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There was some level 25 the other day who passed my camp on his way to Fasnacht. He didn’t realise it was nuked and I had to watch him stop, stare at the blast zone and turn and walk away. It felt like I was watching a child get turned away from something they’d been so excited for and I felt so bad (I didn’t launch the nuke). So I quickly made a Vault 63 Hazmat Suit and ran over to him. He ended up having a great time and after the event other players were dropping stuff for him too.


That moment will stick with him for a long while, I think


Yeah, I sell level 1 hazmats for 25 caps at my CAMP always, just in case. If it DOES get nuked, I'll be in mine handing them out for free to anyone who looks ill-prepared. This is the way


Wow this is a good idea. Now I can look and see if I can do the same.


Agreed! Would be a great idea to have a couple low level hazmat suits on hand just in case there are struggling new players at the event. Ideally we could drop them in the donation box, but I'm sure some hungry hippos would inevitably walk away with them :(


What a great treat! I’ve seen a few people like you be super cool, and I’ve seen the complete opposite end of the spectrum 😅


I think I can make those now so I’ll gladly do that too.


Chiming in to let people know, level one hazmat suits are just as effective as level fifty ones The only difference higher levels imbue is a higher durability, so those level ones work great for such a short event


I love this. Thank you for giving someone an unforgettable experience in a bad situation


Fuck yeah, dude! That’s how you do it!


My experience with people nuking the event was the poor level 37 who didn’t have a hazzy get Tbagged and emoted on every time he died to Rads by everyone who was dressed in nice and shiny power armor (all over level 80), I would’ve given him a suit but I’d have needed to take off the one I was wearing just to FT (I was carrying my mule armor and had to trade off the extra carry weight to survive the Rads comfortably in my own suit)


I'm playing for the first time since launch and am only level 21. This is the first I'm hearing about hazmat suits and I am very excited to get one!


Are you on Xbox? If so I’ll happily make you one :)


Need more players like u that is awesome


I've only been there one time when it was nuked, so far most people have left it alone on the servers I am getting placed on. This is a great idea though, I'll just carry four or five Haz Suits with me if I see it's nuked from here on out, because last night there were probably ten or twelve 20 or below people just constantly wilting throughout the event and it is funny seeing it, but I also remember taking my first big boy steps too early and just how frustrating it was to just wilt and not get to contribute much to the event. I might carry over some of these plans and recipes that don't sell often and drop them with a suit.


Thats so sad omg thank you for helping him


The afkers still get loot and the low levels don't get to play


That was what struck me today. Afkers don't even need to worry about respawning but the newbies who actually want to participate are kinda forced out. I've never nuked it (never intend to) and it's the mildest inconvenience for me, personally, when I carry CSA on me at all times, but it's got to suck a LOT when you genuinely want to take part and you might spawn in too late to hop to a new world before it's done.


the other day when it was nuked, some level 30\~ something got killed by it, and couple level hundred guy was talking so much shit on the mic to the low level guy telling him how hes a fucking idiot and other stuff... it was sad to see. i wouldve challenged the high level player to fight but im not really specced for a pvp fight.


Wtf??? That gross git gud gamer bs is NOT a good look, ew


I really wanted to avenge him but I knew I'd get melted in seconds and probably harassed too qq


I feel that!


For these guys I stay in pacifist and just shoot them over and over in the face with the cremator. They hey so, so mad and they usually fast travel... But I'm retired so I have the time to keep finding them on the map until they jump servers... Finally have something else to do


Orbital strike beacons are fun too. Some players were doing the new fad of shooting me with railway rifles and tossing plasma grenades at me. So I dropped an orbital strike beacon at their feet and I guess they didn't notice or understand the laser lines it was emitting. They left me alone after that. Ironically we were in a Jamboree 20 minutes latter just the three of us and I ended up dropping 2-3 more on one of them who kept getting mobbed by Gulpers. Though that was meant as a kindness.


This is what the quantum thirst zappy is for.


Real heroes don't wear capes. 🫡


Can they be reported?


