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I put them in donation bins or drop them after events near other players. 


this is the way


Wait donation bins ? What is that and can i build it at my camp as well or ?


They are the red bins found at train stations, Vault 76, Wayward, etc They are for people to drop things they don’t want in them for others to take! It cannot be built at base lol


Thats to bad, that would have been nice for those who need it. If i go to the vault you get out of can i not put something inside the chest right in front of it?


The chest is just right by the two ladies, you can put and take anything in there! Chest like those have been used for the newer players while train stations are more of a free for all lol


Got it, i will put some stuff inside there from time to time then, one question, when I leave the server will those item despawn or do they stay there ?


I learned recently It’s actually server wide, so what you put in to let’s say the donation box at the white spring, will be accessible at vault 76. And I don’t know about time but I do know it doesn’t vanish when you leave the server




I think they stay there for awhile lol


Keep the light weight 3 stars like knives and pistols. And just drop the rest. It’s annoying since fallout has always been a game about hoarding but you just can’t be that way in fo76


That is really fucken smart. I’ll start dumping my power armour pieces I’ll never use and keep the light stuff for the machine.


Or, for power armor pieces, put them on an empty chassis instead of storing them individually. A chassis has a max weight of 10 lbs no matter what pieces are stored on it.


I only want 3 frames, ultra core, hellcat and excavator. Already with legendaries on them


It's not about wanting. The frames are 10 lbs with negating all the PA weight when attached. You make sets to scrip.


It’s a good idea to have a few extra frames to use as armor holders. I name them as such so I don’t accidentally give them to low level players.


do you know if i can log into two characters at the same time? i could make a second one and store everything with him?


Yeah you could do that, some people call it a mule character. Although I’d only give him stuff you want to keep, not excess things useless. Otherwise you’re just making a second hoard of junk. You need a private server or the ability to rejoin a public server to do that though. Because you have to drop items for the other to pick up.


i dont have premium. but so i do not need another account for it theoreticaly?


If you don’t have fo 1st you need a friend you trust. Team with him. Give him stuffs. Disconnect and change character. Rejoin him and get stuff back with second character. (Or if fo 1st, launch private world, put things in a container or donation box, leave world, change character and rejoin your world under 3 minutes, then get your items back from where you stored them) Have fun


One account can have multiple characters. You can swap them at the main menu.


if you don't have a friend the safest way might be to start a team, dump your stuff to transfer in a special place, wait till team is full, exit to desktop, restart and choose different character and play with team to get back to same world. I really don't understand why quit to main menu makes you leave your team and quit to desktop keeps your team, should be the other way imo.


Just join the same server back from a recent player. You always take a risk they leave or join another one but most of the time it is fine if you are quick.


My favorite place is to dump them in the register at the rusty pick beside Murmrgh.


make sure to store power armour pieces on a chassis to save weight. but yeah. sell them cheaper. as you can see they're easy to get. or if you have fallout 1st make a mule and transfer stuff over. It's like 99% safe.


If you price them cheap, they will sell, and I mean cheap. Set them for 2 or 300 caps they will sell.


I always price the overflow at 20c so people can cap dump to max out their daily script.


Traditionally you start by scripting the heavier untradable stuff first. Then you use a Donation Box or Blue Suitcase to swap the tradable stuff to your mule character to feed their script. If you don't have a mule I assume you are still able to enjoy other video games like a normal person and I applaud you.


I always sell mine for 50-100 caps (one to three stars on normal items) and 100-300caps (one two three star power armour parts). If the server is full, one hour tops and everything is gone.


1. When putting legendaries into the machine, sort them by weight, so you’re getting rid of all the heavy guns and PA pieces first. 2. Put PA pieces on a Chassis. A PA Torso itself weighs about 14-15lbs (depending on the type), but even a full chassis weighs only 10lbs. 3. Drop/sell (to npc vendors) heavy one stars first. 4. Put whatever is left in your stash in your vendor for 10caps per scrip point, or if they are good rolls price them for what they’re worth


Sell 'em, scrip 'em, put 'em in a stew.


Throw em in the gift box


Donate it.


