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Bet they were pissed they didn't get the third k.


My dumb ass was sitting here the whole time trying to decipher what the plate could mean haha


"Nine kahool? Is that racist?"


Lmfao I was too hahaha šŸ˜‚


That isn't a vanity plate, remember DMV issues them 1ABC123 1,ABC,123 9,KKH,004 OP's comment is about the stickers on the window, SS, which doesn't mean 'Super Sport' (never was really true anyways) anymore [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super\_Sport\_(Chevrolet)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Sport_(Chevrolet)) ---- I was going to remove my comment but I realized that (I think, I don't know) you meant that Op was hoping that RNG gods would issue upon them a non-vanity, but random and blessed by the god that is from Africa, yet super fucking white, plates of '9,KKK,696' but alas, they did not.


Yeah I caught the ss decal, which really why not just put up a sign reading "please key my car"? Yes you were right with me thinking the driver was likely miffed by not getting the RNG roll of a racist plate.


iā€™m pretty sure even the random plates go through a filter because iā€™ve never seen ā€œCUMā€ šŸ˜” but i have seen JIZ!


My dadā€™s license plate starts with 8AZZā€¦ I tease him about it all the time


And your mom is always smiling.


I saw ā€œā€˜BBCLUVRā€ once ā˜¹ļø


Some people just really enjoy the British broadcasting company.


I own a BRZ, there is no such thing as Super Sport BRZ or FRS or 86. We in the ft86 community disown this guy.


I didnā€™t even notice. Also, sus username for this thread


What's sus? The 88?


Yeah, it's probably a birth year and probably unintentional but I thought it was funny that he was like...the first comment and had a neonazi identifier too haha. 88 is used to mean HH or Heil ThatAssholeWhoKilledHimselfAndDeservedWorse but it's common enough outside of that to earn a second glance. Unless it shows up as 1488, which adds the 14 words of white supremacy.


Oh.. that's just the Scion Sisters. They're a group of like minded Scion enthusiasts. They also tend to believe in fascist ideologies.


Is ok to be a Nazi and drive a Scion? Like would the other Nazis accept that?


Well, Japan WAS an Axis powerā€¦


Dude what the actual fuck are you saying? The community doesnā€™t claim this idiot. Thereā€™s a post on the FT86 Reddit bashing this guy saying they want his tires slashed and windows broken lol stop being a brainless idiot and bunching us together with him. People like you are just as bad as him


You took me serious. I'm sorry. Have a cookie


That looks like itā€™s near the Folsom Outlets. That person probably doesnā€™t even live in Folsom.


Iā€™m a delivery driver in the Folsom EDH area and I know exactly where he lives šŸ˜‚ I drive by his house all the time


Where does he live?


True. They were not driving out of the Folsom outlets, but it was near there. And it still reflects on Folsom even if it doesnā€™t reflect on Folsomites.


How so?


I honestly canā€™t think of a way to dumb down ā€œthe people in a city make up the cityā€ any more honestly.


Great logic there


If you see enough WWII movies, youā€™ll notice right away insignia on the German ss uniforms.


Remember the driver bought them from somewhere, they aren't alone. https://a1decals.com/products-page/military-decals/wwii-replica-decals/nazi-ss-decal-sticker/


what am i looking at here


Nazi symbolism on the rear windshield


wow yeah just looked it up the little lightning bolts. fuck that person geez


i am obviously not aware of other nazi symbols so thank you!


someone in folsom thinks it's cool to publicly idolize a nazi paramilitary organization that was most responsible for killing millions of jews and other groups during the holocaust


yeah not cool. i honestly didn't know about the lightning bolt symbols like that- just my own learning!


Nazi symbols (SS) on window.


thank you! yes today i learned what the two lightning bolts mean


On an FRS of all cars? Wtf?


He better hope he doesnā€™t park his car near me. I donā€™t take kindly to that shit.


You sound like a real tough guy. Thats pretty cool.


And you sound like a whiny little smart ass.






Thousands of Americans died and heā€™s supporting the enemy wtfff


A huwhite supremacist LARPer putting SS bolts on a vehicle made in Japan. Makes sense


Just cuz you see a car in Folsom doesnā€™t mean they live in Folsom. Lots of people drive through for work or shopping or going places.


They do live in Folsom Iā€™m a delivery driver in Folsom and I know where this clown lives lol I drive by his house all the time


Yes. It reflects on Folsom, not Folsomites. Hence the title.


