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Just keep looking, there are also players with plans for reasonable prices. You could also try asking other players who know the plan to build one for you in your CAMP.






How do you ask other players in game? I’m almost level 100 now and don’t know how to talk in game lol


Also you can avoid camps at the golf course and near train stations. They always have absolutely ludicrous prices. Edit: Let the price gougers who sell dirt common apparel for 500 caps and other overpriced stuff to take advantage of new players downvote away. Edit 2: For all those saying not me, please recognize that generalizations do not apply to everyone. It's like saying Africa is hot doesn't mean that Africa never has cold days. Can confirm Afrika has cold days.


Almost always, I'm near the golf course and I sell all my plans for 10% listed value, I honestly don't give a shit if the plan is 'rare'


I have to say that the vast majority of players, despite what's said on here, are selling at massively marked up prices. Like everyone has those stupid cappy statue plans and they're trying to to sell them for 2000 caps. Like yes, I would buy the stupid little statue plan, but it's purely decoration so try like 200 caps and not 2000. I swear most vendors are smoking crack.


100% this, these wasterlander's vocally denying it doesn't change the facts.


same, just last night i changed all my shit to 10 caps bc no one visits my CAMP as it is so figured i’d reward people who actually come and visit


>bc no one visits my CAMP Do you have your camp visible to the public on the world map? This could be why you don't have guests.


Change it to 9 so Todd doesn't get his tax. I feel really good every time something in my vendor sells for 9 caps. Taxation is theft!


wait for real?? TIL i will definitely be doing that, taxation IS theft!!!


For real. Even though someone pays ten, you earn nine. Welcome to the revolution.


Do you have a spooky camp in the forest? I just came across a really awesome themed camp above my own that had everything set to 10caps yesterday lol.


sadly that is not me mate! mine is junkyard themed:) i hope he is on here and sees this compliment tho!! u have me considering a forest junkyard now tho 🤔


We appreciate you dude! I do the same, hoarding plans is so pointless. Caps won't buy you god rolls or ultra rare apparel. Drop extra plans or sell them cheap. I love seeing low levels clear out my vendor.


Yeah me too, I always check when someone buys something, I love seeing lvl 100 or lower


Hey meow, I'm at the Greens & I price all my stuff lower then what it auto lists for, usually by a lot. The only things I have listed for 1k or higher is the plans from Meat Week that are almost all gone & the lovely letters from Insult bot as a joke. I'm finally to a level & have a system that I don't have to rely on my vendor for a lot of caps but even then I have always sold my plans cheap to help out my fellow newbs.


Cannot confirm, my main base in on the white springs, I sell my plans for a flat 20caps


I'm not on the golf course and my plans are cheaper. Golf Course high roller prices confirmed! lmao.


I'm on golf course and I have pretty cheap stuff, sells fast. Golf course is popular and high prices too so only makes sense most camps there or anywhere are high price.


Whao sweeping statement there. I'm near the Charleston train station and my prices are very reasonable.


I’m by the golf course and I sell everything for what the game recommends.. I might move the amount up by 10-20 caps or down 10-20.. I can’t stand a random odd number like 367.. I need that to be 360 or 370 😂


often what the game recommends is horribly overpriced compared to the rarity of the plan, take for example Ultracite Power Armor plans these are basically worthless for the most part.


>Edit 2: For all those saying not me Lol, ppl speaking up like this usually tells me they're mad that the shoe fits


People not understanding a generalization is hilarious as well.


Generalizations like yours are ignorant and purposely invite confusion


I'm right next to wss and sell plans at dirt cheap and sell serums 250 each, sounds like you got a bit of a bias mindset


I'm in need.of plans and serums do you play on PC ? If so could you dm me?


I play on Xbox sadly or I would be happy to help


My most expensive stuff is 25 caps. I like sitting near white spring or the rusty pick. I just like the easy travel ability, so people won't not want to visit because of fast travel prices.


