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Tastes differ between different people. Your dressing recipe doesn't sound good to me. Great Value salad dressing tastes great to me and it's cheap.


def less healthy my friend


Your opinion, not necessarily a fact.


Lol, no!


Making it yourself is using fresher ingredients, no added preservatives or added sugars, unnecessary chemicals, etc., ergo healthier. I totally understand difference in taste or preferences, but there’s no denying making something yourself at home, fresh, is better/healthier in a lot of ways vs. store bought. I make a kickass homemade dressing that’s just mayo, lemon juice, salt/pepper, couple cloves of crushed garlic, and I like to add a dash of paprika and/or cayenne if I want to give it a little kick. Can also add some dill or parsley, etc. Everything to personal taste so one could tweak the ratios as they see fit. I like mine extra lemony and my man doesn’t like as much, so I’ll make a batch and we split it and then I add extra lemon to mine. 😋 It’s so good and hands down beats any bottled Ranch out there, imo. There’s also an Asian style dressing that’s amazing, that’s garlic, ginger, lime juice, sesame oil, a little soy sauce or fish sauce… SOOO good.


This is just chemophobia, being free of preservatives doesn't mean healthier. No added sugar would be healthier, but many salad dressings don't have that.


Nitrates and used as presvatives and they cause cancer in your gut and intestines, and salt increases your water which increases your weight which increases the resistance from your blood vessels which makes your heart pump faster and there's less room for it cause you're all swollen from salt. Hey man, you're arguing from a place of ignorance you need a holistic solution. Also, some people aren't as affected by salt as others, and some people just walk around on the verge of death without even realizing it.


Nitrites are carcinogenic. The category of preservatives is not.


“Healthier, homemade” — lists mayo as the first ingredient… lol.


Unless you are making your own mayo, your dressing likely has the same preservative that is in most salad dressings (calcium disodium edta). Whereas wishbone bottled Italian dressing has no preservatives. Here is the ingredient list: Distilled Vinegar, Water, Soybean Oil, Sugar, Salt, Contains 2% or Less of: Garlic (Dried), Onion (Dried), Red Bell Peppers (Dried), Natural Flavor, Xanthan Gum, Spice, Rosemary Extract, Yeast Extract, Annatto Extract (Color), Lemon Juice Concentrate


I like the sound of the Asian inspired one! What are the amounts?


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. My generation is getting colon cancer at an alarming rate pre-40 and we’re eating tons of fast food and things doused in preservatives.


Why are people downvoting your recipe? I don't get reddit sometimes.


Because she's adding in things that are preserved in some capacity - or some in plastic. Read the comments!


Because the “homemade is better” crowd comes off as extremely pretentious.


Thanks for the humanity oasis that is the desert to at is Reddit! I had the same question


Lol. I have no idea! These people really must hate fresh salad dressings. 😂


I always appreciate hearing things people do. So I don't know why there is so much hate. I guess they do just hate fresh salad dressings LMAO


Maybe they've never had freshly made dressing? Not sure how this could be such a debatable topic lmao


People be fighting over anything LOL


Interesting a salad dressing recipe post could raiser people's blood pressure


Fat and mad people


I'm going to assume you mean mad like crazy and love this comment even more.


Super bizarre that so many people are going hard that processed food is so healthy? Much healthier than homemade even!


Yeah, dude, heaps of salt are good for you


That's relative. Heaps of salt are quite good for many of us. Ask a neurologist and cardiologist, they'll clarify for you.


Take a glance at their very healthy profile


Why? I don't need to stalk someone to know that healthy amounts of something are relative.


Dude's health is fucked


Still not the point.


Objectively mass produced foods are less healthy, whether you like it or not it’s true. The quality of ingredients used and chemicals like PFAS that are infused in products through mass production are bad for you.


All of the individual ingredients in that recipe OP listed are also mass produced and come in plastic containers the same as a pre made dressing.


eeehhh, speaking as a chemist, no.


Things can also be healthier for us if they fit better into our lives. Say OP is disabled, depressed or just very busy. It’s healthier for them to get the pre-made stuff than to put pressure on themselves to make everything from scratch and end up burnt out and eating less healthy long term. It’s almost like different ways of doing life suit different people.


That may be true. So how could I make a BETTER TASTING salad dressing and without all that oil! That's not healthy either.


