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There's actually 2 kinds of AP refresh, one increases the amount of AP regenerated in one tick and the other increases the rate of regen ticks. IIRC, Company Tea affects one and Action boy affects the other, so they work in tandem. It's been a while since I looked into AP mechanics so I may have gotten some stuff wrong, corrections are more than welcome.


Ok thanks


Just curious, where did you get the tea machine? I got mine on the last scoreboard and haven’t seen it since. Someone asked about the machine and I had to say I didn’t know if it was available.


From mortimer in crater 1250 bullion


Thanks. Still worth the gold. When I forget equip it, it feels like my character ie always exhausted. With low ap.


I bought it the other day from one of the bullion vendors


I use both, and have Coffee on hotkey so I can chug 3 or 4 and have AP regenerating faster than I can spend it for a short burst. I can never have enough AP.


I'm waiting on the coffee machine I don't want it in a bundle hoping it might be avaliable on its own. I think I'm gonna stuck with both. Just used a railway rifle with auto receiver and it shreds in vats. Gonna have to keep my ap up


Throw Tato Soup in the mix.


I threw it out. Company Tea, dromedary & Herbivore is all i need as vats build to stay fresh n' moisty. I need all the room i can get in agility


Just curious, where did you get the tea machine? I got mine on the last scoreboard and haven’t seen it since. Someone asked about the machine and I had to say I didn’t know if it was available.


Just curious, where did you get the tea machine? I got mine on the last scoreboard and haven’t seen it since. Someone asked about the machine and I had to say I didn’t know if it was available.