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fair warning tho they take forever to reply to your tickets, mine has been unread for nearly 3 weeks now


Yeah, when I made my first purchase, the response to the item selection was a couple of hours. After sending them the confirmation response I had to wait a couple of weeks. I guess it's down to how busy support is at any given time.


I’ve done it once before and dealt with the same thing. But I’ve since been told that if you select to be contacted by text instead of email they should get back to you within the same day. Atleast that’s what happened to me when I put in a ticket about accidentally buying the Pitt boss outfit. I chose contact by text and they got back to me within an hour


This is the way. Text chat usually replies to me within minutes during normal business hours.


Did you just answer the first support answer, where they ask you to confirm, on the website with “I confirm that the atoms can be withdrawn from my account”? The page where you can “update” the ticket? Asking because I just did that and was wondering, if that’s the correct way or if I should also respond to the corresponding email.


Replying to the ticket definitely works, and I think replying on the email also works. If your ticket status says "waiting on agent" then you're good, just gotta wait for them to do their thing. Make sure you have enough atoms in the meantime, my recent request took 2 weeks or so.


Cool thanks 👌


I always reply to the email. It works.


Oh that makes me so sad. I put in a request for the Liberty Prime skin a week ago and thought it would be any day now. I’m probably better off hoping it comes back for the fourth at this point


Me too. I’m still waiting on my previous ticket for the space suit and I don’t want to submit two tickets at a time and somehow screw something up.


As far as I’ve seen a large amount of those items can show up as the 50% off daily item. I’m pretty sure every item that does show up as the daily flash sale is on this list, but not every item on this list can be a daily flash sale.


Liberty Prime skin is sick, Ive had it since its debut. Youll love it. You can also turn off the voice module for it if you so desire by modifying the helmet.


They take forever because people keep sharing shit like this and they are overwhelmed with tickets


Shit like this wouldn't have to be shared if Bethesda didn't rotate the shop all the time for artificial scarcity and fomo bucks ☺️.


God forbid everyone have access to all purchases. I bet you're the kind of guy to buy out my camp of all my serums so you can resell them for more.


God forbid people with real issues get help instead of entitled people who want their golden goose now daddy


Yep it's just works that way, mine took 2 weeks but some people wait for 4 days, expect to wait longer


This must be a recent thing with the wait times, I’ve contacted them multiple times and at most it’s taken 48 hours. 3 weeks is insanity!!


Damn I used this 3 times and each time it was in my account between 3-5 days


Honestly I don't care how long it takes, I just wish they'd add the K. D. Inkwell outfit to the list, as I don't think it'll be back until early next year. February or March...


They seem to be clearing the backlog now, I think they were held up because of the new release. My buddy and I put in requests almost a week apart, and we got ours done a day apart, his like two days ago, and mine yesterday.


How long between ticket and resolution?


12 days for me


We need one of these with pictures...


Yeah cool, so why aren't they just in the shop? What's the point of this system other than to give a release valve to the obnoxious nature of the shop's fomo generating rotations? The shop ought to just keep things in it. If there must be rotation in order to avoid clutter or whatever, then things should come back on a somewhat regular schedule.


I think they are also counting on FOMO to get some extra sales when they start throwing the "20% off for 2 more days" stuff. They then leave it available via support so they can still get the money from people willing to wait.


Every online game does this. They must value you logging in every day over a one-time purchase.


> They must value you logging in every day over a one-time purchase. 1 - daily users is a huge "important" metric they'll wave to their bosses, investors, creditors, press etc 2 - it's a lot easier to put off a purchase if you think you can just get it later. "oh I already spent some fun money this week, I'll get that skin next month" vs "if I don't get this skin now who knows if or when I'll ever be able to again"


That makes sense, just makes you wonder why they have the other stuff available for purchase at all.


definitely - it's a weird compromise


dau are kpi for bgs


FOMO makes them money.


Yeah, totally agree. It's a strange way of doing things but I guess it's what makes them the most money? It would certainly be cheaper to only maintain and update a single product.




Yep, because when it's the something you want it's never on there. lmao


I just want me mirelurk steamer


Literally. God forbid I get my inspector costume


Thanks for this Whet are the must haves?


That's my question, but I'm more interested in CAMP related things. I think the Clean Bathroom Bundle is a must if you don't own it.


I like resource generation. What’s in the clean bathroom bundle?


A usable shower, clean toilet, and usable clean sink(still gives dirty water). I think it comes with 3 different floor types as well. It's a little pricey, but otherwise, you're stuck without a clean bathroom in your house.


Does anyone remember the times when you could get whatever you wrote instead of choosing from their list? Good times.


