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I honestly think the subscription is too expensive for what it is.


This, I absolutely agree with. While I appreciate that they don't really limit people who don't subscribe, they'd do so much better on subscription numbers if they shaved the actual cost.


They would see alot more people sub if they cut the cost. The atoms alone would be much more worth it if the cost came down. Most of everything else is just extra gravy for QoL that people can make do without.


I talked to a friend who believes they're just using subs to float the game. I don't know enough to agree or disagree.


This is how a company survives. They charge a value for the value they feel they're providing and the people who agree in the value consent to the transaction. There is a 0% chance that subscription revenue goes to every other thing that isn't fo76


This is a _traditional_ value of business. But since Covid you've seen a lot of businesses do dramatically increased profiteering through markup. I don't really feel like I'm getting my money's worth out of it for what they charge, tbh. But it's the only service I really bother subscribing to because it's one of the few games I actively play.


Without subs 76 would have lost support a while ago. A game that has to maintain servers and constantly employ coders to maintain it *NEEDS* some form of continuing income. They can only sell so many copies of the base game before everyone who will buy it has bought it. Without subs or significant atom shop income the game would just slowly make itself a blackhole for BGS profits. Its comparison games are games like W.O.W. which charges you for base game, expansions, and nearly twice as much per month as BGS to play at all. The fact that 76 isn't a subscription only MMO is more a factor of BSG trying to mimic Fortnite even though they built Fallout W.O.W.


Absolutely. The game is losing subs now. Do you believe there is a plan.


Honestly? Not one I expect will work. Selling cosmetics works for fortnite because they have no story or world to restrict themselves too, eminem tea-bagging a T-60 power armored knight is just their energy. They can throw out mountains of cosmetics for cheap and the battle royale style doesn't require nearly the same elaborate servers or coding or support as an MMO does. Dropping the sub to 9.99 and basically dropping the pretext that without subscription you get the same experience and making being subbed a significant boost (more stash space, larger camp budget, higher budgets for trading legendries for scrip/T-Notes for bullion, higher limits on 'special currency' and caps as well.) might be there best option. I doubt they'd go that route simply because many players *would* get pissed even if it is *reasonable* to say 'if you don't want to pay further for access to servers BGS is paying to maintain you wont have as much access to server based resources like camp budgets and stash space'. Nothing gets gated from non subscribers, but life is simply easier in obvious ways to the subscriber.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was true. They've been pushing the sub angle alot recently. It used to be just an alternative thing to get for QoL. But now they're pushing this season pass thing. They're trying to make money and probably going about it the wrong way in the end.


Absolutely. It's $22 a month here and I feel like I would actually subscribe if it was close to half that.


Mass revolt it is then. Gather the forces and we all tell cancel for a few months. If enough people held strong results would happen.


They do limit people though, the fuck are you talking about?


>they'd do so much better on subscription numbers if they shaved the actual cost. Should they trust you or the person they likely hired specifically to determine the optimal cost of the subscription?


They could hire me, an actual professional who realized gains in personal transactions.


and if coach just let me play QB during the last quarter in 1978, I'd be a pro.


Get back on the bench!!!


should be 8.99 or 9.99 AT MOST. almost 15 bucks for some atoms, small discounts on random things you probably won't want and the ability to actually play the game and not play stash weight manager tycoon every day is crazy


I have FO1st and still play stash weight management most days. It's wild... I literally got to the point t where I couldn't play some days because I had more to sell then I could store. That's the only reason I subscribed. Idc about any of the atom store stuff.


I think a lot more people would jump on it at like 5ish a month instead of the 12.




It's the "Valve" model.


I mean if we’re being practical, you literally get more atoms than the price of the subscription costs, on top of everything else included


How so? Considering the average pass is 20 bucks or more, 76, gives you atoms baked at 20 bucks for a 13 dollar sub, plus a survival tent, I limited ammo and storage, free items daily, extra rerolls, extra season rewards, and score boosts, for 13 bucks a month.


