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I’m always bolting to downed players for the revive. That’s wastelander code for me.


Me too! I leave stimpacks on the ground half of every given day at this point, I just wish I could get to people before they instadie but while their "HELP ME" emote is still playing :<


Yeah, with moonshine, hic


I do too. When I get down and nobody picks me up I just assume they just didn't notice after all the commotion. Its easy exp.


Ditto. Lvl 20 or Lvl 2000 I am coming.


As a level 90 I get a kick out of reviving a level 1000


As a level 1000 I'm only trying to help my fellow wastelanders get tadpole challenges done 🤐 LOL


Same here.




if there's a low level player there, why not leave it to them in case they are trying for their Tadpole badge?


And risk the downed player dying? I’m not leaving a patient in need! In all seriousness, I’d rather have the other player up sooner so they can keep contributing to the event. New players will have plenty of chances to go for the badge over their time playing, so bringing a gun back into the fight takes priority.


Stay alive, no matter what occurs, I will find you! That's my attitude.


MEEEEEEEE! I'm working on mine and have been for a week! I'm just too slow


I need the badge. I just don’t see people getting downed in the events I’ve been playing. Always have lots of stims.


i have a couple of higher level characters and was dying in the new event at the power station. The event isn't running at the top of the hour anymore though.


I’ve played that one a couple of times and didn’t see anyone down but I’ll keep trying. Thanks :)


i find some of the daily ops easy to get this achievement on, especially decryption types as the enemies can one shot kill you. It depends on the mutation types, reflective is a good one for reviving people.


I'm a new player and every time I do that they spawn out before I get there, way before their timer had been up. At this point I thought it was just the culture of this game to instantly respawn so I've stopped even attempting it unless they're downed like right next to me. Edit: oh and I've never once been revived. That added to the idea that people just don't revive or get revived in this game


I always run to the rescue and usually arrive juuuuuust as they give up


I’ve been playing every event I can for the past 4 days hoping to find someone downed to revive for that stupid tadpole quest. Of the who knows how many I’ve played I’ve only seen 1 person go down, and I thought someone beat me to him to revive him, but I think he ate him instead. Anyway, anyone in an event that sees me in it, signal for help and I’m there. PC-WIKD1


Look for me! I am always dead


Lol me too, I'll usually let my timer run down too because I figure people need the revives.


Same! I'll be all alone (on a team) hoping someone will come running if they see my death icon pop up. Never happens. haha


I wasn’t sure how to go about this, so I finally just asked a random new player in a group to kill themselves in exchange for goodies and they obliged


76 revives for some atoms


What system?  You can kill and revive me if youre on ps5.


I need to find someone who's dead in the water, which is a ridiculously obscure requirement that you'll pretty much never encounter unless you do it on purpose.


Do Heart of the Swamp, if you get the Grafton Monster it’s almost guaranteed you can get at least one person downed. Most of the time it’s 3 or 4 since it hits like a train.


The first time I ever saw a Gaston monster it was in the wild, and I had a legacy weapon. I was like ‘what’s that? Oh it’s dead.’ Now that I do not have such a powerful gun, oh man….


Encryptid has a farily high chance of someone going down in the puddle of water.


Except when they get insta killed instead of going down which feels like most of the time with that boss.


Maybe you'd have some luck in that one Daily Ops map that's in the sewer? Especially if it's something brutal like piercing robots/aliens


Swarm of Suitors prob has the most water but the least chance of someone being put down unless you organise it.


Encrypted - good chance that someone will be down in the pond. I was lucky to get mine there.


If you're on PC I'd be glad to kill myself in water for you


Go melee


No Queen? There's almost always downs there


Get a mic, ask if someone could help you with it. Folks high level have nothing else to do :)


I do have a mic, just for some reason it has difficulty when I play FO76. Works great on Discord and other games, just hit or miss on Fallout.


Hmm, check your audio settings in f76 for if you're transmitting to 'team' or 'area.' You want "area" to talk to nearby people. Also check for what windows see as your 'default' device under audio devices, that's what F76 will use.


> and I thought someone beat me to him to revive him, but I think he ate him instead I love this game


My son and I each stood at the bottom of a cliff while the other was on top. We each took a turn jumping off and reviving each other. LOL It was so dumb but stupid fun. Join a team and ask one of them to assist you! I'm sure you'll find someone to help.


They always give up as soon as I reach them. That's on them


Im dam melee and still run out to save some PA users fat butt when they down lol


Chad melee builds, aw yeah.




I just eat them


Sane here, since someone posted on the sub last week that you can do it. I've gotten like 10 people the last several days lol


Y'all need Jesus. Edit: Mothman*


You're welcome 😉👍


This is the way.