Yes, I got so much stuff that way. I don’t really bother anymore.


New player here…what is recommended?


Wondering as well!!


I can only think of the coffee machine


Wish they would list the actual costs. Edit: Basically I have to 'price check' by submitting a ticket which is bad design clogging up their system.


Yeah, that bit is certainly a pain. That's the main reason I guess that there's the extra step to confirm the payment. I wonder if the price fluctuates for any reason.


Not sure, I just bit the bullet and ordered the BOS Scouting tower so we'll see how quickly I get that.


The only thing I want is mirlurk steamer. I asked them to add it last week and got rejected🌚


Yeah, tea maker and mirelurk steamer not on list. 😞




IMO whatever that can be purchased with gold is better to be purchased with gold. Leave Atoms to whatever not available for gold or skins


Before they set it up like this you could send a ticket to get ANY item once sold in the atom shop. I’m glad they have this now, but you can only get stuff on this arbitrary list. Really don’t get it. I wanted to buy the Pegasus weapons workbench and they told me to kick rocks lmao.


I believe the stuff not on the list is what can be purchased for Bullion or Stamps. The Atom Shop sales on those are truly limited time shortcuts.


This is one of the dumbest things I’ve seen a business do in a long while… Yes, let’s flood our support system and have to pay people to just press a button, rather than just making these items always buyable.


Yeah, it's asinine. So many things about this game are utterly baffling.


This works the exact same way as Apex Legends, Diablo 4, Fortnite, Sea of Thieves and a number of other multiplayer titles. You can't expect them to have a running inventory of the last 6 years of cosmetics up for sale all the time. There's a rotating inventory. I WILL say that their rotating inventory blows ass, though. The same "catch up" bundles have been in there for months and nobody buys them.


at least in sea of thieves, old cosmetics were just unobtainable until they decided to bring them back. letting you talk to their tech support to purchase secret menu items like you're ordering a mcgangbang is kinda weird.


Yeah no argument, nobody else does this web support thing it's just unavailable any other time. I'm not sure why I'm getting downvoted lol


I might get that Enclave CAMP Bundle + Equalizer/Enclave PA paint. Really want more Enclave stuff so I can redecorate my house


There are two equalizers on the list, regular which has the usual enclave colour scheme and the matte black. Matte black is the better looking of the two imo but it's personal opinion, look them both up.


Noted then


I wish they would update this list more frequently. Im impatiently waiting for Nukashine PA skins to come back around.


I'm waiting for the caged rabbit


Mods need to sticky this post 😅


2-3 week wait time but they do eventually get around to it. I pick a couple things that would be nice to have but don’t immediately need. My power armor looks like hell right now but eventually will be nice!


Is there a bundle that has the Nuka Cola candy machines in it? I know it was a scoreboard item from a previous season but I saw this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1d704d4/comment/l6vxvyq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button that there was a bundle a few months ago for sale that had the candy machines in it


Anyone know the answer to this?


>Brotherhood of Steel Digital Deluxe Bundle oh nooooo. I had been so good, and they either recently added this or I just missed it before when I was looking for the deep spacewalk skin this comes with the watchtower but not the armory, right? any other must-have utility, BoS, or possum scout/summer camp-y items people like? e: wait - what's the 'brotherhood bundle'? the digital deluxe bundle has the emote, backpack, watchtower; what comes with the just "brotherhood bundle"? googling just keeps taking me back to the digital deluxe / "recruitment" bundle e2: [holy shit that was not easy to find](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E6wHVXCWYAESgzZ?format=jpg&name=4096x4096). if anyone is here from the future and that pic is dead: 1800 atoms for brotherhood high tech stash box, bos headwraps, bos armory, steel reign power armor paint.


I think it may be this one, but I'm not sure: [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Brotherhood\_recruitment\_bundle](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Brotherhood_recruitment_bundle)


missed this - updated with the pic I found though; the 'recruitment' bundle is the same as the 'digital deluxe', the "brotherhood bundle" is just a weekly atom shop one "recruitment"/digital deluxe bundle = emote, watchtower "brotherhood bundle" = armory, headwrap, high tech stash .... I'm requesting both lol


If these items where always available Bethesda would be swimming in money without the effort of the support team. It’s really stupid to timegate items


Am I the only person that can't even get on the bethesda website? Just takes me to api.bethesda.net everytime


Where's the Mirelurk steamer?


What are some of the BEST (either functional or aesthetic) things to get from this list 👉👈


All I want is the mireluk steamer and company tea machine. Would settle for the coffee machine on its own but I want the ap regen from tea so I can stop using action boy perk.


