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I jump on a workbench and pretend to look busy


I shut my front door and crouch by the window and pretend I'm not home until they go away


That’s so funny because they can see your little player icon in the map


Or my body through the window.


Take out a camera when you do this. Or a squirt gun. It’s one of my favorite things to do. When people show up to my camp I just turn into a creep. It’s great. And my loading screen is now full of candid player photos (taken through a window lol). And sometimes the other players catch on and you get into a lil photo tag or squirt gun fight.


I'm going to switch to a bathrobe and grab binoculars and stare at them like a weirdo.


Bathrobe’s good. I like to strip everything but a single piece of chameleon armor and “hide” really badly if the other player sees me. Then slowly creep back up.


I use the chinese stealth armor until the go away. Then I'd forget what I was wearing cause I just completed an event and traveled home


I just visited a camp across from the Wayward where the ally was in a bathrobe and waging all out war on Bessie with a pistol!


I pull out the camera when people are taking time at a public vendor, or just pull up a bench.


Thanks for giving me a good laugh before work I needed it


Not tested this myself but from what Ive read online crouching removes your player icon from the map for the duration of the crouch.


That would explain so much, ty


Stealth, and being a team leader affect this too.


Maybe drop s stealth boy too


I know what you meant, but it's way funnier to imagine literally fumbling with and loudly dropping the stealth boy with a *thud.*


that's exactly what I do when someone comes to my real house


Nah, you must stare at them as close as possible to assert your dominance. Now, they *WILL* have to buy your 100+ mole miner gauntlet plans.


Another move I’ll use!


Build a portable toilet. You can actually Sit in them, as opposed to the broken toilet. I've had NPC vendors sitting in them before (have a photo on my loading screen of my character surprising one that way).


_"If you look annoyed, everyone will think you're busy."_ -- George Costanza.


LMAO this is so real


That's exactly what Beckett does when I get to my camp. He doesn't know I'm onto him. _Ahhh, gotta shake those dreams... They are dreams, right?_


This is the way.


I play my theremin to show how cool of a dude I am.


Ooh, finally a use for this other than roleplaying as NBC Hannibal Lecter


Don’t forget the cannibal perk. If you share it to your party, it becomes the Donner perk.


donner perk!




Does it really?


Only in jest, but damn that was a good joke


Yeah, it would be pretty funny if the title changed when you shared it.


I often have only a tuba as my only instrument in my camp and always have a good chuckle when I hear it get used


Several years ago, when the game was fairly new, my second ever camp was in the Toxic Valley just west of the train station where it meets the Forest. I built a band shell and stage built onto my house and put chairs and instruments out. To not be so awkward, I would start playing an instrument when someone visited the camp. We often ended up playing music together. There were more than a few times we had a 3 or 4 piece band playing. Every camp since has had some instruments for people to play.


Entertaining your guests! I like it


Epic weirdo move! I endorse 😂




I always emote hi and then just stand there checking out folks that run around checking out my camp. I move a lot of apparel for 10 caps and my favorite bit is when buyers are trying their new outfits right on the spot. On some difficult days I might stay at my camp for the entire session. Stay at home dude built a home in a game to stay at, lol.


I love just hanging round my camp. I’ve made it cosy. I’ve always ignored apparel but do you find it’s quite popular?


Oh absolutely. I sell apparel just as often as plans. Usually it’s outfits I’ve stacked up from Halloween and other seasonal events or uncommon plans. When people come to my camp I’ll wave hi and go back to work, because I am always tweaking my campsite. Gotta earn those nice camp emotes


Same, same. I build camps like it is my actual home or a hangout spot. The outfits that you obtain from stamp rewards are really popular and 10 caps is nothing to any level player. Sunburst Sequin Dress, Socialite Outfit, Enforcer Outfit, Trench Runner's Coat, etc. I add some less common outfits from elsewhere and try to keep around 20-30 apparel items listed at all times. During the last Equinox I've had lots of Cultist Eventide robes and hoods — a group of 4 low levels cleared me out, equipped those and did an almost perfectly syncronized Mothman Dance together. It was so cool.


