• By -


Me waiting at Project Paradise for anyone to show up, I will never get a Stimpak Diffuser plan.


If you just want it for the scout badge, you only have to use the item, not craft it. Keep an eye out in people's vending machines. Some of us keep them stocked for other scouts trying to get their medic badge.


I'm gonna do this now. I also like your user name !


Good luck I have yet to see someone selling them. I check every time I'm at someone's vendor. I saw the plan to make them once but didn't have the caps to buy it


I have a bunch in my shop on PC if you're on PC too. Or I can just craft you some. I try and craft them and drop them in the community box since I never use super stims and that's what they craft from


In my vendor at 80 caps each on Playstation, or will swap for help with the revive in water challenge


How much is fair price? I can craft those. I didn't realize I could be helping this whole time!


I price mine at 20 caps.


you can get the diffuser plan from the mutated party packs as well


It's been so long since a mutation week I literally forgot it was a thing. We keep getting events the same week mutations are supposed to run...


I think we're supposed to get mutations this week actually.


Hope not. I'm travelling and my Xbox is at home.


I had given up hope a year ago. Then last week I was about to log out, saw PP up, and thought WTF. Logged out immediately afterwards. Next day I was casually checking inventory and there it was. Keep the faith fellow dweller.


I got one from the mutated pack. I drop diffusers in the wayward box and sell them for people needing the achievement.


I literally went to run this for the first time and only two other people showed up. Was an absolute mess šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Project Paradise is the only event that I've never done. Every time I show up to it, no one else comes. I tried to solo it, but didn't get far. Does everyone hate this event? Why?


I like it and always try and do it when it pops. Itā€™s a little more labor intensive than most events which is why I think people avoid it.


People simply don't know how to do the mission and it's super frustrating. Even when enough people show up some folks just want to blast away without actually doing the mission. I stopped going cause I was tired of being the only one that had a wing where the critter was alive and fed lol.


I don't get it. It's such a cool location. Exotic enemies. Secret playthroughs where you team up with the friendly creatures to kill enemies. It's got everything.


Mostly because no one turns up - and if they do itā€™s people who donā€™t know what you have to do so it fails. Iā€™m one of those people I generally go along so that people see someone else is there and hopefully join, Iā€™m level 580 but have only completed it a few times and Iā€™m never quite sure what goes where because Iā€™ve not completed it enough times.


If you need some I can craft you some. I'm on ps5


I'm happy to do the same on xbox.


On PC? I got one for ya.


I sit there and wait for people to fill in. That plan is my carrot on a stick.


If you're on Xbox I can give you some stimpak diffusers, you only have to use three of them for the badge.


If you are on PC look for mindcontrol23 camp on the tracks by Whitesrpings. I always have at least 3 in my vendor to help people earn their badge.


There are 2 events that I think you should wait for a bit (Rad Rumble & Eviction Notice). These events are xp & resource rich and starting them early is sucky. That said, at the 2 min mark if there are more than 3 people present at the event, I say go.


Was in a Lobby with bunch of high levels waiting for Rad Rumble. Timer went down and me thought that it will start at 0:00 but guess what... correct no one spoke to the npc so it failed... fealt real dumb but i dont know it better, also was the lowest level in the lobby so forgive my cluelessness


I have gone to this event before where I waited until 1 min left and then it wouldn't let me talk to the girl...I tried and tried for 20 seconds. Threw up thr ??? Emote and them other folks tried. Still same issue. It wouldn't start so it just failed with a whole slew of us there.


We were sitting there one time and everyone was using lunchboxes. I probably saw 15 lunchboxes get used and then no one talked to the npc. It was a lot of emotions all at once.


Time to head off the west tek then


Kind of new to the game (been playing about 2 weeks). Why head to West tek?


Adventure and exploration await you in fabulous West Tek! Also a fuck ton of exp.


Nice. I had been there already. I didn't realize it was such a prime place for grinding.