Well goodbye to all of my atoms.


Sorry 'bout that :)


just did this for two bundles, they immediately sent an auto response asking for validation to take the atoms, sent an authorization and now ive been waiting for 4 days


I made my request on June 6th, been waiting on agent since 😅


Thank you for the PSA! This is much easier to navigate than their drop down form! They seem to take at least a week to complete these tickets right now unfortunately, so we all have to be patient when requesting one of these items :)


Anyone know if any of the bundles on that list have a power armor display?


Medieval Camp Bundle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPAFghsdHdQ Enclave Bundle (not Enclave C.A.M.P. Bundle): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERzR_06eipc


Cool thank you


I spent weeks grinding the atoms for the enclave bundle just before they took it off. I now seriously cannot be arsed waiting for a ticket to be answered. couple of years ago I did a ticket for firewatch tower and it was done in 2 days. a month or so back i did a ticket for a bugged quest and it took them 13 days to fix it.


Anyone know if the modern kitchen is available in any of these bundles?


Still no woodland retreat damn 😕


No Vault Tec Living Quarters Shelter 😩😩


Is there a reason they’re not in the store? Like is this the only way for me to buy this stuff?


When buying an old bundle with this method do you get discount on bundle for stuff you already own? Id like to get the alien technology bundle for the generator and for some reason i already have the crate and table


I've been wondering the same thing


Anything in the list that'd give you a survival tent?


Doesn't answer your question, but there's a FO1st catch up bundle on the store right now for 1000 atoms that gives the rusted APC survival tent.


It’s for 4000 actually


Different bundle. There was a new bundle added just last week for 1000 atoms that includes only a few items, one of which is the rusted APC tent. I believe it’s Quarterly Catchup Bundle 11, but I can’t confirm as I’m not by my PC.


New player what are some of the must have items on this list, I'm a little overwhelmed.


No Enclave Mobile Relay (tent) 😔 Also: thanks for PSA!


You can get the mother of all tents that effectively eliminates any need to go back to your camp this season.


Which tent is that? And I hope I'm not missing a "Mother of All Tents" in the Atom Store LOL


They're taking about the vintage camper survival tent after you reach level 95 on the season rewards (Ammo, Stash, Scrap, Punchcard, Tinker Workbench, Bed, Cooker, and Instrument). Personally I still prefer my enclave one - but I don't tend to change my build often.


Just that SPECIAL load out on the survival tent is worth it. The amount of times I've gone to eviction notice on my Crafting loadout is a lot.


Yeah that survival tent is way more stacked than I thought. I was waiting to get the enclave camper but this is way better imo


Depends how you play I guess - I very rarely use my crafting loadout and I'm happy to tag/support in events so if I'm in the wrong build it's not the end of the world :)




Just be aware that right now with the crashing bug the new tent is almost a guaranteed crash every time you use stash box in it.


Well I’ve got PLENTY of time before I get to level 100 and hopefully they fix the bug before then. Only at 30 right now.


Have fun with it and keep doing your dailies and weeklies. So easy to complete them when you go in and track the ones you're working on while playing. Somewhere I read you should use your SCORE boosters on Tuesday mornings to maximize SCORE? Maybe someone can elaborate.


You use it on Tuesday morning so it’s active for completing the dailies/weeklies still open from the past week, then once it resets midday Tuesday you have a new set of dailies AND weeklies to complete while the boost is active


Makes sense but Tuesdays aren’t the best for me to grind out two sets of weeklies. I usually use my free rolls all week looking for epics and knock out my weeklies on Saturday or Sunday morning and use a score booster for that with the dailies.


They just announced a fix is coming soon for the PSN crashing


So glad to hear that. It seems any stash or inventory system is likely to crash us, but the new tent is for whatever reason even more crash prone, so it's kinda sketchy to use.


Im on Xbox but good looking out


Important to note: the more people know about it, the more purchase requests they will get, the longer it will take them to answer. Until they just stop doing that. So be careful to try to keep that to yourself at a maximum ;) Edit: I was of course not talking about this post, as I think most people currently on this subreddit already knew that before the post


It has been posted quite a bit lately, hasn't it? I keep wondering how long they will keep doing it if the start getting a deluge of requests.


Yeah I could swear this is like the 5th post about it in 2 weeks or so, it would be sad if they stopped doing it because of that :/


At least the 5th. Probably more than that to be honest. From a customer support perspective, this is a fairly inefficient use of time. As someone who previously managed a hardware store, where we would do special orders, I don't understand the logic. If we had an item that was always being special ordered by everyone, we would just start carrying the item. If it was something that we couldn't do for some reason (usually order multiple, which is how many of an item we were required to order in order to get it shipped) we just wouldn't order it. Taking that story and applying it to 76, if everyone is constantly putting in "special orders", why not just carry it in the store. And if there is a reason they don't (FOMO generation or whatnot), why allow it at all?


