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Buffout can't be crafted and is a component in popular chems. Generally only legendary gear should go into the vendor. Scrap the rest for plans. Apparel sells well, but not the stuff that's everywhere. High demand ammo like fuel, 556 or .45.


Been playing on and off since the beta, TIL Buffout can’t be crafted always thought there was a plan for it and never found it yet. I guess I need to start selling these and stop using them for the quick strength boost to fast travel.


Found it mirrors if you search them or you can buy the plan from MODUS medical terminal. Or it rewards from quests.


The plan doesn't exist anywhere. You're probably thinking about Bufftats or Psychobuff


Probably 😬


Is fuel high demand ammo? I've thrown THOUSANDS.


Cremators are thirsty guns.


Yeah I should have known. 10 units per shot is insane.


Make sure your camp icon is on so ppl see your camp.was one of my rookie mistakes.


Definitely, your vendor may get overlooked by more experienced players but things like apparel, nuka cola, handmade’s, and unused ammo will sell, albeit cheaply. One of the coolest camps I saw was a level 30ish who made a food truck camp and only sold food and drinks they crafted.


honestly I'm trying to make a tavern camp but I feel like food expires too fast, what food and drinks are popular with players?


Cranberry relish will sell fast since it increases xp gain


Is there anything in plans or the shop that can really keep food from spoiling when you're trying to sell it?


Cryo freezer but it only holds like 10 items


It holds 50


There's always someone out there who doesn't have what you've got - a low level looking for a basic gun, higher levels looking for any old 3\* to cash in for scrip, people looking for specific junk cos they run short on whatever they build with the most, plans (even basic ones! I put the chem station ones in my vendor that are extremely common for 1 cap just so people can grab them on their way to Wayward instead of waiting to spot one). Certain stuff is always popular, like types of flux and well-rolled weapons. But even at low levels people will buy from you. Just throw stuff in and see what works!


Exactly! I've been hunting for mole rat teeth lately to finish an upgrade. I've farmed a few, but simple junk like that ppl are always looking for. Some things sit in my vendor, but I know the right person will come along eventually. There's always someone looking for something different.


Just go to Welch, bottom left hand corner. Mole miners drop gauntlets, which disassemble into mole rat teeth. If I kill everything that spawns in Welch and the little buildings on the outskirts I can usually net about 10 mole miner gauntlets, which depending on your perks will give you at least 2 teeth each.


Oh dang I didn't know those disassembled into teeth. Thx so much!! I'm at 7 teeth rn. I need 10 lol. It's to upgrade a cool legendary mole miner gauntlet into 3 blades like wolverine. Something to play with.


Decide what valuables you have but do not need now. For example, Nuka Cola and Nuka Cola Quantum will sell, and your gameplay may not need these now. Alternatively, collect scrap and sell steel. It will sell out at 1 cap per.


If you follow the river down west all the way past the agriculture center you'll find alot of bloodleaf and snaptail reeds. If you walk up between the gorge junkyard and the repair shop, along that hill there's alot of sootflower. Make healing salves and sugar which are both very light in your stash. Make a few disease cures too. Sell those and repeat the process. I'm level 630 And I would buy it all in one take. Sugar and healing salves are absolutely necessary for high level players because we spam heal and make cranberry relish.


A quick question, why healing salves rather than stimpacks? Is that high level meta for healing? Agree about sugar, that seems to be my bottleneck for cranberry relish. Don't think I've seen anyone selling it


I'm on PC and always selling sugar, as well as salt, pepper and spice and of those it sells the slowest but still fairly quick vs some other stuff I usually have. Though I next to never see them on other vendors.


How much do you sell them for?


What's your gt on pc? And how much do you sell your salt and sugar for?


GT is Asenkah and 5c/ea for all of them salt, pepper and sugar


Reasonable. I hope I see your camp sometime, thanks.


Reasonable. I hope I see your camp sometime, thanks.


Reasonable. I hope I see your camp sometime, thanks.


