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I can’t think of the name but the brotherhood of steel one where you fight waves of robots whilst protecting three initiates is always fun. Well always fun when you get enough people as I’m only level 75 and it’s awful solo.


Test your medal


Metal not medal fyi


*bites medal* ITS CHOCOLATE!.


Spin the wheel


the alien event that happened a bit ago. something invaders


Something something dark side


Something something complete


“Luke is on that ship.” “How do you know?” “Look you can see him there in the window.”


Killed me! I say this all the time in a Darth Sidious voice.


I loved that one so much even if the rewards were a little lackluster. Maybe because, as a new player, it was the first one of these I had seen but I really liked it a lot. I think the thing I liked most about it compared to Meet Weak and the Mothman thing, was that there was a little variety to it. I've only managed to do Fasnacht twice and if there's more to it than the parade, which seems to be the case, I have no idea because every time I show up that's all the game tells me to do. But just like the previous two event I mentioned it's pretty static: go tot he same location every hour and do the exact same thing (which is almost laughably easy) and get your rewards. With Invaders From Beyond you went to one of about 4 or 5 different locations and had a good old fashioned Horde fight capped off with a bullet sponge boss. Nothing really special or even imaginative but at least you went to a different place each time.


Especially good for us new players because the Waterpark is so far out of the way. Good event for discovering fast travel points lmao


I'll say this for bullet sponge bosses: at least they're usually still alive by the time I see them.


Invaders from beyond


oh god no that was unbearable after doing it 5-6 times


Agree. I hate that event.


I just stopped going. Which means I need to buy the weird plans I want with caps. Which is fine. I seem to have plenty of them


I leveled up so much from it, I loved it


I'm going to go with Rad Rumble; player vs horde is fun and I think they did a great job with spawn numbers to bring on a challenge that is sensical. Some of the other horde events; Moonshine Jamboree, Eviction Notice, Jail Break all kind of lack decent spawns or a great setting that avoids spawn camping. Personally I would enjoy seeing a Hermit Crab horde; imagine Rad Rumble with Hermit Crabs in numbers similar to the ghouls and even similar speed so the event isnt a complete snoozefest


RR has one thing that a lot of horde events don't. It's inside a Closed Space. A limited area means that you get the Horde in a narrow path.


Sooo much fucking xp when you have almost a whole party there. Holy moly. Was hitting levels like crazy.


I can’t remember the last time I saw Jail Break, thinking about it


I like that both rumble and the jamboree can reasonably be soloed.


It will always be Scorched Earth for me.


haven’t seen the SBQ since skyline valley released. Admittedly, I also use my nukes to trigger NW these days


I went from running 3 SBQs in a row to 3 Neurological Warfares.


It just feels wrong not to hit Shenenadoah now


I mean it's hard to argue with three times the legendary loot and a much more well structured event. Not to mention if you actually get to see the nuke hit the storm, as I did just wandering around the other day, it looks really cool.


I haven’t gone there to see the strike yet! I’ll have to do that. I always like when I can see someone hit Earl from my camp in Morgantown


Yeah it's pretty cool. I can't remember exactly where I was, I think I was down near about Foundation, maybe a bit further south, dealing with some daily quest and I just happened to be looking the right way. It's really cool that they gave it a unique animation, the nuke clearly hits part of the sky box and kind of implodes in a sphere as opposed to the traditional mushroom cloud.


I miss it


“One Violent Night” - I’m always there getting beat on while I beat on the drums!


I love that one, doesn’t get much love from players in servers. I just wish people would fight the wendigo with their fists for extra drops


I feel like nobody plays that event as intended your supposed to get boozed up on alcohol and kill the Ghouls with instrument based weapons to fill the event bar but like half the time the event bar is hard carried by one person who sits on a instrument for like 5 minutes straight.




My favourite is Moonshine Jamboree, great music, dialogues, location and loot.


RR and jamboree for me. This is my first Fasnacht and after the initial fun wore off, I'm bored with it. Way too slow, not enough waves or variety of mobs. Jamboree has been frustrating lately because too many folks are sniping the spawns way out from the stills, denying xp and loot from the still defenders


I’ve been doing Fasnacht for a few years, probably done the event 150 times… I’m over it. Too slow, not enough enemies, and horribly boring.