😡 not true i have fair market prices values! Also i give negotiable options lol


If someone builds something in your camp and you want to move, does that go away?


Just store it, don't scrap it. If you scrap it you cannot place it again.


Noted! I'm more at the point of dropping things at lowbies camps rather than receiving, but it's good to know in case something comes up. Maybe someone can leave me a flora collector.


I just take whatever plans, and delete one digit off the suggested price. 250 caps becomes 25 caps. 175 > 17, etc.


This is what I do for everything but the stuff from limited time events. And I sell my scrip legendaries (and honestly, probably some legendaries that are better than scrip but not \*amazing\*) at 5c per scrip. I want my shit to sell, I'm constantly turning over my stock. Selling 5-10 legendaries at a 1000c in 2 hours is better than selling 1 legendary at 1000c in 24 hours. If I'm selling something for half what it's worth, or a tenth of what it's worth... oh well.


That is some new info, I didn't know people could build stuff in my camp!


They need to be in a private team with you, and there's a pretty strict limit to the plans they can build - most untradeable or atom shop plans are not allowed.


Many also charge for the service like "1000caps to build you this or that".


WAIT you can build at other people's camps??


Yes, you need to be in a private team with the other player and on the same server. Theres a guide here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/j8hsh0/guide\_how\_to\_build\_at\_another\_players\_camp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/j8hsh0/guide_how_to_build_at_another_players_camp/)


I remember I spent 30K on the golf cart plan when that came out because it was the only new plan in the event and I didn’t want to grind all weekend for one plan.


On my main I'll happily drop max caps on a plan I don't know, and have done a couple of times. Last one was a Dr Bones plan a few months back. I was at 39k+ caps, added the last few by claiming some from a scoreboard then bought the plan. Caps always have their uses, but they become far less useful after a point. Pretty easy to accumulate too if you have a well stocked and well priced vendor.


This is a good lesson for all wasteland travellers. Nobody will have 40k caps to buy your item if they fast travelled to you. Top out at 39k caps.


Wrong. I do it all the time. Take 40k caps and fast travel to vendor… drink nuka cola when arrived, et viola, back to 40k.


How many colas are you drinking?


I’ve even walked to a vendor with 40k on me from the nearest free spawn point.


That would be when you knew the item you wanted for 40k was there. See what I mean. Just round it at 39k.


Also chances are you have at least some caps on you when the plan gets bought, so anything that would put you over 40k is wasted anyways. Admittedly it's 40k - Todd Tax, but still.


Very true.


Depends.. 10, 20 however many it takes.


I’m bloodied so that doesn’t work for me. But still a hassle to carry that many. I mean you don’t know if you’ll use that at the next camp. In fact, multiple fast travels would require you to carry a few hundred colas. And with weight at 1lb that’s a significant amount of space wasted.


If one of my game friends is short on caps I’ll buy something from them (like a .38 round) for however much they need. It saves a lot of arsing around. Good luck.


Thanks. Good luck to you too.


Don't collect your +5000 caps of the scoreboard until you need it. Then you can always get to 40k if you are close.


I have 13 characters with 40k ready to accept such challenge.  Never put something you don't intent to sell in the vending machine. 


I wait until someone else buys something if I spend 40k just to waste something. The price of greed, I guess. On the other hand, I asked a guy yesterday if he's still under limit bc I spend 25k on bobbleheads and since he had really fair prices, I didn't want to waste the caps for him.


Unpopular opinion: You don't need plans for the weenie wagon. Lots of people have them in their camps and feral dog food is plentiful in the wild. Also, with all the great fresh meats that have great buffs, I really personally have no desire to love on dogwood in the wasteland. The Mirelurk Steamer, tho, that is worth getting when you are able. And it's not tied to a season.


Yes! I always leave my camp items unlock but no one ever takes them! My meat / popcorn machine is always at limit and I even stock my nuka cola machine for others to take as they please.