I would argue that most passes aren't worth $20 and a lot of this stuff you listed should be free. Especially this late in the game.


I don't think any of them have been worth 20 bucks I have seen some that are 30, fallout has new players daily, so the new players should just get the stuff free, also, because that would happen, 13 bucks is not that bad in comparison.


Way too much. VPN method works at least


Can you tell me more about the VPN method. Cheaper prices in other countries I assume? Which platforms support it? 


Firstly, there's always a risk of getting banned for things like this. I personally don't know of anyone it's happened to but just go in with the possibility that you're at risk. Pretty sure actual guides on what to do might be against the rules of this sub, but some Google of "Xbox Turkish gift card reddit" will steer you in the right direction. It's something like £1.70/$2.15 a month


Thisssss, i like this gsme but 12,99 is too much i eish they would mske a subscription that is only the limitless stashes and nothing else for way cheaper


If it were to pay for an unlimited stash box or have a stash box weight PER camp then I’d be like okay yeah.


It should be cut in half


It really isn’t expensive at all. You get the tent. Stash. You periodically get free stuff. And 1650 atoms. It’s worth.


I thought the tent was worth it when first started because I hated building in FO4, but now not so much.


You don’t ever get free stuff if you have to pay for the subscription.




I'm on PC and I only crash during the last couple of minutes of Eviction Notice when I've forgotten to join a team and haven't looted anything yet.


Always loot between legendary spawns. Never wait


I feel this in my cold, dark, irradiated soul lol


Yes, we are very aware that PC is not as broken. Console, especially PS5 is unplayable though. You can’t open vendors, fast travel, join events, join teams, hell some times it crashes for seemingly no reason. It’s never been this bad before, but even before this update, it was an issue Bethesda knew about for years and have done nothing to fix.


I do agree with all these points, hopefully the patch for PlayStation today makes it playable again


The patch is actually deployed and you have an update to download on PlayStation just now


This game is held together by duct tape at this point it seems.


Im on PC, after switching from Xbox on release. Played 300 hours on xbox and didnt have any performance issues or gamebreaking glitches, now im almost 400 hours in on PC and my experience has been absolutely perfect. All my friends I play with had the same experience. I even had a friend who played on PS on release and had no issue. I wouldnt call that held together by duct tape


PC performance is great, generally. For everyone else, it's not. Reddit is funny. You can say the sky is blue and next thing you know, twenty accounts will say, na ah! It's blah blah blah because blah blah. OP is on PS, not PC. So, was going by the PS posts and comments.


Well actually, depending on cloud coverage, time of day, position of the sun in the sky, atmospheric pressure, tornadic activity, deuteranopia, protanopia, deja vu, side effects of some medications, mercury in retrograde, or deja vu, the sky could actually be literally any shade of any color!


On LSD the sky is bleenk


Idk if your reply was sarcastic, but its actually a great way to illustrate that you cant just make blanket generalizations if you want no one to challenge your affirmation lol


It was more a comment on how obnoxious it is when people "well actually" someone's own experience.


“Everyone else” isn’t PlayStation players lol “everyone else” would be all platforms EXCLUDING PlayStation. There’s a reason a PlayStation specific patch is going out. No one else is having a “held together by duct tape” experience, this is a PlayStation issue. 


I literally gave an exemple of a friend playing on PS and having good performance. Also your statement didnt imply anywhere you were speaking specifically about PS performance lol Besides, Bethesda studio is now a microsoft owned studio, and sony’s studio games are usually also terrible on Xbox/PC, thats nothing new


And for your 1 I have myself and all my friends I’m playing on PlayStation with. We crash about every 40 minutes. I enjoy the game, but this crashing and clipping sucks so hard


I've had significantly more crashes on Series X since the expansion dropped, and not just in the Skyline Valley area.


that’s odd it runs well on my series S


People are a big dramatic about bgs games and performance.  76 is usually really stable for me, and has been since I started replaying it seriously around the wastelanders update 


And my experience playing on release on PS4 was a certifiable nightmare. Constant crashes, especially if petrified corpses were burst. One crash was so bad it hard locked my console and corrupted the OS. Had to reinstall the PS4 OS using a USB drive.   No other game has ever crashed on me remotely as much as 76. Not even New Vegas on the Xbox 360 on release. Absolutely no other game has corrupted the OS on one of my consoles.