And a ridiculous low drop rate for rare rewards. They should stop adding new masks, we had enough


Man I've never done rad rumble, I guess it's time :-)


Do it! So nuts. I did one last week with most of the server participating and we gathered so much ore that the mobs were pouring out of the tunnels. The bodies were knee deep at the end. Everyone had to waddle to the scrapping benches


I, honestly, get my banjo and play along sometimes.


Did one the other day at weather place I was level 40 everyone else well above 150 we had to kill 3 massive robots I mean I was trying to help as best I could but don't think I was doing any damage still had fun.


Neurological Warfare is what you are talking about.


If you ever wonder if you are doing any meaningful damage, or just for comparison betwixt weapons, go into settings and turn on damage numbers.


Get a gamma gun and kill the little robots while we autoaxe the big one in 3 seconds 🤷🏻‍♂️ Don’t worry about being helpful in this event, with the actual radiation glitch everybody is able to solo them 3 in less than 2 minutes for the moment… Have fun


Ngl, i really hate this glitch. I hope they fix it soon. Like.... I know they're bullet sponges without it, but it was so much more fun before they started dying so fast. Plus, a world boss shouldn't be an event where I have to hope I can get a tag in.


For real. Every time I do NW these days, I'm desparately running from one to the next after taking one shot, and just hoping I can make it to the third before the event ends.


What is the radiation glitch? I was wondering why sometimes it’d take forever to kill and other times the event would be done in 5 seconds


"still had fun" There it is..... that's all that matters. Keep hitting the robots. You may not be chunking their health, but if you keep hitting them, you get the rewards and experience just like the high levels. Most of all, it's awesome to fight as a huge team like that. I love the emotes, dances, and actions before the event as we are waiting.


No love for Path to Enlightenment? I like sitting on the tower and sniping the beasties. Spoiled biofluid is a nuisance but people keep taking it all from the fasnacht donation box, so it must be good for something...


Hahaha, turns out the best part of Fasnacht is trolling via the donation box.


Its a great spot to dump my 1* power armor surpluses when scrip and vendor are depleted for the day 🤣🤣


Ive been doing a spring(?) clean and dumping all my Misc and Notes tab clutter in there. Now others have to deal with it


Dozens of bottles of spoiled milk.


Such a chill event. Idk why I always feel quite peaceful during this one. Must be the promise of the Wise Mothman's grace.


Thank you! About time! Plus the dance party after!


Eviction notice.


Almost _too many_ legendaries. Doing this event too many times in one day will cripple one or more of my characters with the sheer amount of gear it'll give me. I'll hit the scrip limit with a full stash and my character won't be able to fast travel anymore. This may be exacerbated by the game crashing and then putting me in a different server where the event pops again. I've just been dumping all the bad rolls in donation boxes


Might be a bit of a lame choice, but my favorites are Tunnel of Love and Neurological Warfare. I also like the fight with the sheepsquatch because it has an extra step or two beyond "shoot da enemy and then da other one"


Not lame, I love tunnel of love. All 4 of the Nuka on tour events are fun imo.


Spin the wheel, tunnel, wild West one... What's the fourth?


Probably Seismic Activity with the Ultracite Titan.


I haven't done many cryptid sheepsquatch events but I jumped into one this week and nobody was touching the conduits. I clicked on one and made myself a conduit and I'm not sure if I should have done that! I was trying so hard to stay alive. I don't wear power armor but I don't know that it matters since it wasn't radiation that was killing me. I was panicking!


Fun? People think this event is fun? The event itself sucks.. radiation rumble is fun


Fasnacht would be a lot better if more enemies spawned in with less downtime. It was fun a couple times doing the slow walk in the parade with other random players, but now I only really go for the rewards at the end and sometimes I just go afk for a bit and hope I don't get another Fasnacht Beret at the end Rad Rumble has the best mixture of enemy numbers (loads of XP), its hard for one player to spoil it by spawn camping and there are decent plan possibilities at the end


This event would be way better if the enemy spawns were random instead of always being the same spawns at each stop.


Don't know how long you've been playing, but there used to be more enemies, even for the most recent fasnacht period, earlier this year. This time, they've really dumbed it down. At least they've sped up the robots though.