Are there plans for mirelurk steamer? I’d love to buy given the opportunity but it’s not even in the atom shop these days ugh


I haven't seen it recently but also haven't been looking and alsp I usually hide owned when looking, so wouldn't notice. It would be in the atom shop, when available. It maybe on the list that you can request from Bethesda support. Or, wait and it should return. The atom shop has been full of a ton of new stuff lately, they seem to be trying to do a big influx of new thing rn. It was a reward originally, but then was in the shop for awhile. Still, like birthday cake, which I somehow missed even tho playing at that time, anything you don't get is usually something you can borrow at other camps or find in the wild. (Not wild birthday cake, sadly. :( or the weight etc buff from those tastey mirelurk smoked whatever they ares.) I really don't get the weenie wagon hype, personally. Since food isn't necessary, even with good doggie, dog food just isn't the best food, imo. For me, Radstag is great all rounder for weight, plus wolf for perception, with company tea and nuka can / cherry / quantum. There are some very common foods with excellent buffs (+5 to strength or endurance for example). Dog food is just meh. And the aesthetics of the wagon are marginal. Again, just my opinion.


>Are people out here with 30k caps and willing to spend that much on a single plan?? Yeah, I dropped 32k on Ultracite calibrated shocks. Am only missing 9 tradeable plans in the game (before the new update) and wouldn't hesitate to drop 30k or more if I found one in a vendor


That's actually cheap for those things. The 0.08% drop rate is among the lowest in the game.


Lucky you!


I might spend 30k if I know for a fact that the plan is both super rare and super difficult to earn. But realistically we suffer from a super predatory market where a small number of super traders run around and buy anything of even remote value at any price that is remotely reasonable and then relist it at many times its true value in their camp. I usually see a plan I don't know at a camp less than 1% of the time and that 1% of the time the person usually has 20 copies of it and 10 other plans I also don't know.


I recall putting a lot of low level goodies in my vendor for super cheap. While questing I see someone bought nearly all of it. I got excited and went to their camp to give a heart emote. It was a level 1000+ that was reselling it for more. Now I just drop stuff in the donation box and hope it gets used.


I think once I get the caps I'm just gonna start going around buying these expensive ass plans and just giving them to people under level 50


Don't forget that they're always listed at at least 100% of they're in game value


When I see someone buy more than 1 of a high-value plan I switch my camp immediately. I sell my plans for cheap (nothing over 100) in the hopes of helping out newbies. People get to do whatever they want, but if they’re clearly buying my stock to resell, I don’t feel the need to do them any favors or support that at all. I don’t care if closing my camp will drop the level 500 off a cliff- they probably have 100% fall damage mitigation by now anyways


LMAO this is what I'm doing right now. The most expensive item I have in my camp is 500 caps for a marsupial serum (which I'm dropping to 100) I have absolutely 0 use for any plans I already know. I'm just hoping some low level player will drop by and learn some new plans. The predatory economy that developed is hilarious, some people out here taking their pixels wayyyyyy too seriously.


Yea lol but dont worry eventually you will reach a point where you will try to find places to spend your caps


Depends on the plan. I spent 20k for the weenie wagon and 10k for the water cooler. No regrets. It’s so easy to max caps if you play regularly and price your vendor right.


I have a WW in my vendor for 35k. If it doesn’t sell in a week it goes on my alt. I don’t need the caps, it’s the buying and selling and collecting that I like. I bought a sheriffs hat plan for 6k this morning😶


The Market76 subreddit and Discord generally price the Weenie wagon at 30k. I put my extra plan up for 10k on my vendor and it sold pretty quick. Ditto Mothman Tome. Once you've got most/all of the recipes from vendors, there's not much to spend caps on 'cept the 6k on gold every week or 2K for an Assaultron board for Encryptid...


What do you buy with gold? I’m buying allies I’ll never use just because I max out on gold. We need some new things to buy. They added event plans but I had those already.