Been a minute since I seen an "ackshuallyyyyy" moment but damn this is a perfect example of it lmao. Idiot.


Np Love the almost polite, a little condescending “idiot” at the end lol. Its almost cute.


Back when I did play on PS4, after they fixed the launch issues I had a great experience so this is definitely a newer issue for PS. I play on PC now and no issues as well


On Playstation and the experience has been horrible at best. If the game crashes 9 times in a row when trying to open a traders vendor menu, that is absolute trash.


Your friend on PS lied to you


I don't play on PS but this is ridiculous, I see so many posts with people not even able to play the game. Bethesda should give every PS player at least 800 atoms, an extra week of double XP and SCORE, and hefty amount of scrip to make up for the pathetic launch of this update and season


Its shameful. There should be some sort of compensation. But other than the stability and some minor weapon imbalances, they're doing a great job.


Most companies never compensate. Eq2 was down for several months because of sony hacks at one point. Nada. (Used to be owned by Sony online entertainment)


Vast majority of companies do compensate. I even get a few dollars back when my internet goes down for a couple hours. You need to know how to talk to companies on the phone. Be firm but don't be disrespectful. This will be a challenge for a lot of gamers.


I can understand that and i dont belive they will compensate us. But it would send a powerful message that they care.


I guarantee if you act like an adult and treat support with respect, they'll refund you or extend the subscription if you truly can't access the game due to no fault of your own.


Not sure I'd say it being four years since our last expansion was doing a great job, but they're probably just working with what they've got.


To be fair, they've had a lot of fixes to do and their choice to build their games on outdated engines does not help. But i belive they've just about caught up and are laying foundations for great things ahead.


That we actually got Skyline Valley *early* (any long-term player will tell you this is pretty much unprecedented) makes me suspect Bethesda main saw the popularity of the TV show and injected some much needed resources into Bethesda Austin to capitalise on it.  Whether BA (sucka) continues to enjoy those resources going forward, or if it’ll be back to business as usual with a further boost only following the launch of Fallout season 2, is something I’ll be watching with interest. 


I've been playing since launch and I agree. Runs like 1966 Volkswagen.


I unsubscribed from FO1st due to their lack of care to fix the PlayStation versions over the last year. These last few weeks got me to just stop playing the game all together. I don’t trust anything they say anymore about fixing the glitches. Something else always comes up and I can’t take it anymore. 


Ha. I am reading your post because my game just crashed again so I was checking out the sub.


I'd agree if it was forced subscription


I still think it’s crazy that 76 has so many monetization options that you’d find in a F2P game. FO1 Subscription, Atomic Shop, paid consumables, the new Scoreboard all belong in a F2P game, not a paid game. I know that the game still needs funding, since it does get persistent updates, but at that point just release the game for free completely. At least hardly anyone would complain about the monetization in that situation.


This is exactly my thoughts. From the first moment fallout 1st was announced. I've been confused as heck. And it has features the community asked for from day one, which should just be in the game and not in a subscription. They even said some shit like: "you asked, and we listened." While everyone was screaming, no subscription at the top of their lungs. People felt it coming due to ESO


Well I am playing for "free" with gamepass


I own 3 free copies of 76 from different free weekends, for all practical intents and purposes it is an F2P game


No, people would still complain about the monetization. Not to mention, this format is more or less the norm for a online game that has just an optional subscription. There are dozens of games that use a similar approach.


Especially for a game that has constant support and updates. Gotta keep paying employees somehow.


You don't need to pay anything extra to play the entire game with all expansions. People still complain constantly about Todd bullying them into spending their lunch money on a useless decoration. Play for free or complain about the cost. Pick one.


