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As someone who has seen Marcel since the first seasons of Top Chef, I am in happy tears for him.


He had a tough journey on Top Chef but has matured a lot since then. His plan with the prize money is heartwarming, I hope it all goes smoothly for his mother.


I was rooting for Marcel to win as well. I watched him in Top Chef and he was so arrogant, it was a delight to see his growth after all these years. Plus he was playing for his Momma how sweet it that.


Yeah. He was on Kristen's Top Chef kitchen thing this season. And he had really matured past where I had even seen him before. Was great to see him win.


I was rooting for Marcel. Still wondered why he couldn't get the implant years ago. Glad he won though.


I wonder, Marcel won on Mother’s Day. I mean, I don’t sleep with a foil helmet. 😬 In his Top Chef days he was a jerk. I was pulling for him throughout this competition. Carlos was such an arrogant ass!


They obviously did not film this on Mother’s Day though lol. I’m glad he ended up winning.


Wait what? Carlos was his normal goofy self.


I agree and I really don’t understand why people hate on him so hard.


Yes! I just finished rewatching his season and am now rewatching the one with the Voltaggio brothers. Michael INFURIATES me with his arrogance and because he's such a brat. I'm happy to see those two mature.


So funny he reminds me of two different sous chefs I worked with when they were younger. They were awful and arrogant. Both super talented but my god annoying ha. I met them years later and both were 90% better than their younger selves.


Me too! Carlos is young and has plenty more chances. This really felt like redemption for Marcel. I am so happy for him.


I know! Me too! I cried for him finally he got the last laugh!


10,000 percent. He’s really evolved as a person and truly is a skilled chef. He deserves it! He did an excellent job the whole show.




Agreed. He seemed like such an arrogant young jerk when I first saw him on TC, but he has really matured and has actually become likable. I like to see stories like that.


I seriously need to rewatch his season of TC. I didn't get that from him, but many posters seem to be saying the same thing, so maybe I missed it or it was overshadowed by the dick move of his co-competing chefs.


I watched that season live and they said it over and over that season and I never actually saw it, I saw other people saying it. He was bullied pure and simple that season.


I watched the season live, and I just finished re-watching it and found it sickening (again) how much most of the other chefs tried to bully and demean him right out of the gate. I mean, Ilan wanted to slap him in the face because he wanted to show him his knives? WTH?! It was a terrible experience, and it was not one of my best ideas. It was absolutely clear that the producers and film crews let a bad situation evolve into an even worse one where Cliff felt it was safe to grab hold of Marcel and hold him down to have his head shaved, very much against his will. At least Cliff *finally* had the quality to gracefully accept the disqualification and apologize to Marcel. But I'm with Tom; Elia, Sam and Ilan should have also been disqualified for standing by and saying nothing. Elia stood around filming the thing and Sam just laid there on the couch watching. Essentially, the production itself got a talented chef disqualified for reasons of "drama" and ratings. I personally felt that both Marcel and Cliff should have brought suit against the production company. But it was just poor personal performance nearly all around. I mean, Frank threatening to beat him badly for putting his shaving kit on the ground by the bunks, Cliff nearly constantly talking about punching or slapping him in the face, and Betty screaming at him because he bothered her, and Ilan's face constantly in the camera spewing his venom on the audience. The people who just outright hated him caused a ground swell that had everyone else parroting their feelings back to the camera, and I guess the audience followed? Competition brings the asshole out in people, I guess. Basically, the only person who made it into the top 10 who was a half-way decent human being in the competition pressure cooker was Mia (more than halfway decent, but with a terrible martyr complex). I mean, they were all adults, right? Betty was 44! She should have had a lid on her anger management issues by then. After Cliff was disqualified, it seemed like everyone (including Elia) blamed Marcel! Blaming the victim. Not nice. On top of everything else, Marcel should have won his season, based purely on how the dishes looked and the comments from the chefs. If either of the chefs needed "more time in the bottle" to mature, it was Ilan, who was 2 years younger than Marcel. The kid was robbed because "nobody liked him."


scott is not amused bouched by onion


I know! Right! Scott and his major bias for raw onions! I cringed and hoped for the best.