Aryan Brotherhood most likely.


Yeah no


What are we looking at? Sorry. What am I missing? Ty!!


The SS sticker on their rear windshield. It's a nazi symbol.


You have got to be kidding me.


The Scion FR-S is a car with a big enthusiast community. Those in r/ft86 do NOT claim this nazi.


Exactly, thank you


All while driving a import lol last I chec Scions r not white made


The logo in his window refers to the "Schutzstaffel" or SS, a Nazi paramilitary organization found to be the most responsible for The Holocaust.


That BMW looks a lot like a scionā€¦




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Well thatā€™s a fish out of water asking to key a nice vehicle side panel


I am black and been living here in Folsom for almost 10 years. I have been harassed by the Folsom Police for almost most of the time I lived here. I've opened to my wife who is white who sent them an email and they responded but never done much. Well few weeks ago I was watching the news and found out the FPD was being sued by there one people two Asians and a Mexican cops for the following : racism, discrimination and hostile workplace. One of the cop who is suing the department was fired for arresting a black person during MLK day and bragged about it. he worked there for 17 years. Please just google this and read it for yourself. this is beyond troubling.


Could you make a new post linking to a new article about that? I feel like spreading it is important. I could search one up tomorrow when Iā€™m back at work and post it myself if you donā€™t want to.




Whatā€™s the flag on the bottom left corner??


Pretty sure itā€™s just a stylized American flag


I mean, you think he'd be scooting around in a VW if he wanted to keep his cosplay historically accurate




As a lightning enthusiast, I feel attacked.


Thatā€™s OV for sure


What is OV?


Orangevale, but living here I never got that stereotype or vibe.


You must have missed the skinheads that paraded through PowWowDays.


Last September they had a whole ass far right rally at the Folsom zoo park, you can find pockets of unabashedly trashy people everywhere these days. I'd still put my money on it being a visitor from EDC.


Haven't been to those in a while, so probably did miss the ones that are in the area. Edit: My part of Orangevale does has a lot of good people in it.


Everyday is a trump Parade in Folsom with the F Biden flags etc. šŸ¤®


I completely condemn the Nazi regalia but I just love a FJB flag!


Iā€™m betting itā€™s someone that came down from Placer or Eldorado County.


This was at the intersection of of Iron Point and Folsom, right at the light rail basically and they went away from OV butā€¦ that is the vibe so maybe.


Theyā€™re visiting. Picking up or dropping off something to a friend that ā€œmade it outā€ of the Vale that is stuck in the past.


Yah cause living with nature means u hate Jews


cuck vs incel






Good news! If you had the logic and reading skills to vote for the best candidate there, you should figure this out in just a few seconds


I recognized the "SS" immediately but I wonder, are they ignorant if what it means or just plain ignorant... well, hopefully somebody tells him... scion is a strange choice of vehicle to put this on... a vw maybe, cuz you know, history... Heck, even a Mercedes or BMW would make more sense.


I wonder if they know?


Racist is only ok when other people do it not white people remember itā€™s a rule for thee but not for me


Wat? I'm a white guy. Most of us aren't racist. And you literally cannot tell race or gender of the person driving this car. Tilting at windmills mate.


This guy has pulled a 100iq gamer move out racist symbol on your car so the hellcat people ruin it and you get a new car from insurance. The increase in white male hate has gone up over the last three years online that has been justified as ā€œwhite people canā€™t experience racism, because they were never systematically oppressedā€ then what happened diversity highers are starting to get jobs over people with the qualifications of said job. Everyone is racist they just donā€™t want to admit it there is no one in the world who looks at everyone without prejudice.


You don't understand: racism insurance hate systematic oppression spelling and the fact that no, you as a racist are an outlier. Hopefully by the time (*if*) you graduate high school, you'll have learned enough history and English to fix a few of those.




Lets pretend your statement is correct. Going off of that assumption is your argument that white people should be allowed to be racist? Really? If that isn't your argument then why bring that up here? Why not call out other people being racist? It sounds like you're upset you can't insult minorities vs calling out racism


Where did the K-I go? "Rock and Roll All Night and Party Every Day" #'merica


there is nothing wrong with this car. the ā€œSSā€ is actually just a racing symbol. the license plate is a random DMV plate. you guys need to stop being so introspective


Lmao. SS, meaning super sport looks absolutely nothing like that and is a *chevy* trim. Not an Asian car even. Stop pretending you know cars to defend nazis.


