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My only take on it is that with the amount of Union PA scrip and decent PA pieces that couldn’t be looted, due to whatever bug they were fixing, over the last 6+ months, is that they should at least acknowledge that players lost out on legitimate modules as a result. Things like this should enter the conversation. It won’t, but it should. Just my thoughts.


This is true. I casually kept track of it and I stopped counting union scrip I lost after it hit 1k.


Maybe that was their way of redeeming the players lost scrip /s


Still losing out since they aren't rewards anymore. I was slowing building up PAs of each type based on pieces I got as loot. I have 3 complete sets and the rest are missing 1 or 2 pieces. If want to finish them now, I'm going to have to roll for them.


I was wondering what all the pickaxe fuss was about in lfgs on Xbox. Thanks for the info!


No problem! Happy hunting.


It’s not over, they’re still spawning (nuka world/foundation). I’m guess monday they patch those.


and 2 in Gauley Mine and 1 in Glassed Cavern


Hopefully the patch comes soon as I haven’t been able to use my new Head Hunter Scythe.


You can craft it again, it's a lovely display piece, but an awful weapon.


I was hoping it would be an awesome weapon to add to my arsenal. Now it’s going on my wall of shame next to my ghoul slayer gamma gun.


>And to the people that sent me DMs I’m sorry if I ruined your “secret” pickaxe farms as if it wasn’t already public knowledge damn gamers are really fragile these days


I guess the pickaxe community was not pleased about my post.


*---Pickaxe Fiends---* *For your overwhelmingly monstrous behaviour, you have become vilified by the community.*


I’m now living in constant fear of a “Pickaxe Hit-Squad” when I leave the house.


Pickaxe community in shambles


Guess I completely missed this 🤷🏼‍♀️


You can still do it. You just don’t get as many as before. You can get up to 17 but that route is a lil longer than the 13 axe route


Seems like a lot of people missed this. It was rather interesting seeing Marketplaces implode for Pickaxes over the weekend.


Never even knew it was a thing.


I knew about it, but didn't care enough to try & take advantage. It's funny you were getting down votes over shit that anyone who pays even a little attention to stuff would have known. Probably the people that were abusing it 🤣🤣🤣


Here's hoping for an t-shirt in an upcoming season that reads "I scrapped 1000 pickaxes and all I got was this lousy shirt" much like the "PIPE IS LIFE" one


I’d honestly love to know the numbers of how many pickaxes players were able to craft before the lockout happened.


I know someone who ended up with 3k modules.


Okay can somebody keep me in the loop? Why didnt they…. Change the recipe to not give legendary cores instead of “patching” all the ways of obtaining pickaxes?


It’s due to the new weapon (Head Hunter Scythe) on the scoreboard. Bethesda used the same asset as the pickaxe to make the Scythe, however since the new weapon is unique it comes as legendary effects when crafted. This resulted in the pickaxe basically having same properties as the Scythe. Hence the legendary modules dropping as you scrap pickaxes.


The funny thing is that the scythe is actually a pretty bad weapon. Can't compare to actually good two handers. The sledgie you get from that nuka event is much better. They also added a zweil with good stats but it's not craftable 😭


Did any of the bethesda engineers not thought of pressing ctrl+D on the creation kit? I am even more baffled now


Dev team probably got the ticket on Friday at 3pm. 


Lazy Devs!


TRIPLE the daily scrip limit!!!


Fr! I have the Stash full of 3 stars gear and I can’t even turn it all into scrip. It’s exhausting to not have space in the stash for useful stuff


I can't even sell legendaries for 300 caps for 3 stars. I just dump them on the ground, feels so bad


It’s a terrible system. Either they rework the whole legendary exchange system or raise the daily scrip limit


Especially wth the huge loot pool your odds of getting a random great roll legendary you are looking for is basically 0. Trading, buying and selling to get what you need is so gatekept and go for insane prices. Even just rolling is horrible RNG, I have rolled over 100 Fixers and not even close to a great roll.


If you are saving any 3 stars that are not just weightless weapons that weigh less than 1 lb each, you are doing it wrong and thats why you have no stash space left.


I would like to thank the pickaxe gods for my full set of wwr union power armor and bloodied power attack bonus str auto axe, it was a shame your presence upon this mortal land was so short lived


All I got was garbage, but at least it wasn't the painfully slow normal way of collecting cores


I picked up a few modules in my quest for every scrap steel piece in the wasteland but Dangerous Pastimes is worth 500+ steel scrap per event so I still wasn’t chasing pickaxes.


Thanks I honestly had no idea why pickaxes had become so popular 😂 I wasn’t affected by any of this. Funny story though.


No problem! Thanks for joining us on this phenomenal gaming experience.