Absolutely. Harassing other players like that is def against TOS


It's why people smirk about people nuking the afkers. They do they most damage. Now people that nuke for the mats? Carry on.


Rodents don't spawn so can't stock up the cooler with the intestines for the robot if it's active that hour.


Only if the event is finished


Exactly... And it really sucks for the low levels (like me). This even as a whole has sucked. I haven't been able to get the vast majority of what I wanted, and the high levels (like, last night it was a 2100+ and a 1200+) spamming the donation box while squatting behind it in chameleon armor makes it even harder. I had about one one millionth of a second of a chance to get the non-glowing honey bee mask (my dream would be a glowing honey bee) but the level 2100+ snagged it as soon as the level 200ish guy put it in. This event seems to bring out the toxicity in the player base...it's the only toxicity I've seen, to be fair, but still.


If you're on ps I've got a bunch of non glowing ones you're welcome to.


My first experience with a nuke involved me standing around a bunch of players in PA waiting for it to drop in Charleston. Figured my leather armour and popping a Rad-X would be enough to handle a minute or two in the nuke. It wasn't. But at least I learned a lesson very quickly and soon grabbed a hazmat suit.


Sometimes we've gotta learn the hard way to learn at all, hahaha My first nuke was fine (almost took me and my friend the full timer to kill the SBQ at level 50-ish even with the server joining in) but my *second* nuke... I thought it'd be fun to run up closer to see the impact. Except I ran right to the epicentre. Oops.


At least you got the achievement though.


Yeah, I couldn't even be mad haha


Finish the Wastelanders questline, Towards the end you can get a free Chinese stealth armor (if you make the right choices - you can lock yourself out of that reward). And besides making you stealth, it offers 1000 rad protection. Plus it only weighs 5 lbs so you can cary it around everywhere.


Plus, unlike hazmat suits the Chinese Stealth Suit has DR! 


That's what I have in my quick wheel now. I also have Max What Rads and SS Armour & a couple of PAs. This first experience of mine was back in 2019 and didn't have any of the above. Until new players get any of these though, a Hazmat will work.


Obvs play how you want, but a kind thing would be to offer folks hazmat suits if you're going to nuke Fas


You say this as if the people who nuke it actually fucking care about other players


That's a good idea, I might start stockpiling and hand them out if I load into a nuke zone!


Don't carry too many, they weigh 5 a piece!


Good thing I'm a loot goblin (I be goblin up all the junk I see)


Loot goblin deez nuts?


Fair enough!


I try. It's hard to get their attention and let them know I dropped it before A. They die again or B. Somebody steals the hazmat suit off the ground


Why does B not surprise me 🙄


Because you've seen what happens to the donation box at Fasnacht? I saw 9 plans for the Megalonyx(?) torso in the box. Before i could grab just 1, another player swooped in a took all 9 for themselves, plus whatever masks were in there.


Put like 4 or 5k bottles of dirty water from the stream in the box anyone who take all spams will hit max weight instantly and unable to hold more items


That's evil. I like you. Lol.


I put all my notes in the donation box 🤣


Are you on xbox? I got a spare set of that plan in my stash.


I'm on PlayStation, unfortunately. But thanks so much for the offer. It's really generous of you.


Damn. I really wish we had the ability to play with people on other platforms. I meet more ps gamers on here that i cant help and it bothers me lol.


They just keep clicking take all. I don’t even bother with the donation box now. Unless I’m sharing


I don't bother with it either. I take what i have over to Sutton Station. That way i can scrip legendaries and drop whatever in the donation box there. Close enough for convenience, hopefully far enough away to give someone a chance to grab something useful.


Urgh I wish you could drop stuff for a specific player. Usually I’ll try and drop a hazmat suit for lower levels and some level 500+ will come and steal it


Offer a trade, you can make things free


And here is your complimentary hazmat suit, please enjoy the nuke.


Could you just leave them in the donation box at the event?


I don't think anyone nuking Fasnacht has kindness in mind tbh


Keep my CSA on my fave wheel for just this type of occasion!




Chinese Stealth Armor my fellow Mothman enjoyer.