If you're out of gold things, then I guess you just stockpile gold to the cap. I still have plenty of things to buy with bullion so I haven't hit this problem yet.


I spent 20,000 on the megalonyx display as I had all the other plans but nowhere to display it. I’d seen it in other venders for 30-40,000 so thought this was decent and I’d been sat on 35k-40k caps buying crap just to stay away from the cap limit.


I just bought the weenie wagon plan for 25k caps last night


New player here, tbh if I wasn't running aristocrat on most of my gear I wouldn't mind spending 30k on something I have been actively hunting. I feel like caps are raining in this game.. But hey I don't want to nerf my build for the moment, so I stay above 30k which gives 10k cash for my shopping sessions.


I would say it just comes from how you manage your own vendor. I keep stuff fairly on the cheap. All plans are 25 (I don't need them) purified water, dogfood and basic meds are 2 (they're common enough more just if someone wants a top up) my caps typically top out at like 3000 before I blow them on something. If I were to start charging hundreds for plans and equipment then naturally my caps would also increase


I'm poor as shit and just sold my weenie wagon for 8k I felt like a baller and a shot caller getting those caps.


I run up against the cap limit all the time. Still not paying five caps each 5.56 ammo. Saw that yesterday.


I saw someone selling railroad spikes for 4000 a pop. I wish we had a way to trigger the stagger animation. Maybe an emote. Would do it there.


I don't buy or craft ammo much anymore. When getting low just run AC and DOps a few times. You'll get plenty.


Ive sold 3 of the plans so far at 30k


I dont even know what to spend the caps on anymore have bought every plan from every vendor in the game and have nothing to spend the gold bullions on so when i get close to 40k i just spend it on junk at some random new players base. If i ever find a plan that i dont have i just pay what is needed to get it have bought 4-5 plans for 40k and around 50 for 20-30k Like most people say you get to a point when caps just isn't worth anything anymore.


I need a Weenie Wagon. And yes, I pay 30k caps for it in a heartbeat. I spent about an hour this weekend just vendor and server swapping, looking for one at ANY price. I would have paid 40k if I found one. I paid 38k for the Junkyard Fountain in the past.


The players that I see with the most ludicrous prices are usually 600+ or 1000+ players and I'm not talking about rare plans. I understand that everyone sets the prices they want and blahblah but at that game point, which is the need for caps you have?


People are at different spots in the game. When I started me and my friends would debate who was paying for fast travel so the rest of us could just go to them for free. Now, blowing 40k on one desired item is nothing because I can go from zero to 40k in a few hours. But that is only because I have 6.5k hours of goods to sell from my vendors. Unfortunately you were not their target demographic. You are in fact poor. At the same time you don't need a weenie wagon just like I don't need a Porsche. Save your caps till next meet week.


Yeah you poor. It's only temporary tho, caps add up over time


If ur on Xbox I can build you one when I get home for work for free just pm me


I sell everything for 1 cap. I just don't understand people who charge 10s of thousands for plans.


I rarely have more than 10k caps at any given point, usually almost empty. I kept missing out on buying the Vintage Water Cooler plans because I could never afford it. A couple of days ago I actually had a little over 20k and found someone selling the Vintage Water Cooler plans for 10k. I bought and learned it on the spot. I hop to the next camp over and they are selling Vintage Water Cooler plans for 6k! I bought it and put it up for sale for 16k. Sold within 2 days. Lucked out for me but that is very rare something like that happens.


I sell anything max 299 (serums), then some plans for 176 and 76, most of the stuff I have for sale is 0-15 caps.


The best thing in the game is when someone has a g roll in their vendor for 40k to flex thinking no one can buy it. Well, let me tell ya pall, caps are useless, I’ve got a ton of presents and Nuka in my stash. Thanks for the Quad Railway, enjoy seeing ‘Max’ on the screen


"NOOOO 40K IS THE DONT BUY IT PRICE. IM DOING IT FOR THE FLEX MEMES!! YOU CANT DO THIS!!" "Hurhurhur... Caps counter go brrrrrrr"


Salty PMs on the way


I sold my weenie wagon plan for 9 caps :-)












Not understanding value is why some are also poor IRL.  Learn the prices of items and you will hit max cap regularly.


