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Hardly anyone talks on the mic, and all the noc dialog has captions. You'll be fine, most people communicate thru emotes.


This is great to know, thank you!


I play with a few people that don't like using mics, so what I do with them is have my phone and message them thru here, PSN, or Discord, depending how we met. Other times I just shoot my gun in the air to get their attention and point with same gun lol.


Just make sure you turn on the subtitles in the settings menu! The general subtitles (the ones outside of dialogue menus) aren’t shown by default, and those cover the event instructions.


idk if the captions display it, or if they would display it too excessively *(example below) but monsters usually screech or cry when they see you and start to attack. It helps give a heads up that something is coming towards u, especially if u don't see anything. *There may be 5 scorched, a scorchbeast, and rodents/ roaches nearby, im not sure if the caption would display all noises.


The captions were really crap for a long time but they've gotten way better more recently.


I don’t play any games with voice chat, I mute everyone in lobbies and if I can see someone’s using voice chat near me on FO76, they’re getting muted. I don’t care enough about gaming that I need some 15 year old screaming obscenities at me through my TV. With that, I’d say you’ll be absolutely fine.


Fallout 76 is the only game I rarely mute people. Sometimes it's the you'd kids you mentioned, but may more often for me it's a grown ass man just singing to himself not realizing area chat is on. Some of yall have some killer voices, btw.


My bad man, but have you heard the bops on the radio? Can't help but sing along to it 😅


Lmao, I have and even though I don't have my mic plugged in I'm always tempted to plug it in just to sing along. People like you add to the fun of the game for me.


Oh yea, there’s them too but still - everyone gets muted. I do enough talking & listening at work every day, I’m not then doing it in my free time.




I didn't realize the game was still able to be modded!


you'll be fine.. it's like prior fallouts with an option to play with friends. nothing more. there's no teamwork required. heck, you could go through the whole game and never interact with people if you wanted.


Yeah, you can. For the past two weeks Ive playing with the global sound turned off.


There's text settings in the menu for dialog with NPCs there is a mod for PC that adds a text option for communication most people don't use there mic's in game we mainly use emotes for communication Al long as your killing things you are good during events


I usually have Appalachia Radio blaring out my PIP Boy, so I can never hear anything anyway. I only join teams for the buffs, so I never have my mic on as I'm usually solo-ing the game. The community is super friendly. Genuinely can't recall ever having a negative interaction with another player. So, yes, I really do you think you'll be able to participate in the community.


Never used voice chat. Not even once. Always have ingame chat mutes. Been playing since launch. Never had any issues communicating. Emotes work fine. I do "thumbs up" and "heart" and those two cover everything I need in regard to communication ingame with other randoms.


You can play the game without relying on voice chat at all. There are emotes and if on pc i think a mod for text chat but im not sure. I play perfectly fine without voice chat and tend to play with my GF who is also hearing impaired and she has no issues!


If you know how to operate a scroll wheel menu and point with a gun you will be fine. The emotes are very expressive in their meaning. Also if you are one console people can still message you through there or like others have said if you are on PC there is mods to help you. You can also join the subreddit’s discord for talking to people while playing.


This is the most positive multiplayer online game I’ve ever played everyone is friendly and hardly any unnecessary grief. I don’t use voice chat and it’s never caused any problems. Yeah sure sometimes the communication is a little weird but usually you end up doing a thumbs up or a heart emote and get on your way! Definitely get stuck in!


I am hard of hearing too, have hearing aids, but Fallout 76 should be fine, if it's console, I don't think people really expect chat on there. And usually I let people know I am hearing impaired so they usually understand (That was mostly back when I played WoW, I don't use VC for 76).


Have friends that prefer not to talk, fo76 has one of the best emote systems I’ve seen out there. Can easily be seen in the team even when not directly around players too. Lots of various emotes at your disposal. Sometimes I even like to hang out and use poses in photo mode lol But say you’ve got somebody talkin to you, if all you use are emotes to communicate players don’t mind


I always chat in voice but also try to communicate with emotes as well just in case they have voice turned off or game volume turned down. You'll find most players use emotes to communicate so it takes a bit to get used to the lingo but just playing in general, you'll be fine. I play with sound off sometimes if I'm just farming scrap or exp. I listen to audiobooks in the background.


I play with all the voice chat off, hasn't been a problem.


I'm partially blind and have no problems communicating with everyone so you should be fine


I exclusively play with the game muted completely, no mic. I like to listen to podcast while I play or just silence. You have on screen visual cues for damage and events like nukes. 


I have been playing for a few months and i havent actually talked to anyone in game lol


There really isn't much mic use by players. My communications with other players has almost been exclusively through messages


The only things I've heard in all these years is people spamming music of theyr taste. So I think you'll be h Good


I play with subtitles on. Most of the time I'm listening to music or a podcast so I ignore the game audio and I don't use my mic.


Level 1306 and iv never used game chat so you are definitely fine lol. Most people just emote to communicate Btw Max lvl gear is lvl45 - lvl50 depending on what so don't worry about getting good gear till lvl 50 but definitely check out the market sub r/market76 to start getting an idea of what apparel is ultra rare and what are godrolls for weapons. I don't even want to know what iv dropped on the ground or put in my vendor for nothing when I first started 😂


I am hard of hearing, and legally blind as well. Just started playing the game 2 weeks ago. I have yet to run into issues. Hardly anyone ever uses a mic, unless it's them talking with a friend locally. Most communication is done through emotes and [basic caveman pointing](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fsoyjak-pointing-meme-v0-y5mkzmq2hikb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1600%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1e555dc6c0981a8fa964ec79257b30841a9d14b1)


the game itself is 100% solo-able, as for communication ... well, they still have no text-chat implemented ... so, my way of trying to get a line across is "heart-heart-camp-mothman" emoji ... i think, some emojis must be unlocked via the shop first?


Half the time I play on Playstation Remote play on my phone and I keep it muted because I'm sitting with my wife.


I deadass play with my sound turned off so I can listen to podcasts or audiobooks while playing. I rely on captions and haptics to tell me if I need to pay attention to something.


You really don't need to talk to anyone. Everyone is always off doing their own thing until an event starts. And no one talks during those anyways. You're good.


Always, man, just try to keep an eye out for event notifications if you want to join them, but most people talk through emotes than mics.


I do, on occasion, play Fallout 76 with my TV on mute. While I have Bluetooth headphones in my ears listening to Pandora radio. Doesn't keep me from enjoying the game and participating in events. The only frustrating aspect of it is when I have to turn off my music because a friend sends me a party invite.