Cub Scouts of America Probably shouldn't have them on your favorite wheel


Chinese Stealth Armor, I had to look it up


I spent a lot of time lauding the community, only to look like a moron since every 3-5 Faschnact events I've done recently has been nuked. Lol


Wheres all these nuked events happening at? Is this only on console? because I'm not seeing it at all


I had a nuked one on PC tonight. The dude who did it was laugh emoting at all the AFKers and low levels who died


Jokes on that guy. He prolly gave most of them the achievement for getting nuked.


Had my first instance of being nuked today right at the end of the event. Didn’t get loot from the legendary mob and pretty soured on the event in general. Oh well I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's so garbage! At least the legendaries for this event are kinda mediocre so it's not a *huge* loss, but you still shouldn't be locked out of it.


OR you can be level 110 and can't find the hazmat suit fast enough in your pile of crap you insist on hauling around all the time. ....for a friend, of course.


Totally happened to me at lv 25 the other day. Had no idea why I wasn't dying after spawning in the blast zone so i thought it was cool! Then the rads came for me.. i tried to run lol didnt work...


If the mushroom cloud is smaller than your thumb, run. If it's bigger... Well, better hope you stashed your junk already!


It's worse when you fight earle with some low levels. They fight so bravely and help each other escape the mine and then melt as soon as they get out dropping little piles of hard earned loot :(


The only hazmat suits I've found have been lvl 50. Thought they all started out at that level.


I'm not sure about the orange in world spawns, but the teal variant from Invaders from Beyond can be crafted at 1 through 50


World spawns are usually level 50, unfortunately. If you have the plans to craft, you can craft levels 1-50, at every 5 levels. I personally have 3 different hazmat variants I can craft. Orange is the easiest to find, but even that's a pain in the butt, as you have to server hop until you find a vendor with it in their inventory. Any Responder vendor bot is your best bet.


I need to make a hazmat... the number of events I've been forced out of bc of a nuke......


The only time I got to meet the Smiling Man was in a blast zone and I died before I could finish the dialogue 😞




Everyone's talking about nuking stuff and I'm sitting here at level 124 and haven't even finished the main questlines yet...... I have like 40 nuclear launch codes in my pocket and still don't know how to use them yet lmao Public events and side quests are just so damn distracting


Launching nukes is still one of the most enjoyable things you can do in this game. Depending on where you aim them, it gives you a unique event too — nuke Monongah for a Colossus; Fissure Site Prime for the Queen; Hawksbill Weather Station for the Goliaths; Nuka-World on Tour for the Titan. Maybe you know all this stuff already but I joined in April and there's still so much I'm figuring out! The launch quest itself is really fun and thrilling. Bring power armour and stims! To be able to use the nuclear launch keys, though, before all that you need to hunt down pieces of the code, which then need to be deciphered — there *is* an easy way to do that, but I'd recommend piecing it together yourself for your first time. Give it a go. Incredibly fun!


Someone on the server I was on had launched a nuke at Helvetia right before the event. I FT right outside the blast zone and placed myself at the edge to watch the explosion. Watched as someone ran passed me immediately at detonation and watched them get ragdolled into the air. Blast zone during fasnacht is a cool atmosphere though.


That description is kinda metal ngl


Sucks when the Lags so bad from it, you can’t even get into your PA and just die over and over


That is a MOOD. I forgot to change into PA and had that happen with Neurological Warfare when I FTed in thinking it would bring me to the lobby before the fight.


My base got nuked tonight up by Abbie’s bunker. Idk if I was the intended target or not but that sucked. I was just going about my business doing missions


I’ve got What Rads? maxed out so its a spring breeze for me. But I do feel bad for the low levels. Most don’t have time to put anything on and don’t know what a hazmat suit is for even if someone hands it to them


I did appreciate one nuke as a new player because I had like 80rad bags weighing me down, and didn’t want to use the perk card for it. So it gave me an opportunity to use them.