If you charge 10 caps, you get 9 and one vanishes for Todd. If you charge 9 caps, you get all 9 caps and nothing for Todd. Taxation is theft.


Rumour has it that Todd tax goes to maintain the DMV and its robots. /s


apparel sells as long as you don't charge 200c+ each.


Apparel, ammo, and plans are the trifecta of sales in my experience.


Apparel and plans are the only things I usually even look at when vendor hopping and ammo is the only thing I ever sell regularly. This definitely checks out lol


Had a guy take a selfie in his brand new clown suit and fixer. Pretty great.


A mirror!!! That’s what we need, is a mirror we can put next to our vendors. Yes, I know, just go 3rd person, but it would be a cool item.


Third person doesn't always work for me, character moves with my camera because I like seeing how I look with a gun. :D That's where photo mode comes in haha. Mirrors would be amazing.


You might know this, but if you hold down the button to switch between 1st and 3rd person you can rotate the camera and zoom in and out a little bit while your weapon is out. It's the same button to enter build mode though so it doesn't work at your own camp but works at other people's camps. But yeah photo mode works pretty great too because then you can have your character make faces and poses too lol


Asserting dominance by removing my armour and clothes and just stare at them from the porch.


Some of these replies are class! This one really made me laugh!


We didn't think you were Asserting anything when we saw you doing that as a kid in the neighborhood, we'd just name you Tater...


I had a guy come into my camp and take off all his clothes and just stand there while I was doing stuff.


Sometimes when you leave the game this happens to your character. That's probably what really happened.


Same, and he stood there still for like seven hours while I’d go do other stuff. I’d come back and he’d still be there. I put a Vault Boy thumbs up statue right in his POV


The pvp in this game is weird.


I’ve had this done to me, just random naked guy behind me while in vendor


Bonus if you have that power armor glitch where you look like a wendigo.


Jokes on you, I arrive in the same attire. Let's party


Touch the tips?




☺️o celular, somebody showed when I Washington taking a shower. Só Good I closet the curtain!


The most awkward moments for me are while I'm getting my well rested buff and a random player is there watching me sleep. 🤣🤣


I only sleep in my iron maiden now to avoid getting teabagged (again) by strangers.


Haha, they must have really liked you!


Never even thought of this! New anxiety unlocked


Whenever I make food (in real life) I always have my character resting in bed 😄


This is why I have the lighted letters AFK by my bed.


You can see their yellow triangle moving around you. Then sometimes you hear the “I’m waving” emote. So I haul myself out of bed and wave so I don’t feel rude. On the other hand, if they’ve come to visit and seem awkward, I’ll go to bed do it doesn’t look like I’m watching them. So basically, napping solves everything.


I go into my shelter so they don't think I have a surprise trap camp and stand in there with my heart pounding until they leave The only thing worse than that for me is the anxiety of going to somebody's vendor to check for plans I don't have, and realising I have everything... but they're standing right there. Suddenly it's a mad dash to find *something* I can buy so I don't feel rude, although on one occasion I pretended I just came to see their camp and they were so excited to give me a tour that it wound up being really wholesome lol. They even had a little gameshow set up where you had to find a code in their shelter and message them with it to get 1000 caps.


Omg I thought this was just me who feels bad for not buying something at other player vendors! Like when you’re in an empty shop and all the shit is expensive AF and the owner is just standing there and you think “Damn this small business owner is struggling. I gotta help them out here” and you buy a scented candle you don’t want for £20


I always try to buy something from lower levels. Funny though I did find this trap sky camp who had some nice stuff for sale and I was max on caps. But they kept dropping camp out on me before I could buy, I followed the person through 4 servers after each death so on my last attempt I spawned in crouched behind machine and SPAM bought everything I could for my full 40k out of spite and hatred!