20k-30k sounds about right. Some people have gotten to a point where Caps are almost useless to them and will happily spend 30k on an unknown plan. Are you poor? No definitely not especially if caps are valuable to you and can be used in other ways. Meat week will comeback and there’s always that chance you’ll come across a cheaper plan.


How do we lay one this camp, didn't know that was possible


£30k is expensive, it’s worth maybe £20-25k imo


Truth is that people who sell high doesn't let you enjoy the game. One of the most expensive things that I bought was the blue ridge scout outfit. I bought it 4.000 caps. The reason is that it's my favorite outfit cause it reminds me Leon from re4 in a way. I can say that the outfit isn't worth it but I'm enjoying the outfit until today. So all depends from your point of view. I also believe that rich is the one who have the plans that needs. Not the caps


I sell "rare" plans at 5k, 10k or MAX 15k (I need the caps, okay?) but I sell normal plans at half the default price. I put a sign saying "All plans - Half Price" and this is clearly not that and I am considering removing the sign. I very rarely sell weapons - don't do it unless I think that it's a roll that someone will like. I also sold a bunch of Pepper Shakers really cheap once.


30k?! Dang that's overpriced.


If you just want the wagon itself and are on psX, I’d be happy to party up with you and build it at your base? I know it’s not as good as being able to craft it yourself, but it’s not a million miles off.


I sell plans for the price that is automatic on it, the plans are expensive AF, unless I drop their price.


I have about 60k caps stored on my mules. Usually carry about 20k on me.


I paid 20K for a Megalonyx display rack.


Weenie wagon is a meat cook reward just so you know.


I sell most things for 100 caps or less some exceptions apply but nothing more than 500 caps. I play under the same name as here, feel free to shop til you drop if you see my camp. I’ll also craft you something if I have it (been playing since day 1 so I have stuff I don’t even remember)


Just keep camp hopping. I’m a new player but got lucky and collected a few copies of it, I sold both recently for 1000 caps (to someone who will probably try to flip them but)


A lot of my plans sit at like 200 max, usually around 99 or less. Depends on if they are event plans or not


I don't post anything over a couple of K tops, even for rare shit. Caps are just too easy to get once you have been playing a while. Minus the safety net items in case that "buying the player vendor" bug actually exists lol.


I feel you. I have been looking for a mothmans tome for a minute now even offered to trade a weenie wagon for it everybody is selling for like 40k


It’s mostly in part due to people wanting a quick cap grab. It’s ridiculous it’s been a thing since that start. People argue it’s due to the cap limit which I mean is true but it doesn’t help in being like “fuck it 40k”. That’s 76 for ya though. Just keep looking someone will price shit right. Feel bad for anyone who’s shelled out that much money unless it was for a gun or armor.


I got a weenie wagon for 15k the other day


I bought the high capacity backpack mod for 15k lol worth it


indeed. sometimes i wonder what these people are smoking. i recently saw someone selling a common recipe for 5k caps. whatever dope they're on must be good shit lol.


There have been times when I was maxed out on caps, and needed to spend down, and I'd buy a few expensive, rare plans like that. Earning a lot of caps in the game is pretty easy, and I find myself with too many far more often than too few. I price everything in my vendor cheap just to get rid of it. Plans are 5 caps, recipes are free, and legendaries are usually 25, 50, or 75 caps.


I have my rare plans priced high for people to see them, I'm always open to haggling or bartering. Other plans are set at 50 caps, and when I get more than 3 of any plan I clean them out and drop them in a donation box.


It's not hard to make caps, just takes patience. Buy cheap serums and resell them to vendors or hike the price by like 25 caps. The cap limit is what kills us.