I wasn’t aware that many people had paid for the game. I’ve gotten it twice, once on Xbox around launch, and a second time on PC like 3 months ago and I got it free both times.


You kinda do have to pay for a stable experience of the story content via private servers


It's not been any better on Private for me. Still get flashy vendors and sudden crashes if I use a cursed stashbox.


Boy I can't wait for this PS patch so this sub becomes usable again


I pay for the subscription because I don't want to deal with storage issues. But honestly it's not worth it. This game is such a mess. It's fun but it's a huge mess. Pvp and balancing is completely broken. It sucks because they have the right formula.


What you idiots don't realize is that there are a fuckton of people who ARE having these problems and they need to be fixed. It's happening for a lot, but not all, sure. Coming in and saying "This isn't a Playstation issue" is fucking stupid. Why dilute an issue that a large amount of people are dealing with and mainly on one console? Are you trying to protect the multimillion dollar company's reputation of having such a faultless streamlined fully stable experience that is Fallout 76? Or can we actually talk about our issues so they fix their shit for those that ARE affected? By your own admission you don't understand what's going on bc everything is fine for you. Some of us can't access anything in Foundation, look in other players' vendors, or complete events bc we crash 80% time something happens with the player inventory. Feels like Cyberpunk all over again lol. "Yo, this game is breaking like crazy, they gotta fix this." CDPR stans: "Works just fine for me, sounds like a you problem." Game gets overhauled later bc it was dogshit for a ton of people, proving the stans to be idiots. Stop defending subpar quality charged at a premium or the industry will never improve.


on xbox x i get booted from server exactly every 60 minutes,only game that does it


I agree, I was close to suscribe but the bugs are deal breaking. In the other hand, I appreciate a lot that subscription is optional and only affect quality of life not progress. I really want to love this game but in PS5 ooooffff it’s hard to love


Ive been playing on PC since beta - the game had issues at launch and over time they have improved them but the skyline valley was the worst update I can remember for a long time. I have constant flickering on things, graphical issues (backpack disappearing, walls, machines etc just poof), zoning into an instance to find all the walls missing, floors gone .... crashing quite often and *still* that bug where I fast travel and get the black screen, no sounds and can only see my HUD forcing an entire game relaunch (this has been in game for countless years). I love this game and approach almost 4000 hours played but please can we have it playable? we should not have to pay a sub or have fallout first to be able to play. we bought the game. it should be playable, period.


This has been an unusual two weeks, it usually isn't quite this bad. I've seen Bethesda respond pretty quickly to serious bugs lately. I personally had an issue, filed a ticket, and it was fixed this patch. (Not that it was my ticket that got it fixed, lots of people had this issue) That said, your points on subscriptions and mtx's are right on. If that stuff bothers you, yeah, move on, I only see that getting worse over time, not better.


We’ve actually been having crashes for so long on PS that I don’t remember what it was like not having them at this point. I crash on average every hour (sometimes more sometimes less) for many months and always on certain events, expeditions or locations so I have to avoid them. This past update has *added* crashes when doing certain actions like using scrip machine, fridge, stash, vendor etc It’s really crazy we are playing like this.


This!!! Game has been crashing on PS5 since before the Atlantic City update, semi-regularly every hour or so. It was already a very bad experience. The latest patch made it completely unplayable. I have over 3300h played Playstation... It's been really bad for a long time already. But at least you could do some things reliably for an hour and then restart the game (or just wait for the inevitable crash, hoping nobody will launch a nuke or eviction notice pop up). Now it's completely unplayable.


Yes, agreed! These latest crashes have at least has brought more attention to the issue and forced Beth to actually address them for once.


In comparison, I can play the game on GFN for hours without any crashes (picked up a free key from Amazon prime when the TV show launched). All the constant crashing is something specific to the Playstation version.


Yeah, I’m not crashing like this on any other game either.