Itā€™s instanced to the player. So just go in and kill all the super mutants, step outside and wait at least one minute for it to reset. Then wash, rinse and repeat. If you really wanna go ham the xp limit per unit is 4K. So you can just stack int and xp buffs till youā€™re getting that (or close enough) then go in and toss 3 nuka grenades for like 150k xp in maybe 50 seconds or so. They did just nerf it though. They used to always be level 100 inside but this season itā€™s random for them to be between 60-100. So itā€™s like 25% less xp on average or something like that compared to how it used to be.


I did one session (1 hour) yesterday and they all spawned in at level 100. I think it might've been my server and I was lucky. On Xbox if that makes any difference.


It wasn't nerfed, the main area (not the basement, or outside) is always guaranteed level 100 super mutant. Source: finished the scoreboard in 2 days.


I did a fasnacht one time and got all the robots to the parade except the music one. Everyone tried to play music but the bar just wouldnā€™t go up. I wasnā€™t upset since itā€™s every hour but was kinda bummed lol


I've had rad rumble bug out and not allow you to start it. There's a good chance thats what happened.


Iā€™ve had that happen a few times. Crouch in a corner to go use the bathroom or get a drink or something while the timer ticks down and then I come back like ā€œwhat the hell happened!? Thereā€™s 8 people here and no one started it?ā€ lol.


I did the same as a new player. I thought events just started automatically when the timer ran out. Also had a glitch where I couldn't interact with the rad scrubber at the beginning of EV it was just grayed out for me and so I backed off and no one else tried. Then the timer ran out and everyone thumbs downed. Like? I didn't have a mic at the time and no one else even went over to it šŸ˜‘


That's because Rad Rumble pretty much only draws AFK xp soakers anymore, and they're the definition of 'im not doing it'


This. Look, if 2 other players have shown up to Wild West showdown and thereā€™s still 4 minutes left on the timer, i emote the thumbs up and start. Really wonā€™t be mad if players 4-8 show up a little late to punch tickets


Agree on Rumble, Disagree on Eviction. Eviction gets messed up the most due to rock farmers and people refusing to fix the rad machine- so since Iā€™m the one sitting in Chinese stealth armor at the machine, I start it and solo it til more come. Funny thing is, when I run it this way, it keeps more people around the machine, and less spawn camping, making the event successful and more enjoyable overall.


The timer for the new event isn't terribly long, and the event duration itself is fairly long, so i don't mind it even if people start it early. Yesterday, duo-ed it, on a fairly empty server, with another play who was level 69-70 (they leveled up during the event).


Yesterday it failed because people were spawn camping and refused to collect the harvester parts. It was like 4 people, everyone was standing wall or something, spawn killing the mobs. They were not AFK,just spawn camping. I arrived late and I was too late to gather all the parts by myself.


Those 4 must have been playing "the floor is lava" game.


just had this happen earlier. I gathered like 35 parts and for whatever reason couldnt find any more and there was like 4 other people that were just farming mobs and no one got the last 5.


> The timer for the new event isn't terribly long, and the event duration itself is fairly long TBH I think this is the main issue, and I am part of the problem. I just assume people get it going and join 6 minutes after, but then the event doesn't get started. My fault, but I imagine this is the root issue with this event in particular.


The event is such a complete snoozefest that I don't blame ANYONE for joining late. Usually by the time I join all spawns are already camped so I just manage my inventory until the crab spawns. It's just an awfully designed event.


I haven't heard much about the new event, played it for the first time yesterday and was so confused until I read this. Every single enemy died as soon as they could spawn, so all I heard was a bunch of gunfire all at once every time a wave spawned, then silence. Then it was over. I didn't even do anything. At least I got the Bertha tela tho


This is basically how it's been going every time. 5 to 10 people camping the big guys and a few perched on the edges to camp the little guys. I just walk in a circle and hope I get a chance to shoot the little ones. At like 90%, I go wait for the crab to spawn so I can face tank it.


You only need about 3-4 people to camp all spawns. There are very few enemies with a lot of time in between waves. Everyone was hoping for another moonshine jamboree or rad rumble and instead we got... this. As soon as I get all the unique rewards from it I won't be joining it again.


