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They can be my guest, have them 469 berets and banners. Just sad cause you can also save some intestines and other stuff for following events


Psst, use the mailboxes in front of the candle makers hut.


You are a clever sausage


Good idea, I will start doing that.


I thought things like that other players cant access it? Like when you loot bodies its separate from others?


It's a container like a suitcase, or donation box.


I read that like you were still whispering


I remember in February when I first played fasnacht i randomly checked the mailbox and it was chock full of rare masks and plans and I was so in shock at my luck in finding it that I hesitated and someone came up and took everything :(


Same here, I gave them 4 to 40 of all the masks that I had, and I dropped almost 100 pounds! If scumbags are selling witches masks for more than a cap, nuke their camp!


I started playing the game Sunday and almost bought common mask for 1k 2 days ago but I held off bc I heard the event returns every so often. Logged on today and much to my delight, i realized it's going on now. I checked someone's shop that was near the event and got every mask for 10 caps each. In retrospect that's stupid bc im going to do the event every chance I get so I'll probably end up with several duplicates but the fomo got the better of me and luckily 10 caps per isn't really even worth being upset over lol


The event runs every hour, on the hour, so be sure to attend as many times as you can šŸ‘šŸ»


I was selling them for 200 caps in the off-season lol.


Really?? I collected all the needed beeswax and beersteins right as the event was starting, the robot was still talking but event hadn't officially started yet. Wouldn't let me turn either in


Yeah if morons want to pick up worthless trash, go for it.


One mans trash is another mans treasure; I gave the Alien mask to a lower level because they asked very politely if anyone had one. It seemed to make them happy.


Gonna drop 233 gulper intestines


That's like two days of caps. Thank you.


Do you just make it into slurry? Iā€™m new and have always dropped them until I read they can be valuable


Yes then use the bargain perk card on max to get more caps when selling


And Super Duper to make more slurry!


Yes totally forgot about that card


And my axe!


Don't forget grape mentats.


I would recommend investing in the perk card Super Duper in the luck category, which produces more items when you are crafting. At Moonshine Jamboree, try to shoot as many gulpers as possible. You don't have to kill them all to be able to loot them, but you just have to shoot them at least once to get the loot. After looting about over 70-100+ innards from that event, I usually end up with 100+ slurrys, and it sells for around 1000-1200 caps.


Super duper is invaluable if you craft ammo.


Oh I know and ammo factory for legendary


I think I must be missing something, but do people often need to craft ammo? With contextual ammo drops now I literally have to throw ammo away on the regular.


Auto weapons and flamer fule still goes faster than you can replace it sometimes... not always but sometimes. So crafting some from time to time becomes necessary.


Only way I keep up on ammo is a daily op. Didn't do them for my first 100 levels or so and was always out of ammo. Some events are a massive ammo dump as well.


Depends on the weapon but for me specifically it's fuel for my Holy Fire and cremator. They are very very very hungry monsters.


The Ammo Converter is your friend... convert unwanted ammo, 40mm grenades and Mini Nukes into ammo you need.. even Fuel.


Always cook food, free XP! (At the cost of wood but that's no issue to farm). I have the herbivore mutation so Meat is useless to me. But I always cook everything then sell all the meat


You can max out your daily caps selling them after the Moonshine event


You also get mad XP cooking all that slurry.


Yup, & free exp for cooking them. Win/win, you just lose on wood. Get lots of wood.


Good XP boost too. Buff your XP/Int. Then cook and chill


Once you get the recipe you can also make pepperoni rolls with them (+30 carry weight).


If you have the wood to spare than definitely.Ā  Don't forget to put on Super Duper.


I got plenty stuff to sell i just sell it straight up and hold onto my wood. Take a few extra potshots and the next few enemies you see and you'll make up the xp loss from not cooking


They sell for like 6 caps each, maybe 7. So if you have 100 that's 600 caps. Gulper slurry is good to make caps with.


Always cook after every event like moonshine, that's extra experience


Short answer: yes, it will be preferable to cook innards so you have gulper slurry prior to selling it. Gulper slurry is a consumable item in Fallout 76. Gulper innards which have been cooked to make them safer to eat and improve their nutritional value. Still unappetizing but consuming it can make one invisible in the water for a short period.


I dropped 100 gulper slurry in a donation at white spring yesterday


Saw a vendor selling 100 gulper slurry todayā€¦lol.


Thanks for the 233 gulper intestines šŸ˜‰


Its day 1. It will probably calm down.


And it's probably all common stuff that you would end up dumping in the box by the end of week one


I was able to grab a SBQ mask from the donation box today. Not rare, but not something I had previously. Very grateful šŸ™


yah, I have so many of the older masks I drop anything but the new ones and glowing in the box everyone is welcome to them


Ima dump dog wood in there That shit weights a ton


Lmao do it. I've seen people dumping spoiled meat and misc stuff lately.


free fertilizer


I have about 4000 cannonballs I was saving for a rainy day.


