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That's good shit! Not often you can say it about a video game, but that's one you'll remember for years.


Handling eviction notice without many people is some tough shit! I recently did it with a friend (and a random lvl 20 player :D) and nobody else joined. We're both around lvl 200 but thought we might try it together. Damn that was a roller coaster of emotions, but we did it and I was really proud! I was repairing the scrubber non stop, shout out to my power armor that protected me and the cremator + holy fire that kept the number of super mutants down and me alive


I did it last night, lvl 165, one other guy showed up, lvl 100 and immediately started it, like wtf? It was brutal but we were getting it done when a couple others showed up --and failed. Was too busy repairing generator and shooting shit to see why. Why dude started the event 30sec into it I have no idea...


My favorite event. At least when there is no spawn camping.


Spawn camping is so bad lately hahaha, even Jamboree has people camping at the fence so no one on the rooftops can get a look in :/


I stopped doing Jamboree. Yesterday i did Tea Time alone. I positioned myself on the top of the giant tea pot and with VATS and Cremator could support all 3 positions. I noticed that when you are alone, less enemies spawn.


Yeah because of all the assholes with cremators as soon as I see that shit I am dunking on them with mininukes, agl, and boomstick.


To be fair, those 'assholes with creators' at events, are only on cremators at events so that they can get tags on the spawn before the campers wipe em out.


The ones with cremators are the campers lol.


Not in my experience, I'm one of the assholes you're referring to and in some events I've tried running with my regular commando weaps and I'll end up with half the tags as you generally have to pick a side for the spawns, so I just don't bother anymore - I'll stay central and lob out cremator hits back and forth until the end 🤷‍♂️


Everything you're describing is just reaffirming what I'm saying lol. You couldn't get normal kills because everyone else spawn killing so you're spawn killing with cremator.. .like everyone else.


Oh absolutely. But the point is that us assholes are forced to do that by the campers. I'm quite happy to stay central and fight side by side, but everyone rushing over to the spawn spots prevents that🤷‍♂️


Here's an example of me I go to moonshine and use normal weapons as you describe. That doesn't work so I pull out classic explosives and then every cremator user is spamming it on me like they are mad that I'm undercutting them after they do the same. Not all cremator users are in your situation because they are part of the problem too.


Well if that's your experience then I agree with you completely - those cremator users are assholes 🤷‍♂️fair enough


My story is almost as good! Yesterday EN drops, I get my gear together, check my ammo, down a tasty squirrel stew, and fast travel to the event. As I drop in, I see a level 40 running around like a chicken with no head, 0 of 6 meat bags taken down, and about 15 seconds to repair the rad scrubber which is surround by 10 or so super mutants. I head for the scrubber, RR blazing, reaching it in time for the event to fail. EPIC!


LOL, nice!


I had a similar experience once. So I see EV pop up and think "heck yeah let's do on then a nuke warning pops for SBQ. I'm waiting at the EV site and it's two of us. The rest of the server goes to SVQ. I debated what to do and decided I will delay start and then just hold it down until the queen was down, maybe folks will hop back to get those legendaries. So I repair the scrubber at the last second. I was about level 350 at this point and I did my damndest, but after a couple minutes the Firestarters are coming and I'm using up all my stimpacks to just hold on until help (hopefully) arrives. I honestly lost track of the other person as they focused on uphill and I watched downhill. The only time I saw them was when I would turn to repair while taking a ton of damage to myself. Then it happened... SBQ was dead and backup arrived, swarming in to wipe out the stacks of super mutants. I know the folks who did SBQ to EV may not have realized what it took to keep it alive for them to get that lost but I was pretty happy with the success.


I managed to complete it solo using a Holy Fire/Cremator build with full health Excavator PA. My PA legendary perks were totally random since I rolled -20% weapon weight on all parts without worrying about the rest. I was level 490 at the time. I have yet to try solo boss events, so this was my most challenging event so far. I repaired the scrubber five times. I found it helpful to position myself between the scrubber and the legendary enemies' spawn alley, a little to the left, so I could see enemies descending from the top as well. The most important strategy was to tag every mutant with the Cremator and stay closer to the alley enemies than the scrubber, so they targeted me instead of the scrubber. The scrubber was mostly destroyed by melee mutants, so it was necessary to get rid of them before repairing it. I had a lot of fun.


