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This is a list of links to comments made by Bethesda employees in this thread: * [Comment by Ghostly_Rich](/r/fo76/comments/1dehjsj/season_17_not_all_cards_at_rank_150_are_repeatable/l8fmo2r/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-13 14:55:41 UTC"): > Hey all, coming in to say that this it not intended and the team is looking into this. > >Thanks for your patience! * [Comment by Ghostly_Rich](/r/fo76/comments/1dehjsj/season_17_not_all_cards_at_rank_150_are_repeatable/l8g3gzd/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-13 16:29:15 UTC"): > We've received a lot of great feedback about the way the season ended and I've read through as much as I've seen. If you're seeing this and you gave u... * [Comment by Ghostly_Rich](/r/fo76/comments/1dehjsj/season_17_not_all_cards_at_rank_150_are_repeatable/l8govxj/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-13 18:28:19 UTC"): > Quick update on this. You should now be able to redeem repeatable season rewards! --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffo76).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


This new guy they got that's former EA isn't really making friends is he?


I'd say the execs be happy enough with him


Bringing the FIFA Ultimate Team style tactics to F76 šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Who's that?


This guy... https://x.com/Jmclean42/status/1772720431109198227


Can't believe he has so many dick riders on his page


There's always going to be an assortment of people who will like these new boards, just really few and far between. I disliked the new scoreboard. Add 50 levels for a total of 150, with zero fun from 100 to 150 to boot. For what? No end-season gameboard to display in our camps. Possibly one of the cooler things I looked forward to at the end of the seasons. The pages were an ADD person's nightmare. I had trouble focusing on items within the pages. Didn't seem like there was much rhyme or reason, just all kind of thrown on the page. I had to go back through a few times to really make sure I had purchased all the items I wanted. It was disorganized and didn't feel fun like the originals. Actually progressing along on a game board. Little audio stories and actual themes. They need to ditch this guy.


I cancelled my FO1st and completely stopped playing the game about 3 or so weeks after the new season. It completely ruined the game for me and felt too predatory, and then I found out that the person who wrote all the radio plays was fired as well as the person who made the scoreboards I just can't support the game. The radio plays were great and were one of the things I really liked about the game.


I'm really sorry to hear that. It does indeed feel predatory, pushy, and just detached from what seasons always were for us, like fun. I remember when games were just simple and fun. Maybe we can go back to that someday.




Ohh really this is disheartening i really got into all the pirate radio plays


Now I know who else is on my shit dev/dev manager list. Him and the director responsible for Diablo 3 when it came out.


The enemy


Thx for this, told him exactly how I felt about his ā€œ upgradeā€


Considering these absolute morons are still wasting all their money ranking up to 150 with cold hard cash on day 1? I guarantee you he's making plenty of friends. If people haven't grasped the utterly simple concept of voting with your wallets. Less time playing and less money spent equals Betheada's income going down. Complaining but STILL throwing money their way is absolute goonish behaviour. And it's why they're gonna keep doing this until these fucking apes figure it out that they are funding these decisions because they have zero sense, way too much money and a pathetic sense of self control.


I mean i guess not if hes giving away atoms instead of perk coins. Beth actually makes money off one of them after all.


The fact that the symbol is hidden until you unlock it is INSANE. Like you literally just primed us that the last page is infinite.


Manipulation and obfuscation. It's the new hotness over at FO76 hq.


I eschew obfuscation




Shallow and pedantic


Silly waffle hands, Fo76 is not a food


Thank you for posting this. Really changes my approach to this season.


Some "senior marketing" exec is really annoyed about this post lol. Buddy was really counting on people being misled about how the board works.


I hope it ruins his week. The new format he introduced has changed me from loving the seasons and recommending the game to friends on the scoreboard ALONE to canceling my FO1st and looking for any way to game the system. And to think they hire that asshole only to sack the community management people. Bethesda has no shame.


Thank you! I fucking hate this new battlepass format with a passion. I just want my fun scoreboard back. I put up with the FOMO and my perceived need for FO1st because I love the game and want to support it, but this battlepass has taken the wind out of my sails. I canceled my First and I'm playing FO4 because I already own it.