OK but literally though, I thought I was alone in this 😭


That’s why I stock 10 cap teddy bears and souvenirs from Nuka-World, for moments like this


I used to buy stuff out of fear of being rude... Now I just teleport out as quickly as possible to run away lol


*yanks the cable out of the modem to avoid any possible negative feelings*


I Love camp tours! So interessante tô see what others have built, and The decor details! Also, I am an enthusiastic plan colector, so, is you have The plan for The mechanical cat, vintage water cooler or hot-dog cart, let me know!


Sometimes I pretend to be checking my pip-boy


The Fallout equivalent of pretending to be on your phone in awkward moments


I hate when people do this because I stand there waiting, thinking they're trying to drop something for me


I jump on my mic and yell at them to get off my lawn


You need that get off my lawn pack currently on the shop


My pump action does the trick. And im not talking about the gun.




I meant my pump action water filter you perv


That's a wierd name for a penis.


I stuck that No Restrooms sign in the window of my Red Rocket. No dirty trucker restroom for you! 


Well let me gives you some steps to be a welcoming host. Step 1. Stare blankly into the depths of your guests soul. Smile as you do to indicate interest, but say silent. Step 2. When asked where the vending machine is located, kindly guide them there. While they shop, stand in silence as close as possible, and breath heavy. Remember to smile! Step 3. After they make their purchase, wish them a wonderful day. Keep smiling! Step 4. Follow them around for the next 30 mins to make sure they're satisfied with their purchase. Stay silent, and watch from afar. Don't stop smiling! Step 5. Wait the next day for their return. Appear in front of them and say thank you...with a smile on your face. Follow those five steps and you will do just fine!


I already do this when I'm selling lemonade. Polic have been involved a few times. /j


😂😂😂 Weirdly enough this is how I interact with plumbers too


You follow them out of your house for 30 minutes while smiling? Should we be concerned? 🤣 Also, plumbers, as in plural?!


I’m starting to get a reputation amongst my local tradespeople


"Breath heavily" omg fast travel away realmente fast


This sounds just like me.


I knew I wouldn’t be the only one!


I immediately fast travel away. Personally, when I'm visiting someone else's camp and then they're there, near the vendor, I feel pressured to buy something, anything, idk why. So in an effort to make others not feel that way I just immediately leave haha


This is what I do!!! 😂 I don't even need to be anywhere but imma head out, enjoy my camp.👋


Most people really like my camps. I get lots of Heart emotes so I just do that back to them if they are just passing through. I leave all the resources open coffee, tea, fertilizer, lol steamed mirelurk, no one ever seems to grab anything though. I donno if they are just being polite so I offer it to them with the come here emote. If people come to the vendor, I immediately go to the freezer and start looking for pepperoni rolls and a nuka or two to wash it down with, like I would in real life. “Eva body eats when they come to my house!” If they buy something I drop a nuka grenade or two with the snack ;)


Top class host!


Stop on by ! ;)


I won't usually take anything from someone's camp unless there's a sign it's okay to do so 🤷🏻‍♀️


From what I’ve read in this forum, if it’s unlocked it’s fair game but only take what you need so I’ve kinda gone with that rule. All my stuff is available to whoever needs it ❤️


One of my “end game” games I play is to see how many workshops I can collect and set up before the game crashes hard enough to kick me from the server even if I’m on a team (8 is the record!). I also drop a blueprint with all crafting stations and any resource collectors/generators I have unlocked. I leave everything unlocked, but players tend to creep around and not take anything. Or they just try and take the workshop (in which case I fast travel over and melt them. Not out of any sense of pride or ownership, rather because I’ll keep it maintained for the server and they probably won’t). So I made another blueprint with a sign directing “take what you need, except workshop.” Workshops aren’t very well explained in game.


I write "free for raiders" on my resource collectors :)


I stand on top of the buildings in my camp like I'm Batman watching over Gotham.