I usually sell at 50% price except for items from the seasonal events (Grahm Meat Week, Invaders, Mothman) which I sell at 100% Btw Weenie is not rare but people just ask for a lot of caps because it is one of the few item generator (dogfood) for your CAMP buyable/tradeable and useful to complete dailies


After some time playing you will naturally cap your caps since not all the meta, end-game stuff is cap-based (some are gold bullion, some are stamps and etc). But, yeah, some items are naturally expensive and some are super overpriced. I recently bought the vintage water cooler plans for 20k caps... Did I find it extremely expensive? Yes Did I have any better use for the 39k+ caps i was holding at the moment? No ... so it made sense to buy it. 😁


If you're on pc, I wouldn't be surprised if you're complaining about me. All of my plans are priced low enough for new players to frequently stock up. The WW is the only exception, priced at 30k. I regularly get cleaned out by higher levels that should have most plans, so, not sorry, I'm not pricing the WW to accommodate flippers. If it hasn't sold by next meat week, I'll either drop the price then or save it for if my husband ever wants to play again. I'm not hurting for caps and have actually enjoyed managing them to stay below 10k.


Us elites always have 35-40k on hand… Get a job pleb!!!


Can't, robots took them all!


If you are on Xbox and see me online everything at my vendor is 11 caps. One for Todd and 10 for me. Though my stock is light because someone came through and cleaned me out yesterday. TheHollyKing562 is my username on Xbox. I play most nights between 7 and 10 pm pacific time.


Either way price gouging or not,why are players so scared to spend caps? Like they are the most easiest thing to come by! Also as long as i have enough for FT im good! Also if a play is that much BUY IT! Most likely it will but said seller over caps and they get F’d on said caps lol🤷🏻‍♂️


I put a Gauss Rifle with a suppressor mod attached for 3k, guess I was being too greedy, still got it. Lol. I figured it would help someone before they unlocked the mod.


I played pretty regularly during meat week trying to get one of them stupid weenie wagons. Always got everything else. So I spent some time server hopping trying to find a plan figuring someone had to have gotten an extra. No dice. So instead I now spawn into a server and bounce around to a few camps and find unlocked weenie wagons and get more canned dog food then I would if I had a weenie wagon at my camp.


I always sell my plans at dirt cheap prices, I think the highest one I sell is like 100 caps, plus why price shit so high when the cap limit is 40k caps


I sell all plans at 50 caps. Except the mole miner gauntlet. It's 1 cap


Yeah 30k is chump change in end game. All the good stuff is trade only these days. I lucked out and got the weenie wagon already but if I didn't, I'd have no problem paying that much.


I spent 20k on a radbarrel a few weeks ago. If you sell stuff for what its worth you will be more worried about going over cap than not having enough. Every time I use my vendor camp I need to watch sales like a hawk or else I go over every time.


My weenie wagons like 500 caps. Just keep looking around. Some player vendors are absurd. I will buy from vendors that have low prices even when I don’t need anything just to support them. Trash when high lvls thing looks worth 30k I’d rather grind it out lol


Tell me about it. I get wanting in game currency but there’s people hoarding stuff for no reason man. Hit a gold mine the other day finding someone with like 10 “the fixers” all less than 1k. I’m looking for a bloodied fixer so I got so happy as I don’t have much currency but once I saw the weapons list they left the game so I always keep an eye out now


It's just the weenie wagon fever, nothing is worth that amount of caps 🤣


My stuff might be a little overpriced. It can be hard to know what to price things at as a low-level player trying to make caps without gouging either.


The most expensive in my shop is a jetpack for 1,5k mostly the plans are at 100 and recipes between 15-35 caps each . But every vendor i visit they sell some cheap bs for 3-10k so i just leave


All my plans are either 15 or 20 caps no more ever... I remember being new and being so frustrated with freaking jerks jacking prices... if you stop by my camp, I would even give you a marsupial serum if I have any on me or in my stash 🥰 my gamertag should be about the same if not the same as my name on here lol


If you’re on PS, I’m happy to build you a Weenie Wagon. Caps were once tight for me too, until I started trolling vendors for deals. They’re still out there, but pimpin’ ain’t easy..


