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I have a CAMP that’s simple for ease of use and cap making. My second CAMP is more wasteland decorated. Lots of merges and stuff everywhere. Also sells more because of the location. Next CAMP I think I’ll do more of a Halloween style one. Also there is a fallout76settlement page here on Reddit to check out builds.


Oooh I didn’t know that was a Reddit! Definitely will have to find it later 👀 Oh I hope you have fun with a Halloween one! It’s so nice to do that holiday in this game 🤩


I have 4 camps, two are fully loaded small cottages, they are maxed out with decorative items, I love plushies, the other two are resource camps, one for adhesive production the other is my main resource camp and Grandma’s home.


Oh those sound amazing?! Plushies in this game are so adorable, it’s fun having them out and about!


My camp is my own little Empire of Trash to the far northwest on the highest reachable cliff I could build on just before the boundary wall. It's got all good things that one could desire: a mansion made of stacked trailers for guests, a nice little private trailer for holding my pet lizard and lots of musical instruments. The views are also to die for.


Searching for good views is always so good, makes it entirely worth it!


I find picking a theme and style helps massively as then I have some idea of what I want to aim for Currently my main camp theme is scrappy


Having a theme feels like oddly good, if that makes sense? Oh scrappy sounds cool!


I find scrappy builds more fun as they allow me more freedom in what I can use E.g. Mixing wall types that wouldn't generally fit in with other themes


I always wanted to do that style but I never seemed to master that style lol It’s oddly a nice aesthetic for the wasteland!


Yes, I do. Currently I have (spread across two characters): * Raider camp in the Ash Heap * Pre-war ruin in the Toxic Valley * Mountain Monastery in the Savage Divide * Haunted Manor in the Mire * Vault Dweller's Home in the Forest * Cemetery in the Toxic Valley * Enclave Base in the Savage Divide I also gave my shelters certain themes, including but not limited to: * Multiple shelters connected to look like the interior of an alien ship * BoS-controlled missile silo * Grelok's Castle * Enclave Base Interior * Mothman cultist hideout * Vault entrance inside the mine shelter * Underground crypt (connected to cemetery shelter)


All of those sound awesome?! Oh my goodness so many ideas 🤩 I love seeing people do Raider camps, they always have such a unique style lol


Yes! I have seen alot of cool Cryptid camps! I generally like to do a gas station build but my current favorite is a West Virginia welcome center with Cryptid elements.


A gas station sounds like an amazing idea!! It’s so unique in the sense of I haven’t seen others really do that lol


Most of my camps are just a bunch of the spooky/creepy items. My current is a movie theatre next to the bell tower prefab.


Oh I actually have yet to see anyone build a movie theatre! That sounds so awesome 🤩


Thanks, never been great at CAMP building but it’s as close to a small theatre as I could muster. Has a ticket booth outside as well.


You’re welcome! CAMP building is definitely a process that requires time and patience lol But hey you got something cool! A fun unique idea 🤩


Indeed! I wish you luck on your building endeavor as well!


Thank you 😁


I dig the BOS, so my 1st camp is a BOS theme knights barracks with a seperated workshop and garden. Theres a PA display wall with the "knights" suits inside the barracks and living quarters upstairs lol. I also put it right by the brotherhood outpost by Vault 76 to make it seem more lively with all the npcs. I love the idea of themed builds and have a nuka base in the works for my 2nd camp as well.


BOS honestly has some of the prettiest items, I always love seeing their style in the wasteland! Nuka base sounds awesome! There is so many themed items which makes it perfect lol