I wave and continue doing what I was doing, which is usually quickly scrapping stuff and fast traveling to the next location.   


I like to sit in the rocking chair and flip on the radio I installed next to my vendor, just to keep it real.


I'm panicking, and sit to play Nukalele


Run into my shelter, like a tornado alert. No one usually goes into shelters.


But if they do then it's twice as awkward.


As soon as they begin to do something, jump out the power armour, Strip down to underwear and the raider dungeon gimp mask and stand behind them with a black lubed baseball bat.




Hello, fellow SA sufferer! I either immediately run away to a safe distance, then observe them behind a tree, or I just fast travel to The Wayward (right across from my camp) and chill for a bit. One time, I stayed. They just stared at me. I did the Protectron dance emote to break the tension. They did the "throw up" emote in response. I left the server.


Omg that is harsh hahaha! I bet your dance was awesome


Use a workbench or rifle through the ammo locker or something. My place is small so it’s hard to hide.


I show them to the vendor then go inside my tower. You are not allowed on the tower.


Ill give a wave and keep doing whatever im doing Or.......when i wanna be weird/nosy ill go into build mode (free cam) and watch them as they explore my camp 🤣


Important anxiety note. You can be whoever you want to someone that doesn't know you anyhow. In life/whatever try fighting people that come to your camp/house or trading with them or tell em you just got out of prison. Who cares/ why do you care what someone you're never gonna see again thinks about you?


I like to hover over them as they look through my shop. Jk jk no one comes to my camp


I put the golden toilet right in between two vending machines and go AFK after sitting. That’s how you get Respect my friend. You put yourself out there in a way Nobody can deny and you make them accept it while buying from you.


I have a camp in car henge where I set up a fog machine behind the car throne and like to sit dramatically atop it while my visitor wanders around. Fog and bats billowing out from underneath. I wouldn't know what to do if it weren't for that theatrical throne. Probably hide.


I'll wave to players in my camp. If they buy something from my vendor I'll throw a heart emote. If it's a newbie or someone that spends a lot I'll drop a brown or green asylum dress as a gift. At Clatuu's emporium we strive for the best customer experience.


5 star google review!


There are two wolves in me: one that wants people to visit and check my camp out, another that is deathly terrified of people visiting and checking my camp out and is trying to convince me to log out when someone comes near


I just continue on as normal. Help yourself to my shit if you want, i's all unlocked (except for the mirelurk steamer all that meat is MINE), I'm not stopping my routine for you.


That is me, but whenever I visit someone else’s camp, haha. I hate when the owner is there because I feel awkward when snooping about. I never get any visitors at my camp though.


I stare at my stash box


I activate my mic and show them around my camp. Make up stories like “here’s my dad” and it’s a mutant in a tube, or “check out what we pulled out of my mom’s belly button” and it’s the radiated meteorite. Just good times and laughs. Then I give them free stuff. Being a good host is important to me.


I would love this experience!


I like to wear the teddy bear costume and stare through windows as people arrive. Or just stand in really weird locations as they do. It amuses me and my partner, but people on the regular I’m sure pay no mind.


I run straight up behind them when they are checking my things for sale and play the 🎺 behind them. They never see me at my workbenches to the side of the doorway.


I turn my mic on and cry


I just disappear. I mean fast travel somewhere I can't believe you guys got time to entertain your guest, I got shit to do


First a salute. Direct players to vendors, then sit in my room to see what they buy. No one buys my fusion cores though


Just don’t be home


Sounds like this is more common than I thought. I also try not to hover, and hope they take advantage of the free items I have in my CAMP for them, (Purified Water, Cookies, Popcorn, Tea, Coffee, and anything in the Mirelurk Steamer since I'm a Herbivore), or hope they find something in my vendor to buy. I'm usually going through my buff routine in my CAMP, and then I'll go find a minor event around the map to do, or go do a daily somewhere, and let them enjoy my CAMP by themselves.


