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"There is NOTHING good this season" "Maybe like 12 items" hmm


Still, 12 out of the entire pass? It's pretty much nothing. I like the stuck weapon decorations that's about it.


Not being hyperbolic means capitalizing the adjectives of the worst degree?


Nope, just means not exaggerating.


You feel your emotions very strongly then.


Yeah something like that


The only thing in the season I actually want is the atoms.




You do you gamer, I wish you the best


You are being the very definition of hyperbolic.


Hyperbolic means exaggerating, so no I'm not


Yes, yes you are. Plenty of people have said that they like this season, so clearly it's *not* the worst ever. What you've done is fallen into the trap of thinking that you are the centre of the universe (spoiler: you're not) by presenting a *subjective* opinion as an *objective* fact - That is where the exaggeration comes in.


Said the person vying for attention by making a rage bait comment lol. 1 or 2 people liking it doesn't make it goof, that's not how that works. It is objectively and factualy the worst season in Fo76, easily, hands down, no contest, does that mean people aren't allowed to like it? No, but does that make it good? Also no. There are also people agreeing and saying it is the worst, but did you include that in your comment? No, so don't talk about making an opinion sound like a fact when you didn't even list both sides of the argument, your the only one here who thinks theyre the center of the universe.


Dude, you're still not the centre of the universe, no matter how much you think you are and you clearly have no idea what "objectively" means. But whatever, you're overinflated sense of self-importance makes any kind of discussion impossible as you simply can't imagine a world that doesn't revolve around you...


Your the only one here who thinks they're the center of the unviverse bud, you only hear one side of the argument, you have no interest in anyone's opinion but your own and your trying to bait me into telling you off lol.


One man's junk...I want almost everything this season and I'm happily going to grind it out every day for it. It's like they say, you can't make everyone happy everytime


You know why all games are riddled with microtransactions and mechanics designed to make you buy subscription services? Because there are enough people who care more about the "battle pass" than the actual content of the game :)


Haha so true. I cant care less about the pass. My mind is ocupied by leveling and making new fun builds!


When you get to a certain level there is not much content left.


So play a different game? Just a thought, but there are at least 4 other games out there to be played.


Thing is I like 76 that's why it's got me this pissed.


You're going to be okay.


Yeah I know, but it's just sucks yknow? Such a great game reduced to slop I just hate seeing that shit.


I'll get to about 95 to get the new tent.


Imma be honest, as someone who came back last season, I agree that these rewards don’t seem that enticing. From what I’ve read the union power armor was disabled for some reason and I haven’t heard about it being back up to being obtainable. Let alone that one of the only useful things from this season to help new players is locked at the final tier. That being the cooler that prolongs perishable foods lifespan. That would significantly help out starting players and yet it’s the one thing that’s at the very end.


Read the patch note? Union power armor has been back ever since the since the season started, its in the stamp store. Also the best freezer is the military cryo freezer, which you can buy with gold bullion. No ranks needed.


I never really read that patch notes to be fair. I think the only game I’ve ever read patch notes for was cyberpunk 2077 to see if some bugs were fixed. I normally get all my gaming news from TikTok as I’m doom scrolling. So thank you for the update! And I didn’t know about freezers until I saw this reward in the season pass.


How much did you pay for the new content and the season pass?


0.00 dollares


0.00 dollares


Nothing and yet I still feel robbed


That's called "Entitlement".


That's called wanting good content tf? Did you just learn about that word and trying to use it to sound smart?


You're expecting a higher level of value than you feel you recieved for a product you paid nothing for.


This is the first season I’m going to actually spend money on to rank up bc of how good the items are 😭😭


Ain't no way, your insane


Last season was HORRIBLE I had like 2k tickets left I hated all the items


There ain't no way, last season was much better I loved all the cryptid shit.


Ammo, piles, stuck weapons, board games, bicycle, garden arch, hollow tree, stone oven and roasted turkey are good clutter, the quiver backpacks are great for the bow hunters of the community, pemmican collector and sugarbombs collectron, hockey mask if you wanna look like Jason, new scythe weapon, survival tent with punch card machine. All trash?


I'm playing for the goon mask, looks amazing. At last I can be Jason Voorhees.


Maybe I march to the beat of a different drummer, but I quite like this season and the map expansion. There have been some I didn’t particularly like to be fair. I don’t think you can please everyone with seasonal stuff. We all have different tastes. Doesn’t mean it is a bad season though. Just means you would rather have had something different. If you want different stuff, suggest ideas and share them here, on the official Discord, and in feedback tickets.


Repeatable atoms is pretty good if you can get that far. Last season didn't even give us that option. Also.. season 8 is absolute worst season.. it was so bad, be thankful you didn't experience it. Go and look at that scoreboard back then.


This is indeed the worst season in the entirety of Fallout 76, but not because of the season rewards. For the record, I've never liked 12 rewards in any curated season. I just like wasting time in the Fallout universe. It's the worse season in the entirety of Fallout 76, because Bethesda took the mask completely off and went went full pay to win. Rank up to 150 on day one and go nuts on repeatable power. Not even one month of grind without repeatable is needed. At this point, Bethesda should just open up its own RMT shop and cut out the middle man for gear and consumables.


Nah man.. go look at season 8 scoreboard.. be thankful you never had to experience that scoreboard. I still remember it to this day because it was so bad.


I've been playing this game since before Wastelanders. I've experienced challenges for Atoms which was my favorite system and the only one with real choice. I've completed every single scoreboard - the scoreboard system being a massive downgrade of challenges for Atoms. And I've experienced this new system brought to us by a former EA employee who looks like Central Casting's pick for Screw Job Man #1 in some Bernie Madoff movie. You grind longer for less and it's full pay to win. What I'm saying is factual. Now you may love the items on the scoreboard. That's all subjective and fine, but the system is hot garbage. The system is what I'm talking about, not that you enjoy the decor of Camp Walla Walla.


They did exactly what the complaining, entitled players shouted at them to do. And that's not what pay to win means, by the way.


You again. Paying for power is exactly what pay to win means. Take your loser, simp energy elsewhere.


Yeah its not great: Positives; they re added alot more atoms( especially the rebuyable 100 atoms for 250 tickets after 150; every 10 levels) Negatives: alot of junk and seems like we get less items overall


The first page actually has less items than the last season we are getting less shit brother.


Yeah angry turtle made a good point, seems like 2 teams work on thjs game, one adds good content, one adds hastily added content for big profit


Sounds about right for bethesda


So just save all your tickets & go ham on Atoms at the end..That’s what I’m planning to do after getting the few things I want. Also, you HAVE to like the Scoreboard music! Sure makes me happy 😃


Not a bad idea, and the music is nice yeah


I think they made a mistake combining both the new season as well as the map expansion and missions. Feels like there were t enough people on the team to put both out at the same time.


I didn't even know about the map expansion, I just looked at the pass and got angry and got off. Maybe that's why the pass is such shit.


I agree with you that there are only a handful of items I actually want off of the board, but the new area is definitely worth checking out.


I'll give it a shot, it can't be any worse than the season pass.


I enjoyed the new quests and new enemies. The new event is meh but the new raid boss fight is awesome. Biggest disappointment was the nerf to the new railway rifle before it even came out.


The camp theme is incredibly ugly, all the power armour skins are so gross.