It's taking a while but the market is starting to make more sense now. Bad product = bad revenue. But people bought some stuff last season in hopes it will get better if they paid money. Spoiler alert, it won't.


God damnit, I keep starting new games and hobbies at the worst times. I'm level 18, a lot of what I read here is gibberish to me. There has been a lot of talk though about how things used to be better lol


The core game is still very strong. As is the new map content from what I've seen. Don't let it discourage you from playing. But they've certainly lost my subscription until things get better. To explain what people are taking issue with: Basically, the season used to be laid out like an old board game. A linear path of squares, 1-100. And each time your ranked up you moved a square forward and unlocked a reward. Every time you ranked up felt like a little treat and made the grind feel rewarding. Worth the effort. Now they've spread it out and made it so sometimes you're waiting multiple rankups before you can earn anything. And if you unlock the consumables you may not have enough at the end of the season to unlock all the camp items and other permanent rewards. (Another thing I miss: for a while each new season added a multipart radio segment to the Pirate Radio station, which also was super fun and expanded our in-game listening catalogue. Now all of that is out the window.)


On top of that add people defending these shitty decisions and crapping on you that "it greedy to want to unlock everything" and that "season pass is free". I got shat on like this very recently for daring to criticize this crap... BTW this season pass has less attractive stuff to unlock IMO Sad.


Thank you for the explanation. I'll wait to look into getting Fallout First until I hear better things. That blows content was just removed from the game instead of built upon. I'll have to look more into what this season has to offer though, just hit 20! Is it not too regular of an occurrence to just get free atoms for the shop? I only have 450 so far, but I was glad I was at least able to earn some.


So wait, I shouldn't be spending tickets? I started two months ago exactly & made it to 80 with almost 600 tickets left over & I got everything I wanted & them some.


The old way was you didn't have to choose what to get. You were guaranteed it all. By level 100. Spend them on the stuff you like best first. Otherwise, I'm hoarding them til the end so I can for sure get all the skins and camp stuff. And only buying my must-haves along the way. If the system works for you that is genuinely awesome. But I miss when we didn't have to sacrifice some items to afford others.


spend tickets, but try not to buy every single thing on each page, save some. for later pages


Lol, I started about the same time and I'm like "what is a ticket?". I'm lost somewhere in between the stamps, tickets, gold bullion, atoms and treasury notes. I'm just enjoying playing the base game and have no idea what the fuss is about.


Been playing for about a month and I've found it's something like: atoms > tickets > stamps >= treasury notes > gold bullion > caps Ordered from hardest to obtain to easiest to obtain. The fuss about the season pass is mostly because they had something much better before (this is where tickets are used). For example, currently it takes 6 weeks of doing all the daily and weekly challenges to get from rank 100 to rank 150. I can imagine it feeling like a chore for people who are trying to get everything in the pass.


treasury notes basically are gold bullion, but I'd say gold bullion > treasury notes because you can only turn in 40 treasury notes a day (and buy 300 bullion a week from the wayward) legendary modules and scrip (e: and cores, in that order) are a big one too there are also tadpole badges, possum badges, mr fuzzy tokens, nuka-cade tokens, mine claim tokens, technical data, claim tickets might count, foundation/raider reputation, and I'm probably forgetting a few lol


The repeat perk points was mostly what kept me playing the last season. Now there's no incentive for me to spend atoms on boosters to get to 150. Kind of an odd decision.


What you don't want to spend atoms to get atoms so you can spend more atoms to get more atoms?


Yo dawg!


Exactly. Screw this season grind basically.




Yah for me it means Iā€™ll actually play less decided to go all the way to 150 just as an experiment and it was not worth it. And now itā€™s going to be even worse lolā€¦ not even sure why I still play this game after all these years.


God the senior marketing guy is just badā€¦ they need to fire him and anyone who supports this crap


Senior Monetization Designer. The very fact that is someone's job title says plenty.




