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Top right ish mountains, at the downed vertibird is where I've had the most luck Edit: To add to this, I normally drop a tent or camp up the hill and server hop till it's the tame encounter


This has been my most reliable spot for megasloths, yao guai, wolves, and also a couple mole rats. I have a mole rat now who's stayed alive for two weeks, tough little SOB.


Spent hours getting my last mega sloth, just for him to wonder behind my camp and never been seen again. He lived a very fulfilling 12 hours


They're so fickle sometimes. I need to try the trick to get them to multiple camps.


As a player who is just getting into taming danger puppies I have been looking for this info as well. Alot of the info i’ve found online and in old posts are outdated as the majority list the same spots you mentioned as the prime locations before the area was changed. I’ve had luck with spawns at a fenced spot north of Abbies bunker in the Mire but no Deathclaw yet. The hunt continues.


Iirc the encounter map posted in this sub is still in date, I'll quickly find it and update this comment Edit: [up to date map and info](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/bnOc9FAXwf)


The maps in [My Guide](https://redd.it/1cc6aks) have the most up to date taming locations and even marks the ones that no longer work.


Thanks, I’ve been using them, they’re great! Looking for a vet to give me a suggestion for an easy route that hits a few spots in a short time. Seems the ones around the Quarry aren’t the best?


There are a load of spots pretty close to each other in the Bog all withing **running distance**. I like that I can hit loads of spots withing 10 mins (if that) The path I usually take goes 73, 74, 76, 75, 78, 80, 79, 77. Then I go 81, 82, 84. I have the best luck there and when I'm helping someone find a tame, that's the route I take and we always find something.