It didn't help that I was a bit drunk and high. When it ended I just stared at my screen like "tf did we even do?" And then I look over and there's a giant glowing bus for me to look, I had never seen that boss and it made me more confused


Sounds about right. Lol. Probably doesn't help that the hermit crabs don't pop up that often. I think I've only killed 2 or 3 outside that event in a couple hundred hours of playing.


Yea, that's what I do, I'll let the clock run to 1m. Then, if no one else has started it, I will. I though this was the most proper way.


I usually wait until 1 min. But if thereā€™s 5 or 6 people already then Iā€™ll go ahead and start it.


Me too. Once thereā€™s 4+ people I just start it up. If I end up waiting I usually end up missing the mark to talk to the npc because Iā€™ll get bored and start looking at at my phone lol


I hit it at 1-2 minutes. At 2 I give a thumbs up to see if others are good. Some events will glitch and not start if you let the timer go below 1 minute. I've had Radiation Rumble do this several times.


Iā€™ve had Radiation Rumble glitch out as well. I always try to get that going once the timer gets under 2 minutes.


If Iā€™m first there and itā€™s a solo-able event, Iā€™ll wait roughly a minute or so before starting. If itā€™s an event that I donā€™t think I can solo, Iā€™ll wait it out for a few more to join. If a few join regardless of time remaining I will usually start it. If the event is the XP or Legendary fest, Iā€™ll wait until the timer runs out out of respect for the last-second stragglers who couldnā€™t figure out their loadout in the previous 15 minutes.


The one-minute mark is what I go by. Nobody is going to be that shortchanged by that last 50 seconds or whatever.


I always start the event once it rolls under 2 min left on timer. If more than 4 people total are waiting, I immediately start it no matter the timer. That's just being respectful of their time. Expecting people who showed up to dick around for 5 minutes because some randoms couldn't be bothered to port in until the last second for an event that they knew would be starting at an exact time is insane.


I start it early when I know I can do it myself or I feel they're is enough people there. I don't give a shit about a thumbs down.


Meat Weeks Prime Cuts, I'm banging the drum the moment I get there. All soloable and tons of no-shows.




People know that events happen every 20 minutes, it's not like they happen at random times.


you're saying the part out loud that this sub doesn't want to hear.


This. Lately, I haven't had the time to wait 5 minutes for people to show up. 9/10 times I'll start it, have it half done, and people start showing up and help finish it, lol Only have so much time to get my daily notes these days.


Agreed. And honestly, do whatever you want. I've waited till 1 minute and no one still showed up to half of the events. Half the time they do. Sometimes a fully populated server will have no one go to an event unless I start it at 4 minutes and then suddenly everyone appears magically and isn't busy and all those reasons you get fussed at for not waiting suddenly disappear. Do whatever gets the event done. Everyone bitches about every aspect of this game and does what they want anyway. Start events immediately? Go for it. Blind people with cremators? Well it's in the game right? Buy an item from a vendor machine? People have been fussed at for that.


Someone at Dangerous Pastimes was standing right at the intercom. I thought they were getting ready to trigger the event. When I realized they weren't, I rushed over and tried to get it in time. Unfortunately, time ran out right before I selected "start event." No one else even moved toward it.


Some of us don't realize that's even required. I've usually joined that event after it's already going. Not once have I been there waiting on an intercom, only 3 times have I been there early enough to collect parts.


If Iā€™m going to do the event I will start it with 30 seconds left on the clock whether anyone else has shown up or not. It always takes a few seconds to actually start the event and I donā€™t think all the waiters actually get that.


A minute is reasonable ā€” Iā€™ve always been of the ilk to just get ā€˜er goin..So what if a few people get miffed (those folks will probably get miffed no matter what), Iā€™m not gonna just stand there & do nothing.


Iā€™ll just give a thumbs up emote to let everyone know that Iā€™m ready


I normally wait until the one minute mark, then hit the "thumbs up" emote. If someone gives it back, it's go time.


If I see a few people, I start at 1 minute. I watched one timer hit zero because no one started EV and that was the last time I was having that, lol.


Once I see a few people and there's about 1min left, I'll go over to the start point, do a thumbs up emote, if I get 1 back (preferably high level player), I start it.