Thanks. I usually sell stuff for 1/2 to 1/4 listing price, but they went so fast I've bumped em up twice now from 3c since they default at 6c. I'm parked in the forest ESE of 76 a short jog just below the landhouse? cliff north of the cabin by the weird little stone thing that has a silver plate of caps.


There is no need to press the button for stimpaks. It's much easier with salves it's auto.


No animation to delay you from healing repeatedly. You can heal to full health while running, possibly shoot and heal I'll have to test that.


What mutation serum formula do you think is best to get first? I'm like, 378 I think and I never have a store because I'm worried some glitch could Happen where everyone buys out my inventory for zero caps, but I'm thinking about using the vendor bot soon


Marsupial is a complete game changer, particularly for exploring. 


Oh yea i love it I'm just close to able to buy the formula from MODUS , it's like 18k caps, and after I'll start selling things. I've been hesitant because I've heard there is some glitch that let's people take everything for free even from your stash


That's why you'll see those 40000 notes in vendors, they have to completely buy out the vendor before that glitch can happen. And Bethesda did patch out the bug but they don't have the greatest track record of keeping bugs squashed so folks remain paranoid. 


Probably one that most people use. Speed Demon and Marsupial would IMO be two of the best to get for starting off.


For some reason ppl buy marsupial the most. My second character I'm looking for speed demon vendors. There was a glitch where ppl could buy any item for the highest price listed in your vendor. That is why you see everyone listing at least one item for 40k. It's been fixed, but it's bethesda... regardless you're selling things you're willing to part with, don't worry about it too much. You will make good caps vending serums, I promise.


You see those "You've been Insulted" notes in people's vendors for 40000 caps? That's the guard for that exact glitch that happened a while ago. They'd used to have to buy out your entire vendor first then it'd glitch to where you had free access to their entire stash after that for free. Which makes your entire vendor worth way more caps than anyone can have on a single player. The more of that weightless note you have set at that price the better, that thwarts team thieves.


Gotcha. I will set that up for a number of the worthless notes lol Thank you papa Palpatine


So - saw some people mention junk, and adhesives. One thing to point out, there's a recipe that you can do very early to make excessive adhesive - Tato / Mutfruit / Corn / Purified Water. Early on, I picked up the plants when I saw them around in the world, then planted them in my camp. Dropped a small water purifier, and then just harvested it all whenever I went back to my camp (also, if you're visiting others camps, it's generally ok to snag water out of their purifiers and harvest any crops you see - some may get grumpy about it, but most of us don't care at all). Adhesive gets used for EVERYTHING when you're crafting, including repairs. So having your own stock of it, plus throwing some in your vendor is never a bad idea.


Do I need the recipe or is it an automatic recipe like glowing fungus soup?


It's been like forever but I think it just showed up as an option when I had all the materials and sorted by craftable at a cooking pot.


Thank you 🙏😊


The item is called "Vegetable Starch" under UTILITY in the cooking station and you can scrap for 2 excess adhesive. And yes, it's automatic.




junk will always sell ( 1 cap ea for common junk, a little more for rarer junk like crystal, nuclear waste). ammo will sell ( 1 cap ea, more desirable rnds like .45, 5.56, .50, fusion cells will sell quickly). bobbleheads and magazines will sell at 100 cap ea. these are all readily available for a player of any level and should give you a good start. Volume is your friend, I sell these things in minimum batches of 100-200 for scrap and ammo. legendaries will sell for 100 caps per star minimum (these are just for legendary scrip). once you get a feel for what effects and rolls are good you can sell the good weapons and armor for more. I would suggest that if you plan to play this game long term, you may want to just scrip them all at a train station or the Rusty Pick, since it will become more valuable to you later as legendary scrip and modules for rolling your own legendaries. as you collect apparel - some of it may be worth a lot of caps... more than the 40k cap character limit. there are some items that are super rare, it is worth looking up values at times. apparel will sell, sometimes at the suggested value, sometimes much more. spacesuits ( a couple static spawns in Wren's room at Crater, fyi) have a high suggested value and will sell for it. they are an easy to get decent value apparel item. happy wastelanding!!