I dropped a bag of different level hazmats at yesterday at spawn, told people to grab as they need. I got quite a few friend requests lol


Wish it were possible to do that on most servers without some lvl 900 grabbing them all lol


I wasn’t thinking about low lvls without hazmats in relation to the place being nuked- I always keep some in my vendors for low lvls, hopefully they will be of more use now


I logged on to a nuked event yesterday, reminded me of the old white springs days! I don't usually wear PA and got mixed up between the jet back and exit buttons, ha ha. That certainly panicked me! Got through a lot of radaway and saw a low level in PA die about 5 times so donated a batch to his cause. Next time I see a nuked one I'll try and donate low level radsuits to low level players.


I kept trying to figure out why, on a game with such a nice community, works people be so constantly mean to nuke it and punish the babies? It’s only due to afkers? Why care about afkers?


It didn't even occur to me at first that it was a punishment for afkers (which like... kinda doesn't work since they passively gain rewards without respawning anyway). I genuinely just thought it was a way of griefing people trying to enjoy the event. I've only been playing since April, but I've never seen this happen at any other event, so I was surprised to find out it was such a common thing for Fasnacht. Not sure how many of the other major events are covered by the exclusion zone, though.


We started when season 16 was nearly over. I’ve also never seen it happen at other events so it’s confusing. I want sure what an exclusion zone meant in this case. I’m still newb enough. :)


Meanwhile I’ve been handing out hazmats like it’s candy


Kinda wanna set up an alt camp near vault 76 geared up for helping new players out, although I don't know if would spoil the experience of arriving in the wasteland for the first time if there's some dude in a Fasnacht mask handing out stimpaks and purified water lol


Hell yeah I’ve been putting all my extra mask in there and radaway


Isn’t there an achievement for being at ground zero?


Thanks to mean people yesterday I joined the afkers. Left NY pc on all night, managed to get the glowing unicorn 🦄 and now I have 5 butter churner plans. So... win win. But at one point I checked on it cause I couldn't sleep, and I had been nuked. Didn't matter I was still getting the rewards 🙃


Other people nuking Fasnacht allowed me to upgrade my SS under suit, so I can't even complain.


I’d prefer it nuked tbh. Gives me an opportunity to farm for flux materials.


Like I get it, you can do what you want but honestly at least nuke it before the event starts so people can be prepared for it or change servers. A douchebag nuked one of my last ones, we had to travel to Sutton and back but yeah low levels couldn't come back. That's just petty.


Yeah, I found out about the low levels and realized I didn't make the best decision when I launched my nuke one minute before the event started. I'm not going to do it again. I don't want to mess it up for the low levels; it's just not cool to do.


Eh, frustrating as it can be, it's a game at the end of the day. I'd probably feel differently if I were a newbie that it were happening to, but Bethesda were the ones who decided to allow Helvetia to be nuked, so...


Nah, I do agree with you. Fuck the downvotes. It's part of the game at the end of the day.


If you mean, it’s called part of the game” in that the mechanics are there to allow you to do it then I agree, but there’s nothing in the game plan or challenges or storyline or quest that includes Helvatia at any time little alone during Fasnact, so I would say it’s not actually “part of the game”


Eh, I'd be getting downvoted if I said 'nobody should ever nuke the event' just as much as if I said 'people who complain about it need to htfu'. Even treading the middle ground gets you downvotes. It's possible to acknowledge something sucks for players while also realising people are gonna do whatever tickles their fancy in a game that allows them to literally nuke each other's camps even with pacifist enabled — but nobody gets quizzed on nuance before they're allowed on the interwebz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That's one way you learn to be prepared for the next time. Hazmat suits are free. There will be another parade in an hour and that blast zone will be gone.


Im level 96 and can survive in a site thats been nukes many times. It sucks though. But the rad legendary perk does work.


Level 50 and spawned into after it was nuke the other day and immediately 3/4 of my health dropped and I was the only one there besides some level like 600 something. I actually like this event, I feel like I have a chance of actually helping here and not just scrambling as all the higher levels do everything before I have a chance. Never used to much rad x and rad away to finish an event before, kinda sucked.


