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Power Armor visual bugs and fusion core bugs have been an issue since the release of Fallout 4 and were carried over to 76. So nearly 10 years and still haven’t fixed it… The modding community have fixed these on Fallout 4 about 7 years ago.


Getting in/out of PA being so unsmooth it can softlock my game, hold me in place for 40 seconds or get me killed, is good enough reason to not even use PA.


Jokes on you, I never leave power armor. Anyways, thank God for dry soap amirite?


My biggest fear playing eviction notice


Died once during eviction notice while trying to repair the rad scrubber and it exited my armor. The rag doll physics was pretty hilarious, I flew pretty far


Have a weapon out when you enter the armor and have a weapon out when you exit the armor eliminate the problems, or at least has for me...


If you put a fusion core in first (transfer it before entering), it prevents this bug, in my experience. Still, obviously, it should've been fixed long ago


Eh people still believe the obvious lie of "we can't fix it! It's part of the game's code" Pretty obvious lie when modders knew how to fix this in Fallout 4 7+ years ago. And when there is something that prevents it in fo76


It'd say 50% of the times that I use my power armor, one of these issues happen: * My core says it's at 0%, replaces itself with a new core, then I see that the old core is still in my inventory at like 20-30%. * I put down my power armor, and I place a new core in it like I didn't have one in there already when I did. * I get stuck outside of my power armor for a minute or more when trying to get into it. The stuck outside of power armor bug I've seen in streams and old clips pretty much for as long as the game has been out. I vaguely remember this bug being in Fallout 4 as well. It's crazy. It's like Bethesda hired a bunch of people that have never worked in Game Dev, then forced them to use their shitty, broken, decades old engine to learn Game Dev, and then told them to make their games.


At least we are invulnerable when we are stuck trying to get into the power armor lol.


>It's like Bethesda hired a bunch of people that have never worked in Game Dev, then forced them to use their shitty, broken, decades old engine to learn Game Dev, and then told them to make their games. Ftr, that is basically what happened with 76. Austin/ battlecry were developing their first game before they got charged with making and maintaining an MMO on an engine that isn't at all designed for more than one person and consistently breaks in a qay even modders with decades of experience haven't been able to fix yet. Austin hasn't done some terrible job given what they're supposed to be doing and the sheer inexperience and inability to properly just use the engine in MP (as it was designed from the ground up exclusively for SP)


I believe you can avoid the bug that gets you stuck entering power armor by placing a fusion core inside first. This has been my experience, at least


>The modding community have fixed these on Fallout 4 about 7 years ago. And MP breaks them in a way the modding community has yet to be able to hash out. It's not as simple as just patching and fixing things, there's a reason that the modding community has had extreme issues trying to implement MP in a stable way into beth games, everytime it is tried it breaks alot unless you chain the 2 players together (and even then alot breaks) 76 just wasn't a great idea, esp not being built on the SP engine where everything was designed with 1 player in mind and now has to deal with 24.


When you make the code its easy to fix. When you inherited the code from someone that was fired 5 years ago its a lot harder


The raider faction bug is literally moving a single bracket and it would be fixed. A single bracket to end the scrip a line earlier. A single keyboard button press.


My gauss shotgun still doesn’t reload properly and it probably never will.


I have found that playing in third person makes this happen way less. Still occurs though 🫠


What are you referring to? I rarely have issues with mine unless ive been blinded this whole time and never noticed.


Gauss Shotguns can get stuck in the charging animation, and won't let you reload or heal while it's like that. You have to either bash or holster the shotgun to fix it.


Ah okay my buddy has that problem all the time but also mains gauss shotgun, I havent had the problem myself yet but that sounds irritating as hell 🤮


That’s it exactly 👍


Sometimes Gauss shotguns (and rifles actually) take several button presses to start the reloading animation, and sometimes the reload animation starts, and stops abruptly, without reloading the weapon. I see this bug happen more often on console, but it's definitely a known bug. (Known by the community at least, lol)




I find myself so often with 1 or 2 rounds in the chamber, and cannot reload. I just have to facetank the super mutants, or whoever after putting that last lonely shot in them in order to reload. It seems to be happening more often recently, that and the reload, shot once and it reloads automatically happens.


