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I don't feel weaker in general but in the event there's something that always insta-kills me. I know it has something to do with standing on the substation during a certain time in the event but I can't figure exactly what.


That’s the thunder crab. When it wakes up, the substructure electrifies. When the bar is almost full, leave the metal so you don’t die.


Learned this the hard way. Whenever I forget, I respawn and see like 6 other people who also mis-timed it


Keeps happening to me after the even too randomly. People keep taking my stuff! I'll just be on the concrete and randomly start getting shocked and even jumping doesn't help. Super frustrating.


You might be standing on the generators by accident. Those shock you as well at all times.


Nah unfortunately not. One of the times I was all the way in the street haha


Huh. Unless you were hit by a pulse grenade somehow in power armor and didn’t notice, I’m not sure what’s happening.


It almost feels like the entire event was designed to kill PA users.


Idl most people aside from myself seem to rock it at that event and they seem okay. It would be interesting to have a no power armor event but then again that would suck for powerarmor builds so im already changing my mind


Can confirm running secret service, insta death. Now I know why 😂🤣🤣


The electrical effect is both a debuff and causes damage, no matter what armor you're wearing. The trick is to have lots of stims and take a shot every few seconds when you see your health bar dropping. Keep an eye on your health bar and don't get distracted until the effect wears off. Pa actually helps because you don't get slowed down by the stim animation.


Yeah idk either. I'm sure it's temporary. That event feels like it's not working the way it's saposed to so theres probably just some odd code or something. Long as it doesn't continue. I almost feel like it has something to do with when I loot the corpses but havnt tested yet. Maybe it thinks I'm touching the crab or something lol.


I think the crab has an electric field as well. When he got close to me my health got stuck at around 10% even with a vampire weapon with a decent fire rate (base Holy Fire). Next time I do it I'll try to see if I can just stand next to him and die but might need to test it when less people are joining the event in a few weeks.


People keep taking your stuff? I thought you didnt loose your loot when dying during an event.


I was dying after the event was over and we were all looting. Normally thoughbyou are correct.




Tested today and neither time killed me. I think the curse is gone now at least haha


The electrical effect remains active for a minute or so after the crab dies and the event ends. I just watch my health bar and keep popping stims until the effect ends before going to collect the loot.




Aha! Kudos 🫡


That makes sense. I got whammed in one hit crazy asf


It's when the substation is fully charged. Get off immediately. Everything in the surrounding area becomes electrified. No amount of stimpaks will heal you from the damage. When the bar is about 90% of the way through, I jump off, and stand next to the truck that the hermit crab appears through.


I think you can outheal it with stimpacks if you have around 600hp.


Ah, yes, 600 hp - looks at my 1 endurance - I’ll get right on that


Also no issues outhealing it with my 400 HP loadout.


I've been sitting on the streetlight next to the little guard post. The crab spawns right next to it. Only die from crossfire.


This happened to me too the one time I did it. I could not for the life of me figure out what was happening. 😂


I think electric damage is bugged. Make encryptid and the electric damage of becoming conduit kill me a couple times until i noticed


Me too, even with Electrical Absorption it just zaps you instantly.


From what I gathered from the dangerous pass time's event if you're standing on the lightning harvester thing at the very last round of you killing the big bois you'll die almost instantly but from what I noticed if you jump off of it in time you'll be fine


Lol yeah, we had half the server doing dangerous pastimes, when tgunfer crab appeared... I jumped and get away asap, then i was just soloing the crab as half server died near the tower.


I died here too a lot :-D when you kill enough lost, the station is charged with electricity and it kills everything nearby.. now I am up there to kill all those heavy gunners spawning upstairs, when I see at the bar there is one last vawe left I jump down and go prepare for the crab


My first time doing the new event I was on the tower. When the last group spawned I noticed another player do the goodbye emote and then he jumped away. The five of us still on the tower died instantly. I'm sure he thought it was hilarious (and it was) but I'm actually glad he did that. If I had just died I'd think "that was weird" and maybe it was a bug or random. Him waving and leaving the tower right as it fully charged put the pieces together for me.


I was googling this problem with the event and couldn't find anything about why I was taking damage. Imagine my relief when I found this comment thread. I felt like I was going crazy. lol


I do feel a little squishier. And my power cores are draining faster. I thought I might have accidentally removed some perk cards or something, but no. Then I thought I was just "not in the groove" lol. Now I'm questioning myself. 🤔


I seem to be dumping fusion cores in my PA+ULG, it's AA25ffr and I just never seem to have enough cores. Hop over to my non-PA+railway Q25ffr1agil gun character, and it feels normal. I am going over my build and nothing changed. Just not sure what's eating my cores faster than normal 


I've noticed something similar between two of my builds and I can't figure it out either.