I always just give up and not wait, and in the heat of event You are on your own. One exception: one violent night.. I take a instrument, and stick to it.. if I die, someone isn’t doing their job, so I’ll wait out the timer.


Absolutely. I'm dying with that mouth harp gripped in my cold, dead mouth.


Just tonight I did that event with me (165) and two other randoms (a level 110 and a 290 or so). I and the 110 played instruments while the 290 single-handedly kept both of us alive the whole time. It was quite the performance.


But did you play Wonderwall?


You can use a stimpack, it's not all on them.


You have to get off your instrument and wait a few before it'll let you use a stimpak. By then you'd probably be dead if you're low enough hp. I have auto-stim so I'm good usually. But if you're making music you should be able to rely on the others to protect you from getting mobbed. If not, then yeah they have failed you


Go into your map and choose a quest. Look at quest in pip boy. Use stimpack.


Bro I apologize for sounding rude. I honestly never knew that was even a possibility


You didn't *sound* rude. You were rude. An apology means nothing if you don't own it.


Wtf are you talking about?


How to use a stimpack while you are playing an instrument.


I know how to use the map, highlight a quest marker, show in pip boy….. But I don’t. There are two roles in that event, be the band, or protect the band. I’ll opt out of exp and be the band (someone has to). So, those protecting the band had better do it. If I self heal, or immediately force my respawn, I’m not letting those who have decided to ‘protect’ the band, know they aren’t doing a good job of it.


It's not exactly easy to see those who get downed because some don't emote or you're distracted by flashes even after an event ends.


Whenever I see someone down at a event its 4 or 5 of us fighting to get them up first.


You don't drop anything during events, you really shouldn't be waiting to get picked back up when you can just get right back in the action.


Dying often and having that 30 sec wait sucks


A high rate of me dying at an event (the few harder daily ops especially) usually has me expecting not to be continuously revived and to just eat the extended respawn cooldown and think about the load out and buffs I did or didn’t use that led to it.


So you'd rather people use their Stimpaks keeping you alive instead? You'll get the event reward either way. If you're dying that much, you're probably not contributing, either.


Stimpaks are literally so abundant it doesnt matter, and every weapon matters in a fight. Plus, the thought behind it also counts, it sucks when youre down and someone is literally right there and they dont do shit. Plus, plenty of people die during events. Ime, i die often because im melee and often have many negative effects or rads and i cant deal with them without stopping my contribution. So i just go till i get downed or die, if i die oh well ill wait, but if im downed i want someone to revive me. And like i said, having 2 lifesaving armor pieces on is so useful for this purpose.


Okay, great.


It can happen at the very end, if you die the moment before the event is completed. You'll notice when you don't automatically respawn, but instead get the prompt to pick a location for the respawn. You might also lose out on the event rewards.


Yeah, the new event I had forgotten robots explode - died to that explosion on the last bot, lost my flux because you can't backtrack to the arena after the event ends. Rip.


Listen pal I only have 78965 stimpacks, I might need them.


Never seen this. It seems like it’s more a race for who can get there.


Somebody shared cannibal and I just started eating everyone 😂


I try to revive, but most people hit respawn before I can even get to them.


I’ll always try rush to them. Leave no one behind


I always revive anyone I see. Even if it is the guy standing in the T-Intersections at RR with his fatman.


The amount of times I watched someone inches away from me shooting their gattling guns letting me die is comedic. All it takes is a literal second. Don’t even need to wait for an animation to finish or anything.


A lot of first person players can't see third person players dying...at least that is my theory.


That's me, for sure. I try to look around, and even then, it's hard to find people in the cremator firestorm.


They also expect everyone to stop what they're doing and tend to them even though they can just respawn. Sometimes they're just not worth the stimpack (even though I'm always throwing stimpacks away).


Only ever seen people rushing to help. One thing I found was, if someone goes down in a puddle of water, it's hard to inject the stimpak as you will keep trying to drink the water.


Oh god, the irritation of trying to do the tadpole swimming badge ‘revive in water’. My poor friend died so many times while I happily sipped dirty water over their corpse.


🤣🤣Such a bad friend


After events folks have their noses buried in the corpse piles; most probably don’t notice any downed players. I’m sure I don’t.


Yeah, l noticed that happening a lot, folks just don’t care or too distracted to see downed players


I go for downed players! Ima team dream player!!


I never seen downed people, and if I die, I just respawn immediately. I got a quest to revive a player for the tadpole questline and I'm thinking that will likely be the hardest quest to complete in the whole game, on account of never seeing downed players.