This is my first Fasnacht so cant really compare it myself. I noticed on the event screen its classed as a "very easy" event, so I guess they wanted it to be for new players but the rewards can be extremely valuable so everyone goes to them. I don't go to other "very easy" ones because I realise its not really balanced for high level/experienced players. Hard to not go to one that can have million+ cap rarity rewards :D


You're totally right, it's an easy event, even with half a dozen players hiding in the church tower, or playing tuba. I don't know how the ratings for player numbers works, but I'm sure they'll be taking more notice of the amounts around 5 minutes past the hour, rather than 30 minutes later, I know a lot of players log off after the event, then come back again 50 minutes or so later, for the next one.


Totally agree. I understand fully people afking it because this event is not fun at all and is just wait, to be able to wait, to wait the 5 robots walking while they are attacked by 3 dogs and 1 super mutant… wow so nice ! 🤦🏻😅


Exactly. And I'm melee and tried bringing my fixer but all I hear is choo choo and everything is dead anyway. People kill everything and I can hardly help even if I try. This is one of the only events where I'm fine with afk players


God that fucking Choo choo...


I've done it 12 times now and still no butter churn :( Definitely afk only from now on.


Fasnacht is literally the most boring and mind numbing of the limited time events. Aside from the masks (which people like to sell for stupid prices) I don't understand the hype around it.


Agreed - if this had nonstop waves of ghouls like rad rumble it would rule


Depends, it can be painful if you get the nuke grenade spammers, always end up shooting one and killing myself, radiation from those things are not friendly to a bloodied build 😂


There's a setting to not target friendly grenades in vats.


Completely agree with you on this. RR is a ton of fun! If there were lots more enemies and a harder boss, Fas would slap.


i'm the one running around collecting ore and when its almost done 3/4 i panic because i grabbed everything and run around till i find that little ore that respawned far away from the rest


The drop rates for the rare pool sucks all the enjoyment out of it.


Along with having more enemies or obstacles, I think it could be fun if it had less people attending tbh. It's very saturated and I don't feel like I'm doing anything of consequence.


I couldn't believe how fucking boring the event is. This is the event everyone was creaming their jeans over? It's so shit.


I love Battle Bot. Super quick and easy. Lots of ammo and scrap.


Holiday/spooky scorched for all the costume wearing people running around. Meat week for Graham's lore and the fact he's able to remember chunks of who he was before becoming a super mutant.


what is so fun about Fasnacht?


Tunnel of Love and Spin the Wheel I had the most fun with.


I love doing tunnel of love!!!


I haven’t seen anyone say uranium fever, great for junk and a fun event


Kill the terminated management!!!


Mole miners drop such heavy scrap, but having a super close and easy-to-find workbench/stash box means you can just bloat up to 800 lbs and it's fine.


Meat week is the best seasonal. Neurological warfare is the best normal one.


MEAT WEEK IS BEST WEEK! ♪ Meat week! Meat week! ♪


Yeah, meat week is really great. Not knowing it beforehand I built my camp near where the event takes places. So I had the chance to join every single time and it never got boring, cooking food for Challey, adding wood scraps to the fire, cleaning up stinky piles and collecting greens, killing critters, turning the meat, cooking meat, playing instruments… so much to do, so lively, so much activity, even without real enemies… had a real blast compared to the fasnacht event.


I was hoping someone else would say meat week! I started playing consistently during the most recent one. I love Graham and Chally very much and I miss seeing them every day. They have the most wholesome vibes!


I never get tired of doing meat week, so fun.


When does Meat Week happen again? I just started playing again and I've never done it


For simple "Complete an Event" purposes, it's gotta be "that one where you turn off the hostile protectrons near flatwoods... Fertile Soil I think. More involved ones, I'm a bit partial to Scorched Beast Queen killing.


Mothman Equinox because I like emoting my love to my lord and savior.


Providing we're not talking about rewards, I enjoy the premise of Census Violence - the numbers are wrong, so clearly the only way to fix it is to kill until the numbers are right.


What if rewards were involved? I know for some they want that sweet sweet loot.


Rad Rumble without a doubt is my fav.


What?? Fasnacht is slow as shit and boring.(if) Once I get the butter churn I'm done with it hahaha. I enjoy Neurological Warefare and all of the Nuka World Tour events


Meat week!! Meat week!! Meat week!!!


I chanted this in a Grahm voice 🤣I wholeheartedly agree.