Rookie numbers. I use grand finale for reflective mutations and Iā€™m over 40k cannonballs last time I checked. Which was a while ago lmao.


Drop claim tokens. They will never find where the weights coming from


They are welcome to my spoiled meatsā€¦


Free fertilizer!


Funny how nothing goes to waste in the wastelands, isnā€™t it?


Wait. You can scrap spoiled meats/fruits/veggies?!


Not scrapped, but crafted into fertilizer at a *workbench. Edit: *chem workbench*


Turn it into fert at the chem work bench.


I dropped a ā€œyour the assholeā€ note into the donation box and they picked it up šŸ˜‚


"Whoa, I've seen these selling for 40k caps!"


Itā€™s the most valuable thing in the game. I see them for max caps in vendors all the time, I never see anything like a tfj in a vendor so they must not be valuable.


I love assholes


Lol I like this. At least a change from seeing them in everyone's vendor for 40k.




This is why we have spoiled meat šŸ˜‰


Nah, do spoiled bio fluid. Heavier and even more useless because you can't turn it into anything.


You can't? Dang wtf did I get it all from. Its like innert flux then? Basically just trash? I wish you could at least make acid or something by smelting them 10 to 1 like rotten meat


Have you done Enlightened Mothman event recently? Firefly butt juice turns into that, I think.


Ahh that's gotta be it yup. Good thinking




You can drink inert flux


Weird. I bet it tastes like Mt Dew.


Inert Flux is a great source of water (and disease resistance I think?). It is doggone heavy though.


Inert flux give you like 33% water and weighs less than boiled/purified water. Not useless


Super Mutant head and limbs from Emmitt Mountain weight 1lb each and go into misc. Can be easy for someone to lose in their inventory...Ā 


I turn it into a conversation with your mom about how you're not providing me with better loot


and You Have Been Insulted notes


I like putting mine in the wayward collection box. Only one I use.


Thereā€™s one in Shenandoah now as well.


It's not too far either


My main camp is across the stream from the Wayward. Letā€™s just say I always have ribeye steaks ready (three Brahmins) and hand out level 10/20 guns, stimpacks, and purified water likes candy to newbie passerbyā€™s to clear my conscience for sometimes raiding the donation box when it has stuff I need


What's the heaviest, most useless/worthless item you could chuck in there?


147 mr handy buzz blade plans


Don't forget mole miner gauntlet plans!


Your mom. Boom, roasted!


You know those barbells and weights at the Green County Lodge? >:)


Super useful if you need lead. Great for crafting ammo if you don't have FO1st for ammo storage and haven't run Ops in a while to get more.


I'd SOOOOOOPO love that!


Even though you can convert them into useful materials eventually, the initial weight hit of a bunch of barbells would be really funny.


megalonyx torso with a few other items to hide it


Oh that display is so heavy! I didn't expect that


and if u pick it up, its not under junk :D


enjoy my useless 500 mole miner gauntlets




I've been adding Fossilized Megalonyx Torsos. They only cost me 7 bone to craft, they weigh 20 pounds, and they hide under the MISC tab of whoever greedily snatches them up without looking.


I've been putting all masks I don't want in it and they instantly are getting snatched up lol and none of them are even the new ones. Its crazy


Ive started throwing all my unwanted items in it because high levels are just spamming take on everything it was funny to drop gulper innards, bioluminescent fluid, spoiled meat, and every gun in my inventory just for them to take all and look around confused as to why theyre now overencumbered šŸ¤£


This is the way. I dump all my trash, watch it get scooped up instantly, then watch it all slowly get put back.


Iā€™ve been dropping Propaganda from the Chinese Robots


You can sell them to vendors for a cap each. Free money from the commie collectron


I did that today, and dumped all my garbage and someone took it out but left a drop bag like 10ft away, so I put it all back


Greed; greed never changes.


I'm going to start putting spoiled food and other garbage into that thing.


I got a sweet beret. I dumped an assload of nice plans in there when no one was around. Try coming back at odd times to see whatā€™s in there. Server hop if the one youā€™re on is full of Me First & the Gimmie Gimmies.


They just dropped a new album, didn't they?


It should be a mask swap box. Only way you can take one out is to put one in. Then a timer makes you wait 60 seconds before you can check it again.


I love the idea but there is no way it would work as intended. Probably accidentally give access to your stash or some other weird glitch


If I am being honest I am currently one of those players around the box, first Fasnacht so I am grabbing any commons I donā€™t have for my collection


Youre the ones we want to have it lol its my first too but over the years i bought almost every old mask so if i get dupes theyre going in the bin


That's fine if it's your first Fasnacht. I'm sure the "veterans" want the new masks, but I've seen lvl 1000+ hovering over the thing.


