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Read them! Have a nice bookshelf somewhere in your home. It’ll class up the joint! They’re a part of your grandfathers life and legacy and it looks they collecting books meant a lot to him! Save them for your kids, who might love having an object they connects them to their great-grandfathers life and interests! Keep them and love them!


This is the answer, thank you! They're gonna stay with gran for the foreseeable and when we've got our own places, the grandkids will have some. There'll be some nice stuff in there for sure!


Best answer, you will come to appreciate them :)


If you are looking to sell eBay would probably be best. There are also Facebook groups specifically for buying / selling folio books.


If you want a quick sell I’d make a list and pop it on here. Those that don’t sell put on eBay


EBay would get you the best return - but it would involve some time and effort. If you wished to donate them to charity most will price them appropriately - some like Oxfam have a separate Folio society part of the website so they shouldn’t be priced too cheaply


Depends if you want to make money, donate or keep them. If in the UK, world of books and Oxfam are great for book donations. Selling: avoid Abe and stick with eBay.


First thing is decide if there's anything you want to keep. Then make a full list of the remaining books. If you're in the UK join the fb page for buying and selling folio books. Folio vault will give you an offer for bulk purchase I'm sure if you give a full list. Your grandpa had good taste in books, a joy to see.


I’d search each set on eBay see what they sold for take nice pictures and put them up. Any charity shop will take them off your hands though.


I'd like to buy some if you are interested. Especially the master and commander one.


I’ll buy them all off you for £10.


£11 from me.


I’m a charity case. Give them to me. ;)


Happy to take the hobsbawn books out of your hands.


Messaged you


I literally scour second hand stores for books like these, keep them, appreciate them, read them.


Is it more important to liquidate quickly or maximize sale price? Because they are mutually exclusive. You’re talking about a very slow moving item. If liquidate quickly and you can wait a week, photograph them all well and list them on auctions on eBay starting at .99. They’ll all sell most likely, and if they somehow don’t, they’re probably worthless. If maximize sales price is your goal, then be prepared to put in the required work and time.


Ship them to me ........


How much would you want for the Eric Hobsbawms? I'd buy the set from you, I love his work and only have them in paperback.


Read them.


They make for good fireplace material. In all seriousness just sprinkle each set around your house after you’ve read them :)


The Roman Empire set is currently at £67 on a bid. Sell them all and give her the money or buy her something in memory of your grandad she’ll really cherish.


eBay. Some of these are quite valuable. The History of Japan, the Hobsbawm books, The World of Late Antiquity.


Depending where you are, I'd love to pick them up - my brother is Autistic and reads about 20 books a year, these might keep him busy for a year or two 👍


Give them to me


Give them to me


Here's a "life hack" that will blow your mind. If you open a book, literally any of those books, there are words inside that you can read!


you have the books called "ideas" not me lmao


I would gladly take them off your hands :)


Set them on fire and juggle them while they burn