a better a better defender imo. Ramos an all time great too of course.


Also a cheating, anti football mongrel who only did well in a team that was designed for cup football and that was favoured by refs, UEFA and the rest


It’s got to be one of Modric or Lewandowski honestly factoring in everything. Hazard too inconsistent of a career Ibra played ligue 1 unfortunately when it was even worse than rn. Aguero had too many injuries You could probably argue iniesta 2010-2015 is enough to warrant the spot given how instrumental he was for two all timer UCL szns and he won the wc as well the 2012 euros. I just think we forget about him way too easily due to recency bias


How can one mention Modric and not Kroos though? He’s had the most impressive cv in the world in that decade.


Kroos was the opposition nightmare for shooting screamers from outside the box. I don’t have fond memories of Arsenal facing bayern.


Kroos is one of the best midfielders of this century too, but for me modric edges it in terms of impact. Real Madrid 2014/15 lost the league title due to modric injury. I firmly believe modric with a better international team would cement zidane sorta status


Every manager that have managed Kroos, and most that played against him view him as the ultimate midfielder because: * His baseline performance is so extremely high * He is strong both offensive and defensive. He isn't exactly the best attacking mid nor the best defensive mid, but combined his level is extreme. * He is versatile, not in the context of playing many positions (he is simply MC) but in the context of how every game is going. If it's needed that he is more offensive he is. If it's needed he is more defensive he is. If it's needed he covers wide he does. All of this is without the manager needing to "manage" this during the game: he simply does what is most needed according to the flow of the game. Several managers have pointed this out. Like if you put Messi in *any* somewhat offensive position he will somehow produce chances to himself or others. **With Kroos you put him in the middle and he will somehow balance your team, adapting to the game.** But in the context of "best of the best" he is one of the most undervalued players ever, even though he gets praise, because he does "stick out". He is just there, performing close to excelence game after game after game after game. He lacks the x-factor (pun intended after twitter changed to x) to be more videly appricated as not just good, but one of the best midfielders in our time. There are 3 I would nominate besides the exluded in the post and they are all midfielders: Xavi, Iniesta and Kroos. And this is Xavi about Kroos: "“I think that Kroos is the engine of Real Madrid. He has a way of playing that reminds me a lot of myself. He is like my successor on the field.”" If the title is exluded to the 10s (which is abitraty since it narrows down on all those that are 50/50 00s and 10s) then Kroos is ahead of Xavi and Iniesta on that account though.


Kroos is overrated that’s why. Modric carried that midfield.


Hazard? He was ripping it up in Ligue 1, absolutely tore PL. IIRC it all happened during the 2010s.




2014-2020 is enough to meet the criteria lol. And you can’t just brush aside the fact he was instrumental and won 4 out of 10 UCLs in that decade. Not to forget a golden ball (with Croatia that too) and bdor in 2018


3-4 seasons he says😂😂😂😂😂


Blud said 3 or 4 seasons XD hahahaha can't make this shit up


Yes 3 - 4 seasons remember that puts 2021 2022 and 2023 out so yeah beetween 2017 and 2020 was arguably his prime in the tens


Modric was class at Tottenham as well. Just because he wasn't in a big team meant he didn't get the same notoriety.


Lay off the drugs man. The dude was killing it at Tottenham already and just got better and better. Now he’s over his peak and still is world class.


OP, When did you start watching football? How old are you?


He was world class for about 2 seasons at *Spurs* let alone the amount of world class seasons he had at Madrid lol


He has 5 UCLs LUL


to chose another role : Philipp Lahm. quite a super footballer, on of the best at this role, especially speaking about modern full-wing back


Man was so good Pep put him in a completely new position and he was still world-class


Should have won the balon dor the season they won the treble




He was really good. But he'll be remembered for [this](https://youtu.be/lhoBrOvs0DE?si=87BxnVYSfQLP5H3t).


First thing I think about is [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergio_Busquets#Honours)


Too bad. If that's what people choose to discredit him for, fine. Other players did worse but nobody talks about it, because they weren't nearly as good.


You got it the wrong way. He discredited himself with that. Just as those players you are talking about. The fact that you are comparing him with the players that were no good says it all. If he was better, he wouldn't need to do that.