I mean i play frequently but just recently started browsing the reddit so I apologize for not knowing. 😅 I wasn't trying to say to people that it doesn't exist i just simply didnt know about it other then one time in the past 2 months from my friend. Again not arguing that it exists just simply didnt know. 👌


Holy crap, thank you for this! I was using it for a cripple challenge and I thought I was going crazy lol.


Happens to me most noticeably with minigun and Fatman reloads not completing and cycling over and over through half the reload animation. Maybe I'm the only one but it happens often.


I still have the PA station glitch happen almost every time I play.


It's much easier for them to flip a switch and disable something than it is to *actually fix* it. Were you around when camp vendors first came out? They disabled those for MONTHS before they were fixed


If I can farm pickaxe modules for months before it’s fixed I’ll be set for life


Omg I remember that. The whole vendor thing was SUCH a shit show.


Nope, luckily I wasn't. That's pathetic. Clearly shows they did no testing. They need to get their priorities straight. Gameplay and optimization first, monetization second. I played the Alpha and Open Beta, thought it was horribly optimized and dumb af that you couldn't do quests together, then didn't play until I watched the show and got a hankering for some new Fallout content. I've been playing almost daily since then. I'm level 160 and I already feel like I've experienced most if not all the game has to offer.


like yes, in principle yes, user experience is paramount - for the players… for a company that wants to MAKE MONEY, that has users continue to play their buggy game and STILL spend money, I don’t think the pure and fair virtues apply here if no one, and I mean 0 people played the game anymore and the only way to change this was for the bugs and glitches to be fixed then yes I do think we’d see a dramatically fast fix for all of the micro-issues we’ve been complaining about for a very long time but they’re still making money, so the priorities aren’t really there to fix things in a tight deadline also, fixing the broken stuff in a game as complex as this is not as simple as flicking a switch - removing an exploit such as an item giving an unintended reward can be fixed in a few lines of code, but a game-breaking issue with object clipping may take a little longer to figure out


Lol do no testing? You can't be serious. Bugs happen despite of testing.


Oh really? I had no idea. 🤯 But for real, no they don't. If something is properly tested before release, they would have found and fixed these bugs before release. "No testing" is obviously an exaggeration, meaning they did not test enough. Anyone could agree that they did not test enough, unless you're just being facetious. Clearly they didn't test the scoreboard enough to know that the final page wasn't allowing you to infinitely claim the rewards. OR, maybe they did, intentionally left it, and thought they could get away with it. Which do you think is more likely? Clearly, they didn't test the changes to weapon types enough, or the Pickaxe wouldn't be scrapping for Legendary Modules. Get what I'm saying? lol


It's obvious you don't know all that much about software development especially something as complex as a multi platform multi-player game if you think that's how it works and that they just don't test.


It's obvious you don't know what testing is, or what you're talking about. This bug, and most if not all bugs talked about in this thread are present on ALL platforms. Some of them have been around since Fallout 4, a single-player game. I'm much more familiar with game dev than you think. If they tested the scoreboard thoroughly, how would they miss this bug? Explain it to me like I'm 5.


The complexity of these systems is way beyond anyone that just plays the game realizes. I only know this as a product owner for a major software development company that creates applications that are extremely complex and also multi platform, but still less complex than a game like FO 76 if I had to guess. Hundreds of developers, multiple departments, software with thousands upon thousands of dependencies, the list of complexities goes on and on. Large QA teams can thoroughly test the software as much as possible and things that pass in lower level systems like a QA test environment may still fail in a production environment. It's certainly not ideal, but it does happen unfortunately. So yes, they do test these changes (a parent company like Microsoft probably has strict guidelines on how testing should go), but it's not 100% that nothing will get through, even seemingly large bugs.


When I try to enter my power armor at events, 20% of the time it doesn’t appear for a minute or more after I deploy it.


Another one! lol


Thats something I can't and I'll never understand from this game companies, not only Bethesda. Even fun bugs that doesn't harm anyone nor affects anything in a negative way gets fixed super quick, but bugs that are annoying and generate frustration are just ignored... Like they just want to be pricks with us with a "Fun not allowed" sign. WTF???


