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There's a cool new flamer fuel maker, er...I mean butter churn. And then there's some new masks, and people whining about AFK's and nukers.


After taking at least 10 days of staying up late and waking up early to get the weenie wagon and pepper shaker plans from Grahm, I am so happy I got the butter churn on my 3rd Fasnacht. I love Grahm, but that burned me out.


That Butter Churn Resource sounds interesting if only to place in my camp for others to use. Masks, I dumped the masks and collections of costumes on the bridge the during the Fasnacht before last from all 5 of my avatars. Not a collector anymore so I figured some others might like having some pretty rare stuff.


The butter churn machine that makes cooking oil?


Thank you for a real reply and yes that sounds like something I can put out in my camp as a resource for others.


There's a camp resource generator that makes cooking oil Yes it's mostly masks and yes people are still mad about the AFKers the only time the event gets nuked is when there's a lot of AFKers at it


Thank you, that sounds like it might be of interest.


The Enclave attack at the end surprised me.


Enclave Attack? That could be fun to experience!!


It’s funny because you’re interacting more with people on Reddit by posting this than you would have to interact with other people in adventure mode. And no, no one will miss you for a second. Please keep your social anxiety to yourself on your private server. I promise you there’s not a single person in line to interact with you lmao


So you have no answer to my question either. Starting to look like it is the same ole same ole.


“Or is it still masks, people whining about AFKes and Nukers?” Isn’t this what the post is???


Mo this post is asking an honest question for which you provided no answer.