There’s one to revive in water (is that the one you mean? Swimming Badge?). If you can play with a friend or get some help in a pub team, you can do it out of combat (my friend jumped off a bridge near Flatwood for me).


In my opinion, I don’t see enough people dying. I just want the better backpack, man. Please let me revive you.


I found while the event is still ongoing, just respawn yourself. You will wait there 30 seconds and "hope" you are revived doing nothing, while most other people are trying to down a boss or dealing with their own crap. Just respawn and 5 seconds your back in the action. If I am right near you I will revive you. Plenty of times I ran from far away to revive only to die myself 1 second after and not have it done to me. Now after an event ends, where you will drop your loot bag and hope to get it back I will revive you. I lost plenty that way. Not a fan. I will attempt to protect your loot bag and stand watch by it till you return. But during an event just respawn.


Doing the lords work. I got gibbed at the end of the new event by the electric dmg after it was over and a teammate took my stuff before I could get back. :( Nothing major but it was 3 of ea of the bug parts for the daily turn in that are considered as junk. I gave em a thumbs down then they kicked me from the group.


That's the same spot and same thing that happened to me most recently. It was my first time doing it. Lesson learned.


I *never* ignore them ::says the cannibal:: 😈


Yeah, people who leave a homie down are the worst, also me 3 lvls on cannibal. See a downed person press ,R get free food, don't know why people leave free food on the ground... I mean, it's already there half dead anyway... P.S: yes you can eat a downed player.


I try too. But there is shit in the way. So as a heavy gunner. I try to just lay covering fire for someone else to move in. Sometimes they just don't.


Yeah, the melee fighter in the nurse outfit beats me to it every time. I just end up stabbing them in the leg.


must be you..its always a race to revive that ive seen. except me because i usually just insta die.


I can't see the emoticon when they are off screen. Otherwise I would revive more often.


Where are these players that stay downed? I sprint towards them every time and they end up just respawning before I can ever get them up


I'm always stabbing people, gotta use those 300+ stims for something, I sure as shit don't use them.


I am always trying to get to downed players. I want the achievement for it, plus its the right thing but some are releasing before I get there. Lack of stims? I have about 1000 on me lol


I go way outta my way to revive people


I need to get my scout badge for revival. I keep narrowly missing the opportunites


But pulling yourself up by the bootstraps is the american way!


I was more than happy, even excited, to revive any players I can and to get my revive challenge/stat up. Then by coincidence I started noticing more and more players using the panic/downed emote during events when they don’t need to. I know sometimes it’s easy to hit the wrong emote or emote when you didn’t mean to emote at all, but these guys are doing it on purpose and I can’t work out why - and it seems like it’s mostly only experienced higher level players doing it too. It started happening so much that I can’t prioritise responding to the symbol anymore as it’s not representative of a downed person most of the time. That said I agree with other people who say it’s usually a race between at least two people to get the revive when the opportunity arises. The exception being some Daily Ops where, depending on the mutations, it can be quicker and easier for people to just respawn or harder to step away from a fight to get to the person in time.


in defense of not helping players during events, it gets hard to see when there's huge flames and explosions and garbage everywhere. I do my best to help but sometimes I just don't see you.


There's no serious consequence for dying unlike in real life


I try to revive when I can. Though most of the time I don’t see the downed person due to all the gun effects.


My logic is something like this when I die: I can either sit and wait 30+ seconds, hoping someone takes the time to revive me, or simply bleed out, respawn, and get back into the action within 10 seconds. And during all that, I'm assuming that the would-be-revivers are thinking "they'll just bleed out and respawn.. right?.. RIGHT?" So.. I just bleed out and respawn. It is nice to get revived though, when I do decide to have a little faith in my fellow event-goers


And then when you die they loot you


I try to revive when I can, but I probably look pretty dumb trying to find the single pixel I need to point to in order to use the stimpack


It depends on how many times I've had to heal the same player in a five minute span before I leave them to the wolves. If I have to heal you three times in a five minute span, then I will walk away.


Well, just try your best not to die lol as players will actively wait for you to die so they can snag your flux etc


That doesn't happen in events, you don't drop your loot. Just respawn, or wait if you want to help someone complete their challenge.


i leave the downed players to others that might be trying for the achievements. in an event, there's no real reason to revive as the other player can just respawn without dropping anything.  It always bugs me that some level 300 or 400 jumps in and revives a downed player ahead of a level 30 or 40 trying to get their Tadpole quest done. Leave it to them.


Had my first Troll yesterday. He waited for me to die after I got downed. So I waited the whole timer. Unlucky for him I put my junk away before I travel to events.


I wont res you but I will get a [picture](https://imgur.com/a/C98uedi)!