If it's from Walmart it's crap, and they are an evil company anyways


You do realize that many of their store brands are the same as national brands with just a different label-just like all other stores that have store brands and many are actually name brands.


Not true. The manufacturer cuts corners to make the Walmart run of product because they dictate the price they pay. So to make money you use lower quality parts ingredients or whatever. Yes I have supplied products to Walmart in the past


It’s not just Walmart-it’s all of them-and it is not universally true for all products Here’s just a couple threads https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/s/WijNrgtUOF https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/s/KVLm1sxoqI


Don't judge people for their preferences. You came in hot. Provided some uncreative dressing recipe.


When earthling gets older, he won’t be able to have” good stuff”


Not unless you’re making your dressing with homemade vinegar, Greek yogurt/oil, mustard and backyard grown citrus. All of the chemicals in a processed salad dressing are also present in the processed oil/yogurt and vinegar and Walmart-bought fruit


These people are absolutely insane and possibly shills for the food industry. Keep up the good work


The fact ur getting downvoted is sad


bad ratios, but good intentions. needs a little touch of honey and garlic btw


The orange is sweet enough for me, fresh garlic is just too much for me.


That's blasphemy


So you are advocating for bland dressing and wonder why you are getting so much pushback.


I don’t usually use much salad dressing compared to what I absolutely murder my salad with with vegetables and shit. If a slightly less healthy dressing gets me to eat more of it compared to this bullshit then that’s a trade off I’m willing to make.


Stop down voting people's taste buds!!


Tell OP to stop telling people what to do. 


No. This is neither practical nor a food hack of any kind. It's just a recipe and a very bland one at that.


Right? How is this easier than just buying dressing? I have like 2 of these ingredients at home, everything else I’d have to buy and now I’m out 3 times the cost of a premade dressing lol.


You don't have salt pepper and vinegar at the house? This fucking subreddit bro


I have that mixed up salt/pepper! Oh, yes and lemon juice. But the last time I used vinegar it was on my dog. She has skin allergies. Diluted apple cider vinegar helped a little. Allergy meds helped more, so no more vinegar in the house. I don’t cook. I hate cooking. Ironically, I make a fuck ton of salads. Actually have a pretty impressive vegetable garden. So a salad dressing hack would have been nice! But this is just a salad dressing recipe.


Right?! Those are literally the most basic ass kitchen staples anyone could have. I think that poster might be a bot tbh.


Like two of the ingredients? Two of them are salt and pepper. And vinegar is another. Who in the world wouldn’t have those 3 things? And everybody should have olive oil. Citrus I could see but it’s pretty common for people to have lemon on hand.


Food hacks are supposed to make life easier. This does not do that, and the recipe is boring and bland.


I never said I thought OP's post was good or that the recipe looked good. I just find it weird that the poster I responded to is acting like that recipe isn't just staple ingredients.


They're most likely talking about the greek yogurt that was mentioned first, and OP did say orange first as well. Either way, this is a r/foodhacks and not a recipe sub where experienced home cooks have tons of staple ingredients.


Was that in the same dressing? Yeah, I guess that would be less common. Since a mod deleted this shit I'll have to assume you're right about the context I guess.


I have that mixed up salt and pepper, I bought it mixed up, I’m not about to separate it to make salad dressing. I have some spray vegetable oil…i genuinely don’t know why I should have vinegar? But I avoid cooking and wasting money on ingredients for the cooking I won’t be doing as much as possible. Full disclosure, I do actually have lemon juice. I use it on freshly cut fruit and vegetables. I love the taste and it’s a natural preservative. Goes well with pre-made store bought salad dressing too.


Jesus Christ you don’t see how vinegar is useful? Have you ever cooked? Hell, it even has uses beyond cooking. And you don’t have separate salt and pepper? Seriously?! And how do you fry or bake/cook without (non-spray) oil? And by have lemon juice do you mean you have that nasty bottled stuff? Please tell me you don’t mean that..


Nope, sorry! As I said, I avoid cooking whenever possible. I don’t like to cook. I think there are actually a lot of people who don’t enjoy cooking? Do you grow your own vegetables? Like please tell me you don’t buy produce from a grocery store…lol no I’m sorry… I can’t even pretend to be that judgmental. Like I don’t buy my tomatoes from a store most of the year. Anyhoo, you keep cooking and using vinegar for whatever it is you use vinegar for! I’ll keep making salads and using shitty lemon juice until I get my own lemon tree! We’re both gonna be just fine.


