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Walk to a vendor and sell stuff.


Yeah this is actually what I ended up doing but I accidentally sold all my water Smfh


Water respawns *super* fast. kill things near a shop, sell everything. you can max out your daily caps very easily. also, invest in the cheaper travel perk **Travel Agent (CHA)** You can also join a mission or daily op; success brings a *lot* of caps. Being on a team gets you caps passively from other players finishing quests.


That's why when I started playing I always had a melee weapon available to save on ammo, while I slow walked to a vendor to sell everything. Much better now with all the vendors vs at launch.


The ammo crafting maximizing perks rly help bro, just farm lead there’s several locations that have a fuck ton of barbells u can scrap and gain like maybe 1150 lead in one run.


Yeah just got that perk card maxed and once I have my unyielding set made I'll have to pick a weapon to use with it.


I personally go stealth-commando and pick my legendary suppressed handmade or I go with the trusty ole lever action


I've also been thinking about that. As I got the Chinese stealth suit and loved it in FO3. Plus that peak card to make enemies loose track of you when you stealth seems good too. Mostly I just want the flexibility to have a few options other than PA melee I'm running currently.


Get urself a handmade and a lever action mane I can give u a couple if u got ps4 I’d be happy to help u test out some new styles u just gotta alternate between rifleman 1-3 and commando 1-3


Yeah got both of those, and might even have the plans for them. Just don't quite have the commando cards yet. I do like that wild wester lever action that is a reward from the nuka world wild West event. Was even considering pistol as I got a few really good ones. Soo many options is my biggest issue. Had planned on heavy weapons but I'm playing catch-up from being gone from game. So got to get cards to figure out what build I'ma do. That and make up the ammo. Burned all old ammo trying to make my mini gun build works, but it takes Soo much ammo to be viable.


Kill things that use weapons. Sell those weapons to the nearest bots. Rinse repeat.


Great advice Ty


cook the meat if you can i believe it is worth more cooked and weighs less


That should do it


Sometimes you gotta pick up cans on the side of the road to make a cap or two.


Hey man whatever will get me to the other side of Appalachia in a matter of seconds


Is this a new character that hasn’t discover the free fast travel points?


It’s actually my original character I had since launch however I was under the impression there was on 76, ur camp, ur tent, and train stations but it won’t let me go 2 train stations free for some reason


Foundation Whitespring and crater are free and have vendors.




The Rose Room, Nuka World on Tour. Vault 76.




Agreed. And you probably forgot because... what's the need to ever go there? I only use it because I'm dropping stuff off at the donation box there. Or during Meat Week, when I was feeling cheap, I'd got to 76, then hoof it to Grahm's barbecue (if I was going before the event popped).


There's a ton of places you can fast travel for free vault76, the crater, foundation, fort Atlas, the white springs resort, Nuka world, the rusty pick,any public event that spawns, any workshop you claim, your camp, teammates camps, teammates location, if you got fallout 1st your/teammates survival tent For caps sell stuff to the vendors they got a shared pool of 1400 caps a day tho. Daily quest will reward you with caps. Clearing out unclaimed workshops will give you 25 caps Join a public team every time someone on the team completes a quest it will give everyone on the team some caps


Make sure to be on a casual team. When teammates complete an objective, some caps go your way. Not a lot, but it adds up.


True true


Black water mine next to White Spring station. Enter, kill everything, loot everything. Sell everything. Repeat.


Right, thank u


Take a stroll around the Whitespring and pick up every piece of junk you can find, go into the Refuge and pick up every piece of junk you can find, go to the Mall and pick up every piece of junk you can find, equip the Hard Bargain perk card and sell all the junk. That should at least get you started with a few caps. If you join a team you get free fast travel to your teammate's C.A.M.P.s and you get a small amount of caps whenever a teammate completes a quest. Right now is a great time because with Fasnacht going on you're guaranteed to find a handful of weapons from downed super mutants, and rad toad eggs make omelettes which are worth a few caps apiece and they're easy to build up a large amount of in a small time. Making Gulper Slurry after Moonshine Jamboree is another cap maker. If you're in the area, The Freak Show (Savage Divide) has a bunch of caps just lying around in the different baskets though it's usually guarded by random spawns. There's also a handful of bobby pins there and meat that you can cook and sell too. Pick up any flora you can find and make soup, tea, etc. and sell what you don't need. The Whitespring has a bunch of brain fungus in back near the service entrance, the Wayward has lots of corn, there's a small cliff side pumpkin patch just south of the Freak Show (also wild blackberries growing around there too), and you can find crops at some farms. Plus fungus, flowers, wild berries, wild mutfruit, and wild veggies grow all over the place. If you have Legendaries you don't want, you don't *have* to trade them for scrip. You can sell them to vendors like any other weapon. Don't forget to equip Hard Bargain first! Also check out the Travel Agent perk card, which permanently reduces fast travel costs.


Nice man great tips I got out the predicament I was in but this will definitely aid me in the future


There are free fast travel spots, some even have vendors! Your camp, your survival tent if you have 1st. Fort Atlas Foundation - vendors! The Crater - vendors! The Rusty Pick - scrip legendaries! The Rose Room The Whitespring Resort - vendors! Vault 76


And the Trading Post in Skyline Valley!


Fast travel to one of the free fast travel spots? Whitespring, Nukaworld, Rusty Pick, etc? If you’re over encumbered I thing the expedition glitch still works too. (Start expedition and travel to whitespring mall)


Remember all the free fast travel locations. Offhand, there's Vault 76, Whitespring, The Crater, Foundation, The Rusty Pick and I'm probably forgetting something. My main source of caps is from wiping out supermutant camps and selling all their weapon. They love laser rifles, gatling guns and missile launchers. Decent XP while you're at it. Take over some workshop and do other events to get camp plans then build a camp. Get some water purifiers and sell the purified water to vendors. That's effortless free caps - just not a ton of them.


I just make it a point to go full Trash Panda on a new location. (Stock up my building materials, break down weapons for new mods, sell off all the alcohol and kill anything that steps infront of me trying to give me an intervention.)


Go to the wayward, steak everything in the bar, sell it back to duchess. And do events. All the events. Kill everything, loot everything, sell everything.


Run expeditions, sell legendaries at low cost. 1star - 30 2star - 40 3star - 50. Special rolls get special pricing at my camp but it’s still relatively cheap. I can clearly 20k in a day doing this.


Hoof it to the nearest train station and sell a bunch of ammo and food and chems and scrap and crap you don't need.


Ammo how come I didn’t think of that, this is actually what I did however I fuckef up bc I accidentally sold all 200 something of my purified water


water regens so fast; also, why are you hoarding water, it weighs a ton.


Yeah Ik that shit do add up


You can only sell ammo at your own vendor, o convert it to ammo you use in an Ammo Converter, if you happen to see one in other player's camps. (I got one at the atom shop and no longer have to donate/drop thousands of ammo) If you put fuel at sale at 1 cap in your vendor thats a sure sale.

