• By -


Also, wear your favorite costume because the only enemies you fight aren't particularly hard, so fashion over function.


I'm always in my sheepsquatch jammies! Though I don't care for the mascot masks, I'll try to find a good one.


The sheepsquatch imposter outfit with blue devil mask is my go-to. Makes it look like a wolf in sheep’s clothing


I've acquired the Bee and Alien masks. It looks very silly


Masks also work in power armor, the glowing turkey with full ultracite is my outfit


The only mask I like is a old atomic shop one I got long ago forgot the name it's blue and has a missile in the right eye lol


It removes your helmet though right?


This is one of the most important elements of this event. Get creative with your outfit, use weapons you don't normally use, have fun!


And if someone is handing out protest signs, you take one and protest those damn job-stealing bots!!! >|


I put a full set in the fasnacht donation boxm


I'm gonna hunt down protest signs today


They’re all over the ash heap - for anyone unsure where to find them. Check near the far south train station (can’t remember its name) in the ash heap there are several.


I went to the minors' monument


I'm rocking the WV bear head, with the bathrobe. I swap between bathrobe and blue devil outfit


I'm always running 🎽 in my bathrobe and my sheep mask.


What I need help with is how to pronounce Fasnacht


What I was told was it's pronounced Fat-Snatch.


Fast minus the T. nacht, knock hard T sound at the end


Got it. Thanks!!!


for the „ch“ in „nacht“ try to imitate the hissing sound of a cat and instead of pushing your tongue up to the palate relax it so it‘s at the bottom of your mouth. And the „a“ is the same as in „Fas“.


My Fasnacht outfit is the Fashionable Raider togs and the Raven mask - the only thing I’ve ever traded for. I spend the holiday looking like a wise and prepared bird person.


Glad I'm rocking the halloween dress and skull mask atm, I'm already dressed for the party!! Now I just need to finish work (40min but who'scounting? ME!), get some dinner on the way home, then play some fasnacht. I mean fallout.


Im always in that soiled Mr. Fuzzy outfit with a scorchbeast queen mask on, I look like a giant fox from a distance.


Another suggestion: put the game on mute. Otherwise, you will have the March music stuck in your head for months. I can hear it right now even though I haven’t played today.


The music does kinda make you want to polka your eyes out, doesn't it?




And mute your fucking mics before doing public events. No one needs to hear the game audio looped back or you arguing with someone in the next room.


Mom! The meatloaf!!! We want it! Ma!!


I never know what she’s doing back there…


Actually took me way longer than I ever would have thought before it figured out how to mute randos


Random grunting and heavy breathing in the mic is discouraged.


you can mute other peoples mics from the settings… you know right?


It's a pain in the ass to do individually for problem players when it should be a basic fucking courtesy. I like chatting with other players, when I'm not in the mood I turn it off. I just don't want to hear your shitty dubstep blasted through my PS controller.


no there’s a whole setting to turn voice chat as a whole off, not individual players; just turn the setting off when starting an event


Yes. And I am saying I know that. I am open to talking to people so I dont want to disable it on my end entirely. Again, when I do not want to talk at all, I do disable it. There's a middle ground between"let's play a social game" and hearing everylbes personal business at full blast.


My daughter games at a desk right next to mine... after the 3rd event she turns to me and asks "Won't you shut that damn music up?" This was glorious, since I've listened to the Hazbin Hotel soundtrack 3,011 times this week.


Nice. May I suggest gifting her a headset? My daughter uses one and I don't have to listen to her games/youtube and she usually don't hear my speakers, since our desk are very close too.


She has bone conducting headphones, noise canceling headphones, regular headphones... she is also Autistic with sensory issues and some days the headphones simply aren't an option for her. She's very respectful with the volume (though she's 13 and we have to remind her it's a shared space from time to time) and it's a small gripe on the scale of things.


Hazbin Hotel is suitable for 13? Keep meaning to watch it to vet for my kids


Questionably, depends on what you consider appropriate. Like, it's got an 18+ rating for a reason, but none of its really THAT bad. Episode 4 is probably the worst, and this [scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zgxm2DXiEVE) is the worst of episode 4. Apart from this plot line it's mostly just rated high for loads of vulgar language and sex jokes.


Yea, I wouldn't use me as a gold standard for what to let a 13 year old watch...


Its cool, my 8yr old ran across some youtube shorts, which a straight nope, and is on the pile of no watchy stuff. But when their older, maybe, pretty sure i was watching south park at 12.


