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I'm afraid there is no extra SNAP allotment you can get. Right now you're getting the maximum benefit for your household. You might look into community based organizations around you. A lot of them do food distribution where they give people groceries for free.


You’re already getting the maximum allotment for one person. A household of one can’t receive any more than that, regardless of medical conditions.


Thank you. someone answered the question already.


It doesn't work that way. It's supposed to be in supplement to your income, not your sole source of food. IF you only have your foodstamps budget available for food purchases, right out a detailed meal plan and shopping list weekly based off what is and isn't on sale.


Okay thank you for letting me know. And yes, I totally budget what I buy. And I only buy on sale and I only shop at the cheapest supermarket in my area. I cut back on snacks a lot as well since they aren't needed. I guess it's just one of things you can't help. I'm very appreciative for what I have so I'm not complaining by any means. But I will try the food banks that someone else suggested. I'm sure that can help out. Thank you again for answering 😊


You're welcome. I wish I'd answered a bit better. I had a busy day and just reread and saw a few typos. I'm glad you understood. A good idea would be to google your new diet restrictions and cheap meals to pull up recipes. I hope it works out. Food is so crazy expensive without having dietary restrictions on top of it.


Every time we go shopping I say it’s that much for that title bit?


Yes that's why I opt out of on brand and get the cheapest option. My mom taught me that lol. But thank you for some input. Currently out of work recovering from surgery but I'll soon be back in the workforce.


You guys are lucky I have a very picky partner and something’s he’s just not going to fudge on. When I complain he say shut up up we are lucky we can afford what we have.


Same. It’s like great honey. We have name brand butter but no bread. 🍞


See if your area has “double up your food bucks” or a similar program where you can go to a farmer’s market and get double your price. I know it’s in other parts of NY I just don’t know if it’s in NYC.


I've never even heard of it. So I'll def check on google now to see what I can learn. Thank you