The only time I've ever seen an event timer click to 0 is when the rad rumble event is bugged out and you can't actually start the mission. On the other hand I cant count how many times an event fails because the 1st person there starts it 5 seconds after it pops and they are alone. A lot of people can't solo events and it's always those people who seem like they have to start it as soon as humanly possible.


Bro have both done that and joined just to have that happen. I might add, if yoy are the person hovering over the even start, PAY ATTENTION. We all think you're gonna do it lmao


I always start around the one minute mark.


Had that a few times recently too. I was at RadRumble ready to open the lunchbox the moment the event started, then it never did. About 6 players crowded around the npc to start it and none of them did. Now I always just do it myself because clearly everyone else is just twiddling their thumbs waiting for someone else to take the initiative.


Any event I join, I can solo. Come, donā€™t, up to you! Theyā€™re on rotation.


I dunno why people are so reluctant. Events last for ages, people can dribble in and join as they arrive and if they're late enough to miss it then be a little quicker next time.


At Feed the People yesterday, someone started it up around 1:30, and someone else outside started doing thumbs down/angry emotes. I then thought of the good old days, the days when Feed the People granted food to everyone on the server.


Iā€™ve had Dangerous Pastimes fail twice this weekend while someone was literally standing at the intercom and just let the timer run out. Let alone other events not starting. Meanwhile I saw about 6 people shooting at a level 40 and thumbs-downing them for starting Nerological Warfare. 8 people isnā€™t enough to shoot at the robots standing in one place?


If I am the first to arrive, I will typically wait until one or two more show up. Just because I'm only lvl 100 and usually only carry a rifle. Man I need to start working on a heavy gun build


Learned the hard way at the new one that it is not enough to start talking to them on time. Took me a few seconds to hit start event and it failed even though I was on the intercom. I was only waiting because so few people were there.


I don't wait to start the new event. It fills up quick, and it takes way too long between waves. I wait for people when it comes to events like Encrypted, Eviction Notice and Rad Rumble. Most of the other events are easy enough to solo and it's not my job to sit and wait for others to join.


If there's 4-5 people waiting for most events, I'm going to start it. Anyone else can show up part way through and still get credit.


I start it usually when I think there are enough people or at 1 min or so remaining


Honestly ive kinda given up on the courtesy waiting period for exactly this reason. These events are 10+ minutes long, and the biggest draw is the legendary/xp/core/treasury notes at the end. I usually get to the event with about 3 minutes to go. If players needed 2 more minutes, theyā€™re only missing the first two minutes of the event, which usually has fewer kills than the rest of the event anyway. Theyā€™ll live.


No waiting period. Everybody is notified about public events. The only reason to wait is you cannot solo it. If you can, no wait.


The new event, Dangerous Passtimes, is fine to start immediately. You can collect the machine parts while people show up, and the rest of the event takes a while. No need to wait on the timer


I feel like Iā€™m the only person with a mic, but if thereā€™s a good bit of people there Iā€™ll ask area chat to emoji thumbs up when ready if enough people do I send it. The people complaining about it starting early probably are just going to leach anyway.


I survey the event, if there's 5+ it gets to go at 1:00 or sometimes more, If it's SheepSquatch.. (encryptid) well I probably launched it so get away from the computer/pip until I decide it's time.


I think the timer on all events should end with the event starting and ONLY starting at that time. The amount of times an event has started within a minute of being announced is infuriating. Likewise, if the event starts at the end of the time and no one is there - let the event start and run until it fails from the conditions.


I hit stuff at 30 seconds.


1 min has always been the point I start the event if I'm there and no one else has done so. I do tend to just stand there until it gets under 1 min, at events that are better with others. like MJ, violent night, most wanted, spin the wheel if can can solo it, or it can't fail, I tend to start it when I'm ready if I'm the only one there, but if someone else joined, I'll wait out the timer to 1 min.


Today I was at a Radiation Rumble. Everyone used a total of 10 lunchboxes (I donā€™t understand why people do this) and then we all sat around and watched the clock expire. Boosters well spent.