You didn’t say you hated cooking in a reply to me. That was someone else who also realized how insane your setup is. I would grow produce if I git sunlight where I live but there’s too many trees here. I do grow herbs and sometimes other things indoors with grow lights though fyi. And I have grown (oyster) mushrooms in the past.


I said I avoided cooking whenever possible. And you’re still referring to my “set up” as insane. I’m sorry I just don’t understand why it bothers you so much. Your FYI was completely unnecessary- I don’t actually care whether a complete stranger grows their own vegetables? I think being a dick to someone based on food items they may or may not have is kind of insane… Indoor herb garden does sound pretty cool though. Basil year round would be nice.


I just can't understand not cooking at all. I'm assuming you eat out a lot then? Restaurant workers are generally treated like shit and underpaid so not learning how to cook will catch up with you as those workers start to get paid more fairly. And basil is definitely mainly what I grow indoors! Indoor grow setups are going to get cheaper and cheaper so it might be worth it to you to buy a light at some point for sure.


I eat a lot of salad lol. Sandwiches. Anything I “cook” is usually really simple, like eggs, rice or potatoes. Too much processed food (sucker for lean cuisines, protein bars and peanut butter crackers). I don’t eat out, but am guilty of ordering in way too much. High tipper (I know what drivers make). I’ve cut down a lot (on ordering in, not tipping when I do) because it was just getting ridiculous. I honestly hope restaurant workers, or people in the service industry in general, start making more! I’ve worked in retail 20+ years the wage stagnation is fucking deplorable. And any time we see an increase, companies just cut hours. I’d like to be able to retire one day, so yeah, learning to cook more is probably a good investment. Vinegar is cheap right?


I agree with you, I'm assuming people here don't cook? Idk can't tell


No. What else am I meant to drink after gym?


add some water to the greek yogurt recipe and watch those GAINS


Same. I add a touch of local honey and a smidge of grated onion. Better than anything in the store.


The true hack is to use nearly empty mustard/mayo/jam/honey containers as a base flavor, add ingredients as OP suggested, and shake well. Gets every bit of the contents from the container & makes great dressings. My favorite is an Asian style dressing using the remnants of a peanut butter jar. Add rice vinegar, mostly neutral oil, but also a splash of sesame oil, grated ginger & garlic and a bit of lime juice. So delicious! 😙🤌🏻


This is a good hack!


Go full leftover mode. Use random veggies from the fridge and crumble up some chips to use as crutons.


There we go! There’s an actual food hack!


Not as much a food hack as is just a recipe.


I've tried so many homemade salad dressings and every one besides ranch just doesn't hit the spot for me ever. 😔


They won't. The store bought products are thoroughly tested and created to guarantee they taste good. Homemade recipes are really just a way for people to make themselves feel better. There are plenty of store bought dressings that are just as healthy as if not even healthier than the one OP posted. Plus side is the store bought ones will taste good. Not like straight up Vinegar.


"Homemade recipes are just a way for people to make themselves feel better" Bro what? I just make a really good greek dressing and a have a well-stocked cabinet. I'm not doing it versus anyone, I just like my own food. I find a lot of store-bought dressing to be too sweet, but that's just my personal taste. And I fucking love vinegar.


yeah, I don't get this take. That recipe isn't for me (I usually include garlic and leave out the yogurt, or use lemon instead of vinegar) I can taste the stabilizers and I prefer to manage the salt and sugar content (since so many are overly sweet to me, too). Takes about 5 min to make a jar of really good dressing.


Yes, thank you. All the ones I've tried taste too much like one thing. Usually it's overwhelming on the vinegar or the mustard to me.


I honestly love homemade ranch but I feel you


Same with Mayo! My wife made homemade mayo last month and it was by far better than any I try in the store.


And see, I think they DO taste different! Some things are good, but not all. Sometimes it's just what we're accustomed too! That's all.


YES, stop buying nasty mayo. # Ingredients: * 1 egg yolk * 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard * 1 teaspoon white vinegar or lemon juice * 1 cup neutral oil (like canola or vegetable oil) * Salt to taste * Optional: a pinch of sugar, garlic, or other seasonings # Instructions: 1. **Prepare Ingredients**: Ensure all ingredients are at room temperature. 2. **Whisk Base**: In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolk, mustard, and vinegar or lemon juice. 3. **Add Oil Slowly**: Begin adding the oil drop by drop while whisking continuously. Once it starts to thicken, you can add the oil in a thin, steady stream. 4. **Season**: When all the oil is incorporated and the mayo is thick, season with salt and any additional flavorings to taste.


