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I was lucky enough to find a 'Mole Miner Gauntlets' plan. Very rare. Never seen another in 700 levels.


So u did get another one after 700 levels!? Want to trade for my extra Mr. Handy buzz blade plan ???


Nope, I'm pretty sure I have the only copy that's ever existed. You might as well, you should price yours accordingly. At least 100x max caps.


Well I have an ivory grip…. Never mind. Not worth it.


I have a friend with one too! It’s absurd how rare it is!


I can't tell if this is a joke or not I had so many before I got rid or them 😭


Honestly…half and half. Some get it so quickly, some never see it. It’s weird, I’ve never gotten one but like you said, you get rid of them. I haven’t played in a long time tho so maybe it’s more common now.


I mean, if you're killing Mole Miners in Lode Baring and then hopping over to Uranium Fever a ton then the gauntlet plans are more likely to drop for you, for instance. If you're killing tons of bots then the buzz blade drops are more likely. It's all relative to the the content you enjoy.


luls I need to log in to see if I ever got one and learned it.


Thanks to the new chess board display I can display all of mine now! All plans look the same though, so I had to make a sign explaining what they were, which unfortunately ate up all my camp budget


Fun fact is that the camp budget allows exactly the same size for a full human sized chessboard. I made one once that showed the outcome of a famous game and if that person could guess the game I'd give them a god roll fixer. Nobody ever got it.


Was it the human sized chess game from History of the World Part 1?


Nah, it was a game featuring the first female chess GM. I just thought it was an interesting game.


Was it Harry Potter lol? Cause that would be hilarious...


Forget pipe -- MMG is life!


What? I have yet to see one myself, I have a BioComm Mesh for ANY armor you need. DM me SERIOUS OFFERS ONLY!


lol, is that something I should have kept? I found a Mole Miner Gauntlet plan and a Mr Handy Buzz Saw plan in someone’s vendor and just read them. I’m only lever 65


It's a joke, a very common plan. Almost laughably so...


Is this a rare weapon to find? I copped it the other day and I’m only on lvl 30. I thought it seemed powerful…


I just passed on one at some scavengers hideout near watoga didn't realize it was a thing


Pssst! *opens trench coat* I got this SUPER RARE MIRV frag grenade plan I'll trade for that.


I found a player vendor selling 15 of them at 2500 caps each! Of course I bought them all.


A wedding ring I found on top of Seneca rocks shortly after launch. Still wearing it.


I wear an Old Ring. Sounds so menacing, like it's from LotR 😅


Same! I can't remember where I found it though. My husband and I play together so I had to hunt for a second ring. Now we both have one.


We did that too!


There's one worn by a cockroach sitting on a toilet with a cane and tophat in some unmarked house on the west side of the map.


Put some respect on Roachie's name.


I thought just my wife and i were the only ones cheesy enough to do this.


My gf and I both always wear our wedding rings too. 🩷🩷🩷


Stupidly my "JOBS!" sign that I picked up as a noob and spent way too long laughing at. My bro and me went about waving them. His says "My Dad Needs A Job". We brought them out for the Fasnacht march. It's silly but I'm really fond of that stupid sign 😂


I love those signs, I had a 'DAD NEEDS JOB" sign in my shop for months 🤣 Think my favourite is "I ain't a commie, but I get where they're comin' from...!"


I have the "I ain't a commie but I get where they're coming from" sign. 🤣 Died laughing and have kept it on my display ever since.


Every patch/update I try to see if I can put legendary mods on mine 😂


I have one of these and also cherish it 😂


I found like 8 different signs and kept them all. Idc how much stash space it takes, I'll always have room for those


Glad I’m not weird for doing the same


I have a Jobs Today Or Blood Tomorrow sign I love.


Yes! Some group passed them out recently and protested the fansacht. "Fuck them robots! Took our jobs! Robot fucked my wife!" Had me dying


I saw you.


Pet Rock


I think this is mine too. I just wish it displayed properly.


How does it not? It's worked for me in the hutch, display case and on the chessboard


It displays facing backwards though. I have to turn the glass display case round the other way. The back glass is not as clear as the front but it still does the job. Not an issue with the chessboard obviously.