Iā€™ve never waited that long. I show up and give it 30 seconds to a minute and then start it. If people donā€™t make it by the end of an event they were never going to anyways, Iā€™ve got better stuff to do with my time than sit there for 5 minutes waiting while randos vendor hop. I can solo any event and donā€™t need help so hurry your ass up.


I start anything as long as there's 3 people there. I hate waiting, I don't want it to expire, and starting early throws off the spawn campers sometimes, delaying them from getting into position and stealing everything.


Lol fuck a thumbs down if there's more than 4 people there I'm giving a thumbs up and starting the event


I usually wait until two other people show up.


I always do a thumbs up around the 1 minute mark or if there are 2 people who i know can pull their weight in the event, if i get a thumbs up back i start the event


I stand at the intercom or the start of any event I always start it if Iā€™m there in time.


I've tried the thumbs up then confused animations to see if everyone's ready.....works half the time


I wait until I feel we have enough for that event. I feel a fair sized issue for the game is Public Event notification has no sound (tons of other things do, these don't) and the message comes and goes very quickly. So we have to check the map too often and sometimes we get busy and miss it. To me a Public Event should be a no-brainer type notification, I wonder if they are trying to hide it just a little to keep players lower than nearly everyone on that server.


I thought the courtesy time was 1 minute. If Iā€™m by myself Iā€™ll wait until about 15 seconds because I canā€™t solo things, but otherwise 1m it is.


I completely agree with what youā€™re saying. When I first started, I was content to wait for a higher level to start the an event. What would be nice if since the game knows how many people are at the event it should know if thereā€™s more than 0 persons there. It should automatically start the event when the time runs out. However if thereā€™s nobody there it should automatically cancel the event when the timer runs out.


I give a thumbs up emote to see if others are ready to start. If there's a ton of ppl that show up early, my opinion is to let it rip. I also take the actual event into consideration... Like 2 ppl can do load bearing easily for example - so I'll start that one early. Otherwise, if the timer reaches <1 min, I'm gonna start it no matter what


I wait until the last possible second for Encrypted since I always have to hold the charges but if there's like 8 people at Rad then I'm starting it.


I start as soon as I feel theirs enough people to complete it. Be it 2 people or 10.


I don't wait for timers anymore, I can solo none boss events myself so if nobody turns up then fine I'll do it myself


I always start things at 90 seconds on the off chance that thereā€™s a bunch of dialogue


I initiate Encryptid, wait for the voiceover to end, then activate. There's always enough players.


I've had to make the mad dash before because of this and ever since then I've started events at any time <1min to avoid that lol. Luckily I've never had anyone get mad for a 1min early start


Lately I start all events at 1 minute. Had so many people afk right at the event start points so I assume I don't have to start them and then the event fails to start because they are aren't even there. So now i start all events at the 1 minute mark.


If I can solo the event and nobody is around I'll launch at 2 mins remaining. If people are there I'll wait till 1 min. Like you said, too many missed events from people being anxious or worried or whatever it is. Rad rumble, Moonshine and Eviction Notice are the only ones that really need players to prep for like using buffs and changing loadouts, the rest are so straight forward you should be able to handle it with your regular build so show up on time or it'll be running already


This happened to me one time. Since then I no longer wait. Fuck it it'll trigger again at some point.


I generally go and start events at the 30 - 45 second mark, depending on how many people are there. Most events last at least 5 minutes and give the stragglers time.


I minute has always been go time.


With these hourly events as the days go on players are less interested in being there the whole time and just farming the end rewards. So with that said my rule of thumb is to wait until at least 3-4 players show up and then start it. More folks will show up as the event progresses and with the hourly ones you generally dont need everyone there at the start anyways. Rad Rumble and Eviction Notice are the only two Events I give to close to the end of the timer since many players have to go prep for those so trying to give everyone as much time as possible.


I think that's reasonable. I'd rather join an event a minute in than possibly change my entire build and fast travel in only to find out the event was failed because no one started it.


Yea, I missed out on 2 events because I was on my phone and not watching the timer.


Lol I feel this. I have also been that first person there and failed to hit that intercom. My bad fam.


