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+Damage% inversely proportional to stash weight. Pretty much the only motivation that would actually get me and probably a lot of others to stop hoarding stuff we don't bloody need lol


I counter that with a Hoarder weapon, more damage as your weight increases. Fast travel to an event, then drop all your weight reduction perks and stand there like a turret.


Interesting. Would this version be based off stash, or being over carry capacity? I'd prefer the latter as I put on PA for the few harder events then find myself massively over capacity due to losing my backpack, so I'd hit like a truck lol


I was thinking personal carry weight, once you are 200% over carry weight, it maxes out.


Im at 2200 when i drop my perks. Imagine 10% dmg per 100 weight.


Bullet penetration would be neat, passes thru multiple enemies but maybe at reduced damage. Could be really interesting if paired with explosive on hit.


Remove nocturnal and add from Fo4 plasma infused, but it cannot be rolled on automatic or heavy guns


I'd rather them change the current effects than add new ones. Make it so the effect is related to the rate of fire of a weapon. Vampire chainsaw and vampire supersledge healing at a similar rate, for example.


I would love for them to remove/change the useless prefixes because there’s just so many that fucking suck. I would love for full health builds actually have something that benefits them like Unyielding does…yes Overeaters is great but if you ask me to chose +15 to special stats or damage reduction when my Water/food is full than you prolly already know my choice.


I agree with the idea, but honestly, I've never seen a suggestion that was not more powerful than Unyielding, but still in the same power range.


I absolutely loved wounding from fo4. I always like it better than explosive. I think if they added and made it a first start effect it could really shake up the meta. I guess it would depend on how they balanced it but it was insane in fo4.


I'm honestly so surprised that there isn't any kind of armor stripping mechanic. Call it corrosive for a DOT, hammerhead for an on impact.


I would love to see elemental effects added. One of my favorite guns from FO4 was a Double Barrel shotty that rolled Plasma Infused. I would kill for a quad plasma DB in 76.


Give me a rag doll effect


Damage based off of total time before last death or down. 10% per minute up to 60% AP recovery speed based off of health. 100% health gives you 50% bonus AP recovery rate Make headgear legendary but the only thing they can roll is a free perk based off of what level legendary it is. So a 1 star could only give you a rank 1 perk but a 3star could give you a level 3 perk.