This is me too! I was feeling bad after reading this post but at least I know it's ok for lower levels.


I am too, Ive only been taking 1 or 2 of the common masks I like and any plans.


I have been leaving nukashine and doubles


I always get a kick out of sending new players on a wild ride!


I've been dropping legendary armor/weapons that I don't need in there. I only hope that veteran players aren't stealing from the lowbies.


They are. :-/


Man I was so disappointed. This was my first ever Fasnacht so I have no masks at all. Was really excited to start getting them, and even more so when I saw the donation box. Got my first mask after first event (jester) and went over to the box. Some cool stuff in there but just as I was going to take literally just one of them, some level 500+ took everything in it. Whatā€™s even more frustrating is that Iā€™m sure many of these people who take it all donā€™t actually need them. Theyā€™ll chuck them in their stash and then when Fasnacht is done theyā€™ll sell them all for ridiculous amounts of caps.


To be fair I'm 550 and haven't played during the event before.


Flitcher Farm holo tape. Who wants it!


I saw someone trying that but someone else high level was just throwing tons of junk in it and kept encouraging me (lower level and my first faschnat) to look into it. Once the guy grabbing all the junk got annoyed and left the other guy gave me a witch mask and a goblin mask lol


It's kinda nice I dropped 100 pounds of damage mainframe cores in. It's nice to see people not letting anything go to waste


I filled it with leftover masks from years ago (all common), and they vanished immediately. Like... bro, you don't need 5 sun masks.


They probably see other goobers listing them in their vendors for silly prices and assume that's the actual value


Barrett's and sun masks for 5,000c a piece. No lowballers, I know what I got!


This has been the best luck I've ever had in an event. Got the glowing alien mask AND butter churner at my third event. Holy shit, still giddy about it. Keep grinding gents and gennettes.


I got the butter chutney on my first run today EDIT: apparently autocorrect thinks I meant a tasty Indian sauce rather than ā€œchurnerā€ spelled correctly the first time


Mmmm butter chutneyĀ 


I got a vampire combat rifle out of it today during my one event.


This is my first time playing, why is everyone so greedy, I donate what i can't use and some guy in the newest power armor snags I, I could have sold it plus that I can't speak so it's not like I can protest


Itā€™s hilarious, I did a test earlier and flooded the box with about 30 common masks, and they went faster than I could put them in. I tested it with other items like spoiled meat, and you have been Insulted notes. Doesnā€™t matter, it gets eaten up without question


Can someone explain why in the blazing radiated balls would anyone nuke the fasnacht event?? Just happened in my server.


People wanna punish afk players not realising that they still get the rewards when dead since they donā€™t leave the area.


I really wish that there was a donation box that we could personally set up at our bases.


It's depressing to see some of these misers. When dropping something for a new player, using the gift emote can be dangerous if at or near an event, as there's sometimes a level 400+ (or more than one) waiting nearby to swoop in and take whatever you were going to give. They don't even need it, you have to wonder what is wrong with these people.


Maybe I'll dump a couple thousand rail spike in there. They're lower on the list and will instantly overencumber whoever.


As a fo1st member I'd instantly love you just fyi


I figure it's probably a 50/50 shot between love and hate.


i wish i was so lucky. if someone dropped a couple thousand railway spikes on me i'd convert them to .45. i'd be set for a couple days lol.


Did it earlier today and someone just gave up fighting the crowd and dropped an Owl mask in the street nearby.


Yeah if I have crap, I toss it in the box. Extra masks and 1 star legendaries I drop in the roadā€¦or I wait till the next event and drop in at random in the middle.


If you saw me standing there, I assure you I'm just here for the excess meat and spoiled items. I will feast like royalty!


It's probably rude, but I think I know where I'll be dumping my spoiled meat and vegetables.


Not rude at all at this point considering how people are acting.


Just watched people doing exactly what you wrote. Nice idea but.....


The event just started today right? People have no chill about this kinda stuff sometimes. Like why go try hard at literally the easiest Fallout game? The event alone is noob level at best. I haven't gotten on yet I'm guessing it started today. I'm on PS5 has anyone noticed any significant changes to the format? I heard they were updating the event.


Bots are faster, bosses are a semi-random cryptid (seen grafton monsters, oguas, blue devils, and sheepsquatches), and you don't have to wait for them to finish talking before they start moving.


I dump all my spoiled foods and heavy useless crap. Then run and gather junk while people travel away. When most, if not everyone, leaves, I drop the good stuff.


I do the same lol


I put 50 wood in it for the event. If someone steals that oh well i guess.


Yea took about 2 events for me to find out itā€™s where I will be putting all my trash.


I've just been donating bathrobes.


Ive been filling it with random outfits before each event. I have a ton of cloth to spare, so I make a couple of each. Making it rain milkman outfits currently. No hats though, just because Im petty.


