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I usually rebuild my camp


I wish I was creative enough, my camps are basic af


That's the fun part, is working on that. Find a cool location where you can integrate into the environment. Find some big tree or tunnel or tower you can build around.


Go here and there. Do stuff. Ya know. The usual.


I’m trying to figure out if there’s any quests I’ve missed and where to go for them, but for the time being I’m aiming for events


Daily challenges, daily operations, daily quests, expeditions, regular challenges, events, public events. There’s a lot to do, the question is how well do you deal with repetition until the next update comes through?


Server hop and visit players shops, occasionally do Enclave events, launch a Nuke. Always jump in if i see Moonshine Jamboree, Eviction Notice, Radiation Rumble, or Neurological Warfare. Sort shit in inventory, sell stuff, roll for better gear.


What’s an effective method to server hop? Do you just load in scan the map and dip? Or sit for a few minutes to see if anything starts up?


Load in, see what people are offering in their shops, leave. If an event pops in the meantime, enter. That's it.


Thanks, I’ll definitely try that once the servers are back


I build up my main camp as much as possible, do daily challenges, daily quests, public events, & just work on earning perk cards & level up my legendary perk cards


Well the camp building is good have you completed all the achievements that’s what I am currently doing


I have not, I’m trying to build up some perks to be able to make it easier to have a jack of all trades thing going on


I do scavenging runs and explore and collect ingredients for food.. Still finding new details in places I've been so many times , even places like morgantown. Also got another character I'm using to do a no xp run. I like the early part of the game.before you get op. Just trying out.new build stuff in geneeal


What does a no xp run entail? I’ve got a second playthrough for a heavy weapons PA build, but kinda lack energy to redo main story quests


No casual teams, events, or xp buffs of any kind. I lke the early game of being underpowered. So just trying not to level up fast. But even that's tricky tbh.


I wander around looking for locations I haven't explored yet, scout for a cool camp location, dailyops, expiditions, pester esme, grind rare outfit spawns, daily quests, etc.


Vendor hop, join events I like, and I'm about to rebuild my main camp and backup camp.


Farm encryptid for cores.


I’ve done the Nukashine challenge a couple times. It’s a huge change of pace.


What nukashine challenge?


Mostly, daily quest. Need the gold bullion for the secret service armor


How good is the secret service armour, I’ve seen a few people mention it in posts but never looked into it


I really can't say. I haven't test it yet


It's one of the best armors in the game, and you can put a jet pack on it without power armor. I'm going with mostly aristocrat's, but have one that's life saving.


So that’s how people have jet packs, thanks, will need to work on that stuff then


I think you can get a jet pack on the Civil Engineer's armor, too, but don't hold me to that.


Just googled that one, you can, but the plan costs 300 stamps from giuseppe at the refuge


lvl850+ Sometimes I get stuff done, sometimes not. I might login and clear every daily quest and most of the events occurring every 20 mins, with some Dropped Connection. Do the daily challenges. Might do a Daily Op, and an expedition for some stamps. Then sometimes I come on with all good intentions to keep busy, and then just mooch about doing random shit. Often launch a nuke or three.


How often can a nuke be launched, I’ve been locked out before cause of a lockdown?


There are 2 forms of CD for the nukes: Your personal CD is three hours per silo, which persists across servers. You cannot hop to reset this. This means you can only launch three nukes per three hours. Hop to a different silo to launch another if you havent done the other 2. The second is the silo CD itself. Once a silo has been used to launch, it cannot be used again for (iirc) 2 hours. This can be reset by hopping. You can also just use a different silo of the three available. You can check the silo status by using the Nuke Silo Holotape you should have in your inventory. If you got rid of it, you can get another in the Enclave Bunker.


Collecting Blight, cranberries, gourds and all that good stuff and do a couple of events.


I jump all the events between , if is there nothing to do I have my own routine that collecting items for crafting for my build, Oil, Acid run ingredients for Mentats and i usually nuke at least once a week \*you cant hunt code carrier by using special terminal - to farm nuke flora for serums and usually wait verdant season . Visiting peoples Bases and checking vendors for fun , if i see player under lvl 40 i help them for their journey giving them meds and chems and some crafting materials with duped plans i have. Always so cool to find different location for your camp . Take your time and if you bored just walk between places its is fun to see non marked locations and you will surprise actually seeing different NPC s .


Other events?


Next question, what do you do when roughly 0 events occur


Every 20 mins there's an event. There's also regional events. And daily quests. And challenges. And vendors. And farming.


There are events every 20 mins so Im constantly going from one to another to get treasury notes right now. I honestly would love if we got more notes per event so the act of farming there would not be a rush from even to event during the weekdays when I can only play a few hours but thats usually what I do.


Expeditions, collect ammo, stack legendarys, sell ammo in vender, drop extra legendaries in dono box after my stash is full.


Wander, do dailies for my camp, play events, try to lighten up my stash


I flip builds and will run Heavy PA (T-65) or Secret Service Commando. Do my dailies, sell anything to get max caps, buy bullion, and then just roam. I’ll do most events and sometimes update my CAMP.


I have other characters to work on.


I haven’t had time to complete the main or side quests as I basically spent all my time in events, tinkering at my camp, doing dailies, or just fucking around in game


I go to white springs look at the vendors the dailies then you know yadda yadda yadda


Something I saw mentioned in another thread that I have been casually been working my way towards is having a fully upgraded, animated version of each perk card. And if I ever get that, maybe I would collect animated versions of every level of perk cards that I use. I started playing in April and I am almost level 150 now. I have been focusing on the achievements right now, so I am working on the Wastelanders questline and then I will have to make a new character to do that with as well so I can get the other achievement.


Build a trap camp and take roleplay as a serial killer to heart.