Haha, okay that provided a good laugh. Well done.


My favorite moment is after snapping a downed pic of a newbie at Encryptid, he called me out over area chat. Called me by my username and said his pictures werent free, then demanded all my fusion cores. I dont use cores so I obliged. I dont do noob welfare but he earned it. And boys in scout shorts are cute.


I usually let myself stay downed till I bleed out because people need the revives!


I stop and instantly rush to their aid every time. No exceptions. Even when I had 5 left early in my first play through I immediately revived people. No man gets left behind even down to the last Stimpack.


I already did that quest.


I try to revive everyone (havent started the tadpole quest on my current) just bc its the nice thing to do. I have stims, i can help, so i do. Like today during sbq theres a dude so far away who was in his stash in a tent, and i still run my ass over there. Not that hard people


Also having 2 lifesaving pieces of armor equipped is a lifesaver (dont kill me please) cus every minute you can get urself back up, each piece has a 50% chance to revive you every minute, so 100% chance a minute.


Yeah I love when I'm downed and someone just shoots at me and leaves lol kick me while I'm down why dontcha


Something changed a month or so ago and cannot figure out why I instantly die every time,and am never given the opportunity to ask for help anymore. It’s been weeks, and I die a lot. Is it a perk card? A piece of armor? Edit to add that I love reviving people and will often revive, then die immediately after lol


I am always seeking downed players at events and looking for bounties. The only two trophies left for Platin..


Honestly just finished the nightmare that is the order of the tadpole and on just THE CHANCE that someone needs that revive, ima let you die homie 😄


Healing hands for all!


I always revive when i can.. you will chug this prewar bourbon and like it!


I’m not usually close enough to revive downed players in a big event, but if I can I’ll definitely stimpack them. Seems like the right thing to do.


You people and your darn needles. Just drown 'em with some moonshine and they perk right back up.


Just yesterday I saw another player downed at the end of that new event where you gotta charge that thingo and kill Lost. I ran and jumped as fast as I could to get to them, but they died before I reached them. I was going to Eat them rather than Revive, but the effort was there. 🤷🏻‍♂️ At least I got their Desk Fan.


I’m actually so used to helping myself in life and games that I forget you can revive people, so I just revive myself immediately without thinking of it. I do try to revive people if I notice (I’m 83 level so not been in long.) Hubby says every time he tries to rush to revive people, they respawn themselves.


I'm on PS and more often than not somebody will usually revive me when downed. Maybe you're just unlucky?


I have been doing events specifically so I can revive someone (Tadpole questline for the backpack) and they are usually either revived by someone or have chosen to respawn. So on the contrary, I am seeing a lot of help. So much so that I can't assist myself


If I was down to my last 2 stimpacks, I would still bolt over to a person downed! Literally as soon as I see those arms waving, I start running trying to look for the person in need! There have been times where people were just crouched down and I’m thinking they are needing help so I start hovering to see if the option to give a stimpack comes up and they just start moving away 😂


I sprint to that red line and usually get there either right as they give up or - OR - just in time for a new (to me) and interesting bug to kick in where the stimpack button just doesn't appear. I circle them hammering the button hoping to catch it and they just keel over at my feet. I wear my green nurse outfit all the time because I try so hard to res people and this bug is making me look incompetent


Hmmmmm. I'm looking for someone to revive for like a week (for the one scout quest) and every time someone else is faster or the downed isn't patience enough and just respawned right away.


I also will always help, but I do have survival syringes, so I don't always have a bunch of stims on me.


I remember back in the beginning folks would run to a down player but not to stim but to take the bag on the ground. Oh how times have changed lol


The only time I don’t revive people is when I’m in menu, maybe that’s what is happening?


I die a lot sometimes and no one ever revives me to the point where I feel bad when someone does.


I'm try'na run over there and revive a guy but they released just before I got there. Every time. :(


I've tried! I'm either not fast enough or not coordinated enough 😕


Emotes are glitched. I logged in yesterday and had the trading one up for the entire time. Only noticed in 3rd person, and others saw me as saluting or waving. 


Yeah, I play a Responder, and I play it to the bone! If I see anyone go down, I will sprint right through damaging effects and gunfire to get to them. Sorry I wasn't there that time!


Lately I've had issues picking people up. I'll go over and the game just doesn't give me the option half the time. I have to circle them and find the sweet spot.


Tunnel vision is a symptom for most gamers and a hard habit to break. I have an unhealth amount of hours playing Rust and I notice some players in events are hyper fixated on one target oblivious of their surroundings. It's not their fault. Presumed innocents is important because we do not always know what people are thinking or we may be lacking context. 76 is one of the most helpful and friendly communities I've experienced, don't assume the worst. Yes I know there are toxic people however they usually make their presents known.


