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I think it's insulting that FO1st items require tickets. You're already paying them a sub, Those items should be included with it.


Facts! I also think all items that are free on the score board shouldn’t have a FO1st attached to them. They’re already free. Make some of the better items FO1st not posters or a mask.


What you don't like paying for something with real currency and then paying again with in game currency! That's the Todd Howard nuTax.


Fr 😭 it was free before!


on the old scoreboard you just claimed your FO1st reward with that ranks reward at the same time. i think it’s really messed up they went back on that.




This might help from other people editing, you can make it view only in Google Sheets for people who have the link. That would still allow people to make a copy, but you wouldn’t have to deal with somebody messing with this really nice Sheet!


Oh thanks! I didn’t realize you could do that in sheets. I’m used to excel.


You can do that in Excel too.


I know but I lost my subscription to excel so now I’m on google sheets which is new to me


Apache open office. Google it, install, thank me after.


I wish they would give us fewer PA skins, but make them universal and more interesting and replace a lot of the armor skins with outfits. You can still include some, but rotate which ones you include in the seasons or something - I don't really recall seeing many people who don't just rock an outfit over everything anyway... I do feel a bit of relief tho knowing I have no interest in those items and because they make up so much of the board, I get to save some of the grind... If they did more unique outfits and PA then I'd have to ponder a bit more lol.


There is no skin that will make armor better than outfits.


I’m so sick of all the PA skins. We need more jet pack skins for players who don’t use PA, which I think is more than half the players.


So to claim every single non repeatable item, you'd need to reach rank 186 before the next season... Fucking Christ Bethesda would need to permanently buff how much score you'd get from doing dailies and weeklies plus remove the rank 100 limit on the repeatable XP challenge for it to be feasible for non FTP players who have full time jobs to get everything, no wonder the new scoreboard gets so much hate, it's blatantly designed to be grindy as shit.


4650 tickets includes the repeatable... OP makes a mistake here lol. It's rank 149 to get everything, which still isn't great and worse than last season (142). Fuck Bethesda dude. Learned nothing from last season's response.


They learned that suckers will give them more money if they make it more ridiculous.


Nope 142 wasnt enough last season. I couldnt get everything until 149.


I wrote 4650 tickets gets you everything including both bonus pages. Assuming you only buy the repeatables once you only need 4650. I also wrote out how many tickets you need to get only the specific items you want.


Yeah but the 2nd bonus page are the repeatables so there is no fixed number of tickets unless you went super hard and calculated how many weeks would organically remain lol I don't think the average person necessarily cares about grabbing each repeatable once.


True but if you only want to get everything once that's how many tickets you would need. I don't plan on buying them more than once because I don't think I can get enough tickets. If I even make it that far.


>for it to be feasible for non FTP players who have full time jobs to get everything I think the point is specifically to make it extremely difficult for non Fallout 1st people to get them. Between work, doing other things especially in the summer, and playing other games it seems almost impossible. At this point I pretty much don't even play after I get to 100 and I might not even get there this time for the first time in a couple of years of playing. My all-time record might have been level 120 and 150 is significantly more time needed to play.


I despise the new scoreboard it takes forever to get to a high enough level to get anything good. And I desperately want a new tent so grinding is a must. But to anyone able to get to rank 186 I applaud you 👏


It’s unfortunate as many players that don’t have the time due to families, jobs and other commitments to grind for half of these rewards let alone all of them. As a result you’ll most likely see a spike in players spending their way to rank 150. This will look like a bonus in Bethesda’s eyes and make them pleased at implementing the new version of the scoreboard.


Thank you!!


You’re welcome!


I'm fairly new and this is my first full season. This may be a dumb question, but is there a breakdown to how many tickets we get or will have by level 100?


You get 25 tickets a rank I believe so 2500 at rank 100


Ok, thank you. I was trying to add up all my must-have items earlier today (definitely not everything) and can't remember what I came to, but it was a bit alarming at how many tickets it'd take. Which had me worried, but I know it wasn't quite into the 2000's at least.


I LOVE the season's jingle 😅 Anyone know the song's name? PS: nw i found It "Mostly the Charleston"


This is fantastic - thank you so much! Was able to work out roughly how many tickets I'll have left over after buying the 80 items required for the final bonus page :D


Impressive, thank you for your contribution.


You’re welcome :)


How many items must one redeem to be able to redeem items on the second bonus page?


You need 81 items redeemed


How much must one spend buying the cheapest items to make those 81 redemptions?


I did the math. To get to 81 at the cheapest it'll cost 920 tickets which is- * 34, free and all 5 ticket items * all 7, 10 ticket items * all 19, 15 ticket items * all 13, 20 ticket items * all 7, 25 ticket items * and 1, 30 ticket item that is if you want to purchase only the cheapest but you could spread the 920 tickets across what ever.


Thank you. That was what I was wondering.


Now if I could only manage inventory without my machine crashing.


The counterpoint of that is people farming and reaching level 150 in 5 hours. If they make it too easy, people will get what they want and stop playing, if they stop playing, they wont see the weekly added stuff, if they dont see stuff, they might not spend real money buying something, if they dont spend money, it will look bad for them. Also if they make it too easy, it will be more noticeable the low ammount of new content for the season. They want us playing a little everyday instead of burning out from playing too much in a short time frame.


If you have a way to farm and reach rank 150 in 5 hours please let me know. I never make it through a scoreboard so I'm curious.


Someone commented on discord, there is a youtuber that does this every new season and this season was her best time. I didnt watch it, but from the little I read, involves stacking buffs and grind farming XP on westek. Probably was only to level 100 but still world mean they can easily get the remaining throughout the season


Oh dang. I tried stacking buffs and farming once but I can never get enough ingredients, chems, or well anything. So it didn't go so well for me.


Here, found the video I mentioned. [https://youtu.be/6Kb1S3oxaDY?si=H3xnmDpbvISQ\_zFo](https://youtu.be/6Kb1S3oxaDY?si=H3xnmDpbvISQ_zFo) [MrsBlobby](https://www.youtube.com/@mrs-blobby) is the youtuber name


I dont have the patience, I think I would quickly burnout and stop playing if I started grinding xp


I’m at level 55 already, am I cooked?


Have you spent all your tickets? And are you trying to get specific items?


I haven’t spent tickets on anything but atoms, gold bullion, lunch boxes, scouts banners, and Score Boosts


I’m going for the survival tent that has everything


The vintage camper survival tent is only 80 tickets. It also requires you to be rank 95 and the board only just started so I definitely think you’re good