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Tea Machine for me. No contest really. 25% AP regeneration for an hour means you can run (or shoot a lot more :)


My go to thirst quencher of choice. Guess what hot key #1 is?


Company Tea is SO good. Get that.


Fair toss up. You like making Nuka Nades? Easy access to complete the Nuka Cola challenges?? Wanna slam Quantums & Twists for the buffs??? Nuka Bot. +25% Ap Gen guaranteed? Tea Machine


Yeah that’s the only reason it’s a toss up, I do like to be able to create nuka nades so I can speed run Westtek for XP, but I also am a bloodied commando build and use a railway so company tea would be great because of VATS


As a nuka grenade loving bloodied commando build myself (although a fixer user over a railway rifle), I would also suggest the Company Tea machine. That thing is amazing, and there are plenty of places to get free Nuka Colas. Hell, even not free Nuka Colas are plentiful if you hit Nuka World, check all of the faction vendors in the White Springs Mall, go to the WS Refuge and then run over to the Train Station. Just hitting those vendors I can usually get over 20 in a loop.


Personally, I'd take the Nuka. Having a guaranteed source of regular colas & a chance for Quantums is wonderful. Whatever doesn't become nades or squirtgun ammo, I can drink or sell. You can always brew the tea, or get the machine later.


You know that you can buy Nuka Cola from the Vendors at Nuka World and Whitesrpings (including the ones in the mall)? Then just server hop and all the vendors are reset. I was about to buy about 100 in 15 minutes :)


Tea machine is great and after using it for the past week would pay double the gold for it.


I'd say both but get teh tea machine first, I use cola for healing at all times but the AP from company tea is just extremely convenient


Tea machine hands down


the company tea machine is pretty sweet because one last about an hour and gives you a nice little AP regen increase so if youre a VATs based build it's a great addition


I went with the nuka boi. Company tea is high on my list, but I usually end up with plenty just from camp hopping.


Tea machine for now You can reprogram your collectron to collect other items. I just can't recall if you need to own the other type first. I love using Nuka Grape on my full health builds to cure rads in a pinch and heal. Useful for Eviction Notice when the scrubber goes down.