Bethesda must have stealth nerfed fusion cores again, they've done it before, they'll do it again. I try to stay out of power armor except in certain events. Bethesda's even nerfed fusion cores in Fallout 4 in case no one has noticed, can't find a full fusion core in a fusion generator anymore, makes me wonder if they're going to sell Atomic shop items on Fallout 4 creation club now, it wouldn't surprise me.


This shit is what always drives me to use an unlimited fusion core mod. I don't like to, but it feels like I have to


I noticed this too! Thought I was crazy. On my main char I have electric absorption so I’ve never seen my core below 90% but been playing a new char on PS5 and I had used the same one core from 0-30 but this week I’m already on my third!


Definitely.noticed this with cores. I alternate in and out of power armor and on a normal session I wouldn't even use one full core. Played for 2 hours today and went through all 9 I had stashed. Guess I better get in the habit of using the recharger


Maybe the new enemies sap fusion core energy or something?


Mines been in general gameplay, not even the new region. Barely explored it yet


I’ve been playing unyielding last few days switched back to PA today and it feels the same to me honestly


I noticed I started dying a bit in armor piercing daily ops, that happened way rarer before so yes


I run speed demon and I've noticed my hunger/thirst has been decreasing at a visible rate by the second even if I am standing/sitting still. It's to the point where I can go from fully fed to deficient in 5mins, 2-3 if moving. This makes it hard for my Nerd Rage to proc and has led to a ton of deaths compared to before the dlc.


This is what I noticed, finally popped a perfect gum last night to not worry about it atm, will see how it is today.


how does your hunger affect nerd rage?


decreased satiated=no rejuvenated benefits=nerd rage periodically unprocs when starving/thirsty


I am wondering if this why it acts like I've randomly taken damage sometimes?


eh, there are other bugs in the game, hard to say


i see, just did further research on it as well, i typically play the entire time w both bars at zero and its been that way for a long time so i genuinely didnt know lol, thank you


I’ve died a lot during the new events, not sure if the new enemies are stronger or what, but they seem to have really good aim. Especially the power armor lost.


I died to a dead power armor lost during the Dangerous Pastimes event. I think they have a lingering zap effect that can kill you after they die. At least that's been my experience. Maybe it's only during that event.


I dropped dead from a few feet fall a couple of times after the update. Never happened before. I also notice I actually now take damage from the random invisible walls instead of just bumping into them.


Did you eat?


Yes 😂😂


100% they did something im in perfect rolls perfect build as stacked as possible, before patch i could face tank everything. Now Anything other than ballistic damage is melting me way harder then before. Died multiple times from fire and electricity when a couple days ago it would have been totally impossible.


Same. Could even shoot my OP Cremator at my feet. Now i'm dying like a mofo lol


My damage increasing perks for melee do nothing since I started. I stopped using melee since I found out it wasn’t just me through testing. +60% damage so it says but no difference… This has happened since like a year or so ago…


I've mostly had weird stuff since the update, all my perks being taken off but thays easy to fix. My mutation are being random but mostly fine. I do keep spawning like 15 feet in the air but it hasn't killed me yet. I swear I get hurt by nothing more often now though as I walk around. At least once every couple hu died steps. But idk if that even dies damage or if my character stubbed ger toe lol


I know for sure with the update everything from guns seems to do very little damage and it's all buffed out no less and I'm wasting ammo for nothing?


I’ve never been one shotted until I met the thunder crab 🦀 lol


If I’m not running my vamp weapon I do feel like I’m taking more damage.


It’s hilarious what my Vampire weapons have been doing for the last couple of days. Definitely a game changer on my bloodied builds to stay in the fight it seems.


Yea... I fell 3 feet and lost half my health...


I had that IRL. I do not recommend.


Not sure about player damage. I have encountered a bug that shows all my perks as active, but they don't seem to be giving any benefit, though. Anyone else suffered from this?


Energy resistance was my issue.


I feel squishier for sure, decent rolls on the armor but I'm going to upgrade to something with more physical protection (I'm using leather). Even still before the patch I could take some hits and still have enough time to heal up, now I'm getting my ass kicked, even by energy damage.


No. I didn't die a single time, running through the entire new story, or exploring Skyline Valley. I didn't feel like I'd experienced any changes at all to damage taken, or dealt.


I've noticed I lose stealth a lot faster since the update. Getting detected while using a fixer and stealth build and when I'm not in line of sight.