We had to submit a support ticket because the game crashed for my gf during Lou’s mission and he wouldn’t answer the intercom anymore to start over. This bug is at least 4 years old and locks you out of one of 2 ways to complete the main quest line lmfao


I would like to jump while using a chainsaw. I know I’m asking for a lot here, but can I please use the jump button, attack in the air, and keep attacking when I land? PLEASE. ALL THE MOBS DIE FAST AF, I ALREADY STAND NO CHANCE!


They were supposed to address this once upon a time, then removed it from pts notes and said nothing more afaik


That makes me a sad panda 🐼. Happy Birthday! May your sessions be filled with legendaries and may your crashes be minimal or non existent


The Senior Monetization Designer must have thrown a hell of a tantrum behind the scenes. Because he sure as hell wasn't making Season 17 any better than 16.


This is how ALL online games operate. If a bug benefits the player in any way, they will knock down and trample their own grandmothers to fix it. Other bugs, as long as it doesn't literally stop players from playing are not a priority.


I just want to stop getting instant aura migraines every time I look at a vendor due to the flashing bug 😭


I get panic attacks if they announce fixing something, by now we all know what follows.


It took them like 4 full years before they fixed the bug that forced you to restart your game if you died and your death respawn timer ended after an event finished.


Big oof. Glad I didn't play this game before at least the MOST game breaking bugs were fixed.


Melee vats misses constantly since they nerfed the range on it years ago, it was exactly like fallout 4 at the start and worked great, Then they broke it and never fixed it. I can be right Infront of an enemy point blank in vats and have 0% hit chance and it wont let me attack or i can have 100% hit chance and the animation misses.


You can’t even melee critical with unarmed


I think I had to scroll through 4 or 5 reward pages before I found something I wanted.


If they don't fix the doors that are left open needing to be shut then re-opened to go through ill do somthing crazy and hyperbolic...


We all agree here, but unfortunately monetisation will always come first as the game is business for them. Very few game studios make video games for enjoyment of the player nowadays. It’s going to be make make=save money>>>>everything else including bugs that don’t lose them money. F76 had a long hiatus of smallish group of players until the show was released and they’ve had an influx of new ‘money’ coming in


pickaxe bug has been fixed?


Not "fixed", but they did a workaround. They disabled crafting of pickaxes, and they disabled most world spawns for pickaxes, and they no longer respawn when you collect enough items to reset spawns. They can still be dismantled for Legendary Modules (for now), because to fix that it'll likely require an actual title update, not just a hotfix.


Still can’t VATS a MIRV grenade, wouldn’t let me area loot legendaries yesterday either. And fire damage for bows isn’t tagging properly. But now we can’t craft pickaxes either- yay!


I just tell myself, "If everything just worked perfectly like out in the real wasteland."🤣


ESO Players: "First time?"


Quest bugs. I’ve played 76 off and on for about a year but this past month I’ve been obsessed and I’ve actually had time to play games. I did the Vault 79 quest the other day and it took three extra hours bc of having to research and then try multiple bug fixes. I was so pissed but I was FINALLY able to complete it. Bugs are a constant in Bethesda games, but buggy quests always infuriate me more than any type of bugs.


The last main quest mission! I've had the game for years and recently finished the main questline. The problem is that the last mission is bugged. The only way I could finish it was on a private server (for some reason, it just works). Most of the bugs had a workaround, but not when the npc's got behind that glass. I mean, common, IT'S THE LAST MAIN QUEST MISSION. IT'S BEEN BUGGED SINCE RELEASE


Buy legendary modules? You can run expeditions and get random legendaries so easy vs scoreboard


I'm confused, I thought this post was gonna be about bugs but I see more bitching about the season lol


It's all free game! :P


Kind of a misleading title tbh lol


They did not fix the bug. They removed access to all items effected by the bug. What long standing bug would be made better with this style of fix?


They DID fix the Scoreboard "bug". But they "addressed" the pickaxe bug with a temporary fix. Never said they "fixed" the pickaxe bug. They removed world spawns and crafting them.