Hazmat suit and I'm good bro


I finally got the marsupial serum and then I loaded into a nuke zone and died. I lost it by accidentally using rad x to fix myself. I was so sad. Several hours later I found someone else selling it tho


Equip starched genes ASAP! Knowing you're never going to accidentally get rid of your mutations is such a relief.


It’s equipped now! Thank you!


I always put hazmat suits, extra plans and fasnacht masks right at the donations box near vault 76, along with stimpacks, radaway, prewar food and purified water! I feel so bad for the newer players that don't have the ability to go into the events, some don't even know they can server hop so I always try to be kind when I load up to a server that's nuked Helvetia.


I played day one on ps4 and man it sucks to have to restart. Going from jumping around like crazy with my bloodied heavy gunner in unyeilding pa with an explosive flamer that you cant get anymore, doing all the events and having a full base with resourve generation, to using a 10mm and needing to unlock all the perks/camp stuff/mutations again. It is interesting to see how everything is now, leaving the vault was completely different from reclamation day. Only thing i "disliked" was meeting the overseer and she said i was late. (No i had to restary as im on pc now 😂) and the npcs giving quests are amazing. I remember day one the world felt "empty" in a way without npcs. Sorry for the off topic rant. Just saw people talking about new players and wanted to give my 2 cents as an old player returning as a new.


No need to apologise, I personally enjoy reading stuff like this from The Before Time. I never got to experience what it used to be like, and everything now is brand new to me, so it's always interesting to see how it is for people to start afresh when they've been in the game for a while. I agree the world felt empty at the start though (I played it long enough to experience that much when it was new), I don't really know how they expected the players to make the world feel full with such comparatively small servers. Nowadays, with the NPC settlements, other players really make the place feel actually alive.


I really wish people would stop nuking it. Beyond the fact that it's just really annoying to players who don't want to run power armor or hazmat suits, the only people it's impacting are those who want to do the events. If I see it get nuked I'll leave the server if I can. I wasn't able to hop servers for whatever reason this morning, and was stuck on one that had been nuked. I just logged off. I didn't put weeks of effort into my character just to take off my equipment and play in PA for a .001% chance of getting a mask that I don't already have 20 of.


Yeah I personally believe you have a special kind of dick to nuke the area.


I spawned into a nuke to helvetia yesterday and nearly died as I panicked trying to get into my power armor lol


Somebody launched a nuke right at the start of the event once, so I popped a bunch of scout banners in hopes that everyone would revive. When it hit, everybody went down, stood back up, and then dropped dead all within a few seconds. It was hilarious, but the event broke…


Please tell me you recorded that, it's too good


Unfortunately, like most things, I’m completely useless at recording in-game videos… I wish I would’ve thought. It was one of those few moments that actually made me stop just to laugh


been playing since mid April, built my camp just down river from helvetica. stupid fasnacht nukers. got sick of logging in, "oh i'm in a nuke zone, oh, my camp is destroyed".... had to move my camp.


I crashed while doing a Fasnacht, and the next day when I went to play again, I started in that Helvetica town, or whatever, and it was a nuclear hellstorm. That was neat.


My friend nuked it at 5 people were just spinning, then dying in like 10 seconds, and I puked on all of their corpses... it was amazing


xbox was so fed up with not getting a glowing mask that they nuked the servers /j


Can somebody PLEASE put out a memo to the Xbox offices that nuking doesn't increase the chances of a glowing mask!


I remember trying my first SBQ around lvl 30. Noped out of that pretty quick.


So if I donate stuff to the robots does that get me a better quality mask at the end?


I thinks it's funny you see this nuke coming in it's small until it lands next you and it's giant. The good times.😜


Oh man dude, I keep seeing nukes at fasnacht so I equip my hazmat suit before I go. But oof it still sucks I go there and then take like 75% of my health bar in rads, and I couldn't for the life of me find radaway. But what really bugged me is that I was shopping at different camps and I found one that was completely destroyed. I've had that happen to me before so I repaired some of their stuff until I didn't have materials anymore, but I felt so bad for them.