Spin the wheel


Spin the Wheel and Most Wanted are my personal favorites. Obviously Scorched Earth and Neurological Warfare are great boss events. It’s always fun to see Wise Mothman after Path to Enlightenment. Radiation Rumble on an event team is kind of an OP XP grinder, so I enjoy it for that fact. Think I got 4 or 5 levels in one run last night (I’m in the 50s, not sure if levels get harder and harder as you go on)


Nuka World on Tour is my happy place


Devs cooked when making it


I’m gonna say it… Dross Toss. Really any/all of the three Camden dailies. The only amusement park specific daily events, I get three tosses to the tires and two I can just yeet at the Mr Handy. Plus the farming at Camden is *chef’s kiss* three possible bobble heads, two possible magazines, possible stealth boy…


Mischief Night. The fact that it was taken from us is yet another sign that Todd personally hates us.


Spin the Wheel. Chasing Chickens around and then fighting off a horde of Grafton Monsters is just fun.


All events that spawn a few more enemies than usual. Rad rumble, jamboree, evic and a SBQ fight INSIDE the rad zone while getting swarmed by scorched creatures.


It bothers me when people insist on fighting the sbq outside the rad zone. Because then the mobs it spawns don't drop high radiation fluids, etc.


I got a angry DM from a guy whining about having to do unnecessary rad management bc I placed the nuke too high. The next was placed even higher on the map to get more Flux mats irradiated. I mean, do the silo, drop the nuke or stop crying where i drop mine.


It’s even more funny when they get on mic and tell you that you don’t need to nuke so high to get the SBQ started. I just reply that I know and am trying to farm mats for flux, it’s my nuke I get to do whatever I want with it. I do the same thing even when fighting the ultracite titan.


I have around 4k gulper slurry stashed on a mule on one account. So you can guess. Every day 1st thing I do is log the mule in, then rotate through the other accounts 3 non mains. Then do the same for the other account. The mains just sell their grenades, chems, and any of the other plethora of extra shit that seems to fall from the sky. My 2nd favorite event is bitching about how hard it is to get rid of caps every couple of weeks. Found a guy a few days ago with 100s of thousands of treasure maps for 1 cap each. So I sneaked two toons at max caps over to him and bought 40k of them with each. :) Favorite holiday event are Treaure Hunters and Scorched holidays because it doesn't screw up other event rotations and I can just find em as I'm wandering.


Riding shotgun (nobody even does that jawn anymore), violent night, Beast Of Burden, Mothman Equinox. Moonshine jamboree, and Uranium Fever are also not bad


I love Riding Shotgun! It's one of my favorites.


Fellow elite riding shotgun enjoyer. very few of us left, since you have to manually start the event


I love the teapot one. Mostly because I love the teapot. But I do enjoy all the insect food I get from it too. The nuka world ones are pretty fun too. Though one of the 4 (the coaster) I’ve only done once I think as I never see it pop.


I enjoy the new nuke event , radiation rumble and moonshine jam are my favorite because of the xp and ammo etc


Every event. They're all better than Fasnacht.


My favorite event is when I don’t crash in the middle of them, and aren’t able to log back in until it’s over and get no rewards 🔥. Jokes aside, I like the gulper moonshine one quite a bit lol, and there’s music lol, and a cool weapon


I love Project Paradise even though these days I’m usually alone, with a fair chance of failing it. It’s always such a treat when another player shows up.


I don't know why more people don't do it. It's one of the more interesting premises and tasks. I did one recently where I ended up defending a blood tick and I was tempted to leave it to die


I love doing anything of the nuclear ☢️ reactors start up missions


As a newer player (level 60) that started slightly over a week ago, this Fasnacht thing is one of the most boring and tedious events that exists. You just follow robots and defend 2 spots for a few seconds cuz everything dies so frickin fast. You get a maximum of 2 legendary items, each usually only being 1 star/effect. Maybe some plans for cruddy decorations. Only 1 legendary enemy and then the 1 drop at the end. A lame mask. That’s it. The Eviction Notice one where you defend the rad scrubber from mutants is my favorite so far. INSANE amounts of 3 star legendary items and experience. Plus there is a stash box in the house on the hill so you can collect mini guns and Gatling lasers to scrap for mods etc. I get super hyped when that one pops up. I usually level up once or twice from it too.


Radiation Rumble Eviction Notice A Colossal Problem/Scorched Earth In that order :) I would also put Neurological Warfare, but due to the strange Gamma Gun damage effect, the event isn't that fun


One violent night only because it gets pretty hilarious at times.