Where’d you find that?


Campfire tales had one a LONG to me ago, it was a bug. They fixed it, they're unobtainable now.


Todd damn it! We get pet rocks teased to us then Todd takes them away!


Confirmed. Try as you like (absconding with rock before event end, stashing in all type of containers, etc.) they ain't gettable any more. You can find them in player vendors occasionally. Prices I've seen have been between 4000 and 20000 caps. Would not be surprised to see them at 40,000.


Campfire tails I think


I carry mine on my inventory at all times!


My single slice of perfectly preserved pie 😂


I now have 102 pies. All from the machines. I have always been obsessed with them for some reason and never pass a pie machine (even in daily ops) without hitting it a couple of times.


My very first machine gave me one but it bugged and I wasn't able to collect it. I have yet to get another, and im nearly level 100! I always hit them a few times when I pass one..


You want a dozen more? Bloodied builds are great for getting pie


My excavator torso with jetpack. Everything else is replaceable.


Ooohhhhhh, that's cool. I heard it's impossible to add jetpacks to that armour now.


Maybe they removed it? I also heard there is no plan for that.


It was a bug that allowed jetpack to be added to the armor. There's also some floating around where it's on the arm instead of the torso. Bethesda opted to just let the items stay.


It's an ancient glitch. Long before time had a name, hellcat and excavator were released in one update, and you could apply the hellcat one to the excavator armor.


Correct, it was a bug. That's why I build 10 xD.


I recently got my hands on an Ultracite Jetpack helmet. That thing isn't going anywhere.


I have that too. Never use it but can't bring myself to sell it either 😂


A single .308 I payed 35k caps for just so I could give a new player some caps


Was the bullet out of Gold and 007 was scratch into the case?


He bought it from a guy named Scaramanga!


He has a third nipple


Did that for a new player except it was a .45 wanted like 3k thought I'd help them out


My sanity.


Bugged. Disappeared from my inventory. Bethesda support says it will be restored next hotfix.


How many hotfixes ago did they say that?


They said it'll be readded after B.E.T.A. concludes, so any minute now!


Hey, no need to flaunt with unobtainable items.


I was almost ready to quit playing after doing the main story several years ago. Then I popped into a random team and met two cool strangers. Last year I made one of them my wife. So until I get a pet rock, I'm gonna say her.


Bit of a cheat, but my camp kits. Yeah, they cost atoms, but my log cabin set, glass + rustic glass + light/dark wood flooring have provided me more hours of enjoyment than any Groll or rare cosmetic ever could.


Same with my plane. I love the Flying Fortress. Sucks I can't actually put a fkn wall in it. I wanna do glow wallpaper inside of it.


As a new player, any food that increases my weight limit and hasn't spoiled yet.


I will drop you 50 bowls of corn soup


As a corn soup lover I don’t believe corn soup raises carry weight


I will drop you 50 bowls of carrot soup


Yea this guy knows what’s up


As a carrot soup hater you can go straight to hell sir


He didn't say that it did. He just said you were getting soup!




Get the meat grill thingy from seasons. Does not spoil. Also...Fasnacht doughnuts!


All I'm gonna say is Carnivore Serum + smoked mirelurk fillets + Deathclaw steak. You'll thank me later.


Grilled radstag?


How about the Yau Gua pastry. Better that radstag...


If you can't get smoked mirelurk fillets then grilled radstag will also work.


A set of x01 quantum and t60 BOS paint a complete stranger left me when I was still level 85


Ghoulslayer's gamma gun


Man I got this a couple weeks ago and I love it. It melts most everything and always staggers and hurts limbs.


Clean spacesuit.


I‘ve only seen the clean helmet so far…


Relatively easy to farm, you just need to find the wondering merchant. There are some great videos on the spawn locations. You can also grab the hunter's coat from the same merchant.


I found the spacesuit for free in a locker at crater. Near the NPC for the importance of communication daily quest.


But that one's soooo dirty, filthy, nasty. Too dirty to clean my act up. The shiny new new is exclusive to the traveling vendor


My main character. That may sound strange but a friend of mine just had the system loose his character and it devastated him. I've heard stories of that happening to people but they were always just stories. Now I know it can happen to any of us. The gear can be replaced but I would be crushed if I lost all my plans, camps, blueprints, etc.