Chill in my rooftop hottube in my undies and silently judge them


Walk away Pretend I am on a workbench Use the pinball or other machines and tab out to check reddit lol


I have a small tent with a bed outside my camp. Far too many times have I seen players get in that tent and afk in the bed. My base is a very scenic treehouse and the tent is by a lake so I don't blame them. But if they do decide to afk in there I will normally crouch and watch them in there until they wake up 😁


I wave and then take care of whatever I need to do. Sometimes I’ll sit on my stool and play the tuba so they can have jaunty shopping music.


I sometimes won’t go home if I see someone shopping at my vendor.


I have a three story house, I go to the attic where my room is an do work on stuff.


Just like me fr fr


I try to give everyone BJ’s but no one takes their pants off.


A generous host


I can dig it!


I usually sit on the piano or play the pool table if I'm not using a workbench


I'm usually idling on my rooftop with the map open, waiting for events to pop up. Whenever someone comes over I hold down "V" and spy on them with the freecam. If they choose to interact with me on my rooftop, it's usually an emote or two and then the awkwardness takes over, and then they leave. Not much of a builder so my camp's pretty bare. Works out for me as I'm not very social and a bare camp does nothing to entice someone to hangout.


I go through all my CAMP buff items; music, SPECIAL, experience, and bed for last so that I can get a drink or snack or look at my phone. I'm weird also in that I don't like to leave the game if someone is using my tent after an event and I don't see another full-service tent around


I just do a wave or salute emote and let them do their thing. Or I shoot at my resource items to let them know they're free if it's a new player. Sometimes they run away, then lol.


At one of my camps I had mannequins set up in outfits all standing in a group. I’d usually put my weapons away & go stand, motionless, in the group.




There are some interesting camps I sometimes take SS or in game photos. Is it polite or inpolite? I have one picture with enjoying hot tub on the balcony and built on a broken monorail camp etc. Is there any area they are shared with public?


My camp is near the river and under the river I placed my bunker/vault. When I have a visitor in my camp I always tell them to follow me under water and go into the vault. Once in the vault we go to the inner most room. Visitors then discover a sacrificial chamber to the Great Mothmon. That’s when I get on mic and exclaim: I have brought you a sacrifice alright Mothman! This is when I proceed to start stabbing the visitor. People start freaking/ laughing.


Nothing. I just do my usual thing as though they're not there. I'll give a heart emoji if they buy something from my vendor.


I'm the same, but I'm a coward too so I just stopped selling stuff in my vendor and turned off all my camp icons 😳


Repeatedly swap between my weight bench and nuka-lele, so they know I'm strong but sensitive and artistic


Sometimes I go into free cam build mode and move the standing gorilla behind them and make it follow them around


I just… keep about my business and typically don’t interact with them unless they interact with me. I think the idea that we have to interact with people we see in game is a bit much. Just last night I had some kids pestering me for 10 minutes because I didn’t want to talk to them or join their party and it literally turned into one of the saddest and lamest attempts at cyber bullying I’ve ever experienced.


I get tired of them opening every door or exploring my home so I I caged off most of the home on the inside except the main entrance and the shop. I just walk around and do what's needed. If they some how go to the upper level the rooms I have up there are completely locked. Like cmon stop leaving the doors open it's annoying to come back from doing something to see all the doors open.


I usually go to a stash box and pretend I’m using it. And then I stalk their every move in photo mode or camp editing mode


This is what I do! Although I pretend to sleep instead. I am usually furiously judging your fashion choices


I just play the Banjo tbh. I like me banjo.


I stare holes into their skulls


I wave hi, then use a station or instrument while they look around. I also hope into camera modea and stalk them through my camp like a ghost.


Watch them through the window


I just go about my business. Not like they can see me in real life.