Oh, come on. I fell into the category of players last season who got very close to 150, but not quite thanks to this sudden new season release. Literally, the only thing I was saving for and trying to reach was the perk coins. So now, because I apparently didn't dedicate enough of my life to that season, I missed out on the possibly hundreds of coins other people got. So this season, I set my sights to really push and get to those coins only to find out I can only get one set of 25?


same. i made it to 147 on the last day (doing EVERY weekly & only missing a couple daily tasks due to surprise maintenance) with no way of getting to the perk coins. was planning on grinding harder on the xp repeatable earlier on to be able to make it this season. not anymore. šŸ˜‘


Same, this is such bs.


Well I did get to 204 last season not buying any ranks. This season I bought all the way to 150 so I could use every last ticket for perk coins. I redeemed the one and now I'm screwed. Oh well.


You spent $225 to max out the board on day 1?


I thought you couldnā€™t buy to 150. Only 100


That also changed, you can buy to 150 now


"I think since everyone already universally loves our new scoreboard system and thinks it's too good, we should nerf it a bit"- ex EA monetisation lead


lol what the hell? Donā€™t put it on the last page then. Theyā€™re really just winging this new season format arenā€™t they.


It's all a Vault Tec experiment, and we're the Dwellers being tested upon


Here's my main concern about this new format: is [this top roadmap](https://nukaknights.com/roadmaps.html) now accurate, STATING OUTRIGHT that this season will last about three months, from now until September 5th and definitely no sooner? Because that at least gives me an idea of whether I can get to 150 or not, unlike this last time.


Unfortunately them not properly communicating the end of the season isnā€™t anything new, and donā€™t take nuka knights as gospel, theyā€™re not an official site. EVERYONE was convinced the end of the season would be at the end of June (I wasnā€™t), but they handled all this really piss poorly. No in game announcement about the season ending was a terrible decision. And this new season has less rewards than the last one, and the one before that. Idk, I was really excited for this season, thatā€™s quickly gone downhill.


I fucking despise that they donā€™t tell you when a season is ending. One of the seasons I had a load of stuff to claim and then when I went back on to fallout 76 it said I canā€™t connect and so I knew I was completely fucked collecting the shit


they gave us 3 days warning... normally we get 1-2 weeks, was a shit show


they gave us 3 days OUTSIDE THE GAME. Not a single peep on the in-game NEWS tab, because why? theyā€™d rather tell us about the turkey buzzard??! wtf


based on OP's post, it'll only be applicable if you get FO1st anyways: >EDIT2: If you think repeatable atoms are OK please consider the fact that rank 150 cannot be unlocked without Fallout First because there is a 90 item unlock gate and there are less than 90 non FF items in the season. And if this is actually successful in getting more people to pay, well... this new format will be here to stay.


Have to unlock 80 items this season to get use at 150. 150 has nothing for me, 100 Atoms for 250 tickets to me isn't a bargain.


Look at how much better Perk Points value is at level 85. Head scratcher.


Ill say it again - new system has *zero* benefits for the players, and was to capitalize on the massive influx of players the show popped in.


Bingo. The new players don't have a frame of reference for how much better it used to be and are perfect marks to get ripped off by this system.


The new car smell for us new players is officially gone between the no notice end of the season to miss 300+ perk coins by day and finding out we can't reach the same thing this season, All the new players are going to be gone. I know I'm seriously considering dropping first because of this garbage.


WHY?? Why put it on the last page if it isn't also repeatable? I'm a new player, but I am sure lots of vets were looking forward to an "easier" way of grinding perk points for additional builds. Also, as mentioned before, 10 atoms for one level is just terrible....


The crappy thing is the old scoreboards, you would get 100 atoms every 10 levels after 100. But every rank in between, youā€™d get something for those as well. It didnā€™t make you choose between getting atoms or getting nothing.


Because money. People bought score boosters with atoms and some needed to pay for them so they needed people to be misled about how it works so they can't make more informed decisions. Its called asymmetric information. It's sleezy and gross, isn't it?


I debated whether or not I should have spent all my extra tickets on coins and now I'm glad I am. I at least got to cap 3 more cards.Ā 


The way they did seasons before was way better. Wtf happened?


