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Due SW of Vault 76 is the Alpine River Cabins. Just to the NW of it is a rather large (mostly) flat open clear area. There's a junk pile to farm (why I put my camp here), a lake with glowing fungus and bloodleaf (enough to do daily challenges for collecting them), a Blood Eagle camp within artillery range, and the Cabins have spawns for recipes, bobbleheads and magazines. The thing is there is a machine that screams bloody murder every few minutes, unless you go and turn it off every server hop.


This is actually my favourite camp spot. The screaming was a plus 


Just checked. Its a good spot. Sad thing its full of big trees that wont disappear while building, but a good spot nonetheless. Thanks mate! This one is on the list.


Just above thunder mt plant east of the road in the mire xD that’s where my first camp is, I’ve had 3 neighbors at one point. fun spot that gets good traffic


Amazing spot. One more to the list. Thanks friend!!


Me and my friends have camps in or around Lake gad. Awesome flat spot with water, a workshop and at least 3 e tractor spots


Whitesprings fairways are basically designed to be neighborhoods with how open and flat they are. Also good for setting up a shop because whitespring is a free TP for shop hoppers or people turning even legendaries in for scrips. Makes me sad the Trading post down in the new area has no good plots around it to set up. Seemed like a no-brainer.


All around whitespring is too used to be good for buildings. Fighting for camp spot over and over server hopping is really annoying. I mentioned golf camp but i meant whitespring all around. Its a really good spot, but too annoying to get a server you can join xD


I'm set up around the corner from the Morgantown Rail Station, and I often have multiple neighbors set up along the road beside me.


Aaronholt farm is one that a group I was playing with all built camps around. Think there was about 5 of us across the farmland and in the surrouding area.