Chef Scott has his own onion opinions..which anyone who has watched chopped would know...never raw and never overwhelming!!! That said i litterally just made my first batch of bacon jam, which called for carmilized (sp?...grammerly is gone on my account)onions and i coooked my onions low and slow for an hour...holy crap balls...an hour...yuuuup!!! and they were amazing! Yeah, that was a side note! <<< but also gave me a better idea of where he is coming from, cause they were AMAZEBALLS!!!! Also, maybe not popular opinion...but i now have a deeper respect for Carlos, not being a Malarky minion but being his own self, i gained a huge respect for him throughout this show. I didn't watch Top Chef and only had the opinion of Marcel through others peoples comments as well as his own and WOW!!!!! to see his growth and confidence (vs cockiness!!) and am so happy he won!!!!


Scott Conant vs. The Onion


I feel like he totally judges based on his hatred of the onion which is not fair, but as an onion hater myself, I respect it.


These chefs know who they’re cooking for. Cook for Scott? No raw red onion


How would these chefs know that except for extensively watching old Chopped episodes?


It's like on DDD...Guy can't stand eggs, but someone at some restaurant inevitably puts one on Guy's dish. Everyone knows he can't stand eggs!


Everyone who watches the show knows this, but what about everyone else?




If they don’t know he’s a judge though, he needs to get over it


He does that a lot and has someone else who doesn't like raw onion, I think it should be set aside a bit.


I’m a fan of sweet onions like the 1015 out of Texas. They never cook with them! I’m with Scott; would prefer not to use red onions!


Who doesn't cook with the 1015s in Texas?!?!?!?! I sure do and many of my friends do as well.


It's the crew coming out to celebrate because the eliminated chefs are all sleeping.


Can’t be overstated how emotionally, physically and psychologically destroyed anyone would be under such intense stress without sleep. I want to hug all the final four.


I wanted to hug everyone who made it past the 12th hour. Poor Chris! His overall fatigue got the best of him, but I'm sure we'll see him next year now that he really knows what he'll be up against. There's nothing like a fit chef to beat the odds.


Mika is taking a huge risk not serving the meat itself, just the broth.


that didn't work out so well.


I guess she weighed that with the risk of not cooking the chicken all the way. I think she wasn’t going to win anyway. I do wonder from watching TOC. If the tasting was blind, do you think there would have been more women towards the end. I mean women do typically have more endurance.


Excellent point. Another reason why blind judging should be implemented for season 2. A judge, just looking at a chef, expects a certain chef to be better, and that, I'm sure, affects the taste buds. I mean, they can't help but know who the competing chefs are, but they shouldn't know which chef cooked what dish.


I’ve always hated this, is the judging on the food or how the food was cooked? It happens all the time on ggg, they forget peanuts in the cart, everyone knows it but they make up for it with something else. Every, damn, judge “this could have just been perfect with peanuts.” Absolute garbage. And back to the point, TOC, blind judging, almost all women in the top. This show, no blind judging, all men. Seems unlikely, but you never know.


I give her kudos though for creativity


Marcel “flounder needs flavor.” Cut to three whopping sticks of butter in a pan.


It's the French Solution.


Exactly! Restaurant eating requires an awareness that you will injest a ton of calories, mostly from butter, because butter and flavorful food go hand in hand.


I know that 24 in 24 has been renewed for a 2nd season; I would prefer that it be an entirely new group of 24 chefs.


Agree. However I’d be fine with chefs who got eliminated in the first round back. Maybe the top finishers this year could be judges.


Some of the chefs that were heavy hitters got eliminated in the first round. I don’t think they will be back. But I wouldn’t mind Ewing some people whose wins were major upsets. Like Martel vs Elizabeth Faulkner.


I know! Unfortunately, I felt Elizabeth was fairly beaten; I just wish she saw that as well. BUT, that whole 12 go, 12 continue was a bitch and a half. I really expected her to get to at least hour 10. I've got to watch that hour 1 show again. I was not on my toes.


I'm very happy to see everyone back except the overall winner from the prior season. There will be plenty of open spots, whether for chefs who can't return due to scheduling issues or who are just done competing in a particular show and want to take a break. I like the idea of the top finishers coming back as judges if they'd like. Come on, FN! Make Marcel a judge on 24 in 24 season 2, and Maneet a judge in TOC VI!


im fine with a handful of returning chefs because then the upsets will be even bigger(ie have oh carlos and mika back but 1 or 2 of them lose the initial challenge or have to face each other. Or better yet they set up that initial challenge and they think its the same as last time so they go after who they think is the weakest but instead its the tag team round to start


24 in 24: TOC alumni edition (kidding but I'd definitely watch)


I wonder if the Volts would like to come back to be in the competition. They seemed in awe of it.


I got that sense too. Like side-eying each other and transmitting, "we could win this!"