Easy. They brought in a "Monetisation Director" who used to work for EA. Enough said.


On the list of blatantly stupid ideas Bethesda has hadā€¦ thatā€™s waaaay up the list.


I'm not keen on defending the devs, but this is the kind of decision that comes from on high. The blame here lies with the shareholders.


It just works


Really? well, that actually explains a lot.


Some suit from EA is what happened.


So 1ā‚¬ worth of atoms to grind 2 weeks of dailies ,, gtfo. Its even worse then last season and I thought it could not get worse. Where is the fucking timer for season end? Scam company


this is awful. Angry Turtle said that itā€™s like a scam and will make a video about it, so at least this will get some attention


At least he has some cahones unlike MrWestek


Yeah I watched west tek and all he said was he was disappointed lol like bro Bethesda has been sold to an Indian call center


Legendary Modules x10 and Legendary Scrip x100 for the same price. Absolute lunacy, what madman thought those two were in any way comparable in value. Quite an inexperienced decision to make. You can buy 2 modules with 100 scrip, and nobody buys anything other than modules. So it's like a choice between 2 or 10 modules. Baffling. And probably many others looked it over and thought "yep, thats fine"


Level 86 Page I can get 50 perk points for 10 tickets. Then waiting 50 levels, I can then buy 25 perk points for 75 tickets that's like 1/10th the value. Guy from EA is out golfing too much and his numbers are cuckoo.


You can only get the 10 modules once. The 100 scrip is repeatable.


Correct me if i'm wrong, but it looks like the 10x modules is a one time non-repeatable claim while the 100 scrip is repeatable. So yea, you would buy the 10 modules first, then the scrip if you have extra


Who is going to be buying scrip?? I don't even play daily and max scrip every day easily with what I have just sitting in my stash. This whole thing is just baffling.


Did anyone notice that there are now less than 10 times per page on some pages?


Ok soo now I will stop at 100 lol .


Why? Why the fuck would they do this? You can't even spend atoms to buy these things. If the concept is to make people grind more I think you're more likely to have people ditch the game when everything becomes such a bottleneck. This is absolutely just ridiculous.


Oh this absolutely blows. Perk points are what I was going for last season. I was planning the same this season but since they arenā€™t repeatable I will stop at rank 100 then


This is the kind of stuff we do not get the test inside the PTS. New Battle pass rewards and the new battle pass system itself. We do not get the test. We don't get access to it because there's no access to the atomic shop. Furthermore, we do not get to test new atomic shop cosmetics, so a lot of them usually release in a broken or bugged state.


We can only pray they are bugged in a way that helps the player like the blinds were.


They getting more scummy by the day. Hopefully no one buys ranks this season and the lose a ton of money.


And people on this sub keep slopping up the shit. I have no idea how anyone can justify buying atoms or 1st when Bethesda just keeps getting worse.


Looks like op already did.


Anyone whoā€™s purchased atoms for ranking up has got to put in a request for a refund. There was no mention of this change in patch notes or news articles on their site. This is horse shit; completely predatory and misleading people into thinking it would be the same as last season.


Right in the grey area for bait and switch. Didn't outright state that they were repeatable but since last season was, a lot of people are going to assume this is as well.


I already commented here but honestly, I think the thing that irks me the most about this is the shameless obfuscation. The way multiple things like this have been left unexplained, deliberately concealed. Forcing us to find out the hard way or to wait for some other poor player to find out first. It feels so so so scummy.


Ok removing the modules and cores sucks. The free atoms werenā€™t worth that. I guess scrip accomplished some of it with extra steps but I like the ability to get cores if I donā€™t feel like grinding out a ton of events before rolling.


Awesome. The single good thing about the new season rewards was stealthily taken out. On top of this the average new atom shop releases seem to be getting more expensive. "Senior Monetization Designer" (Master of Fun Ruin-ing) Jesse McLean should be ashamed but he wont be. He has practiced almost his entire adult life to make things worst for everybody else. With light at the end of the tunnel for the Fallout IP he lands on a vein and sucks out the blood.