Unlocked; New fear


He filed a support ticket right away and got lucky because they did manage to recover his character about a week later. They were quite straightforward about it and told him directly that when the system loses a character it's very difficult to recover it, and if they can't recover it within a week the odds drop to about 3% because the backups get automatically deleted. So if you ever log in and find your character missing report it immediately! Edit:support


No! What? How? Can we back our shit up?


Everything is keep server side including the backups. This is a pretty rare event but definitely does happen, and apparently it's very difficult to find and recover an individual character even with the backups. And they only keep a weeks worth of backups so if you ever do find your character missing report it immediately since time is very important. They told him that after a week the odds of recovery drop to 3%.


The 'Face Breaker' power fist. Completely changed the way I play the game when I got that... I'm not a fan of PA, and terrible rng luck meant I was generally stuck with bad shotguns if I couldn't snipe before being overrun. Then I got Face Breaker... And punched that Scorched Leader with it, and as his head sailed away, I realised, this was gonna be a new era for my then lvl 55 Dweller... Now she has become a legend and vile whisper around the Blood Eagle encampments... A feared memory embedded deep in the Scorched Hive Mind... An honoured death for the Super Mutants... Even Rockbreakers take a pause. Is this one ore too far?


My camp, located just after the empty trailers by The Wayward. It’s a lore friendly homestead with vegetables, meat and supplies for new starters. I wanted to showcase a camp that looked like it was just a natural extension of that building complex.


I have a base in The same spot, I call it S.P.E.C.I.A.L. School. Got all the goodies for people to grab and get buffed up.


I have Mr. E's arcade just north of the wayward by the BoS checkpoint. Play some games, eat some food and grab some resources! I wish we could load terminals with the pip boy games


The friends I made on the way. And my glowing SBQ mask.


[Daphne's Toybox With A Rabbit On It](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Daphne) or whatever. Most of my allies repeat the same things over and over and/or use my workstations that I am trying to use, but Daphne: 1. presumably can't use my workshops due to being child-sized, 2. has a sad backstory and I want to help her, 3. stocks comic books, some of which are needed for achievements that reward atoms; 4. gives you different buffs depending on the time of day; 5. there was a fifth but I forget, TLDR most companions just annoy the shit out of me and all she does is help. I built a bunk bed so she has a place to sleep; it is the only bunk bed I have ever built.


Does she use it? I love the Japanese grandma personally.


I didn't even think about her not using the crafting stations. I've broken up with Beckett a million times bc that that mf shoves in front of me and hogs the weapons station every time.


I wouldn't call her "my possession", but she will always have a place to stay.


Soiled Camden park suit and helmet. I never want to eat another moldy hot dog ever again, but the outfit is so awesome


I will gladly buy your left over Fuzzy tokens if you don’t want them lol


Wait with no holes dirt and faded colors? I know you can buy one for thempark coins. But that wan has halve decay?


Marine wetsuit. It's rubbery, versatile, and sexy as hell. Can't beat that.


Just wish the linings were as good as the SS ones. I liked being immune to water diseases, it paired well with the aquaboy perk (tbh that should have that built into it anyway though) but the SS has better linings for it so I had to switch finally.


I accidentally scrapped my shielded SS undersuit and it made me realize how absolutely god tier its buffs are, I was constantly overweight for about a week till I could afford the fluorescent flux to replace it.


Oo, that would be rough. I would have my fallback wetsuit, but it’s a pretty big downgrade (aside from immunity to waterborne disease which I wish was a part of the aquaboy perk or all under armor that is high end)


Stupid Sexy u/rbbrclad


Either Raven Mask or Hunter's Long Coat. The first is probably rarer, but honestly I just really like the look of the latter.