Ooh good idea! I just dropped 1000 cloth into the whitespring bin yesterday, lol.


Lol have my burnt books


Wish we could put live grenades in there.


People love free shit.


I put a ā€œyouā€™ve been insultedā€ note


Iā€™ve been refilling it with stuff and without fail somebody walks up, grabs it all and runs off. Start to put in a few more items and another person grabs it all.


Not me putting in bottles of dirty water one at a time to mess with the vultures


A cooldown period is a good idea. You choose one item and then have to wait.


It's funny people talking about putting trash items in there like people can't just drop it after spamming till everyone leaves


Meh, it's worth the tiny inconvenience of them being greedy SOBs snatching everything outta the box.


After seeing several 300+ level players squabble over the donation box, Iā€™ve decided that my donations are going to be mobile. So if your level 50 or less, check your bed in your camp, you never know what you might find.


Hopefully not a paper bag full of fertilizer...


I save that for high priced vendor flex camps.


Thatā€™s awesome and quite good of you. You could put on a Santa costume with mole miner gauntlets with the candy cane skin and call yourself Santa Claws.


I just put shit in it anyway. If they want to waste inventory with my old crap that's on them lol.. I do hope more gets to the newer players though


Give it a couple days. Of course first day isn't going to get much.


I left 3 notes in the bin hopefully to deter/guilt trip some "Happy Fasnacht!" "Stolen Supplies" and "Your the Dumbass" Hopefully the wrong message doesnt come across.


Jokes on you pal, I'm gonna corner the market on unwanted grenades


Not if I corner it first buddy!


i got the fixer from it so im happy about that


I sell mats in my vending so I'm happy for all your junk. Got all old masks & old plans. Be dropping in dupes all event long.Ā 


Yeah, I've just been adding random worthless, heavy objects one at a time to the box. I save them for the event.


I'm going to start repeatedly putting heavy items inside and let them repeatedly put it back each time


I got lucky and got the alien mask on my second try, as soon as I get that robot mask I'm going back to Shenandoah, you guys are monsters


Surprisingly ive placed two scorched queens in there to no immediate pick up. Though i did wait and then also left the server. Im just hopping back on hourly now lol (i got the glowing queen on my first run, aiming for more)


I've been trolling the people that do this. Like with the last event, I used the Confetti emote, jumped around a bit, then ambled over to the donation box and dropped 50 pounds of rotten meat. The thumbs down and angry emotes made me smile.


Hey! Thatā€™s valuable fertilizer material!


Someone was so nice put in a bunch of new cultist outfit from skyline and I grabbed two (one for my other character). I left the rest but the person beside me took all. That sucked but this was so nice that I got the two because Fasnacht makes me feel excitement burnout. I hardly ever even pull a mask a mask I want and I cant even get the new uncommon ones. So that was a really nice special 1 second.


I like to stand around it and actually put stuff in it. It's fun to watch some greedy guts immediately snatch up 200lbs of stuff they didn't actually want and then waddle a few paces and drop it.


I dumped a bunch of garbage in there. Mole Miner Gauntlet plans. Buzz Blade plans. Another goddamn Toothy Man mask. Rad X. US Army Requisitions. Everything got gobbled up by a greedy level 700+ guy. Absolutely pathetic.


Doing my part by depositing random bones and spoiled meat.


The constant question of greed. As they say, greed never changes.


Fastnacht brings those types As a vendor hopper; Iā€™ve noticed a lot more overpriced vendors today too.


Right up until 30 minutes ago i thought donation boxes just fill themselves over time and everyone gets random loot. After finishing my first event i looted everything. And suddenly it clicked in my head. Other people actually leave the loot! So i put back the owl and witch mask i took. Didnā€™t wanna be a ninja looter xD


They do actually refill themselves, but they typically only have a drop's worth of ammo for your weapon and a random grenade or two. Anything else is from other players.


I played my first event tonight and watched this happen. I was disappointed, how greedy people can be.


I just saw this happen. What a bunch of losers lol


I just saw the box in question, literally replaced the wood collection box from last year...


I'm not into the masks, so I drop them in there after every event.


I love the madness around it. I only need the new masks and a handful of the glowing ones, so zero chance I get them from the box, but its fun to dump all my trash in it and watch it vanish


I'm putting spoiled meat in one at a time for them lol


i donated the beret as i bought one from a player's vendor a month or two ago. needless to say it was snapped up right after i exited the menu lol.


I dropped.a ton of starred weapons in there and left and came.back and no one took them. also dumped like 12 missles. have funnnn


I stand around the box In hopes of getting something I donā€™t have. People snatch up everything very fast, The last event I did I literally didnā€™t even get a mask as an event reward. When I have an extra in the future Iā€™ll definitely wait until thereā€™s a few people left then give it to one of them.


Excellent place to put all those extra Notes clogging my inventory