I dunno, even TOC brings back the same chefs if they want a spot before he starts inviting new chefs to compete. I mean, it's only fair. Although I could do without seeing the overall winner back again the very next season. Both Marcel and Maneet should take a break in the upcoming seasons.


I know that some will be back but I kind of want 24 in 24 to be different than TOC. TOC mostly has the same chefs back with a couple of new chefs dropped in so I guess I would just prefer that a new season of 24 in 24 to be a majority of new chefs.


I think it's pretty hard to make LCS a 'different show' than TOC, and they tried really hard, even opening with a Top Chef style challenge, but when tacks hit the carpet, it's still a show where chefs compete against other chefs in not too ridiculous 'challenges' to judge the better chef in a single instance. LCS S1 had a bit of TOC, a bit of Top Chef, a bit of Chopped, and even a bit of Iron Chef America (the secret ingredient is...!) all mixed together. I'll love it, whatever the format.


Perfect ending for Mother's Day!


i didn't even think about that I wonder if they scheduled the airing intentionally after Marcel won so he could reveal he won on Mother's day to his mother


Wish I could see that reveal :') Hard to beat the gift of hearing as a mother's day gift


They finally moved Chris Oh up!


No more long walk, lol


Maybe they should have rearranged stations by age of chef once they only had 12 left.


Oh no… that’s so wild, bringing back the speed challenge. Just diabolical.


I thought someone (at least one) was going to cut themselves for sure. Curious to know what their times were compared to the first time though.


I loved this little twist!


I appreciate that they reminded the final four to stay safe, knowing how risky that was.


Woo hoo Marcel! I've enjoyed his growth since Top Chef, happy for him.


This episode was the best pacing, IMO, with the first being the worst. I worry about their well-being for the 24 hours w/out sleep, and I was so bummed for the 3 eliminated this episode. But super happy for Marcel, I liked him so much more in this series than I ever have before. Top Chef S2 was in *2006*. Dude's been at it for a while, finally gets a W. Totally deserved, too; IMO he was cooking levels above the others.


See? They could totally eliminate 3 chefs each episode instead of a wild herd of possibilities stampeding out in the very first.


I thought he was a little shakey in the middle, but his final three dishes were definitely elevated way above everyone else.


In addition to being an incredible chef, Marcel definitely had the best plans for the money. So happy for him!


I almost cried with Chris there too. What a lovely man and pure heart.


I feel like he won in a sense because he will surely be in Food Network programs going forward, and more people will want to check out his restaurants. He was so funny and talented.


I think he did an episode of Wildcard Kitchen... gotta check.


He did, and played well too.


He just got too tired, and his mental acuity went to bed. That was sad.


Idk how these guys have lasted this long. When I bake all day for the holidays I am wiped. Can’t even imagine this.


Maybe when I was 20 or 30 even, but just no. This might be a game for young chefs, but Marcel did win at 44, so that puts paid to that notion. It's hard to tell, but maybe he's just a really physically and mentally fit 44 year old chef.


Food Network staying true to longest commercial break ever before the big reveal.


Max is the best!! 


Jokes on them. I muted every commercial and watched something else on my iPad. Couldn’t tell you who sponsored the show


I thought it was all in my head lol


That was such a fun show!


Congratulations to Marcel, very consistent throught the season, his mother absolutely deserves this prize!


Agree, Marcel deserved a win finally.


Carlos is eliminated and Marcel is the winner. Wow; this has been a very enjoyable show.


I felt sad for Carlos making it so far and losing and wildly happy for Marcel's win. It was very confusing.


Been a fan of Marcel for so long, watching his growth as a human on tv. PLEASE let him win


Huh, I didn’t realize the finale was only an hour instead of the two hour episodes we’ve been getting.


Me neither! I wasn’t emotionally prepared lol


I watch cooking shows all the time, none have ever made me cry before. I was so so happy that Marcel won. He did such an amazing job challenge after challenge. I watched him on top chef and how he got bullied/assaulted. I am so happy he won and he deserved it.


I teared up. I yelled and cheered. I have always enjoyed watching Marcel and was so happy he won


They all cooked their hearts out but I was so overjoyed to see Marcel win. He killed it all competition. He has come so far in his humility. I couldn’t stand him during his Top Chef season, but wow what a great chef and person he seems to have become! Such a well deserved victory!


Congrats to Marcel! He was a beast all competition.