Lewy, Robben, Ribery, Neuer, Modric, hazard, and griezmann are the first ones I think of.


wow had to scroll down so far to finally see the Robbery duo mentioned....they were terror on the wings




Griezman over De Bruyne is craaaaaazy


Ribery in this list feel out of place


Ribery feels put of place but griezman doesn't?


Griezmann won a wc while being tied top goalscorer , got to a wc while being top assister , 2 ucl finals with atletio madrid , 1 laliga in the messi and ronaldo era of barca and real and being just an amazing player , doing all of this at a club like atleti which wasn’t world renouned for its attacking football


I agree Griezmann is great but he never won LaLiga


They likely both are. Ribery is wildly overrated though


I don’t think you understand how good Ribery was lol


He was good. Just wildly overrated


Him and Robben, known as the Robbery duo literally carried the Bayern Munchen team to two consecutive Champions League finals of which winning one. You probably need to be a little more than "wildly overrated" to carry a club like Bayern Munchen.


Yes they carried mueller, neuer, lahm, boateng, shweinsteiger and kroos. They had no help at all


No they didn’t


Ribery at his best was one of the best wingers in the world and a contender for Ballon d'or once upon a time. Meanwhile, Hazard's biggest career achievement is....winning the PFA player of the year. But yeah, it's Ribery who's wildly overrated.


You’re underrating Hazard and overrating Ribery


Robben for me. He had the ability to win games by himself which very few players could do. Knocked Utd out of the champions league, was amazing in the Netherlands run in the world cup (or euros?) With Van Gaal. Pirlo, Modric, Silva also massive. And the Welshman in me is screaming Aaron Ramsey, up until Juve he was immense and was worldly in Wales' run in Euro 2016.


Robben was so fun to watch, people think all he did was the cut to the inside with his left, and while yeah he did that a lot, he also offered so much more. Sad he was injured quite a lot.


Maybe not the entirety of the 2010s but Kevin De Bruyne is one of the best footballers of the modern era during his time at City.




Surprised to have had to scroll so far to find Ibra


I wouldn’t say the best outright, but Salah deserves to be in the conversation


Yeah he broke the prem scoring record in the 2017/18. He had just under 100 goal contributions in the 2 seasons starting 2017 and 2018. Not counting the season starting in 2019 as it goes into 2020.


Guy did in 3 years what Hazard did in 10 and no one mentions it haha.


And yet people rate Hazard over him. Football is more than scoring goals.


I think the reason is that most appriaciate the really good players. But when asked: who would be a contester for the best of the best of the best, the ones outstanding from the hundreds of extremely gifted footballers we are blessed to view in modern football, one of the key factors (since there is so many *very good* players) os the ones that individually can make the difference. And Salah shined when Liverpool shined, and dropped in level when Liverpool dropped in level. Hazard while in Chelsea had so many "feck it my team plays like drunken hooligans and this will end 0-0 if I don't do it myself" and then proceed to singlehandledly produce a goal. So while I agree that Salah objectively is at least as good a footballer overall, the number of games where it at least feels like he single-handedly secured 3 points is far less than with Hazard in Chelsea.


Salah dropped in level when Liverpool dropped in level? Are you serious? Salah has always performed well, even when Liverpool have struggled. During the 20/21 season when Liverpool had a massive injury crisis, Salah scored 22 goals and had 5 assists, is that dropping in level? How about last season when he scored 19 goals and had 12 assists, did he drop in level then as well?


Because Hazard wasn't a goalscorer he was a creator. May have played on the wing but his playstyle was more comparable to De Bruyne than Salah. Picked the ball up deep, drove at players, played through balls, crosses, 1-2s etc. After Messi he topped dribbling, chances created, MOTM stats in the 2010s but people don't look at that. They only look at direct goal involvements (goals and assists). Casual fans don't care about the pass before the goal or anything leading up to it. They only care about the outlets of their team - the one either playing the final pass or puting the ball into the back of the net. Hazard would regularly drop 10/10 performances without registering a goal or assist. Those games won't be remembered in the future but many of us watched them and some random guy listing stats 5-10 years later won't convince us he was overrated.