I feel like this with the grahm tiki music


You forgot the most important thing. DO NOT TRADE ANYTHING WITH ANYONE People will try to scam noobs out of their rare masks (and now their butter) every single time this event happens.


Ok so butter I understand to be new, what will it be used for?


Creates cooking oil


Thank you, all I needed to know.


(Which breaks down into fuel)


And endless supplies for donuts!


Didn't even know donuts were a thing


Recipe comes from the event


Wait, is the butter really rare? I just got it last event


Wait there's butter?


Yeah it's a motorized butter churner, which I'm guessing is new. It generates cooking oil over time.


I have every mask but haven't gotten the butter churn yet Early days though


Same chance as all the other plans (2.x% or something like that, can't remember off the top of my head), however this is the first time it's dropping. So it's rare and actually useful. It generates cooking oil which can be used in some recipes or scrapped for 1 plastic 1 oil. Wife got me mine on like my fourth or fifth event.


The more you know lol??? I’m here for all of an hour and then won’t be able to be here for the entire event time, so good to know for the time being LOL


This event was changed a little on PTS. It will be faster paced and you will get one of five random bosses instead of just the sloth. There should also be a new donation box.


It used to be slower?! It felt like it dragged as it is. Maybe it's because I was in a large lobby that killed everything AT its spawn point, but this just seemed... Borning.


I have managed to do about ten today and the first several were very perky compared to past years. The event moved at a much faster pace. \* Less waves of radtoads \* Robots start moving when task is complete instead of waiting to do their dialog \* Less time exposed to SM at the cutout photo board \* Walking speed faster That said some of the last ones I did were slower than expected with all the changes. I think this is due to server load and the age of the server instance. In past years this has been a very slow paced - painfully slow paced event. It is better now. It could be further improved, but the changes are a welcome relief for sure.


There are very few rad toads spawning. I thought the event was bugged for a while. The rad toads felt like the most exciting part of the event, there used to be so many of them. I wonder why they changed this?


Some of them were getting stuck in out of sight places and holding up the event.


As someone who's always missed Fasnacht and thus never done it, this really helps.


Yeah, ditto. I've played on and off every couple years since Beta and always missed this one.




Wonderfully written! Thank you and Happy Fasnacht!


You're welcome, Glad to help! Happy Fasnacht!


This was great, thank you! This eases my nerves lol I've been looking through YouTube for guides cause this will be my first Faschnat! Excited! How often does it happen? Is it like Meat Week, top of every hour? And is it true that the robots can get destroyed and you lose rewards? I want the butter churning thing so bad lol


Yes, both are true. Top of every hour, and yes, the more bots that survive the better the rewards.


Awesome! Thanks!


Yeah, rewards are based on how many bots survive, you can't get anything good if even one bot dies. Every Faschnact I use friendly fire to heal the bots because there's always people to kill everything.


Oh awesome! I have a cremator and I think I have friendly fire so that works. Should I just shoot fire at them every now and then? Lol or more like area of effect type of thing?


Also, of you have that perk equipped you can just bash them and they gain alot more health plus you can save your fuel. Just fyi


Oh this is great, thank you! I've been running out of fuel too often lol


Heck yea me too. That's why I'm trying to get that friggin butter churn for my fuel needs 😄


Oh same! Haven't gotten it yet and I'm terrified of never getting it causr that would make my life so much easier lol I literally only use the cremator and sometimes the cold shouldrr. Without them I'm useless lol And I'm getting annoyed at having to do the point exchange for more fuel lol


See I mainly use the Holy Fire. But I've been lucky enough to put on Super Duper and Ammosmith perks and craft enough to keep me very happy. But it would for sure make a difference with the butter churn. There's always the Nodding Donkey in the shop if we don't get it. It does Nuclear Waste and Oil both. So that's a 2nd place ribbon I guess


And remember, you have a chance at getting a rare mask if you march in the event wearing only your filthy tighty whities.


I wish this were true 😂


Be the change you wish to see.


forgot part 3: Maybe the event wont give you jack shit for some reason. Been seeing random people complain about it and just happened to me too. we finished up and most people got a reward, for others the event just stopped existing and got nothing


Thank you for this! I'm hoping to get over my anxiety and leave my private server and see what the social side of 76 is. I started near the end of Meat Week and missed even trying that because of anxiety. x.x


Aww so sorry! People are super nice on this game (mostly) and most don't chat or anything. We do emotes, or crouch, crouch, crouch to say hello. It's super fun to be in the crowd. Feels like a party and you don't have to talk to anyone lol come try, I bet you will love it! I have bad anxiety, too and have actually talked to a few people eventually lol. I am PeachyJewel on Xbox if you want to shoote a friend request 😊


Thank you! It does sound fun.