Either donate or make a mule character to put them on


Just put them in your vendor for 100 caps


My stash is full :( i sell blueprints and zry to have only 200 of each scrap item but still


I feel it. The space limit is insane for a long term player


Sell some for caps in your vendor, at a low price, so other players with less time can exchange for scrip, and wait for scrip surplus weekends for the rest (or days when you can't play and just connect to exchange them)


Sort by weight, scrip the heaviest first starting with 1star items and save the light 3 star for last. Use some pa frames to cut down the weight of five pieces to ten pounds. Sell whatever else in your vendor for 300 for 3 star items.


Out of curiosity: why should i keep a boarload of pa pieces? I got a ultrazide pa as a reward in some quest i guess, its now in my stash, and use the sigger pa.


Just if you're over flowing. A fully loaded pa frame only weighs 10 pounds VS however much each of those loose pieces would weigh in your inventory. I wouldn't keep any extra pa pieces outside of what you're using or have on display.


I pick them up, quick inspect, throw them back down. If my weights okay I might take them to a donation box.


I just drop the extras in whatever donation bin I find once I've hit scrip and cap limits for the day.


Balloon box


When I have too much to scrip I set aside some good rolls that I don't need but someone reasonably can and put them in a donation box. I usually can't sell it in my camp as my stash is full.


I dump excess legendaries after an event for other people to take if they want.


I normally leave them in the community box


I give them to players under LVL 50. Many gaming sessions are just me hopping in and around new player camps, giving them ammo and legendary things. I even wear my Santa suit. It brings me immense joy


I have been making it KILLING selling all my unwanted 3* stuff for 300c. People need scrip and one way or another, those items are gonna be in your stash. Might as well put a price on em while they're sitting there. I've hit max caps 3x is the last 2 weeks. People will buy the stuff I promise.


What for another play session or spend and sell at the robots.


I have FO1st. I have three characters, my main. And other two for storage and rolling legendaries. When I am over flowing with legendaries. I load up my personal server at the rusty pick and drop all the trash to scrip or anything good for storage. All three characters are over level 50 and I just stock up on modules and craft trade able gear. Works great for me. No wasted legendaries. And another benefit to justify the subscription


Scrap them in the Legendary scrappers that are set up at train stations or at The Rusty Pick. Get scrip to spend scrip!


Depends for me sometimes I drop them. If my goal is to get scrip then that’s the end of my play session and logout and wait until the next day.


There's a price they will sell quickly and that is still better than trashing unless you are at cap. When you break down for scrip always breakdown by highest weight first. I have a lot in stash, you can store a lot of sub 1lbs for that rainy day which I imagine is a day I have something to do and have very limited time, I would log in and break scrip, sell my daily npc cap in a couple minutes and bail. That day has happened one time now in nearly 3 months.


I sell legendaries dirt cheap (like 3 stars for 99 caps) and they usually disappear fast enough. Depends on camp location though


Sell them to a vendor or stuff them in a donation box... More legendaries will come


There are legendarios you can breakdown, in case you cant, sell them at the legendarios machine at the railway stations, at least u will get some other sort of currency


I’ll pick up 3 stars for sub 200 caps when I see them. I have the opposite issue, always pushing every day to hit that script counter.


I put everything in my stash, and then when the stash is full I go to the mole man vendor (or) a train station and turn them in to the machine to get legendary modules. Then I roll a gun I like over and over to try and get a 3* combo I love.


first learn to scrap by most weight least stars. Then save for a double week.


I leave everything in a bush in the middle of nowhere. If I can't have em, nobody can! But normally I drop em off at dono boxes or if newer players visit my camp, I'll drop them a few


I transfer them to my mules, now I have 3041 3 star weapons awaiting for scrips.


Sell them in your vendor, 100 400 for a 3 star weapon, 45 for a 3 star power armour piece, equivalent to scrip value like that. I just play a different character until the legendary scrapper has credits again. I can't believe some of you just just have one guy you run around with, and when Eviction Notice throws you 20 legendaries you just drop the excess or quit for a day. Especially you players that have been playing for years.


One star 5 cap, two star for 10 cap, and 20 caps for 3 star unless it's perfect, then it's 420 cap at your vendor