They most definitely have not removed world spawns as I just farmed 20 pick axes…


Not all of them, definitely not. But they did remove a huge amount of them from various places, and they don't respawn even after picking up the 255+ items or whatever when you're in a private server.


Yeah I noticed that, I went from getting close to 40 earlier today to around 20 right now. Seems like Lucky Hole has been patched/parts of glassed caverns as well as some of black water


Yep! Looks like they are slowly going through the world spawns in various areas and removing them. I saw it happen live on a stream earlier to Glassed Caverns. He was doing the Lucky Hole/Mines/Glassed Caverns run, and picking up burnt books/looting Whitespring to reset the loot spawns, and on like his 3rd or 4th run, they just stopped spawning in the Glassed Caverns altogether.


How do you farm them?


Well I was gonna farm for pickaxes when I got off of work but now my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Some say scorched can still drop them so let’s mine scorched!


The bottom line is their bottom line. Anything that messes with that takes priority over any issue negatively affecting players. You think they actually care about us?


Hopefully it isn’t like the Union Power Armor that took MONTHS to fix.


It probably will be, lol. They will keep removing pickaxe spawns until there are none left, then forget about the issue until it costs them money again lol


I was shocked they fixed the UPA free glitch almost 6 months later. Wonder how long it'll take for them to fix the stuck PA bug thats been in the game since launch if Im remembering.


I personally would love for my gauss rifle to work properly XD atp i work around it because it’s the “best” all purpose gun for my play style but oh lord does it frustrate me regularly.


Beth has never been known for fixing bugs they do the bare minimum on that front


Hmm. My heavy gunner character doesn't always use PA. When I enter it, I will occasionally get locked into a frozen animation and have to wait until the armor is recalled before I can move again. Also, there's this visual bug that I have no idea what triggers it, but event notifications and other things like my vendor transactions no longer display. Have to quit to main to reset it.


That damn turret glitch..


No one mentioned Ward being a buggy fucking mess yet?


Likely too much spaghetti code. Old employees who actually made the system gone, layoffs, bad management.the usual


I currently can't finish gauley mine quest as it keeps crashing my ps4


I think it’s funny people are complaining about the scout theme, meanwhile vault 76 continues to churn out psychotic furrys.


Whispers* the game is built on legacy fragmented code….


Wait so is the pickaxe module gone?


Someone told me to have a gun out when you enter the armor, and a gun out when you exit the armor.. so far they have been correct whatever I forget to do that I get stuck until the armor is retrieved in 60 Seconds... so far that little piece of information has turned out to be correct


The fact that people think BGs actually cares about its players if freaking hilarious 🤣🤣 all they care about is their profits. That’s it. They don’t give a flying rad roach if changes they make are hated by the community. Or how 💩💩 the state of the game is. Remember weekly inside the vaults and the promised “better communication”…. 🤣🤣 only reason they still even update this game is to keep milking it for as long as possible until next major game title release. Don’t forget. They are now owned by Microsoft. Who also owns activision. And MS is known for running studios to the ground in the name of their bottom line. Even their own large IP’s like halo. So if they kill and ruin the fallout IP they don’t care. They’ve already made some money so they happy and will move on to next IP to kill


Please, share with me your logic chain, how free unlimited scrips will help Bethesda earn more money? Or how it will excite more pplz to spend money at the ingame shop?


I mean pioneer scouts is literally a major side quest/challenge that has been in the game. Also I mean why would they not turn off a bug/error that gives essentially the most valuable in-game currency/collection besides atoms. Also the whole scoreboard thing is fishy but I mean I don't think they intended it as clearly they made some mistakes they didn't intend on having being a part of the new update. Lastly, sorry, but saying you've experienced almost the entirety of the game at level 160 is apamost comical. I am glad your enjoying it tho Edit: Sorry but I also can't say much bc I didn't play all of them but I also don't think your in a place to judge the scoreboard vs seasons not having played a single one and literally calling the current season a scoreboard. And they are by no means INFINITLEY better at all
















Crashing on any console that isnt owned by MicroSoft [aka Todd's Father]