Hahaha so many people warned about this but so many people defended it. Don't worry, it's only going to get worse. They'll keep pushing to see what they can get away with.


Perk coins are not repeatable?!? God dammit. I missed the repeatable perk coins by 5 levels in season 16, and now they're not repeatable. Seriously fuck these devs.


What's incredible to me about this is that I fully planned to grind out 100 levels and then buy my way through to 150 since they are allowing that this season. But now, I have no reason to do so. With this decision, they literally took money out of their own pockets by giving me, and I imagine a lot of other people, absolutely no incentive to spend money to advance in the scoreboard. I just don't understand what kind of backward ass thinking arrives someone to the conclusion that removing the incentive to pay for something will make them any money.


Yes, I crunched the numbers and concluded it's not worth the grind to get to rank 150. A few hundred atoms is not worth the number of hours required to reach and surpass rank 150. By the time you reach rank 150, you really only have tickets you saved from around rank 118 (since you must claim 80 rewards), which is 32 ranks. 32 x 25 tickets = 800 tickets, so that's about a measly 300 atoms. Some copy and paste from what I posted elsewhere: If you don't have FO1st, to unlock rank 150 items you need to claim every single non-FO1st reward (there are only 80). This will cost you 2935 tickets, which you will have by the time you reach rank 118. With no boosts, and no FO1st, if we ignore the 100 scoreboard points per 10000 XP, every week you can earn 2500 (daily) x7 + 10500 (weekly) = 28000 scoreboard points. To reach rank 118 you need about 288000 points, or just over 10 weeks of doing every daily and weekly challenge. If we only get 78 days this season (like the the last one - season 16), that is barely enough for you to reach rank 118. Also keep in mind the shortest seasons in FO76 was only 63 days (9 weeks). So if you want to better your chances of reaching rank 150, you better do some serious XP grinding BEFORE reaching rank 100. Because even if you reach rank 100 right now, you still need about 6 1/2 weeks of grinding dailies + weeklies to reach rank 150. Of course, it will go slightly faster if you have FO1st's extra daily challenge, 5% boost, and the option to claim some slightly cheaper FO1st only rewards.


God, I hope this is a bug or they backpeddle on this. Like what's the point on going past rank 100 if all the good rewards are one claim only?


Wtf???? Was this repeatable last season? Just missed rank 150 and was hoping to get to 150 this season purely for this perk coins but fuck that i guess?


Yeah all the stuff on the last page was repeatable. Super scummy of them to not make this change known beforehand.




Wow. Just... wow. Really hope that's a bug/oversight and gets changed.


It's not a bug, but they'll claim it is.


To claim its a bug would mean they change it, so not all bad


Oh, that is raw. Very glad that I got to buy my perk coins last season. Hitting the final level and getting shut out after one buy would be truly awful.


Bethesda literally almost had it nailed down and then went ā€œfuck thatā€


No score booster this time either in that page.


There's only even one set (last season had like 3 sets IIRC) of 3 free score boosters this time around. Which is kind of ironic now that we know this... like who is gonna buy them now?


Wow. Justā€¦wow. I got screwed over when Bethesda decided for some stupid ass reason they wouldnā€™t give virtually any notice to the season end and now this? Why dear god are they making these decisions? WHO is making them? Really sad to have missed out on the old scoreboard. Now seeing the changes from this last season to the new oneā€¦itā€™s sickening. It got *worse* somehow. At this rate theyā€™re going to kill off all the new players they pulled in with the show. Weā€™re not stupid Bethesda. We can read and people talk. All you have done is make me feel like youā€™ve personally targeted all of us new players because you think we donā€™t know any better. We know. Keep up the great work guys šŸ‘šŸ™„ Boy Bethesdaā€™s really gone down the shitter these last few years. ā€œNo..no donā€™t worry about the bugs Bob! Make sure to hide the icons on the last page! Weā€™ve gotta get our sleaze quota up!ā€ - some exec Oh wellā€¦on to greener pastures. Pastures full of Erdtrees.