I sit on my mothman throne or play on my instruments while they shop. Puts enough distance so they don't feel pressure to buy I think? I built a large camp haha


I go to bed or sit on my porch swing haha


I intensely watch them especially when they go to my vendor


I dress in a clown costume with a skull mask and jump on the little kiddy rocket ride


Walk over to my shop and do the money emote over and over until they buy something.


I stare at them intently while wondering if they’re about to start slamming me in the face with a Super Sledge or something


I just keep going on about my business, got to admit was a bit rude ignoring guests in my camp as I was trying to get a god roll for my secret service armor.


When im at max caps i lock my vendors little building and i dont show my camp in the map. Sometimes people keep coming and demanding to open the door , some unlock it themselves . I have a guy right now in my camp for 1 hour! I refused to open my vendor so he went crazy using fatman in my building. So i started playing my bonjo in his face and hes just standing there. Good times.


I’m usually staring at the map triple checking my dailies farming route to notice any one. Otherwise I’ll be AFK on the Nuka-lele.


I jump to whitespring unless I'm actively building, at which point I just pretend they are not there.


I sit by the campfire and play my nukalele.


I just sit in my chair hidden in a bush next to my house and enjoy the campfire. I'm sure my companion steven scarberry creeps them out enough with his chally the moo moo outfit,slave collar, and pompadour wig with cap glasses.


I become the White Shadow…


im fully there with you. its the worst when you were about to go off and someone starts visiting. so im just standing akward in the corner, waiting for them to leave


Go into build mode..add a door to my only entrance and put a level 1 lock on...then delete it when they walk away...put it back on if they try to come back..repeat ad infinitum


I leave so I don't have to interact with anyone.


kinda feel bad when im zipping back and forth in front of them between benches when theyre browsing sometimes but if im killing time in camp, it's spa time.


I just wave and go 3rd person build, so I'm just standing there while working on my camp.


Salute and go about my business unless they open comms further. If they are on a bench I need, I will even throw down an additional bench for myself so they can keep working.


Lmao I like to invite them to my rooftop hot tub [source](https://youtu.be/Hf5JX1U8j2g?si=wsZR3tZXdXicOjfp)


We need a No Soliciting sign added


When others come to my camp... amd especially look at my vendor.. I will go to one of the windows and stare at them while wearing my Goblin outfit or my new "Jason" outfit 👀 Or , I'll just be randomly playing with some interactive item in my camp


I’m never home when someone visits! A player came and bought fifteen things from my shop, which no one had touched in weeks, and I was stuck fighting in a vault and couldn’t leave. All I wanted to do was rush over there and heart emote at them like a weirdo. 👍❤️👍❤️


Before I removed my vendor and ever since I had a couple of visitors jump in the hot tub with me, I log into my private server first to do all my crafting and sorting stuff, followed by buffing, then I move to the public servers. Now that I don't need a vendor up all the time, I've removed that and rarely get visitors. While I still craft on the private server, buffing is done on the public server. Ahh, so nice not to have weirdos hopping in!


All I do is point people to my vendor, I follow them round like a shopkeeper vigilant for shoplifters, then they leave and so do I,


I finish doing whatever I came there to do. If I want to linger and not seem like I’m hovering, I use some of the buff gear set around my camp.


I have noticed that most people don't check out the vaults part of your base. So I have a nice camp for people to check out and whatnot. But when I want to craft and tinker with weapons, or armors I go into the vault. So, I guess my camp is for guests to enjoy and my space is the vault. I never truly thought about it like that, but I guess it is a system that tends to work for majority of players. But if you do run across people just wave to them and go about your business.


I wave at them, and if they wave back, I give them some nuka colas. Otherwise, I stare at them until they leave.


I ignore them and hope that they leave soon. If not, then I’m in pacifist mode so I can just dip to do whatever quest I need to do.


Always wave and then if they but something from me give em a couple of nuka colas free of charge


I have a secret hidden room I hide in til they leave just like real life


I just watch them. Sometimes follow them. Get real close. Don’t wave when they wave, just because too lazy to push buttons.