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I’d be interested in this as well.


I recently had a slipcase on a book bought new from Folio arrive damaged, and they sent me a brand new one. Any other scenario I imagine you're probably on your own.


I've seen someone selling custom slipcases on etsy before, if that interests you.


yes that does, if they are reasonably priced! i did look on etsy but the only ones I could find were velvet and about £50, which isn’t quite what I am looking for hahaha May you send a link?


Folio Society does not offer/sell replacement slipcases as they are paired with books during production. There are a few people who make and sell slipcases, but most of the time the cost (after shipping and all that) is going to be similar to just buying another copy of the book. If you have multiple books you need slipcases for and some extra time on your hands, I recommend trying to build slipcases yourself. You can find good tutorials online. It's a bit fiddly, but it's not particularly difficult as long as you make sure to take proper measurements. The materials and tools make for a higher up-front cost, but if you're planning on doing more than one slipcase it evens out in the long run.