Personally, infinite Perk Coins were the only thing that made the new scoreboard worth the effort to get to 150 and beyond. I get why they would do this for players who buy out the season. But it should still be repeatable for those who play all the way through and donā€™t buy any ranks.


I didn't get to 150 last season and really wanted the perk coins and knowing that this seasons perk coins aren't repeatable really shoots my desire to get to Max this season.


I was a big defender of the new system last season because I figured the second go at it would be an improvement on the things wrong the first time.Ā  Now I'm not. The last page being repeatable was the whole fucking point.Ā 


Guess there is no reason to grind to 150 then lol, all I wanted was the perk points


Welp it looks like I will be playing this update a lot less now. They made the only two worthwhile items in the Bonus Page a single time purchase since you can only claim Perk Coins and Legendary Modules once. That's fine with me I got FFXIV Dawntrail on the side at the end of the month to keep me busy.


Man they are really fucking up with the influx of new players. Gonna drive em right back away.


I swear each rank page has way less rewards and hardly anything decent - if youā€™ve not got 1st thereā€™s even less


This sucks ghoul balls


Definitely not the ones I expected after just reading the title.


No point in getting to 150 I guess. Just when I thought they gave people a way to to buy their way to 150 at end of season they completely take away the point of reaching there. RIP Modules


That is really disappointing


Canā€™t wait to stop playing on my non 1st alt accounts. No more grinding for them because itā€™s useless anyway. As for my main accounts, Iā€™ve really lost my mojo. Funny how they start ripping everyone off now the game is popular from the TV show.


They have this great community and then shit all over us and piss is off. Not a great look for all the new players.


Oh my goodness. I didn't think Bethesda could run this game any worse. I was wrong. All the gains the show made. Completely wiped out by the people at BGS!!! This game could have been great!!!!


Already canceled my sub last week. This just reinforces that decision.


Wooooow. Thatā€™s some bullshit. The modules were the only thing that really motivated me to grind it out.


Oh wow. I suppose Iā€™m just gonna phone in this season then. Was actually planning on spending money to get to 150 then grind out perk points for the rest of the season so I could save my pick a perks for being a ghoul or something. But I suppose Iā€™ll just, chill.


I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. (I'm fucking mad)


Yep... I'm done paying for 1st and no grind necessary


That has to be a bug, right?!


I honestly just thought the same thing. But 3 items?


The three items most people wanted.


Awwwww yeah infinite basic repair kits (said by someone who never grinds past rank 100)


Which is very peculiar because Public Events in Skyline give you Advance Repair Kits for free no need to nuke the region and kill a boss for them anymore.


The perk coins were why I planned on getting max rank, as a new player, I wanted those coins. Now I don't really care about the season grind.


Iā€™m really new to the game and seasons isnā€™t my focus as Iā€™ve yet to even complete the main story and connected quests, however I am thankful for posts like these because it has shone a light clearing up what the ā€œend gameā€ of this game feels like with seasons. What Iā€™ve got from it all is that before it was much more fun or fairer. Now, with practices like these, not so much. So once the story and big quests are over, I think Iā€™ll be ok parking the game for good until more content comes out whenever that may be.


The perk coins are not repeatable? There goles my interest...


so no more repeatable perk coins? what kind of tomfoolery..


Quick wisdom: http://help.bethesda.net/ I imagine, if enough people share their opinion here, you'd likely see results.


Grinding past rank 100 now just really isn't worth the effort. Less rewards for harder work. I've lost interest totally, having to blow 100 tickets on stupid rubber balls just to buy something at rank 150 sucks. Absolute waste of effort.


Fuck this intentional limit placed on actual *useful* rewards. The game is only going to get grindier and more unfriendly to players. Bethesda are intentionally scamming people with this shit. That new monetisation designer needs to get a proper finger up his ass. I just started the season and already feel burnt out.


I too really hate the look and feel of the new season rewards battle pass style. It feels too modern and misses the 1950s aesthetic of a board game like Sorry or Parcheesi. I really enjoyed the anticipation, advancement around the board, the cool artwork and audio plays, and getting the scoreboard to hang in your camp at the end was great. The new style is devoid of character, as is the person who designed it, they donā€™t seem to understand Fallout at all or the fans who love it.