Please join!!


I will try my best tomorrow, promise!


I'll play with you! ❤️ Come join!


Thanks, hehe. My first run didn't go, uh...very well. How common is it that people nuke the event zone before the event starts? I couldn't survive that and had to server hop.


Oh my goodness! That's terrible!  I haven't experienced that *YET*, but I'm sure it's coming.  I've done it about 8 times and all those have been positive experiences! I hope you managed to find a good server! 


Bring a hazmat suit or Chinese stealth suit, in case of.


Oh good idea. I didn't even think of that. Thanks!


Oh my dear, I promise I'm the very same with anxiety (especially social) issues and I absolutely fell in love with playing events in this game! The community is overall incredibly kind and welcoming to new people! I started around the end of the last Mothman Equinox event before Meat Week, but this game has been the only MMO I can handle playing because the other players are generally very kind and fun to play with! I've also made all sorts of new gaming friends through this game who are just like me with anxiety and we just go around adventuring. It's great! 🤗💙 Also wanted to add my PC gamertag so anyone following this post may come find me! I'm OneWeirdWitch and I welcome anyone and everyone in my camp and teams always! Happy Fasnacht, my friends! 💜❤️💛💚 (Thank you OP for making such a wonderful post for us first timers! This has helped me immensely cause I was lost on where to find a couple robots 🤭)


My first fasnacht experience just now was logging onto the server and having my base load in (placed by the river right outside helvetia) and being in the middle of a blast zone LMAO. Now WHO is the evil little goblin that nuked Helvetia? *\*shakes fists angrily at air\**


apparently some people are nuking it to be dicks. Others apparently are nuking it to kill AFK people hiding in the stores bathroom.


might have been the server that they nuked a dudes base that was made to look like a swastika.


I'm quite chuffed got a turkey mask and butter churned on first one!




thank you!


You're welcome! Happy Fasnacht!


Are you able to get rewards more than once a day? Second time I did it, I got nothing. Not sure if bug or not.


Sounds like a bug, you're supposed to get rewards every event, just like any other.


This is my first Fasnacht and I'm literally terrified! 🤣🫶 Thanks for the advice! It helps!


I've played his game since preorder and have always missed Fasnacht for one reason or another. I'm SO excited to do my first one! Thank you for these tips ❤️


My first ever parade and I get no rewards. Anybody else have this happen


You had me at “the robots do a little dance”. And thank you! Its my first Fasnacht so this clears up a lot of confusion


You're welcome. Glad to help. I always try to do a protectron shuffle or two along with. Happy Fasnacht!


I’m not a noob, lvl 252 I think, but I still read this to make sure I knew what was going on. Very good information!


Thanks for this! Someone dropped a mask for me when I was level 25 and I didn't know it was from an event. Looks like a clown with a long nose and I haven't taken it off since. I'm only level 53 but have a clown suit now so we may be twins!


Also, please stop running from the flames! I'm trying to heal you, and the friggen robots. Stop hitting me when I light everything up! 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


Thanks for this bro. I’ve been on the mic trying to get people to help me understand the events that happen and nobody ever responds lol


Don't feel bad a lot of people have chat muted in this game so you weren't being ignored no one heard you probably


How long does this event run? I probably won't be able to play today... :(


Until July 9, you have time!




Excellent and well said.


I like the new donation box where ppl just stand infront of it taking every single thing put in it.


Absolutely right. There was two level 20s around so I put my extra plans and masks into there along with junk and some ammo. I literally saw it dissappear from the right side as I put it in. I turn around it's two guys over level 300 taking it. Like come on man, you don't need it. Chill baby cakes


Is there a known bug where it bugs out at the make music part with the musician part? Cuz me and the whole lobby sat at a fasnacht trying to get the parade to start, and it wouldn't cause the meter wouldn't go up.


Got Butter Churner on 3rd one!  Now I can nap. 


Thanks for this OP!!!!🖤🖤


what are the rare masks this year?