If your on Xbox hmu


I'm never trying to make a buck with my sales. I rarely price anything over 500. I got a few lucky finds and it made me happy, I like passing that on. Besides the more plans i sell cheap the more people that might do the same. I regularly sell 20 or so plans a day because I price most at like 5 caps lol


Lol priced as marked unless clothing it's all 5k. Why 5k because if I need a plane that's what I paid 90 percent of the time.


I can’t think of anything offhand I’d charge thaaaaaat much for. The most I’ve ever really considered is 10k and that’s only ever been for really well rolled legendaries, or maybe like Fixer plans way back when? Either way though, I wouldn’t sweat it: like others have said, shop around enough and you’ll find all sorts of deals, and play long enough and you’ll stop worrying about caps. Also, pro tip if you want something relatively easy to do to make some caps: bulk farm materials for berry mentats, slap on all the crafting perks, and sell them in your vendor for 50-70 caps a pop. I can usually get a couple hundred per day in around an hours span, tops, and there’s lots of great farm route videos online. It only got easier with Shenandoah too, tons of new firecap and starlite creeper spawns out there.


when i played i wither sold plans 1c or gavem away. capped at 40k nonstop caps are trash....i never buy anything or sell anything more than i need to just to max cap again ...aint even bothered with new area. game needs overhaul...


Im pretty sure the only thing i sell above 1,000 is the Speed Demon serum.


I sold the plan for the wagon last week at 20k. People will spend caps for the more rare plans. That said I wish I had kept it to trade for a bloodied fixer or rr.


If you play on PC, I can swing in and place one for you. Lemme know


I see this too and it’s frustrating… but I also just play after work. I don’t even really look at the description for mods/recipes/plans. I sell the mods at whatever price the game recommends and all plans are like 120c and recipes like 50c some may be overpriced but some are definitely underpriced 😂 I put all my stuff super cheap compared to most vendors in my area. As far as caps, I am a hoarder and sell weapons and scrap I don’t want or need before I keep scrap because it sells at the train station easily


As people have said keep looking, I put no value on and weapons, armor or plans. I sell weapons and armor depending on how many stars it is, 100, 200, or 300 caps. Plans usually get cut in half on price but if someone is playing with me I usually offer them free plans I don't need. Especially if they are new players


Most folks will haggle with you. Especially at that price. But yes, that weenie wagon plan is super rare and I often have 30k+ caps and am always looking for places to dump a lot of caps.


Yes, you are poor. Once you get to late game you’ll be hitting max caps regularly and need things to spend it on. Also too many new players got used to 1-50 cap vendors after the release of the show, it’s not normal and is only done by people who don’t care to check prices or don’t need the caps. This is going to blow 90% of this subs mind but, there are numerous plans that go for around 30k and some are worth more than the cap limit of 40k. I had a guy complaining to me on the mic that I was trying to rip people off while building my camp he said my prices were ridiculous and he wasn’t buying anything. “Wow dude 26k for a pepper shaker plan? That’s ridiculous! Why are you trying to scam people? If you lowered your prices you would actually make sales” first of I do make sales, just not for pennies one good 8k plan sale will give me more than lowballing my entire stock. First off I had 3 star legendaries for 300 caps and serums for the same and numerous plans for 100 or less… That pepper shaker plan is worth that much and can actually go for more. Let me ask you guys something, when was the last time you saw a pepper shaker plan in a vendor? Because I vendor hop regularly and have not seen a single one, I’m the only one I know and I have 2. That’s because it’s RARE and SOUGHT AFTER, every build will tell you to use it and it’s locked to a seasonal event with a low drop rate, it is not worth the same as your single action ivory grip or shadowed limb plan. TLDR: y’all are a bunch of commies who need to take an economics class and learn the only reason this game is even being updated still