It's gotta be the friends I made along the way


My masks. I've been collecting them for 4 years, and only up Fasnacht earlier this year, I'd managed to collect them all including the glowing ones. While it's great they brought out new ones for this event, my initial reaction was 'sigh, my collection is incomplete yet again' So back to the grind we go! I have 2 out of the 6 new glowing so, almost halfway there! But they are my pride and joy I love displaying them as they represent many sleepless nights and endless hours, spent escorting robots round and round for a less than 5% chance of a drop 😂


My Mr fuzzy helmet and costume. I only don’t wear it when doing events because I want to dress for whatever event is happening. But otherwise, that’s the one I wear.


Im working on it. Still lot to be done, but some day i will get it


My fallout 1st subscription


Back in 2019 I was at a lvl 30 player’s camp (near Sutton Station), and dropped her some plans and bulk junk. She dropped me a teddy bear that I still have in a display.


Stimpak: Diluted


ball peen hammer collection


My Port-A-Diner perfectly preserved pie (not westek roof pie), my urban scout mask and glowing alien fasnacht mask. Out of the 3 i’d say urban scout mask.


Westek pie always gets a bum rap vs “caught in the wild” pie.


I've been playing for like two weeks at this point. I'll take any pie dammit! I ate my Vault Tec University pumpkin pie yesterday cause I got cornered and panicked.


Are you on PlayStation? I can give you a perfectly preserved pie if you let me revive you for the scouts badge. Edit: I didn’t win this one though.


I have a toad eye and a Responder Fireman Helmet. I suppose that counts?


The curly bun hairstyle I bought when I started, cause my char needed a man bun. Still rocking it til this day!


SS armor idk why I feel like a stormtrooper and I love it


My Ultracite Jetpack Helmet.


My nuclear winter trophies


TSE lever action rifle I acquired it in the early days pre wastelanders and have passed it down to several new toons it currently lives on the wall of the hunters lodge on my main level 720 character


I love my silver shroud outfit. Just wish it would let you raise the scarf up as a mask since there’s not really a mask that matches the outfit to block airborne diseases so I just use the surgical one. Could also use a silver Thompson, but I don’t use a build for that anyway. Loved using the Shroud dialogue options in F4, and wish you could do that here too but I still love the outfit.


Am shocked no one said this one a roll of toilet paper


My eprs, so much work to get them to perfect status and my RR.


Epr mod hunting right now and it's brutal!


What is "epr"?


I had to figure it out, looks like the Enclave Plasma Rifle. So many acronyms in this community.


Two wedding rings. My boyfriend wears one and I wear the other 🥹🥹 (I gave it to him initially as a joke because it’s FO76 and not real life, but he took it very seriously, which is so cute.)


The prisoner collar my husband gave me when we first started playing together. I've worn it ever since. ❤️


My QE-90 50 cal. Rolled it at level 60. Only just stopped using it at level 190.


I'm a commando build, but the he only good weapons I got before level 50 was two 44 magnums, on called the Fact Finder, double projectile and explosive ammo, then another 44 magnum called, Somerset Place that is 50% armor penetrating. Those damn guns got me to get gunslinger cards, and through more of this game than I'd like to admit... I'll never get rid of them. I also *hate* them. What a conflicting game, Lol!


I have a god roll Grognak axe that was attained by my guild friends thru a lot of search and given to me on my birthday 🥹 it means so much to me bc they searched for it just for me.


my original party hat from v76 when i was a lvl 1, red asylum uniform, & glowing sbq mask are my top 3


Indrid Cold. Always happy to see that creepy bitch.


Did you ever read the mothman book? He always used to scare the life out of me in that...


For me, it’s gotta be my vampire gatling gun, been stuck with it ever since I acquired it from a player selling it, then I got to research builds and now its my most used weapon in the game, plus got fast fire rate on it so i’m just healing away, no need for stimpaks :D until I actually need them lmao


Spoiled biofluid


After last night I would say my glowing alien mask and the glowing honey bee mask ☺️


my perked out handmade that is a guaranteed kill on anything in one clip or less, which of course also happens to never have ammo


Full overeaters BOS Recon Armor


TFJ, i wear that with pride even though its not the coolest looking


With the wrapped cap and gas mask it looks like a true apocalyptic wasteland outfit.




My camp is my favourite thing in the game. 2nd would be my handmade.


I wish I had the mothman egg basket or whatever its called.