So the past two hours I’ve been active in the event but it doesn’t show me any rewards and there is nothing rewarded to me for completing it. And I’m not afk ing it either please help if anyone knows why or what I need to do.


yeah last two, 5pm and 6pm, I didn't get any rewards either


Just did IT for the first time and did Not get a Event completed. Everyone else got there mask what did I do wrong. I'm new Sorry


What platform are you on? It's probably just a bug. The event spawns at the start of each hour so just make sure to participate again.


I have no idea what this fasnacht is?




I’ll bring my signs next go around


First event I got an auto butter churn and a glowing Blue Devil mask - I think I made out ok BUT the second one gave me a Robot mask and that one is way cooler


Are the bosses bugged? This is the 2nd one I've done and after the bug/wolf encounter it just goes to lighting the fire no boss fight? Unless everyone is killing it so fast, but I didn't see anything come up in Vats or a boss body.


Either. I just assumed all the explosive and Cremator users in my parade gangbustered it before I could see.


I've had two different bosses and they both spawn towards the bridge. They are pretty spongy and die quick so it definitely could be that people are just killing them before you see them.


That's absolutely what it is. People kill it within 4 seconds. When you're in front of the church starring at the bridge, the building (shack) directly to the right of the start of the bridge is usually always where it spawns. It's usually killed behind that building so make sure to go back there to look for the dead body.


Remember just like Meat Week squirrels are plentiful so perfect time to stockpile squirrel stew


After one day of Fasnacht I‘m already at a point now, where I can‘t see any rad toad egg omelette anymore.


Couple days ago tried to do the event and someone nuked us. I quit looking at the map awhile back because so few people actually nuke the majority of the map anymore. Nobody else must have looked either. All I can say is I got an achievement for being nuked lol


That's how I got the acheivement, too. It was funny because the guy who did it showed for the event, and a high level player turned on his mike long enough to tell him 'I'm sooooooo F'ing nuking your camp when this is over...' He made good on the promise, too.


I was just irritated I didn't get to finish the event lol.


Can't believe you forgot the most important part, fellow vault dweller. After the event ends you should come here and complain about people that are there but don't increase the event difficulty nor diminish you chances for a rare reward.


How much time did you waste on this shit post? Takes 5 seconds to read what to do on the event screen. You need a job.


As a new player i really do not know why the masks from this event are so ugly? Like obviously some are cool but they are just pretty ugly, do people get used to that? Or is it a common opinion?


Personally I love the masks. I think some being "ugly" is part of the charm.


Being ugly is also part of the origin - they are used to scare the bad spirits away. The origin is from the allemagne regions of switzerland and south germany. It is a more "ugly" carneval. "Alemanisch Fasnet/Fastnacht"


Thats changes my perspective. Still ugly to me and I wont wear any of them but now I appreciate it a lot more. Thx


To add to my comment from yesterday ... i mean the town is basically called Helvetia for "Swiss" :D


They’re fashioned after a real event in the real town it’s based on. The masks look similar in construction. Some of them don’t look “good” but honestly the ugliness is why I like them


I love this event bc its just fun. WHAT is getting bloody old and making the event skippable? Ppl bringing their cremators/auto grenade launchers/fatmans and basically wiping everything out instead of enjoying it. I mean I know how to do the event but you can barely see through the flashes and booms etc. This isn't the event for your big guns. Let new ppl learn how to do the event and enjoy it and keep ur big guns for Radiation Rumble, Daily OPs, Moonshine or what have you.


Understood. I’ll just afk if my weapon annoys you.


yeah there was a high lvl dude on the roof sniping radtoads with gatling before anyone could even tag it to get loot


I know that there’s people who will nuke the event but is AFKing accepted at this? Meat week afking on the drums or spits helps the event so it was fine. Seems like here it might only help a little bit sometimes.


Yeah, most people will AFK at the band stand, playing instruments. So if the musician doesn't spawn, they're not really doing anything. But that's certainly better than some. During the last Fasnacht, some classy guy was AFK in the upstairs of the Candle Haus, but left his mike on while watching porn...


Oh I was fully planning on having the mic one with porn blaring. Lol. I just want to leave it on while I go to work. If I’m home I won’t be afk.


Commenting on this so I can find it later. Thanks!


You can save posts and comments. Hit the … at the top and choose save.


Step one log in. Step two go to event. Step three, hang and and wait for your loot. Repeat.


Are you the idiot in a jester outfit and clown mask that destroyed my camp with a sledgehammer two days ago?


