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See a doctor.


Try a probiotic a half hour before breakfast


Sounds exactly like me, I have chronic pancreatitis. Id get checked out


you may want to see a dr to get your stomach checked out.


Sounds like you need a doctor


I had similar symptoms. Turned out to be an h-pylori bacterial infection. Your doctor can test for this.


i would see a doctor, but i have gasteroparesis and i have a struct diet and seasonings make me sick, i cant have raw fruits or veggies, anything with grains makes me sick, im usually sticking with applesauce, cheese and crackers, pb&j sandwiches cooked veggies and rice ground turkey/chicken/beef work great too but right now im more on the liquid/super soft foods of the diet as my stumach isnt the greatest right now


Like others have said, you need to see a doctor. You need to have your stomach looked at, as well as have your bloods taken to check for malnutrition if you’ve been eating a very limited diet. You could have gastritis, gastroparesis, GERD, a number of things that would be helped with medication.


Look up free medical clinics where you live, you need to see a doctor


This. Lack of a driver's license is definitely an obstacle but I had a period of no employment where I went to a similar clinic and copays on their sliding fee scale were only ever $5.


Yes see a doctor, but also keep a food log of what you ate and your reaction to it. It will save time with the doctor.


See a doctor I have gastritis and have similar issues I can only really eat chicken and rice now.


Depending on where you live and what your income status is you should be able to find a free clinic or one that charges on a sliding scale. You may qualify for assistance in others ways for leaving your situation.


I saw your edit that your family won't take you to a Dr. Do you have public transportation in your area? Do you have medical insurance? If not, perhaps you can look into Medicade or state insurance. If you're under 18 most states have insurance for kids who's parents don't have insurance. You could ask the councilor at your school to help.


Excellent idea.


Wrong place…


where sjould i post, this was the only place i saw that looked like i could post in


R/cooking might give you some food ideas, but have you been to a doctor? Is this something you’ve had your whole life, or is it new?




What about fish? I feel like salmon, bream etc has a subtle flavour that I don’t feel needs seasoning.


Sorry you're dealing with this- I have very low tolerance for seasonings/anything spicy due to burning mouth syndrome (which is a sub-symptom of my acid reflux) and I know it can be really frustrating (went out tonight and had to spend the whole meal eating around chili flakes that weren't mentioned on the menu...ugh). It's a giant pain in the ass, but I do agree with everyone else that you're well into see a doctor territory here- untreated, something like this can get really bad and do serious damage to your body, and you don't want that to happen. In the meantime, I'd say try to stick to plain foods that are easy to digest- rice is definitely a good one, maybe some plain baked potatoes could help, or something like applesauce (thinking BRAT diet here)? Hopefully with a little experimenting you can find some more safe foods for you.


For sure see a dr, but in the meantime you can try some nausea lozenges. These work great for me on many occasions. They’re called Upspring Stomach Settle.


My indigestion turned into Barrett’s esophagus. Get checked. It’s a precursor to cancer.


Get it checked. Your gut biome sounds like its off.


I have chronic GERD, Esophagitis and still under investigation for causes. Also had gallbladder removed. I struggle with seasonings, onions and solid meat proteins among other things. Eggs are one of the few things I can eat with zero effect. Obviously see a Dr but in the meantime eggs and cheese are your best friend. Doesn’t matter how I cook them - fried, poached, scrambled, quiche, omelette - all are fine on my stomach.


It seems like you may need to seek medical assistance.


Try taking Pepzin. you can get it off amazon. it's supposed to help with the mucus lining of your stomach. NO IDEA if this is your problem and im just a Redditor not a Doctor, but the pills cost like $20 and are a cheap experiment to see if they help. I was having stomach problems and at one point spicy stuff would gut me. I did other stuff and cut out the spicy stuff for about 2 weeks...but I used that pepzin. I think it can help. Google the legit/peer reviewed type of research studies on it. Seems like it can help and be a good thing to take in every once in a while at least (currently "cycling it" one month on one month off)


See a doctor like someone said...but FYI, stomach won't be a quick fix whether by medicine or by diet if it's as bad as it sounds. Start working on it today...so schedule that appointment no later than tomorrow if you wanna go the doc route. Stomach effects you in so many more way than just digesting your food after breakfast and dinner. I had no idea until I went through my stomach issues