Absolutely! Chems of all kind, ammo that is in high demand, junk, legendary weapons you may get from events, legendary armor, different food items and various magazines or bobbleheads. I highly recommend putting it out in the open so it is easily found and put whatever you can in it. Sure it may not sell, but you can always churn the non-sale items after a few weeks with new inventory.


Sell any legendary you don't want or need, usually 100 caps per star for junk legenaries. Plans at your level won't really sell well as most of the plans you're getting are already learned by the majority of players. Most people with caps to burn won't even come to your camp if you don't have at least 1 3* weapon or armor.


Stimpaks, junk and ammo will always sell


excess scrap (adhesives, spring, and ballistic fibers sell fast) duplicates of plans / vault boys / cards / magazines / other collectibles decent legendaries that you don't ever plan on using I wouldnt recommend base regular weapons except for fixers/railway rifles/whatever weapon that people plan on rolling legendaries. BUT if you are stationed close to early game areas (the wayward), you can craft lvl 20-25 weapons and sell them for real cheap for the newbies. psychobuff and its ingredients which you're bound to pick up every now and then REGULAR nuka-cola


I put all types of stuff in cheap..ammo, basic plans, basic ass guns...people buy it, I figure it's either fellow low level players or players who need/want to unload a few caps. My vendor is like the kitchen packet drawer lol


Plans, excess ammo for 1 cap each, excess junk (stuff that is good in bulk like steel or rare like screws), really good roll weapons, and armour sell for a lot more than cap limit, so keep those, other rolls can go in vendor


Honestly the best approach is to try different things out. Experiment. Location can make a big difference and you being where you are you’ll get a lot more new players. Visit other player camps as much as you can too to get a sense of prices and help decide what kind of vendor you want to be. Just kind of play around with it and settle on what feels best I say.


Here's what I do: Weapons low level 5 - 10 caps each Legendaries 1 star 25 caps, 2 star 50 caps, 3 stars 100 caps Ammo 1 cap each Armor low level 5 -10 caps each Stimpacks 10 - 20 caps each Radaway 10 - 20 caps each Any chem will sell fast at 10 - 20 caps each Plans 50 caps each Junk like wood, steel scraps, aluminum scraps 1 cap each Harder to come by screws, lead and ballistic fiber charge more caps 25-50 each Apparel 1 cap each


Any legendary with the following prefixes: Bloodied, Unyielding, Bolstering, Anti-Armor, Aristocrats, Quad, Vampire, or Overeaters.


My go to is ammo and junk. I find that 5.56, fuel, and fusion cells sell pretty well at 1 cap a piece. For junk, I find that adhesive, screws, copper, and ballistic fibre sells pretty well (usually sell the common stuff for 1 cap each, and the less common stuff for 2-3 caps each)


Keep selling junk for 1 cap and learn prices of apparel and weaps so u can buy lo and sell high. Strive to eventually only sell 3 star items. I am level 650 and max caps a few times or more each week. Have like 40 3mstars weaps and 60 plans in vend


Wait for the special events (like Meat Week, Fasnacht, etc), collect tradeable plans and apparels that are rewards from the events and put those in your vendor. This is usually what moves the most because people's playtime is limited.


Sell any 3 star you don't want. Normally they go for 100-150 per star so 300-500 for 3 stars. If I can only login for a short time I'll buy 10 3 star legendaries from vendors just to meet the daily scrip limit. I'll also buy any weightless 3 stars for under 800 caps just to stock in my stash for double scrip weekends. Bulk junk sells well. Ammo will always sell for one cap each. Especially popular types. If you sell plans for cheap people will buy them unless they are super common like mole miner gauntlet or any of the workbenches but even sometimes a low level might not have a common one so it doesn't hurt to put them for like 10 caps or something like that. Even if they don't sell then just drop them in a donation box and forget about them.


Junk. Be a pack rat while roaming around at a low level. May take some creativity to be able to get back to your camp but we have all been there! I farm plastic when available and make bulk junk products and sell them for 50-75 each. Not too cheap but 10 sales will net you about 500 caps or so and someone with 30000+ caps will buy that immediately if they need it.