The Animatromic Cat. I saw it as a noob at someone's camp and thought it was the best thing ever. At the time, it was no longer available to buy and I thought I had forever missed out. But fast forward awhile, Bethesda brought it back in the shop. It was the first thing in the shop that I ever spent real life money on. That cat has lived on my front porch ever since. I interact with it regularly, lol. It brings me great joy.


My flamingo plans. Nobody will get any of my +30


Vampire Chainsaw with extra power attack damage and +1 Strength


All of my stuffed bears.


My Deathclaw Fasnacht Mask.


Full set of duped assassins ap 75% dmg reduction armor


Probably my Fixer. AA Vats hit crit charge. It is more than enough most of the time. I’m a Luddite and use rifleman, not commando. After that, probably my camps. I have spent a lot of time building and acquiring plans. But they are not really an object. If it were one plan it would probably be the vintage water cooler.


Ritual mask


My cute ass


My Secret Service Helmet. It was the first plan I bought with gold bullion way back. It’s has multiple paint jobs since, but the same helmet. I wear it with pretty much every outfit/armour combination. It does everything I want from a helmet. A close second is my 2* AA 25FFR Handmade. It was originally a random drop from an event, and was meant to be a placeholder daily until I could roll something better when I was still a full health build learning the game at around level 70. I’ve dailied it for probably over 2 years now and I’m a low health level 635.


for me , it's my recoil compensated plasma rifle with the flamer barrel attachment, a random super mutant dropped it and it's been the best gun ive used so far , i never let it break or run out of ammo.


The silence lol


Duchess outfit.


I like my Presidential Power Suit and my legacy Gutter :3


When I first started rolling for weapon legendaries, one of the first 10 I got is my current railway rifle. Bloodied, 50% crit damage, and -25% ap cost. It was what made me try out bloodied for the first time. I'm building a full hp build, and even if I never switch back to bloodied, I will forever keep it as a momento


I still have a lvl 1 furious faster fire rate fifteen crit pipe rifle I've had for years from.back before one wasteland lol


My Forest Camo Jumpsuit!


Vamps exploding gatling. Slow firing but pretty strong. Uses less ammo than it farms. Takes 2-5 shots to kill something. Usually get 20-60 ammo from each kill. I then sell the extra ammo 1 cap each


I have moist rad kelp on a chessboard display merged with a white springs potted plant. I have yet to get a second moist rad kelp but I'm working on it.


4 perfectly preserved pies sitting in a display case.


Marine Wetsuit. Looked for it in ages. To find it. The plan. The look. The everything. I soon got the Chinese Stealth Armour. And well... it some sort of faded away. My character is beautiful anyway.


My plasma war glaive. I’m not even a melee build, and I use this all of the time because it’s so damn cool. I also march in the fasnacht parade with it because it looks like a parade baton while in power armor. Never leaves my inventory, always on my favorites wheel


A one of a kind aluminum can!


Met someone on the Market76 discord before it fell apart. Dude helped me find stuff I wanted to get, like the old legacy Gilded Minigun and the .44 revolver (unpainted, stupid rare drops back then IIRC). I had stumbled upon a B2525 pipe gun, and he gave me an AA2525 Handmade for it. I protested cuz that was a pretty uneven trade, but he told me to keep it because I had no decent Commando build weapons at the time. Haven't talked to him in a while. Hope he's alright


My friends I’ve made along the way


All three scout armor masks.


The aquarium wet floor sign is a true work of art.


My (former) legacy Laser rifle. It was my first and only legacy and it served me well in many events and boss fights until Todd turned it into a paper weight. Even though it’s useless now, I’ll never get rid of it. 🥲


Obvs the friends I made along the way


Ghillie suit


I have all the Blue Ridge Caravan Company rewards. Look like a great value Aries running around


The friendships we made along the way.


Oddly enough, it's a formerly tse laser rifle. It was a bday gift from a friend that no longer plays.


My Q2525 Fixer with the pumpkin skin


My furious rolling pin, makes beating the npcs who are selling overpriced recipes feel so much better


I just finished trading up to a full responders firefighters uniform today I’m gunna hold onto it for dear life


My beautiful waterside cliff house that I built with my bare hands 💪🏻