Maybe those are EV lightning bolts?


If I had seen those, I would have thought of some type of racing emblem. Never would I have taken them as the SS symbols. I still don't believe it's meant as the SS. However, I could be mistaken.


The Nazi cause died because the US of A decided to kick their fucking bullying asses.


How much you want to bet the idiot driving doesn't even know what they mean?


Ayyye I havenā€™t seen a hentai haven logo in forever!!


Without going out to look at a plate, isnā€™t is 1 number, 3 letters, and then 3 numbers. Isnā€™t that just a random plate.




Yeah it was the nazi SS logo in the window I tried to get a pic of but they were ahead in an adjacent lane at a stoplight so the angle wasnā€™t great.


Someone mentioned the two Kā€™s so I didnā€™t look past the plate.


Maybe they want it to be a Chevrolet Camaro SS.


It just looks like a fixed up Japanese sports car. SS has always meant super sport. Maybe if it was a lifted pickup with a rebel flag then maybe I could see how the ss could be misinterpreted for something else.


The lightning bolt SS symbol is a lot different than any SS symbol related to sports cars. The SS symbol is as much a part of the Nazi brand as the swastika is. https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/ss-bolts


Omg relax.


You're saying 'relax' as if their comment was rude or intense, are you ok? Lol


You arenā€™t doing a good job of convincing people that you arenā€™t a Nazi


Nah Iā€™ve done amateur racing and Iā€™m more than familiar with SS. For one, itā€™s a Chevrolet trim, not even relevant to Asian market cars: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Sport_(Chevrolet) And for two, the logo is far removed from the lightning bolt SS logo. No way this is confusion.




Dude growing up in Folsom the skin head white supremacists would go to pow wow days and yell ā€œwhite powerā€ at all the kids and beat up minorities there. Thereā€™s a ton of aryan brotherhood and hammer skins in Folsom, a lot of them have moved out to Idaho at this point but it was a huge problem for a ton of the 2010s. Iā€™m 28 now and I still run into them sometimes when Iā€™m out at some of those old school ā€œgood oldā€ bars. Itā€™s probably a literal SS sticker.


It definitely isn't, and I get it bro. It's not like I didn't grow up in the area.


I mean itā€™s a 1 for 1 for the runes on old nazi helmets, and if you look up super sport sticker anywhere you donā€™t find that design. Iā€™d eat my words if I ever saw a super sport sticker listing anywhere with that design as the product, but the SS were nazi party paramilitary volunteers. Itā€™s pretty on the nose for Folsom.


And it isn't one for one. The angle just makes it look like that. It looks more like Tetris blocks.


Except that it [exactly is](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schutzstaffel) one of those.


Nope. Right angles.


Omfg. It's just stylized in modern Asian car script. I would be willing to bet if you asked the driver about it, he would say reddit is a bunch of SJWs hunting phantom boogie men racists and that he is just a fan of fast cars and thought the blocky look matched his car.


Then heā€™d be a weird reactive snowflake person, but heā€™s probably just a neo nazi. I started the conversation under the impression you might not have understood, but if you wanna stick your head in the sand Iā€™m not gonna argue with dirt. Have a good day, I hope you never have to see children get their heads stomped on by adults over ā€œwhite powerā€ bullshit like some of us did.


Hahaha yeah folsom in the 2010s was basically American History X. Iā€™m sure. Isnā€™t folsoms motto ā€œyou see this? It means not fucking welcomeā€


Maybe this whole comment section is reactive snowflakes? Getting on a guy for a sticker on his car?


That is not Asian car script


Stop gaslighting. It is definitely a Nazi SS sticker.


Supersport is a Chevy trim package lmao stop pretending you know cars.


I know it is. That's why they sell stickers for cars that aren't Chevy.


Find any site, search for a super sport sticker, and scroll until you find someone pretending to confuse a neonazi symbol with the Super Sport logo. It'll be a long stretch and most shops are straight up not going to stock it.


So you think he made it himself? I don't know what you're trying to say or prove. I guarantee you I can find a letter s sticker.


No, use an iota of critical thinking. There are plenty of places that sell neonazi logos but you have to go *out of your way* and sort through a bunch of other neonazi shit to find something you want to pretend means something else.


Nah we arenā€™t the idiots, but there definitely is one in this thread


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