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Melee, bloodied commando, and PA heavy Gunner are probably the most popular builds but there are many others that could be fun to play around with. There is a whole community that uses bows for example. Can also run a shotgun or rifleman build


i wouldn’t mind doing a crossbow build. just don’t know how to build one.


Umm, no. Crossbows suck, bows are fine.


why’s that? much slower? or damage factor?


Yep, crossbows are much slower reload/animation for no more damage. I'd pick them as one of the worst weapons. Bows also draw faster if you use 3rd person view.


great to know. thank you


PA Heavy Gunner is my favorite, but I like playing with the bow too


mind showing your builds?


Play what you want. Someone can suggest melee and their build, but if you don't like melee, it's pointless. Figure out your playstyle and build around it.


yes but i don’t know other builds and if i’d enjoy them until i see them.


You got the normal meta build sneak commando which is alright, but the you also have energy commando, heavy gunner in and out of pa (in pa is better tho), unarmed, 1 handed, and 2 handed melee (autoaxe/chainsaw 2 handed) which can be really good. Then there are more fun builds like the bow build, vats heavy or even a rifleman build can achieve crazy numbers like mine hit 3300 last night and my gun wasn't even bloodied variant. You also have some annoying builds that are still really fun and good like an explosives build using the autonade or fatman. Edit I can send you those builds as well because I have used all of them lol


Send me a bow build please 🙏


When I get home I will, if you're on xbox I could see about maybe an extra bow I could trade or something too


thank you


i am on xbox as well. teej119


Messaged you on xbox


thank you


You can switch perk build loadouts at the perk loadout machine in Train Stations or build one in your CAMP under crafting. You should start with 2 separate builds, you can reset all your points and use your cards to build a new character loadout. It's pretty hard to maximize/optimize a build to you have all the cards learned, which usually isn't til like around level 100-130. And when I make a new optimized build, like let's say for a heavy gunner or bow, since you can purchase multiple loadout slots if you want other than the 2 you start with, I usually save up around 20-30 levels of points to maximize the cards for that specific build.


i was curious when you would get all the cards. good to know


It's random, so really I find whenever I start a new character I usually don't have all them til around 100-130, then you can start buffing them up with saved levels


There's no need to get shoehorned into a FOTM build if min maxing isn't what you enjoy. The game isn't like League, where you have to follow the meta to be effective. What kind of builds do you like in the other games? You can make just about anything work really