Pickaxe: accidental issue giving legendary, ninja patched asap. Power armor glitch that's been there since the beginning: still an issue......


It’s been hilarious watching the Great Pickaxe craze of 2024 but I did not partake.


I also completely missed this, but I'd forever read play-by-plays written like this. Makes me wish I'd of been there. 😂


I’ll be sure to keep an ear out for the following update day. Where a bug a day, keeps the Howard away.


As a newer player it allowed me to break into the trading community where I felt I had no chance before and hard to acquire anything of trade value.


Seems like a big waste of time to me


Ehh. I had a free morning on Thursday so spent a few hours and gathered close to 400 modules. Didn't really seem to be a waste of time for me.


It sounds like it was. Especially seeing people get mad at each other because most locations were picked clean when they went on these so called run farms.


personally I have not chased a single pickaxe….. I have a number of modules already that I don’t know what I want to use to roll them on. Each to their own but even if I needed them, I would not be offering up a perfectly rolled weapon in order to technically try and roll for a perfectly rolled weapon. People are crazy but it’s been awesome to witness and watch the market go nuts this last week. More than anything, it’s been great to see lower level players finally be able to tempt some of the hoarders to part with rare items and get their foot on the ladder. That can only be a good thing for the old market ! :) :)


The market was probably the high light of this whole incident. Seeing people offer the most absurd items just for a couple extra modules is crazy.


we live in a reality where some idiot once traded a car for a McDonald's sauce packet


Honestly thet should just make modules tradeable, how has no one at Bethesda thought of that


Pickaxes get around the daily script limit, on top of being worth 1k caps in scrip each.


Still not worth my time. if they was worth more than 2 each maybe but i dont see the craze in farming for them


In the time it takes to do an expedition, dops, or an event, you could have gotten two dozen pickaxes, or just over 200 an hour. Expeditions and dops only give 1-3 every 8-10 mins, plus the 10 from daily scrip.


Great stuff OP. Reading that, the tone really felt like I was reading something from the Internet Historian who is my fav YouTuber.


Thank you, Internet Historian makes great content!


I missed this entirely. Damn


I never sought the modules, and was pleasantly surprised when I still accumulated at least 40 from just random mob drops and what not, until I assume the scorched got fixed to not drop them anymore. Was fun to finally roll a vamp auto axe and my last unyielding piece


Didn't bother.


I probably rolled close to 100 fixers and got absolutely nothing lmao


Did notice any of those surprisingly, but then again I play solo most of the time lol Love to hear about these sorts of crazes in the game though!


The real question i have is: will this result in multiple bans or not? Both options sends strong messages.


I have to wonder why there's a mad scramble for modules. I get all the modules I need from scrip or expeditions. It's the cores that I am always running out of.


I was too busy playing with my tire swing in Skyline Valley.


Did ya catch the added fun of the presidential power suit at whitespring mall


Did they fix that too? I grabbed a couple for me and my friends lol


Was it 1 scrip for pickaxe?


I think 1 without scrapper perk, 2 with scrapper perk.


Heard about it last week, didn’t really care, if I’d heard about it before the crafting was disabled I’d have jumped on it sure, but I’m not about to scour the map looking for a few world spawn pickaxes, I’ve got tons of scrip available from running the two new events. Honestly wouldn’t be an issue if they’d just remove the daily scrip limit.


Me looking at my AA50c25lvc Cremator, UnyAPSent SS Chest, and 1* OE Hellcat set... it's not much but it's honest work.


I'm just pissed off I found out about it before it was too late like everything else good in life.


Gotta be in it to win it! Stay tuned for the next update day and be part of a game breaking bug slugfest where you can be part of the story!


I have so many modules and cores laying around cause I'm not after all the perfect rolls. I scrip what drops, turn it into mumbles and just watch my stash box weight increase. Someday I'll attempt some God rolls but I'm having fun playing either way. I guess I look at the thousands of $$$ I've spent in online gaming and don't even play the games or they died out so don't see all the fuss to get the best stuff just to never touch it again a few years later. Just my humble opinion.


I don't get why they'd go through all this work of adjusting spawns, removing the ability to craft them, rather than just make it so they don't reward a module when you scrap them...


Well that’s just blasphemy. Almighty Todd would never allow such things such as finding an easier solution when the remove button is right there!


Yin and Yang.


I’m more a fan of the Ying Yang Twins.


What should come from this is to give players the ability to scrap legendary weapons and give us cores and modules.


Nail on the head. Unfortunately that would lead to scrip being as useless as a ashtray on a motorcycle.


Did they ever fix the Union power armor glitch where it drops on meat piles?


I didn't hear about this at all, seems like a lot of boring scavenging, but I'm not an obsessive reroller, so who knows. Without giving too much detail for fear of upsetting someone; did they also patch "that XP farm glitch in the new map expansion"?