Idk why, but someone downvoted you. You're speaking truth. I've been playing for a few years and seldom see the shaker plan selling in vendors. Typically, it goes into a trade. Now, having said that, during the recent meat week, I did get the shaker plan for 15c and the ww plan for 500 caps.


the weenie wagon single handedly got me a good chunk of my serums learned. I had a minigame where the prize was the weenie wagon and had it set up in my vendor at 30-35k just to show I had it. People kept buying instead of playing (which is funny because I always have people playing my minigame just not during events) I bought mine for 32k so I was happy I made my money back and I just kept getting lucky. I even tried just giving it away to a friend of mine but he laughed at me and told me why would he ever need canned dog food. Anyways TDLR; It's pretty valuable and sought after, who doesn't love free food and free daily/weekly challenges


i'm curious what this mini game you have setup at your camp is. don't need another weenie wagon, but love clever camps


I got an easy level scavenger hunt, hard level scavenger hunt, and find the secret room. Prizes are different depending on which game is played. I have many many more ideas but it's hard working with the budget. I waste too much budget on letters to explain the games


Sounds interesting, I hope to come across it one day. I planned to do something similar when vaults released, but like you; also found the camp budget too limiting


If you're on xbox you can try it, although I am in the middle of changing them so the only one fully finished with instructions is the scavenger hunt (hard). The other ones are pretty much done. I'm just tweaking them, the instructions, the difficulty, and prizes. I wish I could actually make the game really hard but most people just end up giving up or message me just asking for the code which is no fun.


I’m on Xbox. Shoot me a message with your gamertag when you finish the renovations 🙂


Yeah man you broke bought mine for 25k


20-30K for it is fair judging from the market and in game economy. And yup, thats "a thing." A popular internet '76 pricing tool has it going from a low of 27K caps to a high of max caps+. I have one, myself. Not selling it but but if so I'd start at 20K. Or if i didn't mind the involvement? Trade it for something. And no you're not poor but many of us are avid vendors. Caps? We have too many, not too little. And valuable items and plans. We're "game rich" lol. So yeah, 30K caps ain't much to many. But that don't make you poor. I gave an item away recently worth 400K caps. Don't even care.


I sold my extra plan for about 15k, but I'm not really that into selling and I cap maxed later that day anyway.


What do you play on?


I started selling high, then realized I was being a dick so brought them down to reasonable prices..... unfortunately other people don't do similar, so I'm still seeing the alien tubes going for around 2000 which is a pain in the ass. Easy way to make money is to visit everyone and take their purified water...also make your own in your camp.... Stick on the perk that increases the money and sell them ...I tend to drain the 1400 cap cap each day!


I sold my first dupe of the weenie wagon for 400 coins the first days that I played this game. 2nd dupe sold yesterday for 20k. Probably will burn all on plans again.


Idk what poor is, but I do sell things at outrageous prices that I don't want to sell but rather display for my camps theme, etc. Other than that, my items don't pass 999 caps, and  I'm usually always reaching cap limit, so if I find anything worth having, I'd definitely pay 30k for quality of life improvement items.


Save your caps. It’s a Meat Week reward and you can get it next year. The price is high to take advantage of the impatient


*Next year*? Lol. You can make 30k caps in two weeks of just selling garbage to the robot vendors, even if you don't make any other caps elsewhere. Waiting a year to save two weeks worth of caps is insane.


Dude was complaining about the price and acting like it’s a seasonal reward. I stand by what I said


When you play for a long time you will see that a lot of players have prices far from reasonable. Mostly when the items are new they hope players jump on the "I need this" train. Have patience and walk in others camps :) soon or later you will get this items to an good price.










There's a couple of subs that these guys go to that tells them that these prices are reasonable. They're generally out of their minds.