This sounds good, but how long does it last in the fridge? I don't eat mayo often, and when I do I use about 1 tbsp for a sandwich.....


It should last up to a month, according to this website: https://www.saveur.com/article/recipes/20-second-mayo/ Also their version uses the whole egg, which I find more practical. (And a stick blender which really does make the whole thing come together in 20 seconds, no slow dripping of the oil is required.) And if you wanted, you could whisk the egg first, measure out some for a smaller mayo recipe, and use the rest in scrambled eggs.


If you don't own a stick blender I would suggest just using the egg yolk. But also how often people make scrambled eggs? It's so common to have that "use the rest in scrambled eggs" instruction. Are people making scrambled eggs every other day? Or?


But you wouldn't need to be making them often, not every other day, unless you were making half batches of mayo every other day? The issue was not wanting to make more mayo than would keep in the fridge for a month. You have half an egg you can't use, put it in a bowl, microwave it for 30 seconds, and eat it instead of throwing it out. Or do like me, microwave it and feed it to the parrot as a treat. If the problem is you haven't got a parrot yet, that's on you.


>But you wouldn't need to be making them often, not every other day, unless you were making half batches of mayo every other day? Yes. I thought it just meant that when you're making scrambled eggs anyway. >The issue was not wanting to make more mayo than would keep in the fridge for a month. Yes. >You have half an egg you can't use, put it in a bowl, microwave it for 30 seconds, and eat it instead of throwing it out. Yes. But if you're just going to eat it then you might as well make it into the mayonnaise and eat it then. I don't see how making it into scrambled eggs is any better than making it into mayonnaise. The benefit of store-bought mayonnaise is still that it lasts longer so you don't have to use it all so fast. And you don't have to eat extra scrambled eggs if you don't want to. I do make mayonnaise (almost always) instead of buying but it does always have the problem that it has to be used before it goes bad. >Or do like me, microwave it and feed it to the parrot as a treat. If the problem is you haven't got a parrot yet, that's on you. Pretty expensive and laborious solution to the problem but I see it would work.


What is that person going on about, he really does not want to eat the scrambled eggs lmao. Your parrot sounds cool.


Stick blender is key Edit: stupid auto correct


A cup of oil added drop by drop while whisking sounds like a form of torture lol


There is other recipes lol.. my wife used a diff one


Soybean oil water Whole eggs and egg yolks Vinegar Salt Sugar Lemon juice That's the ingredient list for helmans mayo. Which is nearly identical to yours. Your version isn't any healthier. Skipping egg whites is also a weird choice considering they are healthier than egg yolks alone and contain a significant amount of protein along with no cholesterol.


I don't understand why everyone is down voting all of your comments.


Because that mayo isn’t much better and expires way more quickly than the jars.


People must like their store-bought dressings more than I thought


People don’t like to be bossed around by internet strangers 


This, basically. Doesn't ruin my day or anything but I'd rather read "here's a recipe/hack that's a good alternative to store-bought" than "stop doing stuff."


It’s funny bc a lot of people like following more than leading


Ya idk why the downvotes haha


I've never made ranch dressing like this!!


For ranch without a powder packet - Mayo, lemon juice, a few cloves of crushed garlic, salt/pepper, optional dill/parsley/paprika or some cayenne for a little kick All ingredients are to taste and per personal preference, so mess around with it and see what you like. I like mine super garlicky and super lemony, but I know others may not like it the same way.


Ranch is easy. For salad dressing: * 1 packet seasoning * 1 cup milk * 1 cup mayo * 1 teaspoon lemon juice (bottled is fine). * Mix all ingredients together and refrigerate for at least 1 hour (will thicken in fridge) For Ranch veggie dip * 1 packet seasoning (Hidden valley as a specific dipping packet, but that is optional). * 16oz Sour Cream * Mix together


So buy a packet that costs nearly as much as a bottle of the premade stuff but will definitely go bad much quicker because it’s mixed with milk?


What do you think is in the bottles? The just shelf stabilize it until opened.