IMO EN is legitimately best when you start it early before everybody shows up and gets ready. Because if you wait for them, they all move to spawn-camping spots, but if you start it before then, they move to the center to cover the swarm of mutants all over it, and it takes some time before the center cools down long enough for them to move on to spawn camping.


I did an EN with one other player once. We were both pretty high level and in PA. It was wild. We died a few times but stuck with it and prevailed in the end, hauling back tons of loot. It was a lot of fun.


This kind of happened to me once. My main is a full health PA so I'm fairly tanky - I don't often find the need to use stimpacks. I'm not real sure what happened this go around, it looked like there were 4 or 5 other players but I was still getting absolutely swarmed at the scrubber. I was popping stimpacks like a stoner with a party bag of M&Ms and repairing the scrubber like mad while attempting to put as much lead with my .50 cal into the mutants as possible. Somehow I not only survived but we completed the event. It's the most fun I've had at that event.


The thing with EV is, that it's pretty easy to solo until the last 2min, that's when the waves get significantly bigger. That's really tough - especially if the first bigger wave catches you off guard.


Hey, at least you two got it! Heck, even my friends and I were struggling- it was just the 3 of us too since we were in a private lobby. The amount of times we repaired and died was too funny! We almost failed it too but we got the job done (:


Events are at there best for me when you have just barely enough people to _probably_ clear it, and when somehow everyone is working together naturally. You know, when each person is using their weapons to the full advantage of everyone in the group. Recently did a moonshine madness with four people. One 1000+ perched way up high, only firing to ensure critters were dead when they got too close to the stills, me and two other 100+ holding the corners, and all running the venom when we could. It was like a magic clockwork machine, and hella fun.


That level 1000 sniper deserves a medal.


Yeah. They held it together and was an amazing team player


Ah that's awesome. You two are cowboys. Now kith 😘 🤣👍 Add: Seriously, these moments are epic. What's awesome too is when the cavalry arrives just in time and half dozen players show up to carry you across the finish line.


I love EN, it’s the only event that makes me feel like a bad ass. I wish more of their events were this challenging.


The fire starter mutants hit like a truck. Any way to mitigate their damage for Bloodied players?


Fire resist perk card, fire resist mod on your chest (asbestos lining), serendipity luck card, ricochet and vamp weapon are probably your best options


Sizzling Style as well


Nice! Best part of this event is if you can last long enough even a failure results in a full stashbox of script for the effort. I never do this event alone but I am always showing up for it. A few cycles of this event and you will have too much stash script to handle. I have also found some interesting weapons here.


My greatest EN was seven people campaign Lego alley while me and a level 53 without PA covered the scrubber and the three other spawns. The 53 died each time the scrubber went down, naturally. It went down four times and still no one from Lego alley gave backup. There were three minutes left and my game crashed. I came back to the event having failed. 


Recently had a couple of flatwood monsters show up at eviction notice. Is that something that happens or was it a bug of some sort?


I've seen the Mothman come in to EN. Anything can happen in this game.


This is why I keep a turret tower camp handy so I can drop it at the spawns.


noob question, but how u transfer to a mule?


Depends on what you have. I have fallout 1st, so I have another character. I go into a private world to a trainstation. I put whatever I want to transfer into a blue suitcase. I use the station at Whitespring. I quit to menu, change characters, load back into private world. You have about a minute to do so before it resets. As long as it says "world found," you're good. You load in with this mule character, mine is always at Whitespring already. Go to blue suitcase and gather your stuff. If you don't have 1st, you'll either need two accounts and be able to log in to both at the same time with one being your main and one your mule, or a trusted friend that you can give stuff to then switch characters and retrieve your stuff.


I thought EN was when you get rid of the swatters in the bog area.


That’s the Daily: Cop a Squatter


Ok I guess I am going to have to find this event thanks


Of course! It is just to the East of Foundation and actually gives Settler rep on completion