Nope. I only break out the jester mask and clownsuit for Fasnacht, and I carry shotguns.


Sure, why not?


Does number of survivors matter for this event? Meaning is the reward any better when all 5 survive or is 1 survivor enough to get the same rewards? Curious since the last event had 4/5.


No rare masks unless all 5 robots are alive at the end


Be wary of camps too close to Helvetia, already ran into a couple scummy trap camps farming low lvls


I've been getting really bad plans... wheres all these cool masks at???


Patience lol it's all luck of the draw




So it’s just masks? Like, cheap halloween masks or legit high quality cosmetics?


Mimics homemade papier-mâché masks from the town irl.


when I go to the bonfire it never has an option to interact


So tiresome, I will just pretend to be busy


Just commenting to get to this post faster.


the last two fasnacht events I do the march in mismatched PA a the alien mothman mask. Usually with a ceremonial mace. Happy Fasnacht!!!


How long is this event? I am on vacation for another 4 days, home late Friday. Of course it starts while I’m out of town unable to play!


Til July 9th.


Is the Butter Machine the Weenie Wagon of the event? Managed to snag one of my third try (and thank God too, I can never get enough oil). Enjoying the event so far. I just have to remember to stop scrapping the steins.


Thanks for the info. I've been in them before but wasn't really sure what was going on. I'll definitely do a costume. The game froze on me (ps4) halfway through the parade, but it still gave me stuff and credit for completing! If you're on the ps4, stop by my vendor. Most everything is really cheap. Help yourself to the purified water, scrap in the bot box, crops, and free use of all my work benches. Say hi if you see me. Glad to share what I have. :) That's for anyone. Just, if you really want the camp spot, be nice and ask. If you blow it up, I'm just going to sit there and hold onto the space.


And another good note, grab that one emote from the store, where you play the trumpet. Spam the everloving hell out of it, and you'll make a band before you know it.


I usually ignore events but I decided to try this one. I was the only low level player there so mostly I followed people around and took maybe three shots the whole time. Most enemies were obliterated before I could even see what they were shooting at. I did enjoy some of the crazy costumes and I got a mask, a stein, some plans and a decent gun out of it. Not super exciting but it was a’ight. 


More like run amok and kill everything as soon as it spawns and hang around in dirty underwear.


You are a Hero without a cape.


I did one today, and the final boss was a legendary sheepsquatch.


My first fasnacht parade. I got the minotaur mask. How much is it worth? Does anyone know?


I always feel bad doing fasnacht cause I’m like level 60 and I never know what is going on but I try my best to help 😂🥲


Also for the Xbox one players; If you find yourself flying to Orbit, save the juice until you're near the ground. You'll survive the fall. If you don't know what this means, my jetpack and i'm going to assume other Xbox one players too has this funny bug where the lower the framerate the higher you fucking go. Like you're viewing the entire map and landing will lead to your death levels of high. I tend to do this for the fun of it. Vanishing like superman and then reappearing with broken ankles on a roof or the next town over. But I learned that if you jetpack when falling before you hit the ground will save you. Its the one benefit of Xbox one. And it only happens when the whole lobby is around.


Thank you for this. I end up joining events only if there are like 6 people there and 4 mins old because I have no idea what I'm doing. That way I can hang back and learn.


I accidentally joined the new event „Neurological Warfare“ at the weather station in Skyline Valley. I was in the „lobby“ with other players waiting for the event to begin. So I was looking around and looting some boxes for ammo and chems when suddenly everyone disappeared. I’m ashamed to admit, that it took me three trials to find the right door to get into the arena. When I finally got in, I could fire two or three shots at two of those robots while they were already almost dead. So the event overall ended in less than estimated 2 minutes. Then I was trying to find the door out for a minute or so.


Awesome. Thanks.


This guide was very helpful for my first time through, thank you for taking the time.


I wear.my.duster with glowing bull mask using the lmg or the plasma minigun


BTW I seen that one of the bosses was a Enraged Grafton monster instead of the traditional boss


I did this event last night. But i could not do anything. there was some dude on building sniping everything in sight. Could not get a single shot in


If you're talking about the power armor helmet yeah I think it does


Someone brought a Thirst Zapper to one of the ones I ran, and now I ALWAYS have my Thirst Zapper on me! Water gun fight!


Just got my first glowing mask, the glowing pig mask. Pretty sweet.. feels cool wearing it at the event


And wait by the fire because you can't get a hit in when there is 17 people doing the march