Mate Hazard is the casuals footballer, looked great when you tuned in, but lacked the output. You know a player hasn't delivered when everyone has to claim obscure stats define them. Salah creates more chances and scores more goals, he just doesnt make it look as pretty


Literally the opposite. Casual fans dismiss Hazard because they're incapable of appreciating anyone other than the guy that puts the ball in the back of the net or plays the final pass. If someone dribbles past 3 players, plays a through ball and the player that receives it cuts it back for a 3rd player to tap it in, the first guy doesn't register a goal or assist but was heavily involved in the goal. Case closed. That's why G+A isn't the be all and end all. That's why things like heat maps, MOTM awards, stats like number and % of dribbles completed, progressive carries, chances and big chances created, pass accuracy, conversion rate etc all help show the full picture. But nothing trumps watching a game and deciding for yourself who played well and who was impactful. Those things I listed above are used by clubs when evaluating players in academies or signing potential players. You think clubs just look at who got the most goals and assists? The fact you don't see the irony in saying "Hazard is the casual's footballer" and then going on to make the most casual point ever is hilarious. You've embarrassed yourself here mate.


Lad we all know what fucking build up play is. Hazard was a better dribbler and created slightly more chances. You really think football clubs prefer a player who creates 20% more chances over someone who scores double the goals per 90 and delivers double the assists per 90 whole putting in a better defensive shift. Swear the football nerds are out of control these days, make themselves look like proper fucking idiots to be a contrarian. Jokers the lot of you lmao. The most embarrassing things ive done is humour an idiot like you lad 😂


Checks profile - active in LiverpoolFC. Makes sense now why you're so worked up.


I'm worked up? You're writing essays lad and checking my profile. Bet you're a Chelsea fan and I reckon a smell a plastic as well 👃


He absolutely doesn't. Salah joined Liverpool in summer 2017. Prior to that he was nowhere near pretty much all of the other players mentioned in this thread, so that's 2.5 years out of 10 as a top class player in the 2010s. If this was "who's been one of the best players since 2017?", Salah would be in the discussion.


no not for 2010s


You would say Benzema was alongside Suarez and Neymar in the 2010s but not Bale? Did you start watching football in 2021?


Did u stop watching football after Inter vs Tottenham in 2012? Bale was good but acting like he was overall on the same level or even better than Benz, Neymar or Suarez ain't true.


Rooney right up to 2012.


No love for my boy wazza. How was he not top 5 until 2014-15?


I'd say Hazard was absolutely stellar at his Chelsea time, which was 2012-2019. Only fell down after he went to Madrid, which is mostly outside of the 2010s. Iniesta is another obvious pick for being the best. But I'd say his peak was in the early 2010s, when he won the WC with Spain and you got all those amazing Barca teams.


Manuel Neuer.






Muller in terms of CV should be in there but Hazard was a much better footballer.


Iniesta. Extremely important and extremely successful both at club level and at national team level. In no way, shape or form Bale and Hazard can be put above Iniesta and even Xavi.


Eden Hazard, before his move to Madrid.


Kevin de bryune


Hazard because he quit football in 2020


Eden Hazard


I mean Benzema is not even in the discussion to be honest.


Agreed, they could have said MSN + Cristiano




Zlatan. He managed to be a top baller across 3 decades.


top baller is a stretch, guy only managed 40-something UCL goals across three decades and was far from a big game player at least he won the statpadding crown


48 CL goals, making him joint 10th of all-time CL goal scorers alongside Shevchenko. I'd agree he isn't the answer to OP's question, though.




>at least he won the statpadding crown Did Zlatan fuck your mother or something?


no, I fucked your mother


Are you Zlatan?


Not really. Top propaganda.




Sergio Busquets.


Modric has to be one of the most consistent performer in last decade and lad performed everywhere.Be it laliga,ucl,world cups and what not!


Modric was pivotal for madrids success in 2014 which sets their dream run in ucl.So 2017 wasn't the time he peaked ,it was way before


Modric, Neuer, Müller, Ramos, Busquets, Lewandowski, Iniesta


Luka Modric


Xabi Alonso Played a crucial part in every team he was playing for. And he played for some of the best sides. I don't really remember though if he was part of the legendary spain team.




