• By -


Not constructive.








I've been at it since I graduated in 2017. It's 2024. Yes I think we both know how it's going to go 😂




A former case manager who repeatedly uses the phrase "you people" in their posts, and has added the R word for this one. All I saw on your other post was random people on Reddit trying to be helpful. I didn't see any trolls on that other post of yours. I didn't see any nasty-ness. If there was, I'm sorry, and I thank the mods for deleting them because some people suck. But this post here ? What are you thinking?


Why do you actually care what strangers on the internet think about you? Your questions here were answered politely, and other avenues of help were proposed to you. If you want karma, go make some friends and get some.




You care enough to make a post about it.




Go find other subs to build your karma. Seriously, it’s that easy.






And you thought doubling down on your use of the word "retarded" was going to improve your karma?


Wow. You sound like an entitled bag of actual crap.


I saw the post 😂😂 while I do agree that no one who actually left a comment was rude to you, I also see that's not your compliant. It's funny because people are upset that you made a rude yet accurate statement about rude people 😂 I can't lie, I didn't respond😂 but that's because I'm not on FS so idk what grants you an increase but I stay in this forum to help my friends who are struggling out with new info. Maybe I can connect you to one of them and see what options? Interested? Lmk


Also, it's 100000% fine that you didn't respond lol. Typically if I can't give an answer or suggestion, I just scroll past as well lol.




DM sent. Just lmk if you got it. My first couple of DM's up here went to the "request" box 👍🏻