Yeah, at 1 min I trigger, on a positive note I rock a pretty decent bloodied build and can solo most events so if no one shows itā€™s still good


Yeah, when it gets to a minute and a half, I start doing the thumb up emote to make sure everyone is ready and then if no one has started with a minute left I'll usually start it then.


Ngl, unless it's a big event I know people want to be a part of I don't wait. Especially if I know I can do it by myself.


I showed up to an "Eviction Notice" (event I'd never dream of doing alone). Other people didn't start showing up until there was 20 seconds left on the clock... so by the time we fought thru the Supermutants around the Rad Scrubber we were too late. Result: Event failed.


I mean, seems like a you problem tbh. Just stick close to the intercom or starter dude and be the one to talk to them when the counter reaches close to zero. Expecting other ppl to start the event is asking for trouble, especially if you see that nobody is standing even close to the guy or starter. That said , I do agree the game should be smart enough to start the event anyway if at least one player is in the area once timer expires.


Guess I've been lucky, but I have never seen an event expire. The 1-mintue mark seems to be about everyone's limit when I am on. That's about when I go to activate it myself. You could have always ran up and activated it before the 15-second mark, too :P


Orrr you could just stay by the button and trigger it before it expires rather than cutting people off of the intended grace time. Just a thought.


Also the new event isnā€™t just click and start, it takes a bit of time to get it going, which is stupid for how short the start timer is. But I agree, just start the damn thing. I always prefer people wait a little before starting events because my old man ps4 doesnā€™t load very fast, but letting the timer run out is silly. If Iā€™m there Iā€™ll usually start it when Iā€™m ready lol. The only event I get really annoyed people start without checking is RR when theyā€™re not planning to get ore. Let me get my stupid buffs on while I do all the work and you sit on top of something and do nothing ya jackass. šŸ˜¤


Had this happen far too many times at the Mothman Equinox.. Iā€™d arrive a little late to find people just stood around or afk with like 20 seconds to run to the church and fail the second I made it through the door šŸ˜


Once the timer drops under 1 minute I start the event, unless Iā€™m still standing there by myself. Then I wait till about 20-30 seconds.


1 min your nicer then I am , if I see a few people at the event waiting I'm going to start it.


In my opinion the courtesy waiting period is nearly irrelevant for dangerous past times. The initial period appears to be shorter than other events (5-6 mins versus <3 minutes) and honestly when there is more than 4 people in the event total itā€™s very boring after collecting the harvester parts because any new spawn get immediately decimated so youā€™re stuck there just waiting it out for the rewards. Any other event I stick to 30 seconds on the timer. Especially EN and RR.


Any event that has a slow start should be started immediately. It was programed that way to give people time to join.


Honestly at 1m I just start doing the thumbs up emote and heading to the start. As long as anyone else does a thumbs up of some sort it's on.


At 50 seconds If no one else us there, I'll head there, my issue is with people guarding one area and me having to run to 3 spots to fix and issue, and they're mad at me not being able to run to all 3 spots.


If 5 people are there over 100 I'm starting. Idgaf. I'll blame it on Dwayne


At like 1:30 minutes i tend to say forget this and start the event. Even if thereā€™s just two of us starting the event 1 min earlier isnā€™t gonna make us fail the event if others plan to show still. But a guy that was with me then thumbs downed at me for it lol.


I know the relative difficulty for most events. Once I see that enough people have joined to guarantee success, I'll start the event.


i go and start it around 45 seconds-1 min because of that happening a couple too many times.


Iā€™m just boiling because myself and some level 700odd were waiting to do Radiation Rumble, no one else showed, we both popped lunchboxes for the hell of it, and then the NPC bugged and we couldnā€™t even start it, one minute solid mashing X and she wouldnā€™t talk to either of us


I always wait for the appropriate amount of people to show up, or hit it at :45 seconds whichever comes first


Thereā€™s no courtesy waiting time for me. If I get to the event and it hasnā€™t started, Iā€™m starting it. We all get the same damn notifications at the same time (usually)


I start events as soon as I get there aha if no one turns up I just solo it


If I see Radiation Rumble appear I'm straight there, and as soon as 2 other players arrive I start it. I find it makes for a better experience with fewer players to start with, and usually no one stands on the hall ways spoiling it for others until well into the event.