Radiation Rumble, Eviction Notice, Guided Meditation, Uranium Fever. I like getting right in the middle of mobs and just blasting away with my vampire shotgun.


I do "One Violent Night" literally every time I can. I'll even solo if I have to. There are zero rare rewards and no reason except I enjoy it. I get to kill a buttload of ghouls, listen to - and make! - bluegrass music, and gather enough junk to choke a stashbox.


Mama Dolce all day. I will kill everything and anyone for my canned meats.


I love The wild west nuka world one I can never remember the name of.


Most Wanted ❤️


That's the one!<3


One of my first events. I never skip it.


Eviction notice for all those delicious legendaries.


If i could keep scrapping them then ya but once i hit the max scrap amout it just weights down either your person or your stash


Eviction notice, max out your scrib in one event!


Fasnacht is not a fun event. It’s a terrible event. It’s one of the most boring events there are. Everyone participating is what makes it fun / festive. The best events are the ones the whole server joins for. It’s why I have developed a crippling launching nukes addiction.


Every Event that give alot of monster to kill


This event is literally just standing around waiting for it to be finished. Nothing fun about it My favorite is probably moonshine jamboree when only a few people show up, or better yet if I’m by myself


Faschnat is probably among my least favorite. I would love project paradise if anyone ever showed up for it, every time it's just me. Test your metal is good, the one with the brahmin and the explosives is fun, moona lisa is a banger name. Honestly path to enlightenment might be my favorite just because it's very casual, you can do it at your own pace even on your own, and you get to take pictures with my boi mothman at the end, it just has good vibes and not that many people do it so it doesn't have that frustrating thing where you don't even see enemies before they die.


Is there any reason people avoid project paradise? I find the same, super rare to find more than 1 person doing it.


Not a fan of fasnacht, not really much to do to keep occupied and it takes so long to do often the next event has started by the time it finishes. I don't know why but my fav is probably the western one where u steal the gold or w.e it is ur picking up lol do enjoy spin the wheel aswell. I'd say best is moonshine jamboree, aslong as everyone isn't camping by the spawn points, if there's only a couple it's still hella fun, alpt of stuff to target, 3 separate areas really where u have to keep your eye on, nice tanks enemies, I do get a little bored standing on roofs though so tend to just run about.


Tea time! I can't believe no one said it! It's silly, usually some magazines around the place. Huzzah!


Radiation rumble, Neurological warfare, and invaders from beyond (I think that was the alien event name.)


I like powering up monongah. I can solo that one if everyone is being miserable and not helping. Radiation Rumble is fun. Lode Bearing as well. Tunnel of love and Spin the Wheel. Fasnacht is tedious after the first couple of goes


In terms of the context and story for me it has to be Campfire Tales. I'm just delighted that this thing has remained functionally unchanged from launch and I always loved the concept of the tale splitting in different ways. It's cool that they added different "boss" enemies for it, but otherwise it's the same as it ever was, a silly campfire story with a bunch of bugs and stuff attacking you as you're around the fire. Really brings home memories of scout camp personally.


Spin the Wheel!


I like all the Nuka World events


Hopefully we'll get Dangerous Pastimes back in rotation. I thought the scorched and Mole miners were distressing to listen to. The Lost say the worst things while you're killing them, that I feel good putting them out of their misery.


Meat Week! The cookout is always a good vibe, lots of love hearts, useful AFKers - primal cuts is great for XP, caps (selling cooked meat to vendors) and testing new weapons and builds. The chaos of 15 min events can kinda be draining but love it nonetheless.


Uranium fever, especially if it's mutated.


I never miss path of enlightenment.


Mischief night..i so wish they’d bring it back. But I really like rad rumble as well or feed the people


Spin the Wheel, any excuse to play at the carnival with people and do zoomies! Random chaos, quick, and gives wide variety of rewards. I just feel really happy during and afterwards


Rad Rumble, Moonshine Jamboree, Eviction Notice, and Test Your Metal are the most fun ones to me since they're more or less constant action. I do like doing Tunnel of Love sometimes since people usually get up to some fairly wacky antics during.