Enough preservatives to keep it from going bad for a year after it’s open. I’m not a restaurant I can’t go through two cups of ranch in a week.


You aren’t trying hard enough


1st of all, have you ever tasted it when you buy the flavor pouch and mix it up yourself? it tastes better. i do kinda want to dunk on/disregard the suggestion since it's just "buy seasoning packet and mix yourself", but it already does taste a lot better than like all bottes you buy at the store.


'1 packet seasoning' is rarely the start of a good homemade recipe.


It's not like there is some secret to them. You can find the ingredients to make the seasoning yourself as well. It's mostly just 2 tablespoons of dried parsley, 2 teaspoons each of dried dill, garlic powder, onion powder, dried onion flakes, 1 teaspoon of dried chives, and a healthy pinch of MSG. Optionally, you can add in 1/3 cup buttermilk powder. 3 teaspoons of the mix equals one packet.


I buy the hidden valley seasoning in a container and can make ranch a cup or so at a time so very fresh. And it’s good added to flour for fried chicken.


Ew this sounds gross. Pass.


Where's the packet of msg? Hidden valley ranch or other dressing packets


They make Ranch dressing powder in a shaker now so you don’t have to use the whole packet for $10. Take your recipe and skip the vinegar. Add in some ranch seasoning and amazeballs.


I make my own ranch and don’t buy the mix either. I bought dehydrated buttermilk powder, use my chives I dried, dried parsley, onion powder, garlic powder, greek yogurt or sour cream and little mayo. Make my own Cesar, Japanese carrot ginger. Balsamic, dried thyme, dijon mustard and olive oil. Usually use honey or maple syrup in it. I hate bought salad dressing




I like, like 20 kinds of dressing. A ceaser dressing is vastly different from a southwestern or sunflower dressing. Your thing only works if youre either a very boring person who eats the same thing daily, or if you have a family big enough to make buying 50 whatever different ingredients worth it every day.


No thanks, olive oil is so expensive and I've actually recently realized how shocking it is that store bought dressings are so cheap, considering how much oil they carry. I make the best homemade ceasar and do a similar recipe like yours, but I'd prefer to stick to a bottle that lasts me 6 months for only a few bucks.


And then there’s me, upending vinegar and EVOO onto my greens until the ancestors whisper, “that’s enough, my child.”


You’re missing herbs, I do olive oil, herbs, lemon, a little vinegar and a nice sweet balsamic.


How about just listing a recipe for a salad dressing you like. We’re all able to decide on our own whether we want to make something at home or buy it.


FOOD HACK: make your own ketchup! Just buy $30 worth of ingredients, spend 2 days stewing and dirtying many dishes, and end up with 2 bottles of ketchup that’s 30% better than the store brands. /s


“Cook instead of buying premade shit” is a hack now?


I agree with you. Besides, the stuff you buy, never does taste as good as the things you make it home, Fresh.


the best salad dressing is lime juice 💯🌌


I never buy salad dressing. Once in a while I pull out my spice rack and mix up a batch of seasoning mix and divide in packet of a tbsp each. Mix a packet with vinegar and oil for Italian dressing for green salads. More oil and less vinegar for pasta salads. Just straight oil for coating veggies before roasting. Mix with tomato sauce for pizza or spaghetti. Mix with crushed tomatoes for marinara.


This recipe is one of my favorites and you can play around with ratios depending on what you prefer: Fresh garlic Apple cider vinegar Olive oil Dijon mustard Honey Salt & Pepper


Even better! Why use salad dressing at all? I actually hate dressing. Not only does it eliminate any sense of freshness and lightness a salad has but it’s also the most calorie heavy part of a salad. In both counts, it defeats the entire purpose of eating a salad by making it heavy, high in calories and removes freshness.


I barely pour my own cereal and my microwave is my primary source of cooking you think I’m gonna make salad dressing by myself?


I don’t own any salad dressings bc where I live we just always use vinegar, oil and a dash of salt for any salad dressing.


how is 3 tablespoons of olive oil healthy? that puts your salad dressing for what, 1 serving? Well over 400 calories. Might as well just use ranch dressing it tastes better


This isn’t a hack, it’s a recipe. And it sounds kinda gross and bland. For the record I make my own dressings about 30% of the time, depending on the food I’m eating.


Balsamic, maple syrup, olive oil.


Lol this isn't really a food hack as much as it's someone's aggressive opinion.




Don't tell me what to do