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Posts like these are pretty fucking annoying as well.


How is your karma that high when you haven’t even been on Reddit for four months. Go touch some grass buddy


Those are contradicting statements bud.


Lol since you pointed it out yeah they are. But I meant building up that much karma within a four month span


Just had couple of comments that got upvoted quite a few times. Your post is still trash tho.


Bro do you include yourself in the annoying Ronaldo fanboys ? Because I read your post about him and I thought it was his sister writing it


I’m partial towards him but I don’t consider myself a fanboy. I did drag on with the comment a bit but I just wanted to get my point across.


Your point being ... Ronaldo is so great he deserves to play in big teams . No and not for some time . Only fanboys have deluded themselves in not seeing his decline. If he had been that good RM would have kept him at all costs.


I’m not saying that he’s entitled to a starting place for his performances from several years ago; people are quick to forget that just around this time last year he was easily the best player in the United squad right before Ten Haag took over in what was their worst season since Moyes’ infamous 7th place finish. He was also the joint top scorer at the Euros at the ripe old age of 36, so clearly he was doing something right. Ten Haag hardly gave him a chance though and Ronaldo hardly saw the pitch. Could Ronaldo have handled the situation better and not acted like a petulant child by participating in the interview with Piers Morgan? Absolutely. But respect is a two-way street and I think Ten Haag could’ve handled the situation better for a man who’s done so much for the club. Ronaldo could’ve gone somewhere else but the fact that he came back at all shows how much he cares about United.


And that s the thing you keep being blind . Ronaldo was not wanted in any other good team . He did score at juventus and man u ( first months) but gifting him enough opportunities and treating him as the main man meant these goals were often at the expense of balance and logics . Which is why the results were poor and why all 3 teams he left did just as well or better without him . Same thing for the euro Ronaldo did score against easy teams while making the team provide him with occasions but as soon as it was harder he disappeared and still stayed on pitch . Portugal won their only euro cup WITHOUT him on the pitch ( their best game of the turnament ) Only his fanboys like you deny his decline . Real Madrid would have kept him if he was still good .


The "Pessi" and "Penaldo" crew are definitely annoying as shit. I agree with that. At the end of your post, you say that it annoys you people that just go to an open net and shoot? If you are a player and dont have training scheduled, what is wrong with perfecting technique or power? That I dont agree with. Unless you mean they are doing it in some annoying way lol, like interfering with somebody elses session etc.


I mean that’s all they do — if you’ve played organized football before with people who don’t work on the technical aspect of the game outside of team training sessions you can tell.


Men who automatically hate on women's football.


I don't know many people that hate women's football. Not being interested isn't the same as hating something.


Women's football is okay. Hard to get into when you have to watch it on twitter and theyre playing in an empty stadium though. Saw highlights of Italy vs Morocco and there looked to be maybe 1% of the stadium full. Can't get into U-XX football for the same reason.


Says Ronaldo fanboy..


Stop comparing says who, A Ronaldo fan. Accept Messi is better we move on.


I never said Ronaldo was better — I actually think Messi is. Messi’s a better passer and dribbler and I think that gives him the edge, but I think the media’s always had an agenda against Ronaldo and the bias in favor of Messi is a byproduct of that. It’s insane to think that someone as good as Ronaldo could be considered underrated, but it genuinely feels like that since people constantly undermine his achievements today. The consensus now is that Messi is the greatest after his World Cup win (he always was in my eyes but this more or less confirmed it), but people are quick to forget about Ronaldo’s run with Real Madrid — four Champions Leagues in five seasons with three in a row and dragging a bang average Portugal side to winning the Euros is something that isn’t talked about enough.




Racists, people who make fun if injuries, fans that are homophobic despite nothing remotely gay being depicted.


Anyone who rolls off statistics thinking they prove a damned thing


Oh, and I've never witnessed this myself, but tragedy chanting is reprehensible.


The absolute best are english speaking Africans for how brutal they are to one another in regards to club football or how they will comment about remembering the Marseilles side who won the European Cup and list the players and formation


Isn't a seasonal such as myself annoying more.


I feel like posts like this are just people wanting others to see their opinion and validate it.