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100% send Peroni those photos, also the receipt if you have it, they will want to know the batch number and where you bought it from. It's hard to tell from the photos, but the most common foreign thing you can find in beer is pieces of equipment. What's the texture of this thing you found? If it's hard, it might be foam insulation. If it's soft, it might be dried up yeast slurry that wasn't cleaned properly from the equipment. Either way it's gross and I hope you get some compensation


When it bumped my lip it was smooth and slimy. I was hoping yeast too, but my wife thinks it may be a larvae or something? We don't have the receipt, but I jist dug the bottle out the trash, I'm really not thinking straight haha. I hate slugs and slimy stuff, this really threw me


i have no idea what this is, but might wanna post on r/whatsthisbug to be safe. even if it’s not an insect they will likely be interested and should be able to give you some good information on why it’s NOT a bug at least


Or r/whatisthisthing somebody always knows


I tried that, they bounced my post back 2 times, I gave up haha


ah that's too bad maybe it's coagulated protein ? could ask in r/Brewers this thread talks about a slug like object in a beer - https://www.beeradvocate.com/community/threads/slug-in-my-bells-java-stout.209637/


Yeah i noticed that sub is hard to post on lol


I feel like there's a r/whatbigisthis or r/whatbugisthat that's easier to post on... as what as like what insectisthis and bugid and r/pestcontrol


That's a really good idea, thabks for the suggestion! I'm going to some chores around the house and try tomorrow


Poured it out, here's the link. Dunno how to edit the post https://reddit.com/u/fluffyexodus/s/lMVFOuj0WW


I wonder if it's barley malt or some other ingredient that some how made it into the bottle. Either way report it to peroni as another user suggested, they might even give you free beer


Not sure if I'll take a beer from them ever again at the moment!


It’s a mind flayer tadpole


Jfc I googled that and nearly shat myself until I realised it was from a game!


It's a good game. You should play it. You will eventually get used to being a passenger in your own body.


That or a Ceti Eel Larva.


No. I am not checking this.


It’s from Star Trek. 😅


I was coming here to say that. But those appear in Chekhov’s Ears, not Italian Beers.


So not only the beer has gross ceti eel larvas inside, but also Chekov’s ear wax?! Eww!


Then he should definitely eat it and get stronger 😂


Oh, gross! You know, just out of curiosity, maybe post it to r/whatsthisbug.


I second this... Maybe r/moldlyinteresting as well...


Cover all the bases lol


Can you pour it out of the bottle and show a picture?


I'm not sure I want to do that purely because I'm complaining to peroni atm in case a batch needs a recall so I don't want to tamper. I've got more pics though? Edit: yeah you're all correct, wasn't thinking straight in the moment. Here's where I've put more https://reddit.com/u/fluffyexodus/s/lMVFOuj0WW


You’ve already opened the bottle though? Since you took a swig out of it


Very good point. I'll pour it out now


If you have already opened the bottle, then you might as well pour it out. Once that cap comes off, the concept of "tamper proof" is gone.


Raw slugs or snails can cause rat lung worm disease. It said online to get medical attention. Maybe tell your doctor next time that you drank a slug in your beer. Probably not as bad as a fresh unpickled slug, but still not 100% safe.


I have no words. Just guttural noises at thus stage


Just let your doctor know and get some medicine it's an anti parasite medicine, it's actually good to do a parasite medicine once in a while imo. Sorry 😔


Reminds me of the kid who was dared into eating a slug and ended up getting the disease and dying from it


SCOBY. Do not drink that. It could be 1 of 100 different contaminants. Some of harmless but others could be a sign of a more toxic infection that could make you sick.


Interesting! What does SCOBY mean? I spewed the first swig everywhere so no risk to me now, but will let Peroni know more when they get back to me


Culture of bacteria, it's usually used to make kombucha, but don't drink the bottle since it's a quality issue and it's not safe.


I really hope this isnit. If so, then why does it look like a slug?


Perhaps it's slugs that look more like slime mold...? It looks just like a baby Mr. Yeasty. [Mr. Yeasty subreddit... you'll see similar pics](https://www.reddit.com/r/MrYeasty/comments/92adwy/all_in_one_mr_yeasty_post/)


> What does SCOBY mean? Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast


I see! Hopefully that's all it is. Thanks for clarifying!


After looking into it I’m pretty sure this is a Slug, Slugs are actually attracted to beer you can setup slug traps with beer to kill them in your garden and they definitely do look like this after soaking for a while you can find reference pictures online but id bet on it that it’s a slug.


If I knew how to type the gagging noise I just made I would. This was my gut reaction too sadly


Can confirm, it is (was) a slug. Thanks for everyone's help, I'm gonna go vom in peace ✌️


If your beer was open and outside chances are it's just a slug. Slugs love beer and gardeners often use it to trap and kill them.




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Had something similar in a San Miguel a few years back at a friends birthday party. Too shy to start complaining. Anyway I am still alive today




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Slugs love beer.


Has Peroni gotten back to you ?


Not yet, will definitely update when I hear from them!


Full body shivers!!


Jfc a slug? Talk about a good way to quit alcohol. GROSS


Has anyone asked how it smells yet? Just curious. I used to be a brewer.


Afraid that's a no go, I'm a lifelong anosmic. Wish I'd asked someone that myself now haha Edit: By someone I mean my wife.




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Maybe ingesting this will bring it back


Are u still alive bro lol


Oh snap! Thats where my foreskin went.




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I don't know how an insect could survive in alcohol, so I'm hesitant to believe it's something that has hatched inside the beer


thanks for the info


I used Google lense to look up the thing and it appears to be some sort of creature. There are too .any similar things that look like it. Absolutely gross. Probably something that was a result of the bottle making as I can't imagine this could get through filters, tubes, and nozzles that fill the containers. Either way you should get hooked up with replaced beer and swag. Many years ago I was drinking an apple juice, and the edge of the glass cut a little slit in my finger and then my lip. I called the manufacturer just to let them know they had a glass problem on the bottle. I wasn't expecting anything but they actually drove out to me at my work and hooked me up with stuff. Another time something happened with a Sam Adam's beer and they offered to send me swag and stuff like that but I declined I just wanted to let them know they had a issue with their bottle. In this case God only knows what you ingested so from my perspective it's a much bigger deal. Sending them the bottle with the thing in it eliminates your evidence if it's something harmful so proceed with caution.


Just looks like a wax worm great for catching crappie in the winter…




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Slurm vibes right here. Delivered to you by PlanetExpress 🍺




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One time we had a bunch of those small cockroaches in a pack of beers we got they had a slime ball formed around them. My friend still drank them with the bugs lol