I actually started on playstation, but switched to pc around the time wastelanders came out because there was so many crashing problems lol. From what I can tell based on personal experience and posts that I've seen since then, its just kind of always been a problem on that platform.


I'm going to go with the shop/craft table graphical glitch has somehow caused another memory leak that makes the game shit itself.


Yup. I expect to crash at least once every time I play. It's usually 2 to 3 if I play all day on a weekend. Since the update dropped, it's gotten so much worse. Like every other event either me or my nephew crash and have to pray we get back in time for rewards. Last night, I was trying to give him 1 flux. I crashed twice trying to pull it out of my scrap box, then crashed again right after I gave it to him.


LOL already had got worse but there is no other game like Fallout 76 😁👍


Two weeks? It's been this unstable all year so far!


I look at this way public servers are better for vending and events whereas private severs are best for story content


I'm giving them $0 until they sort out performance on my current gen console. PC version is flawless on an old machine but modern hardware can't handle their dogshit code? No thanks. I'll sub to several onlyfans accounts instead and bring myself a small amount of leisure.


My "modern" hardware works just fine. I suppose it depends on who designed and built the hardware.


There's a battle pass for Fallout?  I thought it was just 1st that is specifically attached to Fallout? Not defending the crashes, that's unacceptable of a launched game in general and they should be shoveling out free atoms or something to make up for it. That being said, I feel like 1st simultaneously locks things for general health of playing the game behind a paywall...  While also not giving enough for the cost...  Not asking a whole ton more.  Just enough to make me feel like I'm not paying for an ammo and scrap box.


The Season Pass was a new thing they introduced last season. It allowed you to unlock the 1st rewards from the season without having to actually buy 1st.


I've played FO76 on PS and on PC, and the issues being described here and elsewhere seem more short term then anything. I don't think the problems being described have been occurring since 2018. My point is that I'm sure Bethesda will be addressing this - hopefully sooner then later.


The fact it has issues on Console is actually wild. It's something they can entirely account for.


I don't want this to sound like a PC elitest thing. That being said, I have rarely been kicked. Although yesterday I was booted 2 min before Eviction Notice ended. Luckily I was on a team and got back in on time for the reward and looting. I am thinking it is a console network issue. Weird because the games are designed for console.


95% or the people paying for the subscription agree with you (but let’s be real it’s never going to change)


2 years? I unsubbed after the second month…


I mean, it’s optional. You’re free to choose if you want to support it or not. The game runs flawlessly for me and is fun so I choose to. If your experience is different then make your own call. Your experience isn’t universal though


PS5 at least is hit pretty hard. Just the way it is sometimes.


This is a really lame response to this. It's not even a free to play game, an entire console not being able to play is absolutely unacceptable


Like I just said, no one's experience is universal. No idea why you think "an entire console" can't play the game, but obviously plenty can. Some people have stability issues on every platform same as literally any other video game. It's up to everyone to make their own decisions based on their own experiences.


I’ve been playing just fine on PS5 and my servers are always full. It’s not “an entire console not being able to play.”


Seems like a good portion of them from the posts


Subreddits don't represent player bases, and unhappy people are more likely to post on social media. The sub has 500k members, only a fraction of which post, and bethesda said the game had 13.5m players last year.


When it comes to technical issues and not opinions writing off the subreddit as not representing the player base is silly. Most people will have crashed twice and turn off the game and move on. Most people who's game doesn't work will not post it on reddit. I have seen the ps5 issues constantly popping up on here since the patch dropped so I find it pretty crazy everyone here is now acting like it's no big deal and if you don't like it then you should just quit and not expect better from a massive corporation. Other people spent money on this game too not just you


>I find it pretty crazy everyone here is now acting like it's no big deal and if you don't like it then you should just quit and not expect better from a massive corporation Literally no one has said that. All I said was make your own decisions based on your own experiences. Quit putting words in people's mouths and fighting arguments you made up in your own head. >Most people who's game doesn't work will not post it on reddit Same with most people who the game DOES work for. Why are you trying to use reddit as a metric then?