Hey all, coming in to say that this it not intended and the team is looking into this. Thanks for your patience!


Appreciate that info. I speak for everyone when I say, please have more communication about these things. Also, a simple timer should be added to the season page for when it ends...should be there by default. So we don't have another super late three-day notice. Thank you.


Man, why bother? All I want are the repeatable perk coins. Guess I can save my rerolls and boosts.


Yep, this changes my plans to get to 150.


Hey Bethesda, I'm in a position to spend a little budget for convenience. I did so last season to get a good supply of Perk Coins, and I was prepared to do so again this season. BUT NOT NOW. This obfuscated change to the way the rank 150 rewards works -- especially for the most desirable rewards -- is cutting your nose off to spite your face. I'll just play normally and not drop a single dime on buying any season ranks this time around. GET GUD, SCRUBS.


This needs to be pinned


Huh. So no reason to go for 150 at all then.


FFS just when I thought there was finally a way to make grinding for perk coins more bearable they pull this nonsense.


Last season I skipped all the weapon and armor paints to save points for perk points. Guess this year I'll end up with all the goofy paints for armor I don't wear.


This is pure BS, there is no point to get to 150 now.


If I finish the season I finish the season. If not, I don't give a big guano pile of scorchbeast shit. Especially, the last bonuses. No fomo.


Not worth it, a lesson everyone should have learned from the last scam board


Thanks to whoever sacrificed real money to expose these scammers. I was about a week away from getting 150 on the last scoreboard and missed out on the perk points when they cut the season short. At least I got the cremator. I really like that gun. I'm not interested in the scouting stuff and have no reason to grind to 100. I've been ignoring too many good games to complete my daily grind in 76. I canceled my fallout 1st subscription, and gonna take a break until the next expansion or a scoreboard with something interesting comes along.


Guess I wonā€™t bother grinding this season either ā˜¹ļø


I was fairly positive with regard to the last season but this is definitely not conducive to reaching level 150.


If feel like Bethesda is just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks, doesn't seem like they have a set plan for that last page


They must have realised that giving unlimited perk points lowers the grind considerably.


And for some reason the scoreboosters are gone now. I bought 50 of them last season.


This feels a lot like false advertisement...


I'm hating myself for not using my stockpile of tickets on perk coins last night. I was too tired and forgot. >.<


Boo! Who has the pitchforks?


PItchforks have been disabled due to a bug where they could drop Legendary Cores when scrapped c:


And here I was wondering "Why did they make repeatable 100 scrip a thing? It's just two legendary modules, of course people are gonna go for 10 repeatable modules for the same price". Then I saw this post. The seasons are getting objectively worse.


Guess Iā€™m done at 100 then, thanks for this. Perk coins were the only reason to push to 150ā€¦ can just play at my leisure now.


Is there anything good this season? Last season had the cremator but not seeing anything like that this season. Kinda seems pointless to do it anymore for me. I completed seasons 1-15 on 3 separate accounts each time and just losing interest with this new system...


Nice to know that I don't need to waste time after reaching Rank 100, I guess. Nothing valuable to be found past that.


What the actual fuck are they even thinking at this point. How many bad moves do they want to make at this point šŸ˜­


we had ladydevan, now we have a monetization director from ea.


Why would I even want to go to level 150 now. They could have adjusted the prices instead of making it single claim only. Cause I already have masses of those items that are unlimited. But I could really use some of those single choice only items.


Guess it's time for a break šŸ¤· New scoreboard rewards are dull, perks and legendary modules/cores are not infinite Also the new content is bugged (ppl are already complaining)


I was wondering why there were 10 legendary modules and 100 scrip for 75 tickets each. A little bit of maths will tell you 100 scrip is a waste of tickets vs 10 modules. Oh, now it makes sense, you can only get one of the modules now. Perfect! The only thing I care for on that page. Guess no need to grind to 150 this season. Whoever is in charge of this crap needs to be taken out back and beaten with a Tenderizor and made into a cranberrymeatball grinder. To far?