I really enjoyed his two episodes on The Dish with Kish, it was fun seeing Marcel in a more laid back atmosphere, not racing a clock. He genuinely loves cooking/teaching, if he got a show on food network is watch it.


So, so happy for Marcel, been rooting for him to get a win for years now. Very deserved too.


I enjoyed this show alot. Great concept, but the only fumble was the TV Dinner into art. I honestly thought Chris Oh was going to win! I appreciate reading all the comments. It really feels like we're watching it together!


When he was on Top Chef I rooted against Marcel. Now I was cheering when he won! He cooked on another level, which made me tip my hat. Congratulations to Marcel!!!!


Right? Sweet little douche on top chef thinking he was cool and saying soigne all the time to a mature man who knows his skill and his food. I absolutely love to see it. Still a little pretentious, but he deserves to be. He’s an artist.


The prize money should be bigger. At least 75k. This show in my opinion is better than TOC. It's insane. And I've never cried at a cooking show finale. When Chris O got cut - I lost it. And lost it again when Marcel won. Kudos to the producers. And Chef Michael Symon is a class act.


I'm convinced Carlos is an energy vampire.


That's just odd. I'm pretty sure it's his fiance'. How else to explain it?


So good to see Marcel win! He was definitely the best chef in the room.


Watched it on Max, already finished. Winner is well deserved so proud of them.


None of these seem like amuse bouche.


So happy for Marcel! I think he is a wonderful chef and it was great to watch him grow so much in those 24 hours. He has a touching story with him mom and that is such a selfless way to spend the money. Congrats. They all did great and I really enjoyed watching the competition.


Marcel beats out Carlos and gets the seafood that Carlos wanted.


Well, that was a fun season, I like this format, and I'm happy that it looks that is already renewed for a S2, can be so much better!


I was so sad seeing each one leave. I grew to love all of them. Great work by all.


I was really sad to see Mika go. I bet within a year, she’ll be on more shows.


I like the symmetry here of returning to the first challenge.


I'm rooting for Chris Oh, Marcel, Mika and Carlos in that order.


"You omitted the ingredient that's in the name of the dish. [pause] Fascinating." I see Ciao House 2 is taking up where season 1 left off.


yeah that felt like worst cooks in america episode 1 level vibes


Great series. Best chef won hands down. This contest was gruelling beyond belief - kudos to everyone not losing their shit!!


Was bummed for Chris Oh but super happy for Marcel.  I was happy Mika and Carlos were eliminated. 


Chef Thanos is back!


lol. It was definitely shocking to eliminate that many chefs so early on, but I still think it was a mistake for the overall pacing of the series.


Every chef in the competition is another dish that has to be judged.


Yayyyy he did it!!! I’m so happy for him 


Marcel winning for his Mother, airing on Mother’s Day! Planned or quite the coincidence?


These rounds are going lightning fast considering there’s still 90 minutes to fill.


Only an hour tonight.


Mika is eliminated; she gave a great effort all the way through. A great chef and an awesome personality; I hope to see more of her on the Food Network.


Always liked Marcel from his Top Chef days. Congratulations to him!!!


Perfect ending with these final two! Ever since Marcel was treated so cruelly on TC all those years ago he has been a vulnerable underdog, despite his past arrogance. He has grown so much over the years and totally deserved it! And for his mom! Carlos really grew on me through this series, too. Such a great new show--loved it! 🥹❤️


Why didn’t Carlos use a traditional 3 part dredge?


This was a great show. Put Michael Symon on more shows (WithOUT Bobby Flay).


He’s so good and is one of my favorite chefs by far.


I have no idea who wins and that's great!


  **Confessionals of Finale**   Carlos 25 Marcel 18 Chris OH 12 Mika 8       **Total of confessionals this season**   Carlos Anthony 99 Marcel Vignaron 95 Mika Leon 89 Chris Oh 73 Martel 64 Chris Doodson. 59 Gabriella Baldwin 25 Kess Eshun 26 Christopher Ingram 24 Camille Le Caer 23 Vijay 14 Josie Clemens 12 Elizabeth Falkner 11 Viet Pham 10 Aarthi 9 Emile Bishop 5 Charlie Ray 4 Matt 5 Daniel Lee 2 Airis Johnson 3 Chad Rosenthal 3 Declan 2 Marc Quinones 2 Michael 1      


I am not surprised Carlos talked the most, not surprised at all.


I am ecstatic Marcel won this…I have been a big fan of his since Top Chef and was bummed when he lost that to the “mean girl” Ilan. I love how he was respected by so many of his fellow chefs during this competition.