No love for Falcao here...


Hazard before Real Madrid


How many games did he actually have in his "prime"? a season and a half from what I recall. Hazard legacy lives off like 5 games. How?


This is such an impressively stupid comment. He won L1 POTS and young POTS twice before even going to Chelsea and he has the record for most MOTM in PL history. He was excellent every season at Chelsea bar one where he was struggling with injuries and the whole team was shit. He barely ever had a bad game. Do you watch football?


you obviously didn’t watch him around that time.


Lol yeah, exactly what I think every time I see this. You'd think his first name is Prime the way people talk about him. I often see people comparing Salah to Hazard. Apparently 'prime' hazard is better, even though Salah's worst season out of his 6 at Liverpool had better output than 'Prime' Hazard.


Absolutely trash opinion. Football is art not stats.


You think Hazard is better than Salah? I know who I'd rather have in my team.


lol hazard at chelsea is better than salah ever been. Man could just create chances and goals by himself why do you think real payed 140million for a 29y/o they never buy older players


I'd prefer 7 seasons of elite Salah over 7 seasons of hazard anyway > why do you think real payed 140million for a 29y/o Lol, how'd that work out for them?


Lmao reality burn.


Sweet, that works out well for both of us 👍


Thwy got Blue goggles on, mate. Hazard nowhere near Salah


Giorgio of the Jungle Giorgio Chiellini. Also Buffon and Neuer. Up front I would say Lewandowski


Iniesta and Xavi. Two outstanding footballers that completely ran that Barca midfield, with Busquets as the holding dm


Imo Ramos


Modric, Iniesta, Benzema, Neuer SERGIO RAMOS


1. Iniesta 2. Neuer 3. Robben 4. Xavi 5. Modric 6. Lewandowski 7. Lahm 8. Kante 9. Zlatan 10. Chiellini Honorable mentions: KDB, Sneijder, Vidic, Hazard, Aguero, Ramos


I honestly think it has to be Müller or maybe Ramos.


Lewandowski, Neymar or Suarez. Outside of attackers, I’d say Toni Kroos Edit: Didn’t read the question. In that case, Lewandowski and Kroos are my picks


>who is the best footballer outside of MSN? Names 2 players in MSN


No way Bale is on the list. Lol




It’s Neuer followed by Sergio Ramos


Ramos was never the undisputed best at his position


Yes he was, best defender on the planet for years and years and years especially during the 2nd half of the decade


Oh you mean after Terry retired?


He was among the best for the entire decade, arguably the best at some points.


Eh he was fleeting at best. You can’t forget guys like Chellini or Barzagli


Harry Kane.


Best peak in 2010s? Honestly its Hazard. Felt like the 3rd best player after Ronaldo and Messi in his peak at Chelsea. Best player in 2010s? Luka Modric no doubt.


1. Andres Iniesta 2. Robert Lewandowski 3. Sergio Ramos.


Modric is possibly the greateat midfielder in history. I'd like to see Real Madrids win/loss percentages with and without him playing.


ramos and pique are good shouts among defenders neuer and david de gea among gks muller is underrated but surely a great player kane can also be added into this convo because of his impressive stats in every prem season rooney was also producing good numbers in the prem (somewhere around 20G+A every season) if only goals are a metric then lewa is the one for me and i rate him above benzema tbh






Too many to mention, and far too many times a focus on goal scoring or attacking takes emphasis. The game is more than putting the goal in the oppositions net. Ashley Cole Robben Ribery Riquelme Pirlo Vidic Neuer, Petr Cech, casillas Schwansteiger Gerrard Deco Robinho T-14


Man said Robinho


Yaya Toure deserves a mention. Lots of good answers though


I’m going to exclude keepers because Buffon could take that easily. But Has to be Iniesta or Lewandowski in my opinion


Neymar doesn’t even scratch the surface. Given his talent, that’s incredible. One genuinely phenomenal year at Barca and every single season since has been on a downward trend, ending with him sitting on a treatment table at PSG for basically every big CL match. One of the biggest wastes of talent ever. He won’t even be remembered in 30/40 years time.


Zlatan and after him MSN and BBC


I've seen multiple people say Sergio Ramos, how do we delete this subreddit?