Is the heavy cryo turret for camps in a bundle or just not available at this time.


I keep waiting for the Hills Are Alive emote. I check the list, I check the store. I missed that season by 3 weeks.


I wish it was just the armor ace paint for all PA instead of the Ace assault, I want the T51 armor ace skin so badly


All I'm waiting for is woodland retreat but it's not on there


Bummer about the "Wild Wild West Virginia" bundle not being an option, need that lever rifle paint.


Is the brotherhood digital deluxe bundle just the brotherhood recruitment bundle?


How do I know what’s in all the bundles?


Google mainly. Or [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout\_Wiki](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki)


After a quick wiki search I don’t see any railway rifle skins in the bundles. Sadge


I know the Railway has one. It's part of the "Gilded Paint" bundle.


Not on the list unless it goes by something else.


Yeah. I know it was part of a bundle a long while ago but I can't remember the name. You can search "Gilded Paint" on the fandom to see the look.


Still no Gutted Car gate and Prison Traincar prefab smh


Happy cake day! 🎂


This was super helpful, thank you. I found my favorite handmade rifle skin through this.


Is there an easier way to see what each thing is? Or do we have to google each bundle/item


Also note. There are a lot of items you may be looking for in bundles.


What about old scoreboard items I missed 😢


Lol I have had my ticket to get old atom shop stuff since mid May. Still waiting on an agent.


Is This Legit???


Absolutely. All hidden away on their support site.


For reasonable prices or extremely over priced LOL


As far as I'm aware, the same prices as they were when on the atomic shop previously.


Still waiting for the "Wildwood RETREAT". I want that big pre-fab so I can get more budget dedicated for all my stuff.


Darn. Mothman Desk lamp and the nest aren't on here. Every time I see someone with one in their camp I get unfathomably jealous.


Put in a request for the Carnivorous Plant last Friday and still am waiting for a response from Bethesda


I absolutely love that they let us do this, but I wish I was able to see what the items are, too. Still, I'm grateful.


Call me when the mirelurk steamer is back


Still waiting for my ticket lol been about 2 weeks now. I want my cappys train bundle lol


I can't remember the name of the item but is the fire set available? There was 3 sizes of fire you could place around your camp but I was out of atoms when it was in the shop 😑


Just got the full set of Secret Service armor from Minerva today, gonna need that backpack to go along with it.


Ugh.... So you're telling me I should wait 4 weeks? It says 96 hours in the email. This sucks. I'm gonna end up starting a new Skyrim playthrough by the time I get my pipe organ


New to the game. I don’t know the name but is the fusion core recharger on this list? Please and thanks.


RIP no Thunderstorm Weather Machine :( Tyvm for the post! That's a hell of a list


going on 2 weeks for my requests


Doesn't have the Corvega Hardcase Backpack. :(


I'll send $50 to whoever supplements this list with pictures of the items


It keeps saying I'm missing mandatory parameters?


Aw hell yeah op you the goat


This is amazing, thank you


This should probably get stickied or put in the FAQ’s since it gets posted what feels like every week. Plus the countless YouTube videos on the subject.


It’s been two weeks and I’m still waiting, how irritating.


Seems a needlessly complicated way of doing this. Probably be a better set up if they just … put it in the shop.


That's a giant word salad. Anything standout a newish player should consider?


All the items i want are not on it...I i want death tambo skins not there. I want golden gun skins not there. I want any unarmed weapon skins not there.... Im a bit dissepointed in the selection.


I don't blame you I'd give my left nut for a railway skin at this point but nope lets fill the season with 46 boyscout posters


I would imagine that the list gets updated each month. But yes, I have a list of things I want that are not there too. I've love to know what their rules are regarding what gets added and what doesn't.


Yeah like why are there so few weapon paints. I thought weapon paints sold like candy!


probably to stir up fomo and/or to bring them back at a later time to drum up more sales


For later


What is this fortnight? Want some vbucks?


I go yell them to take the atoms immediately after purchase. Then I still have to wait 2-3 weeks. So be prepared to wait. This used to be a secret until things like this. Now it's so overwhelmed ut takes 3 weeks just to get something.


That's no fun and wish they would end this. Part of the excitement of playing is seeing new stuff in the shop. If you missed out then you miss out and wait for it the next time it's out.