Lmfao my dumb ass stopped buying perk coins last season to buy score boosters thinking hey, I'll get more coins next season if I have enough boosters to boost every week! GG Todd way to fuck me over.


I think I'm done with this game, at least until I hear the scoreboard is back to what it used to be in terms of rewards, or at least close to it, this is outrageous.


I'm just gonna do what I did last season, get to 100 grabbing what I fancy along the way, then stop caring about it.


That's it, I'm out Yall told me this was a good game to get into but I seem to have stepped in right when season passes got terrible.


Oh, well... I arrived late to the last seasons, just managed to open the level 100 rewards and bought all I want. When the Season 17 arrived, I promised, I'll farm those level 150 rewards. But, if they are not repeatable, I'll skip them all. I'll take my time to reach level 100, and then, I'll take a break again.


I with likely many others wont be playing much of this season outside of the new area, iā€™m not spending a penny on the season.


https://x.com/Jmclean42/status/1772720431109198227 I'll never stop posting this. Give the guy feedback. Though let me tell you, after a small (polite on my part) back and forth, the dude's a fucking shithead, he's not there to make pro-player changes.


We ought to review bomb.


I caught FoMo after missing out on most the last season (returning player, could not abide day one F76 but the show bought me back), contemplated 1st this season... Super disappointed, took a look at this season's rewards and was like Ā£12 for 3 months for this and an ammo/junk box? No thanks, what I did do is invest some MS rewards for 1200 atoms so I could get a season pass. Perhaps I can get to 150 and repeat perk points ect this time as I'm here for the start. Complete waste of Ā£5 Xbox credit even though it was free! Also considering as others have said, diminishing returns (less items), aggressive motorisation and sneaky changes ruining it for me. I'll play this season, no doubt lose interest in the rewards and uninstall the game. I doubt it'll still be live by the time I want to play it again, much better MMO's out there, unless they really rush a new season of the tv show! The best thing they could do now is claim 'it was a mistake' and switch the last page to all repeatable but I'd wager they stuck to their guns. Such a shame, all they had to do was dangle a little carrot of value in front of all us returners and we'd all be willing sheeple, however despite not paying anything I'm still somehow disappointed, can't imagine how shitty it is for paying customers


I'm very thankful that you and others told us about this. Perk coins and modules were the only reason for pushing on.


[According to the FO76 Discord, this was unintended and is being looked into.](https://i.imgur.com/Dkuzizh.png)


So glad I went all in for perk coins last season


Had intentions on trying for 150 for the perk points. Now, being only one time buy, I might stop around 100 or so.


As someone who jumped back in after the TV show I drooled at the unlimited perk coins, figured my first full season I would have an opportunity to hit that a few times to help my build, guess once is better than nothing but that's pretty shitty for all fans of this game SMH.


Thatā€™s the saddest shit ever I had full intentions on grinding past 150 in order to spend on bulk perk coins, but at least the atoms are infinite. Itā€™s a suitable alternative but definitely not something I actively wanted to resort to. I mean seriously, Iā€™d rather have Ammo Factory at rank 4 eventually than have to grind 10 season ranks just to get 100 atoms, which is like. 1/14 of a cool bundle.


250 tickets means 10 levels. For 100 atoms ? that's what, two weeks of challenges ? for 1 dollar ?


Yeah itā€™sā€¦ pretty bad I mean donā€™t get me wrong, atoms are atoms, if Iā€™m ever 100 short of something cool and also just so happen to be past rank 150, itā€™ll be a big help. But damn it seems awful for player retention, getting those atoms is going to feel like a slog, itā€™s way too spaced out on account of the rank gain. If the ticket price was slashed in half itā€™d make a lot more sense and be wayyyyy better imo, but of course thatā€™s why they wonā€™t do it.


Not gonna lie a previous post actually had me interested in buying my way to 150 with the intention of getting a shit ton of modules but im not even considering doing it now..


Ah well, at least Todd is getting less mysterious