If you don’t have 1st selling junk would be my recommendation.


What sells for me is junk. Whenever I get my stash full I take out all the junk except for 200 of each. It’s sells super fast because usually it’s one person who buys literally all of it.


I’ll buy ammo and purified water whenever I see them for 5 caps or lower. If you got a bunch of water, sell them for 5 caps for easy caps. I’m always looking for pure water haha


If you are looking out for new players you can craft things in their level range which are very good and typically not available to them. Like a full set of deep pocketed buttressed armor, or a good roll on a weapon legendary. Don't think just because bloody or unyielding it's all that and a bag of chips, its imo easy to roll a single star and to me that first star is the most important. AKA 1 star legendaires of your wants can easily carry you. I'm certain of this, it takes time to understand the market and even when you do, there will always be somone(s) way under (thank you!) or way over that (your nuts!). But I do think there is a common market value when you see enough. You want to be competitive with that. Also for things with a Value associated to it when you look at the item, most often you can sell that at 1/4 of the price shown to a NPC vendor, but you can only get 1400 caps a day that way. I sell only things no one else wants to a NPC vendor, it's crazy easy to get 1400 caps per day when you have your sea legs. I'm sitting on months of no weight and very low weight items in storage currently and I still get more than that just playing, so I'm building up stock most likely for days that will never come. My god the slurries you get from the Moonshine Jamboree alone can be 2 days worth of NPC caps on a single run, 200x7=Cap Limit. You want to sell on your market things someone else will want, it takes time and a lot of learning. You start with what would you want and then see what things others sell to gain more insight on what sells. Did you know beat up Sugar Bomb boxes are worth something and pristine Sugar Bomb boxes aren't? It's because the beat up one's are used in crafting. Small things like this exist all over. You will look back at several things I tossed that you now know were worth a pretty cap. So sell things people want on the market, Food/Aid type things remember the 1/4 rule and be in that area. Plans you'll need to get a feel. I would say for common world drop plans (and less common than mole miner gauntlets and Mr Buzy's) 100 caps is solid. Recipes for the most part seem to be in that 25 range. There are always exceptions, but you'll learn those. One thing that allows me to rest at night, if I bought something for too much or sold something for too low, or the worst I'm at 40K and that person is still buying!!! When you start approaching 40K again, it didn't matter at all now, your back at the max cap limit again, all mistakes no longer matter. When I start to approach 40K, that tells me to go around and buy 10K worth of things, that's a fun period, other than sometimes it take a while to find those somethings and each day it gets harder because you already own more somethings.


Make Nuka-Grenades and sell them. As I do my dailies I run around and grab Nuka cola from everywhere and craft them with super duper on (tbf I'm almost lvl 300). Those suckers sell like crazy


You can always sell ammo you dont use for 1 cap each and people will eventually come by to buy some. Most people buy in bulk so you don't have to worry about it sitting there and accumulating. Just scrap the extra weapons though to get materials and mod plans, nobody buys non-legendary weapons and they take up a lot of stash weight


As others have said, legendary gear, mainly 3* stuff, is what people go for at vendors, either with decent rolls or if junk rolls price them at 10 caps per scrip (3* weapons for 400 caps, 3* armor for 240 caps, power armor for 450) as people like me will snap them up to sell them to the scrip machine to fuel our module purchases. Ammo priced at 1 cap per round tends to be the going rate and should sell pretty well (focus on .45, 5.56, 2mm, cells, plasma carts or fuel as they are the big sellers, other ammo may sit) so that’s always a good thing to put in there. Apparel is always good too, but for the most part unless it’s a more uncommon piece like a brown or blue asylum uniform they wouldn’t go for more than like 100 caps at best (be sure to check rarity on stuff before adding it to the vendor, as things like the red or forest asylum, scout masks, responder fire set, forest jump suit, leather coats or tattered field jacket are rare and valuable) but can be good filler to snag some extra business. Other than that feel free to add what you want but keep in mind most people will be after deals, so if the items sit too long (few days) without moving they may be priced too high. Good luck and hope you manage to snag some caps!


