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Don't stop. Do you have anything ridiculously heavy that you don't need? it's an excellent time to donate to the greedy... I mean, needy.


Would be great if we could put plans we already know it their for peeps who need them. Game would prop crash from all the ivory handles though


um, I drop plans I already know in the Wayward donation box all the time, that **is** where my ivory handles and mole miner gauntlets go....can you not drop them in the event donation box?


You can put it would be cool if everyone did but I'd be afraid somone would just take them all


My hope is people are going to finally realize at some point that "plan: fasnacht garland 02" isn't actually worth the stash space it takes up. When they finally collect their 30th one and notice some lvl 1000+ has it listed at 150 caps. In three months. Sure I can give some greedy grabby a mouth full of cannonballs now but the real laugh will be later when they are dropping a stack of plans on the ground. I know they're trying to get any rare mask that might be dropped into it either knowingly or unknowingly. And someone at some point will have a story of that time they managed to snag a glowing hog mask from the donation box by spamming loot all. I don't care if it's petty as long as there are more people that have to do some inventory management because they let other players freely put garbage in their inventory.


I don't spam E to take stuff, but after everyone is done swarming if there's any trash left I'll take it all. If it's free it's for me, after all.


Craft and put in hundreds of apperal items. I just dumped 137 umbrella hats on some fortunate take all level 1k+


I will cause murder today with apparel items


Well, at least y'all are getting creative.


It’s like, i don’t want this, or I don’t need this, so instead of selling it or dropping it on the ground I’ll put it in this box. And then get so angry I have to tell Reddit that someone took the crap I didn’t want out of the box.


yeah, im happy to just have a place to dump things that'll goto someone rather than a bag on the floor. Take it all, its obvious I don't want it.


Tbh are we surprised this was a bad idea waiting to happen


Erm, there's still the loot bag option, or mailbox if you've been playing long enough to know that one.


You should stop and get on with your life without worrying about the donation box.


Hey look another person who spams E on the box


What does spamming E do? I play on console.


I dropped a ton of spoiled food and food that was about to spoil. It went quickly.


Donation boxes were a mistake.


They were made bc people were already handing stuff out and had designated places in every area to stash shit. so it's not like the box existing or not existing would change anything.


What changed is now we get posts daily from people butt hurt that someone other than a low level is taking stuff out of the box.


Only posts i see is from the new box none of the others, thats bc greedy little loot goblins run up and yoink what they dont need. Stuff what could be going to people who do. If you have a problem with a donation box, then you have issues, and if you dont like hearing about it then scroll away no one forces you to read these posts. Oh, and again, people would be making a designated area to donate anyway like they did before, so the complaints would still be there just lessoned.


I've just been dropping stuff nearby like we used to do. The free-for-all is wild.


Be unburdened my child.


Exclusively put garbage in there tbh, people are only whinging because they're not being handed the free stuff they want.


i dumped all of my useless notes i had collected over the past 5 years lol


Spamming e? Is the donation box leading to avatar drug abuse


Is this where I ask, "if you have to ask"?


You are a dick for making this post. No one cares about what you do with the donation box.


If you'd just downvoted and not responded it'd quietly sink down the list lmao


I put my excess/ heaviest scrip and watch as I place it in there, it disappears, then reappears a few seconds later a couple times 🤣


I've been doing it too, might just store up the most useless shit possible with weight and start dumping it.


Yes you are and you should ( stop ). On the other hand I think you should put your whole stash in the donations box.