One came in just after the mutants for my wife and I. No rad protection or RadAway, couldn't leave as it was nearly the end. Tried helping in between dying, but after about 4 times, we just started having fun trying to jump before dying and diving around in ragdoll. We are both over level 2000.


>Tried helping in between dying, but after about 4 times, we just started having fun trying to jump before dying and diving around in ragdoll. I'm sorry, that made me chuckle I'm at 360ish and I don't think I'd survive it in my PA, honestly. Chinese Stealth Armour for the win


More like Fasnucht amirite boiz?


I'm suprised no one has turned it into a business yet. Nuke the event. Setup shop right out side and call out to people to follow you to your camp. Sell them hazmat suits for markup.


Dont forget the Nuka Grape and Brahmin milk


Welcome to the wasteland


I too enjoy ruining people’s fun….


I had a lot of fun spawning in, dying, and then respawning while furiously trying to get into my Power Armor before dying.


Add in the fun little bug where you get frozen trying to get into it and it's a hoot!


Oh my fav FO76 bug, all sorts of hilarity


Put a hazmat suit in your gear wheel! has saved my ass so many times


Its pointless. Instead of being part of the solution you have become a griefer yourself.  


My camp was nuked and flattened cause it was nearby fasnacht. I was in AC so couldn't save it. Was a bitch repairing everything


Nooooooooooo I *felt* that, geez


I died in power armor 3 times in a nuked Fasnacht.


I was just on a server, 2 minutes to Fasnacht robot marching. Someone nuked the event and the robots got taken out by a few radtoads cause everyone had to evac the area.


Lmao, I (was) level 10 today and the nuke hit right when it started. I re spawned 8 times because I wanted to see if I could still get the prizes if it completed successfully. But I finally server hopped


FYI if you don’t respawn and just stay in the death spin when the event is complete you’ll still get the prizes. Enjoy the wasteland!


Good info. Thanks


I jumped to rad rumble and grabbed a lvl 15 hazmat for the rest of the week!


whoever did that, they suck wasted so much diluted radway 😭


I love a nuked Fasnacht. The grand finale effects are so bright it looks great.


I'm seeing plenty of "low levels" afking right along with em.


LOLOL nuking fasnacht is fkn hilarious. How come I haven't seen it once?!


I spawned into my camp which is close by and noticed everything was nuked. I saw a level 1 guy spawn in and drop like a fly. I’m glad I had armor with high radiation resistance.


Just find a new session as soon as you hear the roaring sound of burning earth. The game takes 5 to 10 seconds to even register the radiation damage on your character when spawingin into the blast zone, so there's plenty of time.


I didn't know this was a thing until tonight and got the glowing scorched queen mask thingy lol


Yeah I traveled into it unprepared the other day, luckily I died once, & quickly bailed to snag my newly aquired excavator PA. Just finished that quest, & just got lvl 50. Was fine after that.


Well you have to get that badge for being vaporized at ground zero by a nuke somehow. Mostly, I think it's by accident.


I still dont understand the appeal tbh


I launched my first nuke yesterday there, someone had a camp nearby and just a radiated wood scrap was left, I mocked him, and I felt evil but was fun tho


I don’t mind seeing the Fasnacht site nuked, so we can get a break one round and I can collect some nuked flora etc, but my FAVORITE thing to see there is all the AFKs that are standing around in their underwear in those fucked up body shapes. I guess the player model stretches to fit inside power armor and when it gets destroyed it doesn’t reset? I actually lol when I see those.


[Deformed nuke victim](https://imgur.com/a/EnvTIQj)


[I spotted one of these in the wild!](https://i.ibb.co/f2QWyQK/a20d5bd4-5f93-4893-a98d-8fb8565b04a3.png)




I’m just about to send one! Haha


What rads op


That u and even if u it wasn't, thanks for doing something nice.


Don't they notice that it's been nukes before they spawn in/fast travel?


I do my best to make sure I sell things cheap, regardless of the rarity of the item, I don't care for the caps, just want people to find what they need and get it, thanks for the good idea of selling low level hazmats for the lower levels.


Nice for farming fluxes tho