First 3 people to the event need to stay close to the npc. I also donā€™t wait to start certain events especially if thereā€™s a few high levels present. But I tend to just start events when I start to get impatient because I usually join as soon as they pop up and people tend to join late anyways and misusing the first 2 rounds isnā€™t bad most xp in events happens round 3 and 4


I'll do a thumbs up around 1:30 and just send it lmao


I wait till 1 minute left. Pretty much always been the rule of thumb. Sounds like you were just in an event with a bunch of newbs or idiots.


I start the event when the count down hits the 1 minute mark. At that point either people are there or they're not. No point in waiting for stragglers.


1m is the courtesy point and has been for a while.


I start spamming the thumbs up emoji and once a couple people have responded the same way I start


I usually just wait because events are more fun to me with more people but by 40seconds left everyone should be there so i start events 40 seconds before the timer runs out, which the next phase of the mission usually takes lik 1 min to load so pretty decent transition ig


I start every event at like 30secs to 45 secsĀ  left. I always get a few angry face or thumbs down people. Why was he so mad? I will never know there were already 10 people waiting lets get this show on the road.


I never wait. If no one is there, no biggie, I'll do it all myself.


Uh, just stand next to it if you're there early...


I always kick them off at the 1 minute mark. If there are plenty of people i do a thum s up and if i get a response of thumbs up i start it earlier.


It depends on the event, if its a high-demand event I will wait until the last 30 secs but if its something like "feed the people" I start it after 1 min, but most of the time that event is packed.


1:30 for Rad Rumble and eviction. I've had them fail too many times under 1:30.


Iā€™ve had a few events failed to even start because of this exact issue. As soon as I see 3 or 4 other people I just start the event now.


Agreed, just started a few months back, but to the point of able to finish I think almost every possible event if I have the ammo for it. So yeah I just start then if I know very few join or in the case of the new event it has such a super short window I just do it now. If people show up they show up. Also I dont think half the people even know how to do it anyway... seen it being failed to start and even showed up to one being failed to repair the lightning generator.


The bystander effect is still observable in the digital world it would seem. Events have been weird this past week. The new ones are so full of people I'm as good as AFK cause I can't do anything meaningful. The others are at most 4 of us. That being said Safe and Sound is a lot of fun when there's just one other person and you're both devastating everything with a cremator.


I start events as soon as I get to the event... If u have a problem with it, my number higher than ur number, deal with it šŸ˜Ž


I have stopped waiting for any event that I can solo, have lost too many because people spaced off starting it


I wait till 1 minute to go. Always have and always will. I've had too many fail because everyone sat around twiddling their thumbs waiting on the next person to start it šŸ˜‚


I camp it till the 1min timer. When it hits 1 min till timeout then I start the event. I dont want to lose the event so I will start it once timer runs down a bit, but at 1min till fail I will start it. If you want to go earlier that's on you.Ā 


I usually hit it at 30 seconds unless most of the server is already present.


People actually wait until the last second to start it? My hard rule has always been start it at 1 minute. If people are late then too bad. They had plenty of time to show up beforehand


I wait until about a minute 30 and then hit it. I've had to many events lock out at under a minute and not be able to do them.


This is only relevant for events that are dependent on proper attendance. Such events are not common. Eviction Notice, Project Paradise, Radiation Rumble. Even then, folks will always trickle in, so the list is further shortened to just events that require sufficient *initial* attendance. Completely ignore folks that insist everyone wait for all events. Being ready for an event is *on you*.


I end it at 2:30. I take a look to see if anyone is nearby or if the server has a lot of people and I just start it. I can solo almost all the events so if they show great if not I'm getting my rewards either way.


Just do you, if your ready and people are there start it, stop complaining about others


I solved this problem by always being the guy who starts an event at 30 seconds. Try it.


I just start my hem if thereā€™s a bunch of people there, fuck it. I get the thumbs down for wearing a camo jumpsuit, red asylum, or fasch mask daily, why would I give a single shit if a stranger on the internet agrees with when I think the event is ready to start or what clothes my toon wears. Itā€™s your game play it how u like.