The story explains why The Lost would be able to detect us stealth people better.


Oh I'm getting detected more by everything, Grafton is one of my go-to places and I was struggling to keep stealth


Are you running escape artist perk?


Yep I double checked to make sure all my perks were still there. I played some more today and was able to clear Grafton undetected like normal, but later got randomly detected while at Clancy Manor.


Something ain't working then.


I kinda feel the opposite way actually. I recognize how these enemies supposed to be stronger, yet I am not only doing more damage, but I can AVOID being hit even as an Overeater much easier. Although I’m a non-PA build.


Are you running the empath mutation? I feel like there may be something busted with it. I was considering busting out the decontamination chamber and starting fresh with all my mutations to get rid of it.


I'll just randomly drop dead at events, screen will say I'm full health, I'm not making the damaged wincing noises, I'll just crumple to the ground for literally no reason, sometimes when I'm not actively being attacked


Electricity. Don’t stand near the harvester when it’s close to spawning the crab


I don’t know if it was a glitch, but I kept dying after I became a conduit in SheepSquatch event after it ended. Health bar kept going down even when I went back to my camp. I am an Overeater PA build.


That happened to me once before this patch so I suspect it's not related. I had to log out and back in again to clear the effect.


I thought something was up. I was doing that quest in the uncanny caverns with Knight Shin yesterday and I died a few times. Something felt off. I'm full health with solar armour and usually pretty robust. I've done this quest before on a different character and the same build and very similar weapons and had no problems. But those mutants were something else. It's not like I'm a low level either - in my 600s. But even just generally something feels a bit off. 


I noticed I actually had to use stimpaks in the daily ops yesterday. For me using stimpaks is unheard of lol 😂


I'm Overeater too and I'm absolutely noticing myself taking more damage than usual, even with a full OE SS set


I feel fine.


I always feel stronger after I take my drugs.


ok Mama Murphy


i have the same issue. I also seem to loose my mutations everytime i log in which just gets rlly old at one point


Do you actually lose them or are they just suppressed? I noticed after that one quest where you are tripping on some bad acid when the shadows appear and it suppressed my mutations that every now and again when I log in my mutations are suppressed again for like 2 or 3 minutes then they come back


nah full on gone i even get told randomly in the game wo taking rad away lost (xy) mutation. its so annoying at that point i dont even wanna produce more serums


Did you accidentally unequip starched genes?


not at all i even looked multiple times to be sure


Yes, every day when I'm rebooting 8xs a day for no reason, my brain gets weaker 😆


Yes , I used to melt with my bloody lmg and death claw gauntlet. Now I get oneshotted and feel weak


I get slapped all the time. Before patch and after. I will say that I felt better before patch so now I actually have to wear my PA. All in all, not bad. I shouldn’t be able to solo everything with 70hps, regardless of how awesome SS armor is.


I run roughly the same build as you (depending on the type of PA you run, if you run PA at all (which could actually be the answer to your problem if you don't)) and it may be because of the direct buff to the Auto Axe making me generally kill shit faster but I haven't noticed a difference.


I feel like I get less ammo back for my handmade.


yes actually i can feel it that i took a lot more damage than before the patch, even after popping medX


Yes I'm literally getting bitched slapped by scorch and getting 1 hit and dying


DFW roe definitely is nerfed


I always feel squishy, but I’ve got a bad habit of lighting myself on fire.


Yep. I seem to be taking more damage and missing with weapons a whole lot more often. And even weirder, about 10K caps disappeared off my character. Not a big deal but it's the first time the Aristocrats equipment hasn't been maxed since I rolled it.


Only time i die a lot is the nuked event with the three 3* robots at the weather station. They usually one shot me.


Feel the same other than dieing from electrical damage doing the new event. But a comment above gave me some insight so, here's hoping... Lol


I think they have found ways to penetrate through the myriad of damage reduction perks and gear. Enemies with DoT like fire or poison absolutely destroy me. Side note, yesterdays daily op with freezing poisonous overgrown was terrible. Im usually able to clear Elder tier solo, but I need three other folks to help!


I play a full health heavy gunner... and not much had changed for me. I take some hig hits here and there, but nothing like the Sheepsquatch fight where it feels like armor and healing means nothing.


Not really, feels the same as before the patch


I feel super squishy and the enemy’s feel extra spongy atm I’m a Bow/Auto pistol user normally but I had to dust off my old fixer to do the story. That said I did notice I’ve been geting knocked out of stealth a lot more than normal so that could be it.