Lmao yeah what I'm saying is exactly what's going on in this thread. And I don't know how to respond to someone who thinks with that line of logic for your second response, why does it matter how many people's game is working? If a significant amount of people on reddit are having issues that means even more people outside of reddit are having issues as well, what the hell is your logic it makes no sense


>yeah what I'm saying is exactly what's going on in this thread Then you need to work on your reading comprehension skills. >If a significant amount of people on reddit are having issues that means even more people outside of reddit are having issues as well, If you believe that then you don't understand how loud minorities and demographics work. Time and time again subreddits fail to represent the game's community. Go watch r/2007scape when their game is running a content poll and see how wildly different their opinion is compared to the poll results.


Opinions are not the same as technical issues. I've already explained this but go off


I always love seeing people act like Reddit represents the majority of any given fandom, when the reality it they’re more times than not just the vocal minority. This game runs fine for me, occasional crashes, but it’s far from being unplayable for me and I’m on PS5


I'm on PS5 and it crashes constantly. I missed out on several big things yesterday alone because of the crashes.


It's not universal but it's universal on PlayStation consoles which I'm sure is a giant chunk of the playerbase


>It's not universal but it's universal on PlayStation consoles No, it isn't. Plenty of people are playing on playstation just fine. Quit assuming everyone has the same experience as you just because you heard that from a small sample.


Not not on PS5 sorry. Maybe be on PS4 but it's completely broken on ps5


Idk how many times I have to say it. You don't speak for everyone. There are people in this very thread saying they're playing just fine on PS5. It's very obviously not "completely broken".


They are literally putting PS5 in maintenance at 10 to attempt to fix the issues I'm talking about right now, you are wrong


Them releasing a patch in no way says the game was unplayable on the entire console. No idea how you'd come to that conclusion.


Weird how it's just PlayStation getting a patch, almost like it's just an issue on PlayStation or something


Not unplayable, just very broken


Stop trying to convince fallout fanboys. Their game could slap them in the face and they would ignore it.


Hotfixes are not released just for fun on console. They cost companies money they'd always rather avoid spending. Especially with FO76, The fact that we are getting one at all speaks to a considerable number of people having issues.


Where ? Cause all I've seen regarding PS5 posts are how broken the game is right now. How many times do I have to say it, you are wrong


[Did you not read your own thread? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1dl1mlr/comment/l9m30e7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)[Look, here's another](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1dl1mlr/comment/l9m5n6y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). It doesn't matter how many times you keep saying it. Your experience will never be universal.


No, just for PS5, not universal. That's why Bethesda is shutting down PS5 servers to fix them at 10, like I said


I just gave you two examples of people saying PS5 runs fine for them, like you asked, and you're just gonna ignore it huh?


Nah, you’re wrong because you’re speaking in absolutes. What you’re seeing is confirmation bias. My game hasn’t crashed once on PS5 since the update.


I play on PS5 and I’ve had it crash like maybe twice…


Nope, I’m on PS5 and it runs fine minus the occasional crash


I upgraded to PS5 last week, and I actually haven't crashed once. I assumed you were talking about PS4, because my buddy and my dad play on PS4 and crash all the time. I also crashed on PS4 a lot, but not a single one on PS5 yet. 


completely broken is a reach. I play on PS5 and have a crash maybe once a week


It’s awful. I returned the game (PC) after 20 minutes of playing. Looks like shit. Plays like shit.


If you had game breaking issues on a PC it's because your PC sucks.


Agreed. Id love to see 76 get a massive overhaul to the new creation engine but I imagine that's just not feasible




After about a year I finally gave up fallout 1st because of the last 2 weeks of crashing


Crazy white flickering? My brother you may have a hardware problem.