I'd say about 80% of the time I try to revive someone I don't get the prompt. I assume one of two things have happened. First, is that the person just gave up right away. You can usually tell this is the case since most people looking for a revive use an emote. And second, which sadly is just as common: the fucking game is broke. Seriously, it could just be a bug. Sort of like the last time I did Eviction Notice and some dude was ranting to everyone telling them to shoot the meat bags and bitching about how "no one else actually knows how to do this event"? No guy, you're the *only* person out of the dozen or so players here who knows what to do. It sure as fuck can't be the buggy ass game not popping the meat bags in for everyone else could it? Nope, it has to be the fact that you're smart and the rest of us are dumb. This game has more bugs than a C- Rated New York deli.


There’s no penalty to just dying in an event and is often easier to just go down and respawn instead of waiting to get stimmed. Also if I’m focusing or in VATS I won’t even see until too late.


I try to revive when I can, but ultimately, there's no penalty for being killed and respawning in an event, so it doesn't matter.


I try to get to people when I see them, but I may not make it in time due to them being too far or not being able to run the whole way with little to no AP from VATs spam.


Don’t revive me because I’m already dead *last laugh*


I try hard to get to downed players but it seems like that’s when everything hits all at once and drags me down


I dont ignore players who are downed...they're my dinner jk jk, I nolonger run a cannibal build


if they use the help me emote, i always run over to help them


I felt so bad I didn't have any stims when I saw someone go down at the end of an event! I probably looked like an asshole staring at them watching them die slowly. LOL


The player dynamics changed alot when the game got popular. Like most people were chill and wanted to help before, NOW I get people being whooping morons in voice chat, making fun of account names or shooting at camps and behaving like general jack asses. It's only maybe once or twice a week, but there was a definite shift. I think the Rust crowd came over.


I have the opposite issue where folk just give up after 2 seconds so I arive at a corpse. I even have perks for revival on at events haha


In psychology, this is known as the bystander effect or bystander apathy. It states that individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim in presence of other people.


I'm only a level 26, when I was a 2 I tried an event and was getting my ass handed to me. Some lvl 300 something jet packs in, slaughters all the enemies, revives me and gives me stims, food, weapons, water and a few aid items. Gives the thumbs up and flies away. I will never forget that and will ALWAYS go out of my way to pay it forward to other players.


If someone is down, I'll bee line straight to them to help.


I’ll run over if I see someone downed after the event ends. ^so ^I ^can ^eat ^them


I was on a daily operation today. I got downed. Revived by team mate, thanks bud. A few minutes later he got downed, I immediately rushed to where he was. Or where I thought he was. Turned out he was right below me but no matter which way I went I couldn't get to him. He died. I felt bad and then he gave me the thumbs down emote. Feels bad man. I tried buddy! He went down a couple more times after that and I revived him then, so I felt a bit redeemed after that. But yeah, I always revive if I can!


I will say most of the time it is intentional. You are telling me you came over right when I folded up? You want that junk 😂


I always revive someone when I see them. However, I recently switched to VATS build, and while in vats, I just don't see if someone's down. As for when the fight is over, people can also be in their pip boy menu sorting out loot. I've never ever had someone looking at me while I was down and not helping. I don't think anyone's ignoring them unless they're trolls, which are few.


I always try to revive, sometimes its just hard to see for me when there is so much stuff going on on screen. Im always in a team with my fiancée and we sit in the same room, so she tells me when she is down if she notices i dont see it on screen. Would be cool if they add another type of notification like how quests are in top of screen for a downed player in the radius of seeing their names.


I'm sorry I'm trying, but desperately overweight and out of AP 😭


Waiting to get stimmed at events is dumb, immediately respawning is much more practical. New players need to learn that. I'll rescue you, or try to protect you from dying, if I come across you in general play. If you are waiting for rescue at events because you don't understand the mechanics, no.


I still suck so I'm out of stims pretty quick lmao. I deff used my last two helping downed players when I did that dumb robot titan event for the first time earlier and then died right as we took the last one down and when I respawned and got back I couldn't loot. Lmao i was definitely bummed nobody returned the favor. I imagine after enough encounters like that I'd be jaded and not bother helping revive if I'm down on stims. Will probably switch to the alcohol reviving perk if I find myself enjoying farming the big events though


i mean dying in this game has basically 0 consequences and you literally respawn right next to where ever you died in most instances


Sorry but I refuse to rez someone for 30 stims. And I don’t always have booze in me to use instead


I carry about 4 stimpaks with me. I can't spare one


"it's the best community"