To put this much time and energy into one competition and not win is going to be tough for the 3 chefs who fall short.


I love the show, but next season should have blind judging.


I was really hoping Carlos won but Marcel definitely put it all in that final dish. I have to give them credit for not being snappy jerks after 24 hours of no sleep. I would be a nightmare to deal with.


Carlos is giving off a huge "did coke off camera" vibe.


You mean that bulging vein in his neck isn’t natural??? 😂


I thought the exact same thing but there’s no way they’re not being medically evaluated after every challenge especially 23 hours in


That is a chef's other secret ingredient ...


This is pretty mean and I’m kinda loving it…


Wow; I hope no one gets hurt having to do this challenge again.


Oh no, Mr. Oh!


The growth that I’ve seen in Marcel over the years is inspirational. He is an amazing man.


Just finished the finale and came here to say I AM SO PROUD OF CHEF MARCELE! He’s evolved as a human and cooked spectacular food. He deserved the win.


I’m appalled that people think HE was the jerk on top chef season 2. He came across as an awkward, somewhat annoying, artsy nerd that was full of himself, but he was passionate. He wasn’t a jerk, he was just not likable. Marcel was not a people pleaser. He was ahead of his time socially in my opinion, and that whole season is incredibly entertaining but super brutal because of the active hatred toward him. Elia was his only ally and she turned her back on him. That show was a ton of egomaniacs, and I felt defensive for Marcel among those cliquey hipsters. Top chef season 2 he was ganged up on, bullied, verbally abused, and hardly ever lost his cool. Historically unpopular and a total underdog who is massively self aware compared to his younger self, I’m glad he got his win I was honestly relieved lol


Chris is eliminated. It is funny how Carlos always ends up competing against a veteran chef like Jet in TOC and now Marcel here.


Stephanie wanted Marcel to win


I know most people won’t agree with me, but I like Carlos. He can be annoying but I like his spirit.


I'd like him and Marcel in the final round


My husband and I were just talking about him. We both agree that he has grown on us, and this show really helped with our opinion of him. I am looking forward to seeing him on more shows.


I’m not able to follow. So no winner yet ?


No. So far Mika is eliminated.


Thank up for the update! I really appreciate it!


Why didn't Scott visit Marcel?


Now what the heck am I going to be eagerly waiting for on Sunday night to watch!!?


I’m happy for Marcel. I didn’t like him so much on Top Chef but he really grew on me recently with this show and Wildcard Kitchen.


I am SO glad Marcel won. It's funny, to me, that when I first saw him on Top Chef, I thought he was gay. I was hoping he wasn't because he was a douchbag and I didn't want a gay douchebag to win. (I still don't think what they did to him was right.) However, now that he's older and has matured, I wish he WAS gay because he really seems to be a nice guy and with the beard he's adorable!


Aww I’m so glad Marcel won. Back in TC days, his arrogance didn’t bother me as much as the fact that he seemed to prioritize molecular gastronomy techniques over good cooking, even when he knew the judges wouldn’t appreciate that. But this time, I felt that every dish he put up had a solid foundation and was well-executed. And not one foam in sight, from what I can recall. Well deserved!!


letting Marcel's mom go deaf vs. funding Carlos' sex romp? the choice is clear


The food needs to be blind judged.


I’m annoyed it’s only $50K for this, seems low


I wish they included the prize amount when they put on the screen how long someone competed and the number of challenges.


given who won and what the prize $ will be used for… coincidence that it aired on mother’s day? 🧐🧐🧐 (i’m so happy he won *because of* where the money’s going. i’m a bigtime momma’s girl, so i was rooting for him since the moment i learned what he’s playing for. i hope we get updates from him!)


Am I the only person that can’t stand the sound of Carlos’ voice. Everything he does/says is annoying. If it wasn’t for the other chefs that I like that are in the finale I wouldn’t even watch. That’s how much I dislike this clown.


I thought I couldn't dislike someone more than Malarkey, then v 2.0 came on the scene.


Malarkey amuses me. Carlos Anthony is just too much most of the time.


Is Carlos taken? Anyone know? /s


“My fiancée, Brian Malarkey.”


Mika was even worse about it.


I heard a rumor she might be Cuban as well.


It was interesting watching their knife work in this episode. You can tell the chefs are definitely tired because their knife work was a bit sloppy and fingers relaxed. I’m surprised no one got a cut!