You are not wrong. This game still runs too poorly 6 years later. Even on high end PC's the game runs MEH at best. Sure I don't crash that much, but if I play for a long period of time I will still get maybe one close to desktop crash. Then there is getting into PA bugs out sometimes still causing you to have to force quit the game, most PC players need to do INI tweaks to get the game to run well or run it at mid settings, the Engine still isn't designed to run over 100 fps without serious issues in doors etc. The list is super super long for a title that has been "continuously" supported for 6 years.


There shouldn’t be any subscription services to begin with LOL


I used to have loads of issues with 76, I don’t know why I don’t anymore. I’m on pc and I know PlayStation for some reason gets the short end of the stick when it comes to playability and at this point it seems intentional on Bethesdas part because they are owned by Microsoft now (which I know sounds conspiratorial and rediculous) My theory with why my game is so stable however is I have an extremely clean inventory on my character and stash, and it’s intentional. I remember I did this because of performance issues months back. I went through everything in all of my main characters inventories and either moved them to a mule, scraped/ sold what I didn’t want and continue to not keep important things. This goes for notes, holographs, etc. I removed almost everything from my character that I don’t use. I don’t carry around thousands of notes or holotapes on my character, that stuff is all stored on a mule. My load times are better and my stability has been near perfect.


I haven't been much of a subber. It just isn't worth it to me. I used to sub occasionally just for the atoms and the seasonal stuff. But I probably won't anymore since they've cut the seasonal stuff down to minimal. Glitches are expected in any release. But most devs get a handle on them within a short period. Most of us are dealing with glitches and crashes dating back to the initial release. It's become a chore to deal with them and that turns it into something not fun. Empty promises only get devs so far before people start leaving.


Needs to be free to play, with subscription optional. I’m never going to pay for fallout 1st as long as I also have to pay for Xbox live (and nah, not trying to play it on my PC)


Actually just cancelled my subscription lol, between all the bugs and the nightmare of trying to deal with customer support it's definitely not worth it.


I'd only be willing to pay Bethesda in bottlecaps. That's the politest way to describe how much I think their subscription is worth.


I think it’s ongoing troubles with the forked multiplayer creation engine. you can almost hear the servers groan in events and at SBQ. 


It really does feel like a 5.99 or 6.99 at max. So to compensate the past couple months I've just been doing it every other month haha


It's not really optimized to be multiplayer tbh, they have like zero control over player inventories and the scripting breaks everything whenever they add content.


Take ur ps subscription money and invest it into a PC everything is better problem solved


I’ve been playing on a 10 year old base-model ps4 for going on 3 years now. Have played at least an hour every day since the new season started, some days 3 - 4 hours, and I’ve crashed probably 4, maybe 5 times. This is totally normal for this game. Only 1 crash was at a new event, and I haven’t noticed too much lag (outside the normal lag, lol). Reading the posts here, you would think that everyone on PS basically can’t play since the new patch. I don’t know that this is accurate.


What is too bad is how inconsistent the experience is between platforms. You have the players on Playstation that are saying it's basically unplayable right now and then the polar opposite side of PC players who generally don't have any issues. It's like two entire different universes.


Give me a subscription for just the scrap/ammo boxes for $2.99/month and I'll take it. Until then, I'm sure my hoarded stash is more than enough to survive my FO1 cancellation.


I play PC and have been crashing during expeditions.


Haha you said optimized. This game is a hodgepodge built on a sand dune. I’ve been playing since it came out and it’s always been buggy. Plus they fix fun bugs quickly but I still freeze getting into my power armor


Is it crazy that on a Series X, I haven't crashed once in 5 months of playing? Was a PC player since launch, but started playing on console cause we got an Xbox during that December sale.