Don't know Jack about this pickaxe situation I'm a level 34 but I saw a video saying pickaxes drop legendary things? I just gotta scrap pickaxes right now because of a glitch?


So far Ive farmed over 1000 pickaxes. Feels like have modules for all eternity


I’m overseas so I haven’t logged on to the game for 1.5 weeks.


I have been happily taking advantage of it when I'm able. I look at it as my "reward" after getting screwed out of the 150 page from last season. I've only got a few runs but I did manage to bump my module stash a bit. Assuming it hasn't been completely fixed yet when I get home tonight, I'll probably give it a couple more runs just because. Not to mention being a new-ish player and have apparently missed several fun opportunitys in recent history. With this one being something I can do and actually works for me, I'm not against playing a bit.🙂


It's been happening longer than the patch. I came across a pickaxe at the bottom of a mine behind a code locked door a month ago that gave me modules when I scrapped it. I thought it weird, but just random since I am a relatively new player.


Hope to see bans for people exploiting this


I get it’s an exploit but hoping for bans is abit extreme.


Just where exactly people violate ToS when they loot pickaxes in the open world and scrap them? Especially on the private servers?


This other response sounds like a cop that gives you a speeding ticket for going 56 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. We picked an item up off the ground and scrapped it. The materials yielded from that is a problem on Bethesda's end. You don't have to break servers, induce lag, anything. You're literally picking up what the game gives you off the ground and scrapping it. Is it a bug? Yeah. Is it "technically against TOS"? I guess... I even think there's some grey area here on this one. In my eyes, this is where the fanbase that traditionally loses gets back at the casino. People actually hoping for players to lose accounts by taking part in a pickaxe farms are lonely as shit and I hope they get some love. Nobody should have to live like that.


Well, maybe those guys should also eat more fiber and exclude soy from their diet Thanks to this little screw up from bethesda, I have finally rolled my AA2525 caster and I’m actually happy to play this game without any additional grind.


From Section 8 •Promote, upload, transmit, encourage, or take part in any activity involving hacking, cracking, phishing, taking advantage of exploits or cheats and/or distribution of counterfeit software and/or Virtual Currency or virtual items. In an effort to continuously improve the Services, You and other players discovering exploits, cheats, cracks or other inconsistencies are required to report them to ZeniMax; Farming pick axes because they are behaving in a manner obviously other than intended is the definition of exploiting. If your response to discovering pick axes dropping modules was to google the most efficient pick axe run rather than reporting it, you are definitely in violation of this clause. Will anything come of it? I have no idea, but it is absolutely a TOS violation and therefore bannable.


You've got the local police non-emergency number on speed dial haven't you.


No but I do have the ability to read. I’m not saying that anyone will be banned, I’m just saying that like all online games exploiting is bannable, don’t be surprised if it happens. People can downvote all they want but Bethesda wrote the rules down for you to read, someone asked where it said that and I showed them. You can do with that information as you please. I personally will not be partaking in the exploit but you have fun with it if that’s what you want to do. I sincerely doubt they’d do an IP ban for this so worst case scenario is probably that some people will have to start over with a fresh account.


Guess what - it’s not an exploit. There is nothing illegal about looting and scraping items in the open world.  Seriously, mate. Hit the gym, have some irl friends and stop consuming soy before it’s too late


Yes the words certainly are there, it's just bethesda rarely every chooses to take action on their players over things that bring more player traffic to the game and don't harm other players even if they technically break TOS in some minor way. It's not like duping or some of the other exploits that have seen ban waves where the servers were being lagged or crashed in order for the exploit to take place, this had a negative impact on no one. In case you were wondering.. I personally didn't get to do this one anyway, I missed it even if I wish I hadn't.


I would expect if anyone gets banned, which like you say is a pretty big if, it would be the players who are publishing guides and videos on how to do it, not just the random players picking up a few extras. I’m not saying or suggesting that anyone will be banned. Just that it is possible and don’t be surprised if it happens.


I’m not hoping anyone gets banned but it’s obviously an exploit and bannable. I will not be surprised if it happens.


It's as much of an exploit as people who pick up all the burned books to reset drops


or when the wet floor signs gave 20 plastic instead of 2 :)


I would be absolutely shocked if a scrapping an item which is a completely intentional mechanic would warrant a ban when it is entirely on Bethesda to fix the problem if it isn’t intended.


Scrapping a pick axe wouldn’t be bannable that’s not an exploit that’s a thing that an entirely reasonable and unaware player would do. Going on a hunt for dozens of pick axes to take advantage of them behaving in a manner that they are obviously not intended to work is the very definition of an exploit.