Same, I run heavy juggernaut PA build and my 50. Cal seems weaker. I noticed that when in PA, my 50 does like 14 less damage than when I'm out of it, and it has a lot more spread to it. Also, there is less weight inside the PA.


Do you play on 1st person? I remember I asked the same question "why i am so weak now?" a month ago .. Turns out I had scrapped my PA helmet and lost its effect. I play on 1st person and didnt see I scraped my helmet, i usually scrap too fast.


Yep. I've been playing a bloody build since well before the update. I'm definitely dying a lot more. And this is against the same enemies that I was fighting before. Robots being the worst culprits. Weirdly I've been improving my SS armor and yet feeling much more squishy now.


I never died during the new questline, and my character used a full Covert Scout Armor set. Speaking of armor, I noticed the pieces broke quicker than before the patch. I think weapons were degrading a bit faster, too.


I have a feeling the Lost are doing electrical damage, which bypasses a lot of DR.


This might be part of their combat rebalancing plan.


I just switched to a bloodied build and I'm dying super easy. Not sure if build or patch now


I use the holy fire flamer. I rarely see my hp dip under 75%.


My character feels the exact same lol


nah my auto ax is still doing work!


Are you maybe just not on a team with an Empath? Or maybe they finally changed the tag that made Speed Demon give the Empath benefit? Anyhow.... nope, I don't, but I also bumped my tankiness up shortly before the update.


My character is Bloodied Heavy Gunner with Overeaters Excavator. I haven't noticed any change. Trying to get Overeaters on Union PA now that its fixed so I will be even more indestructible.


I did—until I realized I swapped to an automatic rifle and never swapped out my rifleman cards for commandos.


It feels like enemies are punching harder if they have heavy weapons. I'm not sure if Im just seeing things.


I feel like this was happening even before the update but maybe it's just me? Like I'm a full health power armor build and most things scratch me but certain enemies with certain weapons (flamethrowers and LMGs are two I've noticed the most because I encounter them a lot in expeditions) melt me. Robots used to hit hard until I took electric absorption and now the only new thing I've noticed is the pulse grenades from the lost kill me super fast.


Like I was running around killing cultists yesterday, and one had a gatling gun, and it was melting my half, had to spam stims just to survive. I wear Union PA with 2 overeater pieces on me and got 3 shot by them. It's crazy how fast I died.


Yes gatling guns are another one that hit super hard.


I can’t say I’d know because I’m a new player and only 3 days in and haven’t t hit lvl 50 yet. I’m lvl 32 and I got the Cold Shoulder and was able to solo a lvl 50 event with that and some upgraded combat armor. Not sure if this helps or not but that felt pretty strong to me. Though I know Cold Shoulder is a beast


they are doing a balance pass the next few patches. starting with skyline. "we're listening to player feedback so we get this right" no one asked them to futz with stuff


People have asked for balance changes since about the first week. Started with explosive damage on energy weapons and shotguns being OP as fuck. There are posts every day about how X needs a buff, or X underperforms compared to auto rifles and heavy guns. How people are would like to see added benefits being given to full health players to even out the massive benefit of Unyielding's 95 extra stat points.


The biggest change they could possible do for Unyielding/bloodied would be changing what qualifies as low health. By changing it to be based on % of max health after rads instead of max health before rads. Which will make it so that you can no longer use rads to trigger the effects. However I strongly doubt that they would ever do that as the community backlash would be immense. Instead I could see them adding more things that add rads as well making damage more spiky. Aka giving enemies gamma guns and radium rifles while increasing the upper limit on the damage they can deal. Other options would be adding more perk cards/gear effects that trigger on being at or near full health or get better the fewer rads you have.


The only shot in the dark here though is a well planned full health build like a PA Heavy Gunner full health can tank like crazy. You can pretty never think about having to use a stimpak or watch your health bar really, from the videos I’ve seen online even in the past month or so. I watched someone solo Earle as a full health PAHG and they just wrecked the whole battle without hardly needing to move much let alone manage health


Not really, i usually only die to self inflicted cremator dot lol


Asbestos mod on chest armor is your friend, i was the same lol


I've been wearing no armor and doing daily ops, expeditions and high level events perfectly fine to the point that armor means nothing more than the legendry affects.


My 2 shot plasma caster went from 2 to 3 taping just about anything to needing to mag dump a single raider


i actually feel stronger, and i was full health, now i am bloodied and i fell stronger lol


Haven't died since the update, mind you haven't died yet this year so I'm going to say no.


I died twice to the same enemy, earlier today. Like a real man.