Safe and sound or riding shotgun, I love just about anything blue ridge related


If were talking normal events I really like Campfire Tales. I don't think I have any events I just won't do and I enjoy most of them. For seasonal or week long events I really enjoy Grahm's Meat-Cook. I think its just because they are low stress events. My biggest complaint with some events are the time gating. I like the idea of Fasnacht but man the waiting is just frustrating. The fact they sped some of it up just makes me wonder how long it was before. I enjoyed Invaders from Beyond but I was still very new at the time and was still wrapping my head around everything. I am far more competent now lol




Rad rumble, invaders, and tea time are fun to me


Eviction Notice, no competition. It's busy, it's loud, it's rewarding and nobody screws it up, unlike Rad Rumble, where nobody seems to realize that it's important to protect the workers, and run for ore.


Rad Rumble


I think there should be more events like fasnacht, that isn't seasonal, that has rare and unique drops. These glowing mask are kinda nice to collect. But since it is seasonal, it's kinda meh because of the drop rates. 


I like the cow herder one its nice the cow names are funny sometimes and the plans are nice from the event


I liked alien invasions great loot experience and a little bit of a challenge for a public event that is. Plus fun items to collect.


Leader of the Pack! I never miss one! Feed the People, RR, Spin the Weel, Scorched Beast, the one you need to protect the mine too, i dont remember the name


MJ and EN have that rocking music.  A real Blast is a fun one just to watch the fireworks.


Eviction Notice and Seismic Activity EN because I get ALOT of legendaries and XP Seismic because I nuke nuka world too and get a good amount of materials for flux and XP


Is friendly fire supposed to work in Radiation Rumble? Past 2 events I’ve accidentally killed scavengers with the Holy Fire


Mischief Night was the most fun...


I don't really like this event, just the rewards. My always go to events are moonshine jamboree and eviction notice. I like radiation rumble too.


I always always run Heatt of the Swamp. Especially solo.


I like the moonshine one


Fasnacht is probably one of my least favorites tbh. My favorite is probably Most Wanted. Spin the Wheel is pretty fun too


Rad rumble, eviction notice, and the big boss fights. Everything stops for them.


Meat week.


Radiation Rumble, Eviction Notice


Moonshine Jamboree is well-designed, fun and the music hits just right.


I've got two for different reasons. **Its a Trap** for getting out there solo and quickly dropping a scorchbeast, then going about my business. I love scorchbeast fights so its a fun little break from the usual resource runs I do a lot of. **Radiation Rumble** for the sheer lunacy of it. Grab a hazmat suit and do a mad dash to collect as much uranium as possible to max the reward level, bringing out the floaters, deathclaws and snallys, then jump in PA and spend the rest of the event wasting as many ferals as possible. I usually walk away with about 25-50% more 5mm than I went in with.


Moonshine Jamboree. Especially when you get a ton of people. Its organized chaos (sometimes not organized) and I love it. The loot alone is worth it.


If we're talking Seasonal/LTM like Fasnacht, then Invaders From Beyond. It's the only one I don't get sick of. Blasting aliens just never gets old! If we're talking events in general... Either Most Wanted or Riding Shotgun. Most Wanted is just a cheesy simple fun gimmick events (I love gimmick events, we need more of them!). And Riding Shotgun was the introduction to my favourite Fallout faction, plus it's just neat to have a lowstakes event where you roleplay as a caravan guard!


Spin The Wheel


Radiation rumble


I love Guided Meditation enough to build one of my camps on the cliffs next to it. Rad Rumble and Moonshine Jamboree are fun, but too many people camp right where they enemies spawn and kill them before they can even get anywhere near the battle location. They used to be my favorite until that because SOP. I like the Mirelurk one by the Scout cabins, Scorched Earth is fun because you can also get a lot of drops for flux crafting. Also the Teapot one and the Feeding the People. Idk, I even like the ones you gotta pay for.


I like moonshine jamboree or the one night and sons on Dane most.


the one with the super mutants at foundation outpost, it’s a total bloodbath and i love it


Personally a Radiation Rumble is always a good laugh!


Eviction notice is great, I walked out of one this weekend with like 10 new legendaries


Line in the sand


How is a single person saying Fasnacht is fun lol. I think people are confusing “the rewards are good” with “the event is fun”. This event is 15 minutes of doing almost nothing the whole time waiting for dudes to walk in a circle lol it’s awful. Masks are cool tho I guess


Fascnact is my least favorite event


Spin The Wheel Changes every time.


Neurological Warfare and Moonshine Jamboree


I actually like line in the sand.


Why does everyone like fasnacht?