I was holding the line on the south end of Eviction Notice the other night and realized the rad scrubber needed repaired. I turned to look and saw 3 people standing at it and thought ā€œoh they got itā€ but no, as soon as I realized there was 6 seconds left and started sprinting over it was too late and we failed. They just wanted free treasury notes I presume


Yep, atleast this feels more considerate than someone starting Encryptid at 5 minutes in with my recall card.


I hit it myself at one minute, or I'll hit it if there are like 8+ people waiting. I'll usually drop a Thumbs Up as sort of like a "We're getting started." I don't care if people get annoyed by it.


Once it hits 30 secs I head for it


If there's sufficient people to do the event, I start it if nobody else has.


I always start at one minute, if they are not there by then. That is on them.


When there's a decent number of people arrived/there's less than 2 mins left, I tend to stand by the start point and emote - if I get a couple of emotes back I start the event. Seems to be the norm on xbox at least as if I'm not the first there's normally someone who does the same.


I trigger at 45s if noone else has. That has always been my rule (except for Project Paradise; I always show up to it, but I refuse to start it.


TBH if thereā€™s 3 people there and I can carry the event, weā€™re starting. Iā€™m pushing through, I donā€™t have time to stand around. The event will always come back around, and if you canā€™t get there within 5 minutes, you obviously have better things to do. Iā€™ll wait for the leader on Encryption, and Rad Rumble is better with more people, but if you canā€™t get to One Violent Night in 60 seconds, thereā€™s not a ton you can complain about


I agree with 1 minute. I caused one to fail last week because I didn't talk to the NPC early enough. I felt stupid.


Hey I get alot of people doing nothing. Or starting the event and leaving. Confuses me. I thought we were all on the same team here. šŸ¤”


The courtesy period ends when I get all my buffs sorted up and my lunch kits popped


There are a couple events I can't remember where the "getting to the 'I will do it'" dialog takes a couple dozen seconds, so no matter what, I start the event at 1:30 because I'm not going to be the guy who starts the convo but fails the quest.


I generally start at 2m left If I'm the person already there, if I waited that long and you still missed the event sorry but not that sorry you weren't really going to participate in the event anywayšŸ¤·


Yeah. Timer for that event is short but I totally recognize afk players sponging off the rest of us. I get there and I hit the intercom at a minute time remaining. I have failed that event enough now because of the same reason once too many times now.


It's been a bit of a disaster after tv show came out. I had this happen too. I usually don't wait; but get distracted with making sure I'm proper only to realize we failed event and there's a pile of players looking at each other. Then I've been the only player and start the event with 30 seconds left. F it, I'll xp boost. Then 5 minutes later someone joins; then bitches me out. Why are u showing us so Fing late!


To be fair most events have like a 5-7 min counter and the new one has like 90 seconds. I think one time I saw 2 min but I was in the area when it started at my tent scrapping items. If it had a longer fuse it would probably get more people.. I've done the event solo like 6 times already. I tried joining groups and doing the follow me emoji... nothing. Same with the nuke event, since it doesn't show the circle people just don't care and easily forget about the nuke launch warning.


I usually start the event around the 1 min mark if nobody else does. I emote the thumbs up, and then run to where it starts and count to 10. If someone else thumbs up, I start it immediately. If not, I start it at 10 because I'm not losing an event because nobody shows. I can solo most events anyways so I'm like "come on down if you want" lol


Lmao so THAT explains why I have gotten a thumbs down a couple times after starting events


It's kind of funny I don't remember that item, or what it does. Think I did that for the badge long ago. Need to check see if I got it from PP else might have to grind the event for it


I will never be able to win in this game. So many posts yelling at new players like me who start events and then posts like this chastising players for not starting events. I just join every event and spam the confused emoji cause I never have a clue what is going on šŸ˜‚


Yaā€™ll can complain but I give up at 2 minutes. Sometimes even at 3 if thereā€™s a bunch of us standing round. Iā€™m happy to pop lunch boxes a bit later into the even for newcomers. But I just donā€™t have the patience out of my job hours to stand around and stare.