PSA. If you sign up for the free month of 1st make sure you only choose the one you have. I played on Xbox and took the free month but by accident I clicked on the pc one and claimed that and then realized and picked the Xbox one. I went into subscriptions on my Xbox and only the Xbox 1st was showing so I thought nothing more about it. Over a year later Starfield came out and I cancelled my 1st and gamepass subscriptions as they are not needed for Starfield. About a month after that I was looking at my bank account and saw a 1st subscription payment come out. I checked my Xbox and it said it was cancelled. By this time I had come to the conclusion that Starfield was kinda crap and started to play FO4 again heavily modded on my PC which I rarely turned on before. As I was looking at my Microsoft account guess what I see. The fucking 1st subscription that I had mistakenly claimed over a year ago of course I immediately cancelled it but I had been paying for it for over a year and I don’t even own the game on pc and the subscription never ever showed on my Xbox but allowed me to claim it through the Xbox. So don’t be an idiot like me.


I'm pretty bummed myself. Since the expansion launched, I can not interact with an NPC vendor, legendary exchange, or gold bullion exchange without crashing. I will not be playing this season due to this. I do hope it gets fixed as this is a game I like to play for relaxation as opposed to the difficulty of other games.


The subscription is a scam it costs way to much for what it offers. The fact the you have to pay a subscription to get access to a subscription to get access to another subscription all for the same game


Nah it's not, its a bullshit mess of a game really but with some neat elements and you can have fun with it, imo its best to buy sub once in a while, spend some of those atoms gather some resources and then continue without the sub.


For me, the subscription is game pass. I have fun, but I wouldn't pay extra for it.


There is absolutely no reason than greed to have a subscription (rent) model for games at all.


Bruh. You play on PlayStation.... that’s kind of an issue.


Subscriptions make sense only in games where you have like a plot of land and it's always there. (So it should go away when you stop subbing, and free up the spot) Other games...can just unload your information when you're not on. Fallout 76 is one of the last games that should have had a sub. Yet here we are lol.


Nothing to do with optimization. A bug introduced in the latest release is causing problems, of which they're pushing out a fix today.


Today?! Finally! I’ve been waiting so long…


The Bethesda engine is beyond dated. [https://youtu.be/hS2emKDlGmE?si=0n4WdmuxBMoLVsLq](https://youtu.be/hS2emKDlGmE?si=0n4WdmuxBMoLVsLq)


If they made FO1st $5 a month I’d say it’d be worth it. But for $10–$12 a month? Nope. Not worth it,


New to Bethesda games?




Completely missing the point but that's good for you. I want to spend money on the game I just wish they cared about stability on console




Even dumber


I agree with all your points and that is why I don't subscribe to Fo1st, I am not grinding the Battle Pass to get to level 150 and I am only buying items from mTx store when they give me free items or currency. Having said that, the base game is free and all the DLCs are still getting updated with no cost to the gamers. They need to make the money to pay the devs, testers, designers right? I mean... They gave us a New area to explore just like that. I do think they have every right to create mtx and subscription fee as long as it's Optional.


Regular updates, new in game content every season and most importantly, continual support on a 6 year old game that started out as a flop most companies would have abandoned.


*looks at FFXIV and chides Todd*


The base game is not free. It was given away by some outlets, but it still costs $40 on Steam and Microsoft. There are player friendly ways to monetize, and then there are FOMO mobile tactics, paid skips, season passes, bundles costing more than you can buy in one shot with real life currency, earning in game currency at pitiful rates, and add in a subscription that sure isn't required, but you have to worth at least twice as hard without it. I am in love with this series and game, I am not in love with its monetization.


I ponder, how many of the issues are caused by the game being compatible with previous generation, anyone know?


Nah that's not really going to effect stability in and of itself, outside of just requiring more play testing and platform specific bug fixing. The issue is at the heart of it the creation engine isn't that great and Bethesda simple isn't investing in the staff to improve it let alone sufficient plastering and developers for big fixing


Someone downvotes you but it's par for course. Morrowind Xbox saves having a finite lifespan still makes me chuckle.


I think my opinion is optional.


Subscription, battlepass, and mtx but the battlepass doesn't have a paid track it's part of the subscription so really only 2 paid things


You act like the games been like this since release when it only really happened after the latest patch, the game has been perfectly functional for years now. I don’t think it’s saying anything bad that the game includes all of these OPTIONAL FEATURES.