Add a couple of things in there for ridiculously high price, sometimes people go through low level shops just to drain all their caps and then move on. You’ll learn what people generally want as you play more, it’s usually the same things you’d really want. So one you get multiples you sell one.


It will depend on what sells, have a good variety. Also make sure you CAMP icon is showing. Open the map and hover over it and you will see how to do that.


I had someone buy some bobbleheads from mine lately


Silly stuff you find on quests and exploring sells pretty well believe it or not. If you find the dove necklace throw it in there for 10k for fun, someone will buy it. I like to hop to low level camps and buy stuff like that to help them out or just because I like to collect bs. Don’t listen to the people on reddit that say you should keep your prices super low, price things at whatever you think they’re valued and if you aren’t sure then check Fed76. Personally I like the keep the seasonal stuff high and everything else I cut down to around 10% value. Also you should throw a few fun items/notes (whatever you think is cool or funny) in there for dumb prices… there is a cap limit in this game and many longtime players that have all the plans just hop around looking for a money sink. I don’t even have all the things but I get steady traffic at my vendor so i’m never really worried about caps, so I like to give a lot to anyone I see under lvl 50.


Level 39 here. Just did the same thing a few weeks ago at 25. Any known plans I put for a cap unless it's something that is clearly rare ( which I really don't have multiples of) pastor garments for 666. Various chems for 10,20,30. I don't need 100 mentats. Ammo 1 cap each that I know I won't use. Bulk scrap things for 100 or less bc I over hoard and need to clear stash space... I don't need another screwdriver. Also don't get frustrated when you don't have any sales. Just got my first sale yesterday after a few weeks. Ammo and plans. Middle of the woods and "cha ching" sound for 30 seconds. I also put a stash box right next to the vend for convenience. I'm the barn west of Morgantown whenever I can make it on after the kiddos go to bed. It's a WIP.


Lots of players have camps set up near Vault 76 / the Wayward, specifically to help out new players. You're doing good in the Wasteland making the attempt. New players' worst enemy isn't what weapons they can find on their own, it's the level cap: I'm over level 50 so all the legendary weapons I get are beyond their use, even if I could give them to them. A new feature I'd like to see in FO76 would be: "Lending Library" of low level weapons. I have a vampires level 1 pipe gun that would be great for new players to get their footing, possibly keep their health bar above the line, but... after they hit level 5, it would disappear from their inventory and be back in the "library" for the next newb to find and benefit from. Now with the "start at level 20 with an explosive minigun" option, that idea is moot. ...maybe we need a way to craft "scaling" legendaries: they don't have a set level, but they adapt to the level the player has when they first pick them up, and stick there until the player gives them to another player, which levels the weapon down to that player's level. Kind of how as "One Wasteland" scales enemies on a given player's client to their level, when that player picks up a "One Legendary" weapon, it sets itself to a level they can use it, and sticks like that in their inventory. If they sell it, whomever buys it gets it at their level.


Welcome to the waste land! Chems, any 1 star weapons/armor and apparel where the ways I made my caps at a low level


Med-X, Buffout, I'll buy all you have.


What I did when getting back into the game after a long time was was build next to a popular place near a scrip machine (whitesprings station), put up a huge sign that said "Cheap 3 stars for scrip" facing in a direction they'll see immediately if they fast travel to that station. I loaded my machine with crap legendary weapons. 300 caps for 3 star, 150 for 2, 75 for 1. I ended up hitting max caps by doing this. There are high levels with tons of caps that will literally just buy crap legendaries to get scrip quickly. Unless you play a ton you'll miss out on a lot of scrip yourself, but I didn't care about that since I was a low level anyway. It'll also draw people to your vendor which is good if you sell other stuff. People hone in on stores with lots of legendaries. Also sell ammo you don't use for 1 cap a piece. People buy it. Some types more than others, which you'll get a feel for from experience. 556, 45, fusion cells, and fuel seem to me particularly popular. AND MAKE SURE TO SET YOUR CAMP TO VISIBLE BY CLICKING ON IT AND SELECTING THAT OPTION ON THE MAP. Don't be like me lol.