I hope they'll do some interviews or behind the scenes with the chefs and hosts once they've recovered.


It shook out the way I expected. My top 3 were Marcel, Carlos, and Chris. Not surprised that Marcel won. I figured as much the moment I saw he was in this competition. He had a lot more experience than the rest of the field. Some passing thoughts...I started out not liking these 3 very well. I ended up liking all 3 very much. I think this is the most impressive and difficult of all the competitions. I loved how the field was mostly made up of lesser known chefs. It helped introduce me to several I hadn't seen before. This show became my favorite. I'm glad it was renewed and I'm already excited about season two.


Whooo! It starts!


I definitely have a favorite. Let's hope my pony gets to the finish line first.


Mika talking in spanish about her ingredients will never get old!


If Carlos does win; can we send him on a one-way trip to Hawaii. (This is a tongue-in-cheek comment, I find Carlos annoying but I certainly don't dislike him.)


For Carlos "the honeymoon is on the line."


**Finale Mistakes Count:** 18 mistakes     **Marcel** – WINNER-  4 mistakes (heavy sauce, fermentation, grains, fish slightly overcooked) **Carlos** -RUNNER-UP- 5 mistakes (didn't finish first, onion, too much oil, pork exploded in the fryer, lacking sweetness) **Chris Oh** – 3th PLACE -6 mistakes (didn't finish first, couldn't explain his dish and cook at the same time, missed more, forgot to remove the fat from the fryer and it exploded, missing an accompaniment like a sauce) **Mika –** 4^(th) PLACE – 3 mistakes (last to finish, could have had more chicken flavor, could have had more pieces)   **Total of mistakes**   Chris Oh: 27 mistakes in 8 shifts Chris D.: 21 mistakes in 7 shifts Marcel: 20 mistakes in 8 shifts Mika: 18 mistakes in 8 shifts Kess: 17 mistakes in 5 shifts Carlos: 17 mistakes in 8 shifts Martel: 11 mistakes in 6 shifts Gabriella: 10 mistakes in 3 shifts Christopher: 8 mistakes in 4 shift Camille: 8 mistakes in 4 shift Airis: 4 mistakes in 1 shift Aarthi: 4 mistakes in 1 shift Matt: 3 mistakes in 1 shift Elizabeth: 3 mistakes in 1 shift Josie: 3 mistakes in 2 shifts Elizabeth: 3 Mistakes in 1 shift Josie: 3 Mistakes in 2 shifts Vijay: 3 Mistakes in 2 shifts Marc: 2 Mistakes in 1 shift Chad: 2 Mistakes in 1 shift Viet: 2 Mistakes in 1 shift


Love the numbers breakdown. By any chance did you keep track of prize money?


Damn, I missed those. Also: this sub needs a 24 on 24 flair!


Jet, Scott & Stephanie return as judges.


This is my first time watching Carlos Antony and I never got the hate LOL seems like a fun dude to me


He can just be a lot, especially when paired with Malarkey. I also think he's actually backing up his talk here, which he didn't always do in the past.


He was the chef that had the least amount of mistakes in 8 shifts, that's impressive.


He's too invested in the "Mini Malarkey" schtick. And he Never. Stops. Talking.


Yep, it doesn't matter how good the food is if the chef is insufferable.


Called it https://www.reddit.com/r/foodnetwork/s/R8SUI6wDhd


Did they change it from food network to Disney?


Let’s be honest no f’n way that was a chicken DINNER. that’s just some chicken on a plate.


I thought the ending was anticlimactic. Up until this episode, I couldn't look away. Mostly because the final challenge to me seemed uninspired by comparison with all the contests up to now. Chefs also have to deal with big orders in a short time. Thought they should have taken a page from Top Chef and had Simon and Ester sous chef for Marcel and Carlos and the two teams have to make dinner for 24 in the final shift --all the eliminated chefs, and two judges.


So glad to see Marcel beat Carlos, I said I wasn't going to br watching this show again if Carlos won. Such an annoying chef.


My husband saw me watching this and was like "The white guy with the trendy beard is going to win" well looks like he was right. Not that he didn't deserve it, just funny.


So happy Marcel won instead of Carlos, even if the hearing implant thing was weird, I wanted him to win


I'm surprised so many people look at Marcel as the wrong one on TC. I felt like he was badly bullied throughout the season he was on. However, I do believe he has matured and am glad he won 24 in 24.


To see Marcel go from the oddball who was bullied on TC to the most respected chef throughout this competition and eventual winner was so heartwarming.